2,385 research outputs found

    Microlensing of collimated Gamma-Ray Burst afterglows

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    We investigate stellar microlensing of the collimated gamma-ray burst afterglows. A spherical afterglow appears on the sky as a superluminally expanding thin ring (``ring-like'' image), which is maximally amplified as it crosses the lens. We find that the image of the collimated afterglow becomes quite uniform (``disk-like'' image) after the jet break time (after the Lorentz factor of the jet drops below the inverse of the jet opening angle). Consequently, the amplification peak in the light curve after the break time is lower and broader. Therefore detailed monitoring of the amplification history will be able to test whether the afterglows are jets or not, i.e., ``disk-like'' or not, if the lensing occurs after the break time. We also show that some proper motion and polarization is expected, peaking around the maximum amplification. The simultaneous detection of the proper motion and the polarization will strengthen that the brightening of the light curve is due to microlensing.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap


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    This study was designed to examine whether background muscle activity and prediction of maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) timing influence the mechanical response elicited by the MVC during passive repetition of shortening, lengthening, and isometric contractions. Background muscle activity and prediction of the timing of MVC influenced the mechanical response elicited by the MVC during passive repetition of shortening, lengthening, and isometric contractions

    Interaction of LARP4 to filamin A mechanosensing domain regulates cell migrations

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    Filamin A (FLNA) is an actin cross-linking protein that mediates mechanotransduction. Force-dependent conformational changes of FLNA molecule expose cryptic binding site of FLNA, allowing interaction with partners such as integrin, smoothelin, and fimbacin. Here, we identified La-related protein 4 (LARP4) as a new FLNA mechanobinding partner. LARP4 specifically interacts with the cleft formed by C and D strands of immunoglobulin-like repeat 21 (R21) which is blocked by A strand of R20 without force. We validated the interaction between LARP4 and FLNA R21 both in vivo and in vitro. We also determined the critical amino acid that is responsible for the interaction and generated the non-FLNA-binding mutant LARP4 (F277A in human: F273A in mouse Larp4) that disrupts the interaction. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP) of GFP-labeled LARP4 in living cells demonstrated that mutant LARP4 diffuses faster than WT LARP4. Proximity ligation assay (PLA) also confirmed their interaction and disruption of actin polymerization diminishes the interaction. Data mining of RNAseq analysis of LARP4 knockdown (KD) HEK293T cells suggested that LARP4 is involved in morphogenesis and cell motility. Consistent with this prediction, we found that KD of LARP4 increases cell migration speed and expression of the F277A mutant LARP4 in LARP4-KD cells also leads to a higher cell migration speed compared to WT LARP4. These results demonstrated that the LARP4 interaction with FLNA regulates cell migration

    Utilization of Chinese fast-growing trees and the effect of alternating lamination using mixed-species eucalyptus and poplar veneers

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    Over the past few decades, the sustainable forest area in China has increased remarkably, with 2400 million cubic meters of eucalyptus produced in 2018 in Guangxi which is the largest plantation area in China. In this study, the effect of alternating lamination using soft poplar veneers and hard eucalyptus veneers, on the mechanical properties of laminated veneer lumber (LVL), was examined. Eucalyptus and poplar veneers were imported from China to Japan to manufacture the LVL. For both eucalyptus and poplar veneers, the pith side (innerwood) sheets were lighter in density than the bark side (outerwood) sheets. The specific Young’s modulus of alternating LVL with hard eucalyptus veneers and soft poplar veneers was smaller than that of the mono-species LVL of eucalyptus and poplar. Strain distributions were obtained with the compression test by using the digital image correlation method. Normal strains showed that the hard eucalyptus layer behaved as a thin plate, whereas the soft poplar layer mitigated the movement of the hard eucalyptus layer. Alternating lamination decreased the variation in the elastic modulus of LVL made from fast-growing species. Therefore, the soft layers mitigated the movement of the hard layers, which had large variations in mechanical properties

    Acoustic stiffness and change in plug cartilage over time after autologous osteochondral grafting: correlation between ultrasound signal intensity and histological score in a rabbit model

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    We investigated quantitative changes over time in ultrasound signal intensity (an index of stiffness), signal duration (an index of surface irregularity), and interval between signals (an index of thickness) of plug cartilage in an animal model of autologous osteochondral grafting. A full-thickness osteochondral plug was surgically removed and replaced in male Japanese white rabbits (n = 22). Specimens obtained at day 0 and weeks 2, 4, 8, 12 and 24 postoperatively were assessed using an ultrasound system and by macroscopic and histological evaluation (modified Mankin's score). Histology revealed that the plug sank until 2 weeks postoperatively, and that newly formed cartilage-like tissue covered the plug, but at 24 weeks the tissue detached. The plug itself survived well throughout the period of observation. Although the signal intensity at the plug site was same as that in the sham operated contralateral knee at day 0, from 2 to 24 weeks postoperatively it was less than that in the sham knee. At 8 weeks, this difference was significant (P < 0.05). Modified Mankin's score revealed early degenerative changes at the site, but macroscopic examination did not. Signal intensity correlated significantly with score (both at day 0 and at the five postoperative time points [P < 0.05, r = -0.91] and as a whole [P < 0.05, r = -0.36]). Signal intensity also significantly correlated with the individual subscores for 'cartilage structure' (P < 0.05, r = -0.32) and 'cartilage cells' (P < 0.05, r = -0.30) from the modified Mankin's score, but not significantly with subscores for 'staining' and 'tidemark'. Signal duration correlated significantly with total score (as a whole [P < 0.05, r = 0.34]), but not significantly with the score for cartilage structure (P = 0.0557, r = 0.29). The interval between signals reflected well the actual thickness of the plug site. The significant relationships between ultrasound signal intensity and scores suggest that early degenerative changes in plug cartilage and cartilage-like tissue, especially in the superficial layer, are detectable by high-frequency ultrasound assessment

    Optimal experience and personal growth. Flow and the consolidation of place identity

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    This study examined the relationship between flow experience and place identity, based on eudaimonistic identity theory (EIT) which prioritizes self-defining activities as important for an individual's identification of his/her goals, values, beliefs, and interests corresponding to one's own identity development or enhancement. This study focuses on place identity, the identity's features relating to a person's relation with her/his place. The study is also based on flow theory, according to which some salient features of an activity experience are important for happiness and well-being. Questionnaire surveys on Italian and Greek residents focused on their perceived flow and place identity in relation to their own specific local place experiences. The overall findings revealed that flow experience occurring in one's own preferred place is widely reported as resulting from a range of self-defining activities, irrespective of gender or age, and it is positively and significantly associated with one's own place identity. Such findings provide the first quantitative evidence about the link between flow experienced during meaningfully located self-defining activities and identity experienced at the place level, similarly to the corresponding personal and social levels that had been previously already empirically tested. Results are also discussed in terms of their implications for EIT's understanding and enrichment, especially by its generalization from the traditional, personal identity level up to that of place identity. More generally, this study has implications for maintaining or enhancing one's own place identity, and therefore people place relations, by means of facilitating a person's flow experience within psychologically meaningful place

    Characterization of wood-laden flows in rivers

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    Inorganic sediment is not the only solid‐fraction component of river flows; flows may also carry significant amounts of large organic material (i.e., large wood), but the characteristics of these wood‐laden flows (WLF) are not well understood yet. With the aim to shed light on these relatively unexamined phenomena, we collected home videos showing natural flows with wood as the main solid component. Analyses of these videos as well as the watersheds and streams where the videos were recorded allowed us to define for the first time WLF, describe the main characteristics of these flows and broaden the definition of wood transport regimes (adding a new regime called here hypercongested wood transport). According to our results, WLF may occur repeatedly, in a large range of catchment sizes, generally in steep, highly confined single thread channels in mountain areas. WLF are typically highly unsteady and the log motion is non‐uniform, as described for other inorganic sediment‐laden flows (e.g., debris flows). The conceptual integration of wood into our understanding of flow phenomena is illustrated by a novel classification defining the transition from clear water to hypercongested, wood and sediment‐laden flows, according to the composition of the mixture (sediment, wood, and water). We define the relevant metrics for the quantification and modelling of WLF, including an exhaustive discussion of different modelling approaches (i.e., Voellmy, Bingham and Manning) and provide a first attempt to simulate WLF. We draw attention to WLF phenomena to encourage further field, theoretical, and experimental investigations that may contribute to a better understanding of flows river basins, leading to more accurate predictions, and better hazard mitigation and management strategies