51 research outputs found

    Historique et méthodologie de la nouvelle disposition de clavier AZERTY

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    Document de travail utilisé dans la rédaction de l’annexe H “Historique et méthodologie” de la norme AFNOR Z 71-300 : “Dispositions de clavier bureautique français”

    Modeling User Performance on Curved Constrained Paths

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    International audienceIn 1997, Accot and Zhai presented seminal work analyzing the temporal cost and instantaneous speed profiles associated with movement along constrained paths. Their work posited and validated the steering law, which described the relationship between path constraint, path length and the temporal cost of path traversal using a computer input device (e.g. a mouse). In this paper, we argue that the steering law fails to correctly model constrained paths of varying, arbitrary curvature, propose a new form of the law that accommodates these curved paths, and empirically validate our model

    Interaction Interferences: Implications of Last-Instant System State Changes

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    International audienceWe study interaction interferences, situations where an unexpected change occurs in an interface immediately before the user performs an action, causing the corresponding input to be misinterpreted by the system. For example, a user tries to select an item in a list, but the list is automatically updated immediately before the click, causing the wrong item to be selected. First, we formally define interaction interferences and discuss their causes from behavioral and system-design perspectives. Then, we report the results of a survey examining users' perceptions of the frequency, frustration, and severity of interaction interferences. We also report a controlled experiment , based on state-of-the-art experimental protocols from neuroscience, that explores the minimum time interval, before clicking, below which participants could not refrain from completing their action. Finally, we discuss our findings and their implications for system design, paving the way for future work

    The Performance and Preference of Different Fingers and Chords for Pointing, Dragging, and Object Transformation

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    International audienceThe development of robust methods to identify which finger is causing each touch point, called “finger identification,” will open up a new input space where interaction designers can associate system actions to different fingers. However, relatively little is known about the performance of specific fingers as single touch points or when used together in a “chord.” We present empirical results for accuracy, throughput, and subjective preference gathered in five experiments with 48 participants exploring all 10 fingers and 7 two-finger chords. Based on these results, we develop design guidelines for reasonable target sizes for specific fingers and two-finger chords, and a relative ranking of the suitability of fingers and two-finger chords for common multi-touch tasks. Our work contributes new knowledge regarding specific finger and chord performance and can inform the design of future interaction techniques and interfaces utilizing finger identification

    Next-Point Prediction Metrics for Perceived Spatial Errors

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    International audienceTouch screens have a delay between user input and corresponding visual interface feedback, called input “latency” (or “lag”). Visual latency is more noticeable during continuous input actions like dragging, so methods to display feedback based on the most likely path for the next few input points have been described in research papers and patents. Designing these “next-point prediction” methods is challenging, and there have been no standard metrics to compare different approaches. We introduce metrics to quantify the probability of 7 spatial error “side-effects” caused by next-point prediction methods. Types of side-effects are derived using a thematic analysis of comments gathered in a 12 participants study covering drawing, dragging, and panning tasks using 5 state-of- the-art next-point predictors. Using experiment logs of actual and predicted input points, we develop quantitative metrics that correlate positively with the frequency of perceived side-effects. These metrics enable practitioners to compare next- point predictors using only input logs

    AZERTY amélioré: computational design on a national scale

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    International audienceFrance is the first country in the world to adopt a keyboard standard informed by computational methods, improving the performance, ergonomics, and intuitiveness of the keyboard while enabling input of many more characters. We describe a human-centric approach developed jointly with stakeholders to utilize computational methods in the decision process not only to solve a well-defined problem but also to understand the design requirements, to inform subjective views, or to communicate the outcomes. To be more broadly useful, research must develop computational methods that can be used in a participatory and inclusive fashion respecting the different needs and roles of stakeholders

    Modeling and Reducing Spatial Jitter caused by Asynchronous Input and Output Rates

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    International audienceJitter in interactive systems occurs when visual feedback is perceived as unstable or trembling even though the input signal is smooth or stationary. It can have multiple causes such as sensing noise, or feedback calculations introducing or exacerbating sensing imprecisions. Jitter can however occur even when each individual component of the pipeline works perfectly, as a result of the differences between the input frequency and the display refresh rate. This asynchronicity can introduce rapidly-shifting latencies between the rendered feedbacks and their display on screen, which can result in trembling cursors or viewports. This paper contributes a better understanding of this particular type of jitter. We first detail the problem from a mathematical standpoint, from which we develop a predictive model of jitter amplitude as a function of input and output frequencies, and a new metric to measure this spatial jitter. Using touch input data gathered in a study, we developed a simulator to validate this model and to assess the effects of different techniques and settings with any output frequency. The most promising approach, when the time of the next display refresh is known, is to estimate (via interpolation or extrapolation) the user’s position at a fixed time interval before that refresh. When input events occur at 125 Hz, as is common in touch screens, we show that an interval of 4 to 6 ms works well for a wide range of display refresh rates. This method effectively cancels most of the jitter introduced by input/output asynchronicity, while introducing minimal imprecision or latency

    Next-Point Prediction for Direct Touch Using Finite-Time Derivative Estimation

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    International audienceEnd-to-end latency in interactive systems is detrimental to performance and usability, and comes from a combination of hardware and software delays. While these delays are steadily addressed by hardware and software improvements, it is at a decelerating pace. In parallel, short-term input prediction has shown promising results in recent years, in both research and industry, as an addition to these efforts. We describe a new prediction algorithm for direct touch devices based on (i) a state-of-the-art finite-time derivative estimator, (ii) a smoothing mechanism based on input speed, and (iii) a post-filtering of the prediction in two steps. Using both a pre-existing dataset of touch input as benchmark, and subjective data from a new user study, we show that this new predictor outperforms the predictors currently available in the literature and industry, based on metrics that model user-defined negative side-effects caused by input prediction. In particular, we show that our predictor can predict up to 2 or 3 times further than existing techniques with minimal negative side-effects

    Élaboration de la disposition AZERTY modernisĂ©e

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    Document de travail utilisĂ© dans la rĂ©daction de l'annexe F “Élaboration de la disposition AZERTY modernisĂ©e” de la norme AFNOR Z 71-300 : “Dispositions de clavier bureautique français”

    Conception et combinaisons de techniques d'interaction mid-air dans les environnements Ă  grands Ă©crans

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    Large display environments (LDEs) are interactive physical workspaces featuring one or more static large displays as well as rich interaction capabilities, and are meant to visualize and manipulate very large datasets. Research about mid-air interactions in such environments has emerged over the past decade, and a number of interaction techniques are now available for most elementary tasks such as pointing, navigating and command selection. However these techniques are often designed and evaluated separately on specific platforms and for specific use-cases or operationalizations, which makes it hard to choose, compare and combine them.In this dissertation I propose a framework and a set of guidelines for analyzing and combining the input and output channels available in LDEs. I analyze the characteristics of LDEs in terms of (1) visual output and how it affects usability and collaboration and (2) input channels and how to combine them in rich sets of mid-air interaction techniques. These analyses lead to four design requirements intended to ensure that a set of interaction techniques can be used (i) at a distance, (ii) together with other interaction techniques and (iii) when collaborating with other users. In accordance with these requirements, I designed and evaluated a set of mid-air interaction techniques for panning and zooming, for invoking commands while pointing and for performing difficult pointing tasks with limited input requirements. For the latter I also developed two methods, one for calibrating high-precision techniques with two levels of precision and one for tuning velocity-based transfer functions. Finally, I introduce two higher-level design considerations for combining interaction techniques in input-constrained environments. Designers should take into account (1) the trade-off between minimizing limb usage and performing actions in parallel that affects overall performance, and (2) the decision and adaptation costs incurred by changing the resolution function of a pointing technique during a pointing task.Les environnements Ă  grands Ă©crans (Large Display Environments, LDE) sont des espaces de travail interactifs contenant un ou plusieurs grands Ă©crans fixes et divers dispositifs d'entrĂ©e ayant pour but de permettre la visualisation et la manipulation de trĂšs grands jeux de donnĂ©es. La recherche s'est de plus en plus intĂ©ressĂ©e Ă  ces environnements durant ces dix derniĂšres annĂ©es, et il existe d'ores-et-dĂ©jĂ  un certain nombre de techniques d'interaction correspondant Ă  la plupart des tĂąches Ă©lĂ©mentaires comme le pointage, la navigation et la sĂ©lection de commandes. Cependant, ces techniques sont souvent conçues et Ă©valuĂ©es sĂ©parĂ©ment, dans des environnements et des cas d'utilisations spĂ©cifiques. Il est donc difficile de les comparer et de les combiner.Dans ce manuscrit, je propose un ensemble de guides pour l'analyse et la combinaison des canaux d'entrĂ©e et de sortie disponibles dans les LDEs. Je prĂ©sente d'abord une Ă©tude de leurs caractĂ©ristiques selon deux axes: (1) le retour visuel, et la maniĂšre dont il affecte l'utilisabilitĂ© des techniques d'interaction et la collaboration co-localisĂ©e, et (2) les canaux d'entrĂ©e, et comment les combiner en d'efficaces ensembles de techniques d'interaction. GrĂące Ă  ces analyses, j'ai dĂ©veloppĂ© quatre prĂ©-requis de conception destinĂ©s Ă  assurer que des techniques d'interaction peuvent ĂȘtre utilisĂ©es (i) Ă  distance, (ii) en mĂȘme temps que d'autres techniques et (iii) avec d'autres utilisateurs. Suivant ces prĂ©-requis, j'ai conçu et Ă©valuĂ© un ensemble de techniques de navigation, d'invocation de commandes tout en pointant, et de pointage haute-prĂ©cision avec des moyens d'entrĂ©e limitĂ©s. J'ai Ă©galement dĂ©veloppĂ© deux mĂ©thodes de calibration de techniques de pointage, l'une spĂ©cifique aux techniques ayant deux niveaux de prĂ©cision et l'autre adaptĂ©e aux fonctions d'accĂ©lĂ©ration. En conclusion, j'introduis deux considĂ©rations de plus haut niveau sur la combinaison de techniques d'interaction dans des environnements aux canaux d'entrĂ©e limitĂ©s : (1) il existe un compromis entre le fait de minimiser l'utilisation des membres de l'utilisateur et celui d'effectuer des actions en parallĂšle qui affecte les performances de l'ensemble ; (2) changer la fonction de transfert d'une technique de pointage durant son utilisation peut avoir un effet nĂ©gatif sur les performances
