6 research outputs found

    The Elephant Trap: A Conundrum of Captivity

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    Testing parallel laser image scaling for remotely measuring body dimensions on mantled howling monkeys (Alouatta palliata)

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    Body size is a fundamental variable for many studies in primate biology. However, obtaining body dimensions of wild primates through live capture is difficult and costly, so developing an alternative inexpensive and non-invasive method is crucial. Parallel laser image scaling for remotely measuring body size has been used with some success in marine and terrestrial animals, but only one arboreal primate. We further tested the efficacy of this method on the arboreal mantled howling monkey (Alouatta palliata) in La Pacifica, Costa Rica. We calculated interobserver error, as well as the method\u27s repeatability when measuring the same animal on different occasions. We also compared measurements obtained physically through live capture with measurements obtained remotely using parallel laser image scaling. Our results show that the different types of error for the remote technique are minimal and comparable with the error rates observed in physical methods, with the exception of some dimensions that vary depending on the animals\u27 posture. We conclude that parallel laser image scaling can be used to remotely obtain body dimensions if careful consideration is given to factors such as species-specific morphology and postural habits

    The influence of anthropogenic edge effects on primate populations and their habitat in a fragmented rainforest in Costa Rica

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    When a forest is fragmented, this increases the amount of forest edge relative to the interior. Edge effects can lead to loss of animal and plant species and decreased plant biomass near forest edges. We examined the influence of an anthropogenic forest edge comprising cattle pasture, coconut plantations, and human settlement on the mantled howler (Alouatta palliata), white-faced capuchin (Cebus capucinus), Central American spider monkey (Ateles geoffroyi), and plant populations at La Suerte Biological Research Station (LSBRS), Costa Rica. We predicted that there would be lower monkey encounter rate, mean tree species richness, and diameter at breast height (DBH) in forest edge versus interior, and that monkeys would show species-specific responses to edge based on diet, body size, and canopy height preferences. Specifically, we predicted that howler monkeys would show positive or neutral edge effects due to their flexible folivorous diet, large body size, and preference for high canopy, capuchins would show positive edge effects due to their diverse diet, small body size, and preference for low to middle canopy, and spider monkeys would show negative edge effects due their reliance on ripe fruit, large body size, and preference for high upper canopy. We conducted population and vegetation surveys along edge and interior transects at LSBRS. Contrary to predictions, total monkey encounter rate did not vary between the forest edge and forest interior. Furthermore, all three species showed neutral edge effects with no significant differences in encounter rate between forest edge and interior. Interior transects had significantly higher mean tree species richness than edge transects, and interior trees had greater DBH than edge trees, although this difference was not significant. These results suggest that forest edges negatively impact plant populations at La Suerte but that the monkeys are able to withstand these differences in vegetation

    Life history costs and benefits of encephalization: a comparative test using data from long-term studies of primates in the wild

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    The correlation between brain size and life history has been investigated in many previous studies, and several viable explanations have been proposed. However, the results of these studies are often at odds, causing uncertainties about whether these two character complexes underwent correlated evolution. These disparities could arise from the mixture of wild and captive values in the datasets, potentially obscuring real relationships and from differences in the methods of controlling for phylogenetic non- independence of species values. This paper seeks to resolve these difficulties by (1) proposing an overarching hypothesis that encompasses many of the previously proposed hypotheses; (2) testing the predictions of this hypothesis using rigorously compiled data and utilizing multiple methods of analysis. Our hypothesis is that the adaptive benefit of increased encephalization is an increase in reproductive lifespan or efficiency, which must be sufficient to outweigh the costs due to growing and maturing the larger brain. These costs and benefits are directly reflected in the length of life history stages. We tested this hypothesis on a wide range of primate species. Our results demonstrate that encephalization is significantly correlated with prolongation of all stages of developmental life history except the lactational period, and is significantly correlated with an extension of the reproductive lifespan. These results support the contention that the link between brain size and life history is caused by a balance between the costs of growing a brain and the survival benefits the brain provides, and specifically the slowing of life history during human evolution is caused by increased encephalization