61 research outputs found


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    Penelitan ini dilakukan pada seorang siswa tunanetra dengan karakterisktik totally blind yang duduk di kelas VI SLB Negeri A Kota Bandung. Subjek mengalami kesulitan dalam menghafal surat-surat pendek Al-Qur’an yang merupakan salah satu dari Standar Kompetensi pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam. Maka dari itu subjek memerlukan metode yang sesuai untuk membantu meningkatkan kemampuan menghafalnya. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan yaitu dengan menerapkan metode Sima’i dalam pembelajaran. Metode Sima’i merupakan metode menghafal Al-Qur’an dengan cara guru memperdengarkan bacaan ayat-ayat yang akan dihafal kepada siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian eksperimen, dengan pendekatan Single Subject Research dengan desain A-B-A. Teknik pengumpulan data dengan tes lisan yang dilakukan kepada subjek dan dianalisis menggunakan statistik deskriptif yang ditampilkan dalam bentuk grafik. Temuan hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa metode Sima’i memberi pengaruh positif terhadap kemampuan menghafal surat-surat pendek Al-Qur’an pada subjek. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan adanya peningkatan mean level pada setiap fase dari fase pertama baseline-1 (A-1), kemudian intervensi (B), dan baseline-2 (A-2) pada masing-masing surat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, diharapkan metode Sima’i dapat menjadi metode alternatif dalam pembelajaran menghafal Al-Qur’an khususnya bagi siswa tunanetra. This research was conducted in a blind student with characteristics totally blind sitting in class VI A SLB Negeri Bandung. Subjects had difficulty in memorizing short letters of the Qur'an, which is of the Competency Standards of Islamic education in school. The subject requires a suitable method to help improve her memorize ability. One effort to do that is by applying the Sima’i Methode in learning. Sima’i method is a method of memorizing the Quran by the teacher read the verses to be memorized by students. This research used an experimental research method, with Single Subject Research with ABA design. The data collection technique with oral tests conducted to the subject and analyzed using descriptive statistics are shown in graphical form. The findings of the research results show that the method Sima’i have a positive influence on the ability of memorizing short letters of Al-Qur'an on the subject. This is evidenced by an increase in the mean level at each phase of the first phase of the baseline-1 (A-1), then the intervention (B), and baseline-2 (A-2) on each letter. Based on these results, it is expected that Sima’i method can be an alternative method in memorize Al-Qur'an learning, especially for students with visual impairments. Keywords: blind, memorizing short letters, Sima’i method

    Assessment of renal size based on patient’s position during ultrasound scanning

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    Introduction: The purpose of the study was to assess the size for both kidneys based on the position of patient during ultrasonography examination. Normal renal size measurement is very important to evaluate in determining a healthy kidney. Method: Thirty volunteers, consist of 15 males and 15 females were involved in this study. The patients were scanned in supine, oblique, and prone position. The readings were repeated for three times for each position. Results: The mean length of kidney in supine, oblique and prone were 99.03 mm, 96.32 mm and 95.94 mm, respectively. Meanwhile, the mean width of kidney were 44.30 mm, 44.31 mm and 46.65 mm, respectively. The renal length measurement in prone position was statistically significant with p = 0.023 (p < 0.05), while the renal width measurement in oblique and prone position were statistically significant with p = 0.006 and p = 0.009 respectively. Conclusion: This research emphasised the importance of investigating the different types of position of patient during the ultrasound scanning. The importance mentioned were the reduction of scanning time for patient and cost- effectiveness of the procedures. Besides, it also gave accurate result for the renal measurement


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    Bileh (Rasbora sp.) is a fish with high economic value. So that, the population was decline in its natural habitat due to exploitation activities and environmental perturbation due to human activities. As an action to avoid this fish from extinction, it is necessary to apply domestication activities. This study was conducted to determine the adaptability of bileh fish from Lake Ie Sayang in culture container. The information of this study can be used as an early information for the domestication development of bileh fish. Total each 30 fishes from Lake Ie Sayang are culture in three 10 liter plastic containers. Fish were reared for 28 days and observed the survival rate and mortality of fish per week. Water quality parameters measured include temperature, dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH. The results showed that the fish were able to adapt in the rearing container with the survival and mortality rates at the end of the rearing 63.33% and 34.44%, respectively. Water quality parameters during the study namely temperature 27 oC, DO 5.2 ppm and pH 6.8

    Coral Reef Ecosystem Management in Area of Eastern Coastal Water Conservation Weh Island Sabang

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    Coral reef ecosystem is important for coastal resources.Damage of Coral reefs resulted in de-gradation of population and fishes reef diversity. The East coast ofWeh Island in Sabang designated as conversation area that has aim to keep coral reefs from destructive utilization activites.The purpose of this study was to know the status of coral reefecosystemsmanagement in marine protected areaEast CoastWeh Island, Sabang and to analyze theattributessensitivelyfromthedimension ofecological,socio-economicand institutional sector.The methodthat used toknow the statusof the sustainablemanagementis RAPFISHanalysis.Dimensions oftheecologycan be known by measuring the coral growth used thePointInterceptTransect,reef fishabundanceusedUnderwaterVisualCensusFishmethod.Socio-economicand institutionaldimensionswill be collected through Focus Group Discussion(FGD) and help by questionnaires.Management status of coral reef ecosystems in the region of the East coast Weh islandmultidimensionallyindicatesthat it was quitesustainable.The most sensitiveattributeofthe managementisthe growth ofsaplings ofcorals,reef fishabundance,conflicts betweenfishermen,the public perceptionagainstthe abundance of fish, the role of the community, and the fishingmanagements


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    Macrozoobenthos are aquatic organisms that live on the bottom and surface of the waters, and are influenced by bottom substrate and water quality. This study aimed at determining the density of macrozoobenthos in Peunaga Rayeuk Waters, Meureubo District, West Aceh Regency in terms of species composition, diversity, uniformity, and dominance. This research was conducted from May to June 2021 in the waters of Peunaga Rayeuk, Meureubo District, West Aceh Regency. Purposive random sampling was employed to collect the data in four stations. Based on the results of the study, 15 types of macrozoobenthos grouped into 3 classes were found, namely bivalves, gastropods and malokostraca. The macrozoobenthos density values at four stations ranged from 308.52 to 1357.49 ind/m2. The percentage value of macrozoobenthos composition by class showed that bivalves had the lowest percentage, as much as 13%, and the highest percentage was the gastropods, as much as 54%. The diversity index (H) ranged from 1.21 to 3.31 which was classified as medium to high category. The uniformity index (e) ranged from 0.81 to 0.92 and was classified as high category, while the Dominance Index (C) ranged from 0.21 to 0.54 and categorized as low to moderate category. The water quality parameter values was still in normal conditions and support the life of macrozoobentho

    The Conditions of Coral Reef Ecosystem on Seureudong Island, South Aceh

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    The coral reef ecosystem on Seureudong Island, Sawang Bau Village, Sawang District, South Aceh is very important for the surrounding ecosystem, with the fringing reef type, namely the shape of its growth around the island. This study aims to determine the current condition of coral cover and the types available on Seureudong Island. The method used is the Point Intercept Transect (PIT). The results showed that the forms of coral found at the study site were branching, digitate, encrusting, foliose, massive, mushroom, plates, and submassive. &nbsp;The percentage of the bottom substrate is dominated by hard coral (hard coral) at 45.3%, Dead Coral with Algae/DCA (37.11%), and (9.89%), rubble of 3.56%, rock (1.56%), algae turf (1.44%), macroalgae (1%) and dead coral (0.11%). At the study site, 25 genera were found with Porites (36%) as the most common genus found. At the research location, there are also genera with a total presence of less than 1%. These genera are Acanthastrea, Ctenactis, Favia, Favites, Fungia, Gardineroseris, Goniopora, Halimeda, Heliopora, Hydnophora, Leptastrea, Montastrea, Pavona, and Seriatopora. &nbsp;The quality of the waters at the research location still complies with the standards of coral life. The results of these observations must be carried out periodically so that they can always update the condition of the coral reefs on Seureudong Islan


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    Perairan Pantai Lhok Bubon terletak di Kabupaten Aceh Barat yang berhadapan dengan Samudera Hindia. Teripang (Holothuria atra) ditemukan di daerah pasang surut dan disekitar terumbu karang dan tumbuhan makrolaga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi makanan dan luas relung makanan teripang di Perairan Pantai Lhok Bubon, Aceh Barat. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Bulan Juni 2022 dengan pengumpulan sampel menggunakan metode sensus. Setiap sampel teripang diukur dan dibedah untuk mengidentifikasi isi pencernaan di Laboratorium Produktivitas Lingkungan Perairan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Teuku Umar. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan komposisi makanan berdasarkan index of preponderance yang terdiri dari 6,46% (fitoplankton), 1,66% (makroalga), 4,89% (moluska), 0,50% (larva koral), 25,30% (pecahan batu koral), 0,40% (detritus) dan 60,79% (pasir halus). Indeks pilihan sebesar 0,92. Luas relung makanan tergolong spesialis dengan nilai 0,21. Teripang diindikasikan sebagai pemakan endapan dan memilih makanan yang disukainya dalam rantai makanan.Perairan Pantai Lhok Bubon terletak di Kabupaten Aceh Barat yang berhadapan dengan Samudera Hindia. Teripang (Holothuria atra) ditemukan di daerah pasang surut dan disekitar terumbu karang dan tumbuhan makrolaga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi makanan dan luas relung makanan teripang di Perairan Pantai Lhok Bubon, Aceh Barat. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada Bulan Juni 2022 dengan pengumpulan sampel menggunakan metode sensus. Setiap sampel teripang diukur dan dibedah untuk mengidentifikasi isi pencernaan di Laboratorium Produktivitas Lingkungan Perairan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Teuku Umar. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan komposisi makanan berdasarkan index of preponderance yang terdiri dari 6,46% (fitoplankton), 1,66% (makroalga), 4,89% (moluska), 0,50% (larva koral), 25,30% (pecahan batu koral), 0,40% (detritus) dan 60,79% (pasir halus). Indeks pilihan sebesar 0,92. Luas relung makanan tergolong spesialis dengan nilai 0,21. Teripang diindikasikan sebagai pemakan endapan dan memilih makanan yang disukainya dalam rantai makanan

    Efektivitas Informasi Ekosistem Pulau Seurudong Aceh Selatan Sebagai Peningkatan Komunikasi Pada Masyarakat Pesisir

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    Ekosistem perairan di Aceh Selatan Pulau Seurudong dimanfaatkan masyarakat sebagai salah satu tempat wisata alam yang memiliki pemandangan yang indah. Lokasi ini juga dikelilingi pulau-pulau kecil. Adanya aktivitas tersebut memungkinkan terjadinya pencemaran dan pemanfaatan sumberdaya perairan yang berlebihan. Tujuan pelaksanaan kegiatan ini yaitu peningkatan informasi masyarakat terkait potensi dan mendukung aspek lingkungan pesisir. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan dari responden, komunikasi langsung kepada masyarakat dan pemberian informasi melalui flyer menunjukkan tingkat pemahaman rerata 75%. Hal ini artinya dapat memberikan efektivitas yang optimal. Kemampuan komunikasi juga terwujud terhadap masyarakat maupun pemuda sekitar. Diharapkan adanya pemberian informasi ini tidak hanya dapat membawa atensi kepada masyarakat pesisir tetapi kepada pemerintah dan stakeholder dalam mendukung tujuan pengelolaan sumberdaya perikanan dan kelautan yang berkelanjutan. Penerapan informasi ini dapat dijadikan sebagai pengetahuan dasar yang dipalikasikan untuk diri sendiri atau masyarakat
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