32 research outputs found

    Sahabatku Indonesia tingkat C1

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    penyusunan bahan ajar BIPA berupa buku Sahabatku Indonesia dalam enam jenjang A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, dan C2. Buku ini merupakan bahan ajar untuk jenjang C

    Kesalahan Pengucapan Vokal Bahasa Inggris Mahasiswa 'Kelas Berbicara' UIN Sunan Gunung Djati

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    Error pronunciation is one of the language learning processes. It may happen to all of the language learners, especially in learning a foreign language which the goal is to have more than one language in language skill. This research aims to describe the types of error pronunciation of English vowels which is spoken by ‘Speaking Class’ students in the Language Center of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati. The method used in this research is the descriptive qualitative method. This research uses the combination of vowel theories from Roach, McMahon, and Kelly, as well as the error analysis theory from Brown and Crystal. Based on the result, there are three types of error pronunciation of English, namely vowel addition of [e], [ɪ], [a], [ɜː], [ə]; vowel substitution of [ə], [æ], [uː], [ɔː], [ɪ], [iː], [e], [ʌ], [ɑː], [ɒ], [ɜː], [aɪ], [aʊ], [ɪə], [eɪ], [əʊ], [ɔɪ], [eə], [aʊə]; and vowel omission of [ɪ], [ə], [a], [e].Error pronunciation is one of the language learning processes. It may happen to all of the language learners, especially in learning a foreign language which the goal is to have more than one language in language skill. This research aims to describe the types of error pronunciation of English vowels which is spoken by ‘Speaking Class’ students in the Language Center of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati. The method used in this research is the descriptive qualitative method. This research uses the combination of vowel theories from Roach, McMahon, and Kelly, as well as the error analysis theory from Brown and Crystal. Based on the result, there are three types of error pronunciation of English, namely vowel addition of [e], [ɪ], [a], [ɜː], [ə]; vowel substitution of [ə], [æ], [uː], [ɔː], [ɪ], [iː], [e], [ʌ], [ɑː], [ɒ], [ɜː], [aɪ], [aʊ], [ɪə], [eɪ], [əʊ], [ɔɪ], [eə], [aʊə]; and vowel omission of [ɪ], [ə], [a], [e]


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    The murder case of Yosua Hutabarat involving high-ranking National Police officer Ferdy Sambo has attracted the attention of the public and the mass media, including Koran Tempo. This article aims to explain Koran Tempo's ideology by representing incident and actors featured in news stories about the Ferdy Sambo case in Koran Tempo using Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis and corpus-based approaches. The research results show that the news about the Ferdy Sambo case in Koran Tempo tends to side with the victim or Yosua Hutabarat. This can be seen from the large number of uses of passive sentences to represent the victim and active sentences to represent the perpetrator as the main actor in the murder. This article argues that using sentences and words in the media through formed discourse can construct reality and social phenomena and influence society to side with certain ideologies or values ​​espoused by the media.Kasus pembunuhan Yosua Hutabarat yang melibatkan petinggi Polri Ferdy Sambo telah menjadi perhatian publik dan media massa, termasuk Koran Tempo. Artikel ini bertujuan menjelaskan ideologi Koran Tempo melalui representasi peristiwa dan aktor yang ditampilkan dalam berita-berita tentang kasus Ferdy Sambo di Koran Tempo menggunakan pendekatan analisis wacana kritis Norman Fairclough dan berbasis korpus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa berita-berita tentang kasus Ferdy Sambo di Koran Tempo cenderung memihak pada korban atau Yosua Hutabarat. Hal itu dapat dilihat dari banyaknya penggunaan kalimat pasif untuk merepresentasikan korban dan kalimat aktif untuk merepresentasikan pelaku sebagai aktor utama pembunuhan. Artikel ini berargumen bahwa penggunaan kalimat dan kata-kata di media melalui wacana yang dibentuk dapat mengonstruksi realitas dan fenomena sosial serta memengaruhi masyarakat untuk berpihak pada ideologi atau nilai tertentu yang dianut sebuah media.&nbsp

    Form, Meaning and Function of Argot in French Rap Song: Sociolinguistics Study

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    Music is one of the way to express emotions, opinions, and also criticism. The lyrics helps us to communicate, and spread its story. Argot in rap song is a sociolinguistic phenomenon that spreads in all languages, including French. The author conducted this study with the aim of knowing the formation of argot used, the meaning behind, and what correlation it has with situation in Marseille. The writer uses descriptive analysis method and theories that support this research are the theory of sociolinguistics and the process of forming argot Calvet (1994), as well as the theory of meaning Baylon and Mignot (1995). The conclusion contains apocope, apheresis, suffixation, and metonymy. The most uses type of formation is metonym. Metonym can deliver a figurative meaning to achieve dramatic effect, but still maintain its secretive nature. Argot has a relation with how singer express their situation and condition within their lyrics

    Kebijakan pemerintah Kota Bandung dalam pelestarian bahasa, sastra, dan aksara Sunda : suatu kajian perencanaan bahasa

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    Pemerintah Kota Bandung dalam upaya pelestarian budaya Sunda telah melahirkanPeraturan Daerah Kota Bandung Nomor 09 Tahun 2012 tentang Penggunaan, Pemeliharaan dan Pengembangan Bahasa, Sastra, dan Aksara Sunda. Perda ini merupakan salah satu upaya Pemerintah Kota Bandung dalam hal perencanaan bahasa (language planning). Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji strategi apa saja yang telah dilakukan Pemerintah Kota Bandung dalam melestarikan bahasa, sastra, dan aksara Sunda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari tujuh strategi yang diamatkan Perda Nomor 09 Tahun 2012, Pemerintah Kota Bandung telah mengimplementasikan lima strategi, yaitu Program Bahasa Sunda dalam Kurikulum Pendidikan, Program Rebo Nyunda, Program Penamaan Jalan dengan Aksara Sunda, Program Anugerah Budaya Kota Bandung, Program Kasundaan oleh Organisasi/Lembaga Kemasyarakatan

    Word Frequencies in Linguistic Articles Published in SINTA Indexed Journals

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      Multiword sequences are a language pattern that occurs when a bunch of words emerge in a similar register. In research papers conducted by lecturers and students, different topic areas and indexes has created various characteristics of lexical bundles. The method of this research is qualitative, combining corpus design to identify the sequence of words within the text. The corpus data were generated from five different indexing journals, yet the topic is linguistics. Initially, the whole papers were converted to text format to deal with readability in the program used. The program used was Orange Apps version 3.27 by applying the textable, data table, and text mining menus. The sources of the data are emphasized as being academic research indexed in SINTA 5, published in 2020. The main theory of used in this research is that of Biber’s (2007) which discusses the main characteristics and number of criteria for defining word strings. This observation resulted in 207.896 characters and 33.636 words. There were 4,273 words based on the pre-processing analysis result, which included transformation, tokenization, and PoS-tagging. From a total of 4,273 words, virus, deixis, and slang were the most frequently occurring. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the majority of journal articles are about viruses and slang. They pertain to the prevalent topic of pandemics at the time the journals were published. When the process of writing a journal article is in progress, this information may aid the authors in identifying the journal’s keywords and most frequent words

    Word Frequencies in Linguistic Articles Published in SINTA Indexed Journals

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      Multiword sequences are a language pattern that occurs when a bunch of words emerge in a similar register. In research papers conducted by lecturers and students, different topic areas and indexes has created various characteristics of lexical bundles. The method of this research is qualitative, combining corpus design to identify the sequence of words within the text. The corpus data were generated from five different indexing journals, yet the topic is linguistics. Initially, the whole papers were converted to text format to deal with readability in the program used. The program used was Orange Apps version 3.27 by applying the textable, data table, and text mining menus. The sources of the data are emphasized as being academic research indexed in SINTA 5, published in 2020. The main theory of used in this research is that of Biber’s (2007) which discusses the main characteristics and number of criteria for defining word strings. This observation resulted in 207.896 characters and 33.636 words. There were 4,273 words based on the pre-processing analysis result, which included transformation, tokenization, and PoS-tagging. From a total of 4,273 words, virus, deixis, and slang were the most frequently occurring. Based on these results, it can be concluded that the majority of journal articles are about viruses and slang. They pertain to the prevalent topic of pandemics at the time the journals were published. When the process of writing a journal article is in progress, this information may aid the authors in identifying the journal’s keywords and most frequent words


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    AbstrakMedia massa adalah alat untuk menyampaikan informasi, pikiran, dan gagasa kepada khalayak secara luas. Informasi yang disampaikan beragam termasuk berita seputar kehidupan selebriti di Indonesia. Melalui analisis wacana kritis, dimungkinkan adanya temuan tentang ideologi yang terdapat dari suatu pemberitaan dalam berbagai media yang ada. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui analisis wacana kritis dari pemberitaan tentang hijrahnya Mulan Jameela yang dipublikasikan empat media daring, yaitu detik.com, liputan6.com, tempo.co, dan tribunnews.com. Metode kualitatif digunakan sebagai dasar berpikir dan paradigma kritis digunakan sebagai sudut pandang penelitian ini. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah tiga model dimensi dari Norman Faircglough, yaitu dimensi mikrostruktural, mesostruktural, dan makrostruktural. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan isi pada pemberitaan selebriti di empat media daring; detik.com, liputan6.com, tempo.co, dan tribunnews.com. Masing-masing media menyajikan topik berita yang sama dengan pembingkaian yang berbeda-beda sesuai dengan motivasi dan idealisme media tersebut.Kata kunci: analisis wacana kritis, berita selebriti, media darin

    Expression of Emotion as Impoliteness Markers in Instagram Comments Section in Indonesia: A Pragmatic Study

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    The development of social media in Indonesia has increased sharply and is marked by the use of social media by almost half of Indonesia's population. One of the social media that Indonesians are interested in is Instagram. On Instagram, users can carry out social, economic, cultural, and language interactions. Thus, it is significant to study language interactions used to mark the emotional expression of speakers through the use of curses. The present study is entitled “Expression of Emotion as Impoliteness Markers in Instagram Comments Section in Indonesia: A Pragmatic Study”. The study aims to describe the form, reference, and impact of using emotional expressions as impoliteness markers. The meaning of the emotional expression in this study is limited to the use of swear words on three popular Instagram accounts in Indonesia. This study used the descriptive qualitative method. Data were collected using observation and note-taking techniques and then classified based on form, reference, and impoliteness. The theory used in this research is the theory of the form and reference of swear words in Indonesian developed by Wijana (2004) and the theory of impoliteness by Culpeper (2008). Based on the results of the study, it is known that the swear words in the Instagram accounts which are used based on their form consist of words, phrases, and clauses. The references of swear words that appeared include characteristics/conditions, animals, objects, body parts, spirits, activities, and professions. The form and reference to the curse words mark (a) positive impoliteness, (b) negative impoliteness, and (c) sarcasm or pseudo-politeness. These three forms of impoliteness occurred because what the speakers said contradicted what was considered by the interlocutors, and what was stated by the speakers was considered to violate the cultural norms/values ​​that exist in Indonesia, so the interlocutor resorted to scolding to express their emotional expressions. The research findings can be used to understand the culture of how Indonesians express their thought and feeling on social media. Furthermore, the research contributes to increasing literacy of language politeness in social media