158 research outputs found

    Mortality following Traumatic Brain Injury among Individuals Unable to Follow Commands at the Time of Rehabilitation Admission: A National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems Study

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    Severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) has been associated with increased mortality. This study characterizes long-term mortality, life expectancy, causes of death, and risk factors for death among patients admitted within the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research (NIDRR) TBI Model Systems Programs (TBIMS) who lack command following at the time of admission for inpatient TBI rehabilitation. Of the 8084 persons enrolled from 1988 and 2009, 387 from 20 centers met study criteria. Individuals with moderate to severe TBI who received inpatient rehabilitation were 2.2 times more likely to die than individuals in the U.S. general population of similar age, gender, and race, with an average life expectancy (LE) reduction of 6.6 years. The subset of individuals who were unable to follow commands on admission to rehabilitation was 6.9 times more likely to die, with an average LE reduction of 12.2 years. Relative to the U.S. general population matched for age, gender, and race/ethnicity, these non–command following individuals were more than four times more likely to die of circulatory conditions, 44 times more likely to die of pneumonia, and 38 times more likely to die of aspiration pneumonia. The subset of individuals with TBI who are unable to follow commands upon admission to inpatient rehabilitation are at a significantly increased risk of death when compared with the U.S. general population and compared with all individuals with moderate to severe TBI receiving inpatient rehabilitation. Respiratory causes of death predominate, compared with the general population

    Disorders of Consciousness due to Traumatic Brain Injury: Functional Status Ten Years Post-Injury

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    Few studies have assessed the long-term functional outcomes of patients with a disorder of consciousness due to traumatic brain injury (TBI). This study examined functional status during the first 10 years after TBI among a cohort with disorders of consciousness (i.e., coma, vegetative state, minimally conscious state). The study sample included 110 individuals with TBI who were unable to follow commands prior to inpatient rehabilitation and for whom follow-up data were available at 1, 2, 5, and 10 years post-injury. The sample was subdivided into those who demonstrated command-following early (before 28 days post-injury) versus late (≥ 28 days post-injury or never). Functional Independence Measure (FIM) at 1, 2, 5, and 10 years following TBI was used to measure functional outcomes. Measureable functional recovery occurred throughout the 10-year period, with more than two thirds of the sample achieving independence in mobility and self-care, and about one quarter achieving independent cognitive function by 10 years. Following commands prior to 28 days was associated with greater functional independence at all outcome time-points. Multi-trajectory modeling of recovery of three FIM subscales (self-care, mobility, cognition) revealed four distinct prognostic groups with different temporal patterns of change on these subscales. More than half the sample achieved near-maximal recovery by 1 year post-injury, while the later command-following subgroups recovered over longer periods of time. Significant late functional decline was not observed in this cohort. Among a cohort of patients unable to follow commands at the time of inpatient rehabilitation, a substantial proportion achieved functional independence in self-care, mobility, and cognition. The proportion of participants achieving functional independence increased between 5 and 10 years post-injury. These findings suggest that individuals with disorders of consciousness may benefit from ongoing functional monitoring and updated care plans for at least the first decade after TBI

    Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms Contribute to Staff Perceived Irritability, Anger, and Aggression After TBI in a Longitudinal Veteran Cohort: A VA TBI Model Systems Study

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    Objective To examine the relationship between staff perceived irritability, anger, and aggression and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in veterans with traumatic brain injury (TBI) of all severity levels. Design Longitudinal cohort design. Setting Veterans Affairs Polytrauma Transitional Rehabilitation Programs. Participants Veterans and service members with TBI of all severity levels enrolled in the Veterans Affairs Polytrauma Rehabilitation Centers’ Traumatic Brain Injury Model System national database (N=240). Interventions Not applicable. Main Outcome Measure Univariable and multivariable logistic regression modeling was used to examine the association between irritability, anger, and aggression and potential risk factors, including PTSD symptoms. Irritability, anger, and aggression was measured as a single construct using an item from the Mayo-Portland Adaptability Inventory-4 that was rated by program staff at admission and discharge from the inpatient rehabilitation program. PTSD symptoms were assessed using the PTSD Checklist–Civilian Version. Results PTSD symptoms uniquely predicted program staff-rated irritability, anger, and aggression at discharge even after controlling for severity of TBI, age, male sex, education, and annual earnings. The model explained 19% of the variance in irritability, anger, and aggression. Conclusions When TBI severity and PTSD symptoms were considered simultaneously in a sample of veterans, only PTSD symptoms predicted staff-rated irritability, anger, and aggression. Given the negative outcomes linked with irritability, anger, and aggression, veterans may benefit from assessment and treatment of PTSD symptoms within rehabilitation settings

    Relationship Stability After Traumatic Brain Injury Among Veterans and Service Members: A VA TBI Model Systems Study

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    Objective: To explore stability of relationships and predictors of change in relationship status 2 years following TBI/polytrauma. Setting: Five Department of Veterans Affairs Polytrauma Rehabilitation Centers (VA PRCs). Participants: A total of 357 active duty service members and Veterans enrolled in the Veterans Affairs Polytrauma Rehabilitation Centers Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems database with complete marital status information at 2 years postinjury. Design: Prospective, longitudinal, multisite. Main Measures: Relationship status change was defined as change in marital status (single/never married; married; divorced/separated) at 2-year follow-up, compared with status at enrollment. Results: At the time of enrollment, 134 participants (38%) were single/never married; 151 (42%) were married, and 72 (20%) were divorced/separated. Of those married at enrollment, 78% remained married at year 2 while 22% underwent negative change. Multivariable analyses revealed that age and education at the time of injury and mental health utilization prior to injury were significant predictors of relationship change. Among those who were single/divorced/separated at the time of enrollment, 87% remained so at year 2 while 13% underwent positive change. Injury during deployment significantly predicted positive relationship change. Conclusions: The unmalleable, preinjury characteristics identified may be used as potential triggers for education, prevention, surveillance, and couples therapy, if needed

    Evolution of Irritability, Anger, and Aggression after Traumatic Brain Injury: Identifying and Predicting Subgroups

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    The current prospective, multi-center, longitudinal cohort study examined how veterans/service members (V/SM) changed in their irritability, anger, and aggression (IAA) scores from admission to discharge in post-acute rehabilitation settings. The goals were to identify trajectory subgroups, and explore if there were different predictors of the subgroups. V/SM (n = 346) from five Veterans Affairs TBI Model Systems Polytrauma Rehabilitation Centers participated. The sample was mostly men (92%) and identified as white (69%), black (13%), and other races (18%). Median age was 28 years, and 78% had sustained a severe TBI. Staff rated IAA at admission and discharge using the Mayo-Portland Adaptability Inventory-4 item#15. Four IAA trajectory subgroups were identified: (1) no IAA at admission or discharge (n = 89, 25.72%), (2) resolved IAA (n = 61, 17.63%), (3) delayed onset IAA (n = 31, 8.96%), and (4) persistent IAA (n = 165, 47.69%). Greater post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms were the only consistent predictor of belonging to all the subgroups who had IAA compared with the no IAA subgroup. We conclude that IAA had different trajectories after a TBI. The majority of V/SM had persistent impairment from IAA, a quarter of the sample had no impairment from IAA, and fewer participants had resolving or worsening IAA. Findings emphasize the importance of educating providers and family of the different ways and times that IAA can manifest after TBI. Timely diagnosis and treatment of PTSD symptoms during and after rehabilitation are critical treatment targets

    Demographic and Mental Health Predictors of Arrests Up to 10 Years Post-Traumatic Brain Injury: A Veterans Affairs TBI Model Systems Study

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    OBJECTIVE: Examine rates and predictors of arrests in Veterans and Service Members (V/SM) who received inpatient rehabilitation for traumatic brain injury (TBI). SETTING: Veterans Administration (VA) Polytrauma Rehabilitation Centers. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 948 V/SM drawn from the VA TBI Model Systems cohort with arrest data up to 10 years post-TBI. DESIGN: Longitudinal cohort study; secondary analysis of pre-TBI characteristics predicting post-TBI arrests. MAIN MEASURES: Disclosure of arrests pre-TBI and up to10 years post-TBI. RESULTS: Thirty-six percent of the sample had been arrested prior to their TBI; 7% were arrested post-TBI. When considering all variables simultaneously in a multivariate model, pre-TBI mental health treatment (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 4.30; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.03-9.14), pre-TBI heavy alcohol use (aOR = 3.04; CI: 1.08-8.55), and number of follow-up interviews (aOR = 2.05; CI: 1.39-4.50) were significant predictors of post-TBI arrest. CONCLUSION: Arrest rates of V/SM prior to TBI were consistent with rates of arrest for people of similar ages in the United States. Post-TBI rates were lower for V/SM than published rates of post-TBI arrests in civilians with TBI. As part of rehabilitation planning for V/SM with TBI, providers should assess for preinjury mental health services and alcohol misuse to (1) identify those who may be at risk for postinjury arrests and (2) provide relevant resources and/or supports

    Functional Change from Five to Fifteen Years after Traumatic Brain Injury

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    Few studies have assessed the long-term functional outcomes of traumatic brain injury (TBI) in large, well-characterized samples. Using the Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems cohort, this study assessed the maintenance of independence between years 5 and 15 post-injury and risk factors for decline. The study sample included 1381 persons with TBI who received inpatient rehabilitation, survived to 15 years post-injury, and were available for data collection at 5 or 10 years and 15 years post-injury. The Functional Independence Measure (FIM) and Disability Rating Scale (DRS) were used to measure functional outcomes. The majority of participants had no changes during the 10-year time frame. For FIM, only 4.4% showed decline in Self-Care, 4.9% declined in Mobility, and 5.9% declined in Cognition. Overall, 10.4% showed decline in one or more FIM subscales. Decline was detected by DRS Level of Function (24% with >1-point change) and Employability (6% with >1-point change). Predictors of decline factors across all measures were age >25 years and, across most measures, having less than or equal to a high school education. Additional predictors of FIM decline included male sex (FIM Mobility and Self-Care) and longer rehabilitation length of stay (FIM Mobility and Cognition). In contrast to studies reporting change in the first 5 years post-TBI inpatient rehabilitation, a majority of those who survive to 15 years do not experience functional decline. Aging and cognitive reserve appear to be more important drivers of loss of function than original severity of the injury. Interventions to identify those at risk for decline may be needed to maintain or enhance functional status as persons age with a TBI

    Dissociable endogenous and exogenous attention in disorders of consciousness

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    Recent research suggests that despite the seeming inability of patients in vegetative and minimally conscious states to generate consistent behaviour, some might possess covert awareness detectable with functional neuroimaging. These findings motivate further research into the cognitive mechanisms that might support the existence of consciousness in these states of profound neurological dysfunction. One of the key questions in this regard relates to the nature and capabilities of attention in patients, known to be related to but distinct from consciousness. Previous assays of the electroencephalographic P300 marker of attention have demonstrated its presence and potential clinical value. Here we analysed data from 21 patients and 8 healthy volunteers collected during an experimental task designed to engender exogenous or endogenous attention, indexed by the P3a and P3b components, respectively, in response to a pair of word stimuli presented amongst distractors. Remarkably, we found that the early, bottom-up P3a and the late, top-down P3b could in fact be dissociated in a patient who fitted the behavioural criteria for the vegetative state. In juxtaposition with healthy volunteers, the patient's responses suggested the presence of a relatively high level of attentional abilities despite the absence of any behavioural indications thereof. Furthermore, we found independent evidence of covert command following in the patient, as measured by functional neuroimaging during tennis imagery. Three other minimally conscious patients evidenced non-discriminatory bottom-up orienting, but no top-down engagement of selective attentional control. Our findings present a persuasive case for dissociable attentional processing in behaviourally unresponsive patients, adding to our understanding of the possible levels and applications of consequent conscious awareness

    Minimum Competency Recommendations for Programs That Provide Rehabilitation Services for Persons With Disorders of Consciousness: A Position Statement of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine and the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems

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    Persons who have disorders of consciousness (DoC) require care from multidisciplinary teams with specialized training and expertise in management of the complex needs of this clinical population. The recent promulgation of practice guidelines for patients with prolonged DoC by the American Academy of Neurology, American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM), and National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (NIDILRR) represents a major advance in the development of care standards in this area of brain injury rehabilitation. Implementation of these practice guidelines requires explication of the minimum competencies of clinical programs providing services to persons who have DoC. The Brain Injury Interdisciplinary Special Interest Group of the ACRM, in collaboration with the Disorders of Consciousness Special Interest Group of the NIDILRR-Traumatic Brain Injury Model Systems convened a multidisciplinary panel of experts to address this need through the present position statement. Content area-specific workgroups reviewed relevant peer-reviewed literature and drafted recommendations which were then evaluated by the expert panel using a modified Delphi voting process. The process yielded 21 recommendations on the structure and process of essential services required for effective DoC-focused rehabilitation, organized into 4 categories: diagnostic and prognostic assessment (4 recommendations), treatment (11 recommendations), transitioning care/long-term care needs (5 recommendations), and management of ethical issues (1 recommendation). With few exceptions, these recommendations focus on infrastructure requirements and operating procedures for the provision of DoC-focused neurorehabilitation services across subacute and postacute settings
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