803 research outputs found

    Knowledge Evolution in Physics Research: An Analysis of Bibliographic Coupling Networks

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    Even as we advance the frontiers of physics knowledge, our understanding of how this knowledge evolves remains at the descriptive levels of Popper and Kuhn. Using the APS publications data sets, we ask in this letter how new knowledge is built upon old knowledge. We do so by constructing year-to-year bibliographic coupling networks, and identify in them validated communities that represent different research fields. We then visualize their evolutionary relationships in the form of alluvial diagrams, and show how they remain intact through APS journal splits. Quantitatively, we see that most fields undergo weak Popperian mixing, and it is rare for a field to remain isolated/undergo strong mixing. The sizes of fields obey a simple linear growth with recombination. We can also reliably predict the merging between two fields, but not for the considerably more complex splitting. Finally, we report a case study of two fields that underwent repeated merging and splitting around 1995, and how these Kuhnian events are correlated with breakthroughs on BEC, quantum teleportation, and slow light. This impact showed up quantitatively in the citations of the BEC field as a larger proportion of references from during and shortly after these events.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, 1 tabl

    Modalità e tempi dell᾽inizio del Dominio Diretto dei Venetici sul Peloponneso (1204-1209) e la scelta di Governare direttamente solo Korone e Methone

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    Cohesion Policy and Territorial Restructuring in the Member States

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    The Effect of Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase Production On Antimicrobial Suceptibility Figures Among Escherichia coli and other Enterobacteriaceae Isolated in one Year of Prospective Hospital Surveillance Program

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    mance questions concerning universal precaution in general were acceptable in accordance with the CDC guidelines (mean score approximate 73.62% and 70.6% respectively). no significant correlation was found between age, sex, marital status and previous education about infection control. Also we found a positive linear correlation between knowledge and practice level. The level of performance was decreased in higher educational levels. Conclusion: Specific training programs may have to target all of the nurses regularly to establish acceptance of appropriate practices that will enable them to adopt and adhere to universal precaution while their older counterparts may require more intense continuous assistance

    How to teach (applied) linguistics from the EFL teacher trainee’s perspective

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    This pedagogical article problematizes the learning and teaching of (applied) linguistics and proposes some activities to teach this field from the practice of English teaching. Often, courses in linguistics are too theoretical or too oriented to delivering academic content via lecturing. Nevertheless, research suggests that trainee teachers in second language teacher education programs do not always find courses of linguistics useful due to their teaching methodology and the challenge of studying them in a language students are still learning. To tackle this issue, this paper presents some activities using content and language integrated learning to facilitate applied linguistics learning in language teacher education

    Venezia e il Peloponneso, 992-1718. Indagini storiche tra territorio, biblioteca e archivio

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    ITALIANO: La straordinaria ricchezza di documenti d’archivio, cronache, relazioni di viaggio, siti e monumenti archeologici, ancora per la maggior parte da studiare, fa della relazione tra Venezia e il Peloponneso un aspetto chiave per lo studio della società veneziana nel suo intento programmatico di far la marchadantia pacifichamente. In una cronologia quasi millenaria (992-1718), il Peloponneso, terra di confine marittimo tra Ionio ed Egeo, cerniera culturale e commerciale tra Occidente latino-romanzo e Oriente ellenofono, è un laboratorio di grandissimo interesse per una storiografia che voglia affrontare con consapevolezza interdisciplinare le relazioni tranculturali dei popoli mediterranei. / ENGLISH: The extraordinary wealth of archival documents, chronicles, travel reports, archaeological sites and monuments, still for the most part to be studied, makes the privileged relationship between Venice and the Peloponnese a key element for the study of Venetian society, with reference to choices made by Venetians in the search for an ethical relationship with the Other in the geopolitical pursuit of their constitutional aim, i.e. far la marchadantia pacifichamente (to trade peacefully). In an almost millenary chronology (992-1718), the Peloponnese – a land on the maritime border between the Ionian and the Aegean Seas, a cultural and commercial link between the Latin-Roman West and the Hellenistic East – is a privileged laboratory for the training of the next generation of interdisciplinary and cross-cultural historians, and for staunch supporters of peace among peoples