210 research outputs found

    Microbiome profile associated with malignant pleural effusion.

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    INTRODUCTION:There is ongoing research into the development of novel molecular markers that may complement fluid cytology malignant pleural effusion (MPE) diagnosis. In this exploratory pilot study, we hypothesized that there are distinct differences in the pleural fluid microbiome profile of malignant and non-malignant pleural diseases. METHOD:From a prospectively enrolled pleural fluid biorepository, samples of MPE were included. Non-MPE effusion were included as comparators. 16S rRNA gene V4 region amplicon sequencing was performed. Exact Sequence Variants (ESVs) were used for diversity analyses. The Shannon and Richness indices of alpha diversity and UniFrac beta diversity measures were tested for significance using permutational multivariate analysis of variance. Analyses of Composition of Microbiome was used to identify differentially abundant bacterial ESVs between the groups controlled for multiple hypothesis testing. RESULTS:38 patients with MPE and 9 with non-MPE were included. A subgroup of patients with metastatic adenocarcinoma histology were identified among MPE group (adenocarcinoma of lung origin (LA-MPE) = 11, breast origin (BA-MPE) = 11). MPE presented with significantly greater alpha diversity compared to non-MPE group. Within the MPE group, BA-MPE was more diverse compared to LA-MPE group. In multivariable analysis, ESVs belonging to family S24-7 and genera Allobaculum, Stenotrophomonas, and Epulopiscium were significantly enriched in the malignant group compared to the non-malignant group. CONCLUSION:Our results are the first to demonstrate a microbiome signature according to MPE and non-MPE. The role of microbiome in pleural effusion pathogenesis needs further exploration

    Advanced medical interventions in pleural disease

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    The burden of a number of pleural diseases continues to increase internationally. Although many pleural procedures have historically been the domain of interventional radiologists or thoracic surgeons, in recent years, there has been a marked expansion in the techniques available to the pulmonologist. This has been due in part to both technological advancements and a greater recognition that pleural disease is an important subspecialty of respiratory medicine. This article summarises the important literature relating to a number of advanced pleural interventions, including medical thoracoscopy, the insertion and use of indwelling pleural catheters, pleural manometry, point-of-care thoracic ultrasound, and image-guided closed pleural biopsy. We also aim to inform the reader regarding the latest updates to more established procedures such as chemical pleurodesis, thoracentesis and the management of chest drains, drawing on contemporary data from recent randomised trials. Finally, we shall look to explore the challenges faced by those practicing pleural medicine, especially relating to training, as well as possible future directions for the use and expansion of advanced medical interventions in pleural disease

    The impact of board diversity on financial reporting quality in the GCC listed firms: the role of family and royal directors

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    The present study examines the impact of board diversity on financial reporting quality with special consideration of the extent to which family and royal directors influence financial reporting quality (FRQ). The study utilises a sample of 181 listed GCC firms over the period from 2010 to 2016. Board personal attributes, including board expertise, age, gender, and nationality are investigated along with some other board issues such as; board size, meetings, and independence. Panel data analysis with fixed and random effect models are conducted to estimate the results. The results reveal that companies with large board size and greater age have less FRQ. Further, the results report that institutional founders, higher board independence, and expertise associate with greater levels of FRQ. The results also find that board meetings and family founders negatively influence FRQ. However, female directors, foreign directors, and royal board members setting in the board did not contribute to the levels of FRQ in the sampled companies. Finally, the results indicate that companies with a CEO royal member have higher levels of FRQ however, companies with chair board royals have less levels of FRQ. This research has valuable implications for investors, board of directors, analysts, academicians, and policymakers

    Brain activity measured by functional brain imaging predicts breathlessness improvement during pulmonary rehabilitation

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    Background Chronic breathlessness in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is effectively treated with pulmonary rehabilitation. However, baseline patient characteristics predicting improvements in breathlessness are unknown. This knowledge may provide better understanding of the mechanisms engaged in treating breathlessness and help to individualise therapy. Increasing evidence supports the role of expectation (ie, placebo and nocebo effects) in breathlessness perception. In this study, we tested functional brain imaging markers of breathlessness expectation as predictors of therapeutic response to pulmonary rehabilitation, and asked whether D-cycloserine, a brain-active drug known to influence expectation mechanisms, modulated any predictive model. Methods Data from 71 participants with mild-to-moderate COPD recruited to a randomised double-blind controlled experimental medicine study of D-cycloserine given during pulmonary rehabilitation were analysed (ID: NCT01985750). Baseline variables, including brain-activity, self-report questionnaires responses, clinical measures of respiratory function and drug allocation were used to train machine-learning models to predict the outcome, a minimally clinically relevant change in the Dyspnoea-12 score. Results Only models that included brain imaging markers of breathlessness-expectation successfully predicted improvements in Dyspnoea-12 score (sensitivity 0.88, specificity 0.77). D-cycloserine was independently associated with breathlessness improvement. Models that included only questionnaires and clinical measures did not predict outcome (sensitivity 0.68, specificity 0.2). Conclusions Brain activity to breathlessness related cues is a strong predictor of clinical improvement in breathlessness over pulmonary rehabilitation. This implies that expectation is key in breathlessness perception. Manipulation of the brain’s expectation pathways (either pharmacological or non-pharmacological) therefore merits further testing in the treatment of chronic breathlessness

    Cost-effectiveness of intrapleural use of tissue plasminogen activator and DNase in pleural infection:Evidence from the MIST2 randomised controlled trial

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    The MIST2 trial showed that combined intrapleural use of tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) and DNase was effective when compared to single agents or placebo. However, the treatment costs are significant and overall cost-effectiveness of combined therapy remains unclear.An economic evaluation of the MIST2 trial was performed to assess the cost-effectiveness of combined therapy. Costs included were those related to study medications, initial hospital stay, and subsequent hospitalisations. Outcomes were measured in terms of life-years gained. All costs were reported in Euros (€) and in 2016 prices.Mean annual costs were lowest in the tPA-DNase group (€10 605 for t-PA, €17 856 for DNase; €13 483 for placebo, €7248 for t-PA-DNase (p=0.209)). Mean 1-year life expectancy was: 0.988 for t-PA; 0.923 for DNase; and 0.969 for both placebo and t-PA-DNase (p=0.296). Both DNase and placebo were less effective, in terms of life-years gained, and more costly than t-PA. When t-PA-DNase was compared to placebo, the incremental cost per life-year gained of t-PA-DNase was €1.6 billion, with a probability of 0.85 of t-PA-DNase being cost-effective.This study demonstrates that combined t-PA-DNase is likely to be highly cost-effective. In light of this evidence, a definitive trial designed to facilitate a thorough economic evaluation is warranted to provide further evidence on cost-effectiveness of this promising combined intervention

    Symptom burden and unmet needs in MPM:exploratory analyses from the RESPECT-Meso study

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    © The Author(s) 2020. Objective: Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma (MPM) has a poor prognosis and high symptom burden. RESPECT-Meso was a multicenter randomized study examining the role of early specialist palliative care (SPC) on quality of life (QoL) with MPM. This is a post-hoc exploratory analysis of the symptom burden and unmet needs identified from RESPECT-Meso participants. Methods: Exploratory analysis from 174 participants using the General Health Status (GHS) measure (from the EORTC QLQ-C30 QoL questionnaire) and 87 participants using validated assessment questionnaires in those randomized to SPC. Eligibility for the study included confirmed MPM with diagnosis \u3c 6 weeks prior, performance score (PS) 0 or 1, no significant physical or psychological comorbidity. Cox proportional hazards models were derived to examine for relationships with survival. Free text was assessed using content analysis, looking for common themes and words. Results: Participants were predominantly male (79.9%), mean age 72.8 years, PS was 0 in 38%, 78% of MPM was epithelioid. At least 3 symptoms were reported in 69.8% of participants, including fatigue (81%), dyspnea (73.3%), pain (61.2%), weight loss (59.3%). Anxiety was reported by 54.7% of participants, 52.3% low mood and 48.8% anhedonia symptoms. After multivariable adjustment, only pain remained statistically significant with a hazard ratio (HR) 2.9 (95% CI 1.3-6.7; p = 0.01). For each 1 unit increase in GHS score, the HR for death was 0.987 (0.978-0.996; p = 0.006), indicating a worse reported QoL is related to shorter survival. Unmet needs were common: 25.9% wanted more information about their condition, 24.7% about their care and 21.2% about their treatment. 79.1% were concerned about the effect of their illness on family. Conclusion: There is a high symptom burden in mesothelioma despite good baseline performance status. A worse QoL is associated with a worse survival. Unmet needs are common, perhaps highlighting a need for improved communication and information sharing

    Living Heritage Village of Kampung Morten Melaka: Local Community Involvement in Tourism

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    Community-based Tourism (CBT) involves high community participation at the highest level of decision-making processes, to economic involvement and the giving opinion of the lowest level goal. The purpose of this study is to explore the local community participation in the tourism activities in Kampung Morten, Melaka. The questionnaire survey was conducted using a simple random sampling method among 152 respondents and the results were analysed using crosstabulation analysis. The main findings are the majority of respondents participated in tourism activities and deliberation in tourism activities. Less number of respondents were giving opinions on tourism development and plans. This study is benefitable to the tourism stakeholders to ensure the relevancy of communities staying in living heritage villages to contribute to the domestic tourism industry

    Trial Protocol: Reaccumulation rate of pleural effusions after therapeutic aspiration: An observational cohort study to determine baseline factors associated with rate of pleural fluid reaccumulation following therapeutic aspiration in patients with malignant pleural effusion attending a pleural clinic (REPEAT) [version 1; peer review: 2 approved]

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    Background: Malignant pleural effusion (MPE) is the build-up of pleural fluid in the space between the lung and chest wall due to advanced cancer. It is treated initially by large volume drainage (therapeutic aspiration). If the fluid reaccumulates, a definitive procedure is performed. There is wide variation in rate of reaccumulation. Patients with rapid reaccumulation often attend hospital as an emergency. Conversely, patients with slow reaccumulation do not need a definitive procedure and may experience cancelled or unnecessary procedures. This study aims to create and validate a multivariable prediction model to predict how quickly pleural fluid will reaccumulate in patients with MPE following therapeutic aspiration. Research question: Can we predict how quickly pleural fluid will reaccumulate in patients with MPEs? Methods: A total of 200 patients with known or suspected MPE attending for therapeutic aspiration will be recruited from 5-10 UK hospitals over 20 months. Patients will be enrolled prior to undergoing aspiration. Following this, they will undergo chest X-ray, which will be repeated one week later (treatment as usual). Rate of reaccumulation will be calculated based on change of size of the effusion seen on X-ray. Data will be collected on common clinical biomarkers e.g., size of effusion on pre-aspiration chest X-ray, volume of fluid drained. This data will be analysed to create a clinical score. A further validation cohort of 40 patients will be enrolled in parallel with creation of the score. Anticipated impact: The ability to predict rate of reaccumulation of MPE will enable patients and clinicians to make better informed treatment decisions. For patients with predicted rapid reaccumulation, a definitive procedure could be offered as first-line treatment, rather than a therapeutic aspiration. This will prevent emergency hospital admissions and decrease number of procedures. By contrast, patients whose effusions will recur slowly may avoid an unnecessary procedure