209 research outputs found

    Towards an interpretation of MOND as a modification of inertia

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    We explore the possibility that Milgrom's Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) is a manifestation of the modification of inertia at small accelerations. Consistent with the Tully-Fisher relation, dynamics in the small acceleration domain may originate from a quartic (cubic) velocity-dependence of energy (momentum) whereas gravitational potentials remain linear with respect to mass. The natural framework for this interpretation is Finsler geometry. The simplest static isotropic Finsler metric of a gravitating mass that incorporates the Tully-Fisher relation at small acceleration is associated with a spacetime interval that is either a homogeneous quartic root of polynomials of local displacements or a simple root of a rational fraction thereof. We determine the low energy gravitational equation and find that Finsler spacetimes that produce a Tully-Fisher relation require that the gravitational potential be modified. For an isolated mass, Newton's potential Mr1Mr^{-1} is replaced by Ma0log(r/r0)Ma_0\log (r/r_0) where a0a_0 is MOND's acceleration scale and r0r_0 is a yet undetermined distance scale. Orbital energy is linear with respect to mass but angular momentum is proportional to M3/4 M^{3/4}. Asymptotic light deflection resulting from time curvature is similar to that of a singular isothermal sphere implying that space curvature must be the main source of deflection in static Finsler spacetimes possibly through the presence of the distance scale r0r_0 that appears in the asymptotic form of the gravitational potential. The quartic nature of the Finsler metric hints at the existence of an underlying area-metric that describes the effective structure of spacetime.Comment: Revised version, 9 pages, 1 figure. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    The Accelerated Kepler Problem

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    The accelerated Kepler problem is obtained by adding a constant acceleration to the classical two-body Kepler problem. This setting models the dynamics of a jet-sustaining accretion disk and its content of forming planets as the disk loses linear momentum through the asymmetric jet-counterjet system it powers. The dynamics of the accelerated Kepler problem is analyzed using physical as well as parabolic coordinates. The latter naturally separate the problem's Hamiltonian into two unidimensional Hamiltonians. In particular, we identify the origin of the secular resonance in the accelerated Kepler problem and determine analytically the radius of stability boundary of initially circular orbits that are of particular interest to the problem of radial migration in binary systems as well as to the truncation of accretion disks through stellar jet acceleration.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, in press at Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronom

    Origin theories for the eccentricities of extrasolar planets

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    Half the known extrasolar planets have orbital eccentricities in excess of 0.3. Such large eccentricities are surprising as it is thought that planets form in a protoplanetary disk on nearly circular orbits much like the current states of the solar system planets. Possible explanations for the large planetary eccentricities include the perturbations that accompany planet-planet scattering, the tidal interaction between the gas disk and the planets, Kozai's secular eccentricity cycles, the eccentricity excitation during planetary pair migration in mean motion resonance, the perturbations by stellar encounters, stellar-like relaxation that occurs if planets formed through gravitational instability, and the relative acceleration by the stellar jet system of the host star with respect to the companion. In this chapter, we comment on the relevance and characteristics of the various eccentricity origin theories.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures. Review lecture at the 2006 Aussois Winter School "Open Problems in Celestial Mechanics". To appear in Lecture Notes in Physics, Springe

    On dynamical friction in a gaseous medium with a boundary

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    Dynamical friction arises from the interaction of a perturber and the gravitational wake it excites in the ambient medium. We study the effects of the presence of a boundary on dynamical friction by studying analytically the interaction of perturber with uniform rectilinear motion in a uniform homogeneous medium with a reflecting planar boundary. Wake reflection at a medium's boundary may occur at the edges of truncated disks perturbed by planetary or stellar companions as well as in numerical simulations of planet-disk interaction with no-outflow boundary conditions. In this paper, we show that the presence of the boundary modifies the behaviour of dynamical friction significantly. We find that perturbers are invariably pushed away from the boundary and reach a terminal subsonic velocity near Mach 0.37 regardless of initial velocity. Dynamical friction may even be reversed for Mach numbers less than 0.37 thereby accelerating instead of decelerating the perturber. Perturbers moving parallel to the boundary feel additional friction orthogonal to the direction of motion that is much stronger than the standard friction along the direction of motion. These results indicate that the common use of the standard Chandrasekhar formula as a short hand estimate of dynamical friction may be inadequate as observed in various numerical simulations.Comment: Revised version, 28 pages, 10 figures, Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    The disturbing function for polar Centaurs and transneptunian objects

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    The classical disturbing function of the three-body problem is based on an expansion of the gravitational interaction in the vicinity of nearly coplanar orbits. Consequently, it is not suitable for the identification and study of resonances of the Centaurs and transneptunian objects on nearly polar orbits with the solar system planets. Here, we provide a series expansion algorithm of the gravitational interaction in the vicinity of polar orbits and produce explicitly the disturbing function to fourth order in eccentricity and inclination cosine. The properties of the polar series differ significantly from those of the classical disturbing function: the polar series can model any resonance as the expansion order is not related to the resonance order. The powers of eccentricity and inclination of the force amplitude of a pp:qq resonance do not depend on the value of the resonance order pq|p-q| but only on its parity. Thus all even resonance order eccentricity amplitudes are e2\propto e^2 and odd ones e\propto e to lowest order in eccentricity ee. With the new findings on the structure of the polar disturbing function and the possible resonant critical arguments, we illustrate the dynamics of the polar resonances 1:3, 3:1, 2:9 and 7:9 where transneptunian object 471325 could currently be locked.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figures, 7 tables. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    Coorbital capture at arbitrary inclination

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    The process of capture in the coorbital region of a solar system planet is studied. Absolute capture likelihood in the 1:1 resonance is determined by randomly constructed statistical ensembles numbering 7.24×1057.24\times 10^5 of massless asteroids that are set to migrate radially from the outer to the inner boundaries of the coorbital region of a Jupiter-mass planet. Orbital states include coorbital capture, ejection, collisions with the Sun and the planet and free-crossing of the coorbital region. The relative efficiency of retrograde capture with respect to prograde capture is confirmed as an intrinsic property of the coorbital resonance. Half the asteroids cross the coorbital region regardless of eccentricity and for any inclination less than 120120^\circ. We also find that the recently discovered retrograde coorbital of Jupiter, asteroid 2015 BZ509, lies almost exactly at the capture efficiency peak associated with its orbital parameters.Comment: 8 pages. 2 figures. Submitted to Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematic

    Dynamical friction for accelerated motion in a gaseous medium

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    Dynamical friction arises from the interaction of a perturber and the gravitational wake it excites in the ambient medium. This interaction is usually derived assuming that the perturber has a constant velocity. In realistic situations, motion is accelerated as for instance by dynamical friction itself. Here, we study the effect of acceleration on the dynamical friction force. We characterize the density enhancement associated with a constantly accelerating perturber with rectilinear motion in an infinite homogeneous gaseous medium and show that dynamical friction is not a local force and that its amplitude may depend on the perturber's initial velocity. The force on an accelerating perturber is maximal between Mach 1 and Mach 2, where it is smaller than the corresponding uniform motion friction. In the limit where the perturber's size is much smaller than the distance needed to change the Mach number by unity through acceleration, a subsonic perturber feels a force similar to uniform motion friction only if its past history does not include supersonic episodes. Once an accelerating perturber reaches large supersonic speeds, accelerated motion friction is marginally stronger than uniform motion friction. The force on a decelerating supersonic perturber is weaker than uniform motion friction as the velocity decreases to a few times the sound speed. Dynamical friction on a decelerating subsonic perturber with an initial Mach number larger than 2 is much larger than uniform motion friction and tends to a finite value as the velocity vanishes in contrast to uniform motion friction.Comment: Published in MNRAS. Revised version (minor typos corrected

    Retrograde resonance in the planar three-body problem

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    We continue the investigation of the dynamics of retrograde resonances initiated in Morais & Giuppone (2012). After deriving a procedure to deduce the retrograde resonance terms from the standard expansion of the three-dimensional disturbing function, we concentrate on the planar problem and construct surfaces of section that explore phase-space in the vicinity of the main retrograde resonances (2/-1, 1/-1 and 1/-2). In the case of the 1/-1 resonance for which the standard expansion is not adequate to describe the dynamics, we develop a semi-analytic model based on numerical averaging of the unexpanded disturbing function, and show that the predicted libration modes are in agreement with the behavior seen in the surfaces of section.Comment: Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, in pres

    A numerical investigation of coorbital stability and libration in three dimensions

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    Motivated by the dynamics of resonance capture, we study numerically the coorbital resonance for inclination180 >=I>=0 in the circular restricted three-body problem. We examine the similarities and differences between planar and three dimensional coorbital resonance capture and seek their origin in the stability of coorbital motion at arbitrary inclination. After we present stability maps of the planar prograde and retrograde coorbital resonances, we characterize the new coorbital modes in three dimensions. We see that retrograde mode I (R1) and mode II (R2) persist as we change the relative inclination, while retrograde mode III (R3) seems to exist only in the planar problem. A new coorbital mode (R4) appears in 3D which is a retrograde analogue to an horseshoe-orbit. The Kozai-Lidov resonance is active for retrograde orbits as well as prograde orbits and plays a key role in coorbital resonance capture. Stable coorbital modes exist at all inclinations, including retrograde and polar obits. This result confirms the robustness the coorbital resonance at large inclination and encourages the search for retrograde coorbital companions of the solar system's planets.Comment: accepted for publication in Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronom