296 research outputs found

    iNucs:Inter-nucleosome interactions

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    [Motivation] Deciphering nucleosome–nucleosome interactions is an important step toward mesoscale description of chromatin organization but computational tools to perform such analyses are not publicly available. [Results] We developed iNucs, a user-friendly and efficient Python-based bioinformatics tool to compute and visualize nucleosome-resolved interactions using standard pairs format input generated from pairtools

    DC-electric-field-induced and low-frequency electromodulation second-harmonic generation spectroscopy of Si(001)-SiO2_2 interfaces

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    The mechanism of DC-Electric-Field-Induced Second-Harmonic (EFISH) generation at weakly nonlinear buried Si(001)-SiO2_2 interfaces is studied experimentally in planar Si(001)-SiO2_2-Cr MOS structures by optical second-harmonic generation (SHG) spectroscopy with a tunable Ti:sapphire femtosecond laser. The spectral dependence of the EFISH contribution near the direct two-photon E1E_1 transition of silicon is extracted. A systematic phenomenological model of the EFISH phenomenon, including a detailed description of the space charge region (SCR) at the semiconductor-dielectric interface in accumulation, depletion, and inversion regimes, has been developed. The influence of surface quantization effects, interface states, charge traps in the oxide layer, doping concentration and oxide thickness on nonlocal screening of the DC-electric field and on breaking of inversion symmetry in the SCR is considered. The model describes EFISH generation in the SCR using a Green function formalism which takes into account all retardation and absorption effects of the fundamental and second harmonic (SH) waves, optical interference between field-dependent and field-independent contributions to the SH field and multiple reflection interference in the SiO2_2 layer. Good agreement between the phenomenological model and our recent and new EFISH spectroscopic results is demonstrated. Finally, low-frequency electromodulated EFISH is demonstrated as a useful differential spectroscopic technique for studies of the Si-SiO2_2 interface in silicon-based MOS structures.Comment: 31 pages, 14 figures, 1 table, figures are also available at http://kali.ilc.msu.su/articles/50/efish.ht

    Third‐degree price discrimination in the presence of congestion externality

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    This paper analyzes third-degree price discrimination of a monopoly airline in the presence of congestion externality when all markets are served. The model features the business-passenger and leisure-passenger markets where business passengers exhibit a higher time valuation, and a less price-elastic demand, than leisure passengers. Our main result is the identification of the time-valuation effect of price discrimination, which can work in the opposite direction as the well-known output effect on welfare. This time-valuation effect clearly explains why discriminating prices can improve welfare even when this is associated with a reduction in aggregate output

    Differences in gonadal tissue cryopreservation practices for differences of sex development across regions in the United States

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    ObjectiveSome individuals with differences of sex development (DSD) conditions undergo medically indicated prophylactic gonadectomy. Gonads of individuals with DSD can contain germ cells and precursors and patients interested in future fertility preservation and hormonal restoration can participate in DSD-specific research protocols to cryopreserve this tissue. However, it is unclear how many providers or institutions offer gonadal tissue cryopreservation (GTC) and how widespread GTC for DSD is across the United States (US). The Pediatric Initiative Network (PIN) and Non-Oncologic Conditions committees of the Oncofertility Consortium sought to assess the current state of GTC for patients with DSD.MethodsAn electronic survey was sent to providers caring for patients with DSD via special interest groups of professional societies and research networks.ResultsThe survey was administered between November 15, 2021 and March 14, 2022. A total of 155 providers responded to the survey, of which 132 respondents care for patients with DSD, and 78 work at facilities that offer medically indicated gonadectomy to patients with DSD diagnoses. They represented 55 US institutions including 47 pediatric hospitals, and 5 international sites (Canada, Denmark, Germany, Qatar). Of individual providers, 41% offer cryopreservation after prophylactic gonadectomy for patients with DSD (32/78). At an institutional level, GTC after medically indicated gonadectomy is available at 54.4% (24/46) of institutions. GTC is offered for a variety of DSD diagnoses, most commonly 45,X/46,XY DSD (i.e., Turner Syndrome with Y-chromosome material and mixed gonadal dysgenesis), ovotesticular DSD, complete androgen insensitivity syndrome (CAIS), and complete gonadal dysgenesis. Responses demonstrate regional trends in GTC practices with 83.3% of institutions in the Midwest, 66.7% in the Northeast, 54.6% in the West, and 35.3% in the South providing GTC. All represented institutions (100%) send gonadal tissue for pathological evaluation, and 22.7% preserve tissue for research purposes.ConclusionsGTC after gonadectomy is offered at half of the US institutions represented in our survey, though a minority are currently preserving tissue for research purposes. GTC is offered for several DSD conditions. Future research will focus on examining presence and quality of germ cells to support clinical decision making related to fertility preservation for patients with DSD

    Effects of Transmitters and Amyloid-Beta Peptide on Calcium Signals in Rat Cortical Astrocytes: Fura-2AM Measurements and Stochastic Model Simulations

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    BACKGROUND: To better understand the complex molecular level interactions seen in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease, the results of the wet-lab and clinical studies can be complemented by mathematical models. Astrocytes are known to become reactive in Alzheimer's disease and their ionic equilibrium can be disturbed by interaction of the released and accumulated transmitters, such as serotonin, and peptides, including amyloid- peptides (A). We have here studied the effects of small amounts of A25-35 fragments on the transmitter-induced calcium signals in astrocytes by Fura-2AM fluorescence measurements and running simulations of the detected calcium signals. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Intracellular calcium signals were measured in cultured rat cortical astrocytes following additions of serotonin and glutamate, or either of these transmitters together with A25-35. A25-35 increased the number of astrocytes responding to glutamate and exceedingly increased the magnitude of the serotonin-induced calcium signals. In addition to A25-35-induced effects, the contribution of intracellular calcium stores to calcium signaling was tested. When using higher stimulus frequency, the subsequent calcium peaks after the initial peak were of lower amplitude. This may indicate inadequate filling of the intracellular calcium stores between the stimuli. In order to reproduce the experimental findings, a stochastic computational model was introduced. The model takes into account the major mechanisms known to be involved in calcium signaling in astrocytes. Model simulations confirm the principal experimental findings and show the variability typical for experimental measurements. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Nanomolar A25-35 alone does not cause persistent change in the basal level of calcium in astrocytes. However, even small amounts of A25-35, together with transmitters, can have substantial synergistic effects on intracellular calcium signals. Computational modeling further helps in understanding the mechanisms associated with intracellular calcium oscillations. Modeling the mechanisms is important, as astrocytes have an essential role in regulating the neuronal microenvironment of the central nervous system

    Standards of Care for the Health of Transgender and Gender Diverse People, Version 8

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    Background: Transgender healthcare is a rapidly evolving interdisciplinary field. In the last decade, there has been an unprecedented increase in the number and visibility of transgender and gender diverse (TGD) people seeking support and gender-affirming medical treatment in parallel with a significant rise in the scientific literature in this area. The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) is an international, multidisciplinary, professional association whose mission is to promote evidence-based care, education, research, public policy, and respect in transgender health. One of the main functions of WPATH is to promote the highest standards of health care for TGD people through the Standards of Care (SOC). The SOC was initially developed in 1979 and the last version (SOC-7) was published in 2012. In view of the increasing scientific evidence, WPATH commissioned a new version of the Standards of Care, the SOC-8. Aim: The overall goal of SOC-8 is to provide health care professionals (HCPs) with clinical guidance to assist TGD people in accessing safe and effective pathways to achieving lasting personal comfort with their gendered selves with the aim of optimizing their overall physical health, psychological well-being, and self-fulfillment. Methods: The SOC-8 is based on the best available science and expert professional consensus in transgender health. International professionals and stakeholders were selected to serve on the SOC-8 committee. Recommendation statements were developed based on data derived from independent systematic literature reviews, where available, background reviews and expert opinions. Grading of recommendations was based on the available evidence supporting interventions, a discussion of risks and harms, as well as the feasibility and acceptability within different contexts and country settings. Results: A total of 18 chapters were developed as part of the SOC-8. They contain recommendations for health care professionals who provide care and treatment for TGD people. Each of the recommendations is followed by explanatory text with relevant references. General areas related to transgender health are covered in the chapters Terminology, Global Applicability, Population Estimates, and Education. The chapters developed for the diverse population of TGD people include Assessment of Adults, Adolescents, Children, Nonbinary, Eunuchs, and Intersex Individuals, and people living in Institutional Environments. Finally, the chapters related to gender-affirming treatment are Hormone Therapy, Surgery and Postoperative Care, Voice and Communication, Primary Care, Reproductive Health, Sexual Health, and Mental Health. Conclusions: The SOC-8 guidelines are intended to be flexible to meet the diverse health care needs of TGD people globally. While adaptable, they offer standards for promoting optimal health care and guidance for the treatment of people experiencing gender incongruence. As in all previous versions of the SOC, the criteria set forth in this document for gender-affirming medical interventions are clinical guidelines; individual health care professionals and programs may modify these in consultation with the TGD person

    Cherenkov radiation emitted by ultrafast laser pulses and the generation of coherent polaritons

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    We report on the generation of coherent phonon polaritons in ZnTe, GaP and LiTaO3_{3} using ultrafast optical pulses. These polaritons are coupled modes consisting of mostly far-infrared radiation and a small phonon component, which are excited through nonlinear optical processes involving the Raman and the second-order susceptibilities (difference frequency generation). We probe their associated hybrid vibrational-electric field, in the THz range, by electro-optic sampling methods. The measured field patterns agree very well with calculations for the field due to a distribution of dipoles that follows the shape and moves with the group velocity of the optical pulses. For a tightly focused pulse, the pattern is identical to that of classical Cherenkov radiation by a moving dipole. Results for other shapes and, in particular, for the planar and transient-grating geometries, are accounted for by a convolution of the Cherenkov field due to a point dipole with the function describing the slowly-varying intensity of the pulse. Hence, polariton fields resulting from pulses of arbitrary shape can be described quantitatively in terms of expressions for the Cherenkov radiation emitted by an extended source. Using the Cherenkov approach, we recover the phase-matching conditions that lead to the selection of specific polariton wavevectors in the planar and transient grating geometry as well as the Cherenkov angle itself. The formalism can be easily extended to media exhibiting dispersion in the THz range. Calculations and experimental data for point-like and planar sources reveal significant differences between the so-called superluminal and subluminal cases where the group velocity of the optical pulses is, respectively, above and below the highest phase velocity in the infrared.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    The eClinical Care Pathway Framework: A novel structure for creation of online complex clinical care pathways and its application in the management of sexually transmitted infections.

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    Despite considerable international eHealth impetus, there is no guidance on the development of online clinical care pathways. Advances in diagnostics now enable self-testing with home diagnosis, to which comprehensive online clinical care could be linked, facilitating completely self-directed, remote care. We describe a new framework for developing complex online clinical care pathways and its application to clinical management of people with genital chlamydia infection, the commonest sexually transmitted infection (STI) in England.Using the existing evidence-base, guidelines and examples from contemporary clinical practice, we developed the eClinical Care Pathway Framework, a nine-step iterative process. Step 1: define the aims of the online pathway; Step 2: define the functional units; Step 3: draft the clinical consultation; Step 4: expert review; Step 5: cognitive testing; Step 6: user-centred interface testing; Step 7: specification development; Step 8: software testing, usability testing and further comprehension testing; Step 9: piloting. We then applied the Framework to create a chlamydia online clinical care pathway (Online Chlamydia Pathway).Use of the Framework elucidated content and structure of the care pathway and identified the need for significant changes in sequences of care (Traditional: history, diagnosis, information versus Online: diagnosis, information, history) and prescribing safety assessment. The Framework met the needs of complex STI management and enabled development of a multi-faceted, fully-automated consultation.The Framework provides a comprehensive structure on which complex online care pathways such as those needed for STI management, which involve clinical services, public health surveillance functions and third party (sexual partner) management, can be developed to meet national clinical and public health standards. The Online Chlamydia Pathway's standardised method of collecting data on demographics and sexual behaviour, with potential for interoperability with surveillance systems, could be a powerful tool for public health and clinical management.UKCRC Translational Infection Research (TIR) Initiative supported by the Medical Research Council, eSTI2 Consortium (Grant Number G0901608)

    Prescrição e preparo de medicamentos sem formulação adequada para crianças: um estudo de base hospitalar

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar medicamentos cuja forma ou formulação farmacêutica representa um problema em pediatria (Medicamento Problema - MP), bem como analisar as estratégias empregadas pelos médicos, para sua utilização nas crianças e os riscos envolvidos. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, que tem como base um inquérito com pediatras de um hospital de referência do SUS em Fortaleza-Ceará, conduzido para identificação dos MPs em julho-agosto de 2004; uma análise das prescrições contendo adaptação de formas sólidas e uma observação direta do preparo dos medicamentos, que foram conduzidas em dezembro de 2004 e janeiro de 2005, respectivamente. Os medicamentos foram agrupados pela classificação ATC e pelo cálculo de frequências das variáveis. Os pediatras (N=48, 98%) identificaram: 16 produtos sem forma injetável, 32 injetáveis necessários em concentrações menores e 30 MP sem formulação líquida para uso oral. Foram analisadas 89 prescrições contendo adaptação de formas sólidas, envolvendo 119 itens de medicamentos; todas continham inadequações, sendo a principal a partição de comprimidos. As doses prescritas corresponderam ao preconizado em 33,6% dos casos. Adaptações foram realizadas em local inadequado, por profissional não qualificado e sem as boas práticas. Concluindo, a carência de formulações apropriadas ao uso pediátrico repercute na prática médica e é agravada pela inexistência de condições adequadas para a manipulação de medicamentos por farmacêuticos, nos hospitais brasileiros.This work aimed to identify medicines whose form or pharmaceutical formula presents a problem to pediatrics (Problem Medication - PM), the strategies employed by doctors to use them in children, and the potential risks involved. Descriptive study: based on a survey with pediatricians from a SUS (Public Health System) reference hospital in Fortaleza-CE (Northeastern Brazil), in order to identify PMs, from July to August 2004; an analysis of prescriptions containing modification of medicines in the solid forms; and a follow-up of medicinal preparations, developed in December 2004 and January 2005, respectively. The medications were grouped by an anatomic, therapeutic and chemical classification and by means of a calculation of variables frequency. The pediatricians (N=48, 98% of the total) identified as PMs: 16 products without an injectable form; 32 in an injectable form that should be presented in lesser concentrations; and 30 without a liquid formula for oral use. Eighty two (82) prescriptions containing modifications of solid forms, involving 111 medicinal items were analyzed, all of which contained inadequacies; the main one being the partition of pills. In 33.6% of the cases, the prescribed doses were in accordance with that generally recommended. The modifications were carried out in inadequate places, by nonqualified professionals and without the use of best practices. The lack of appropriate formulae for pediatric use has an impact on medical practices. It is aggravated by the lack of appropriate conditions for medicines manipulation by pharmacists, in Brazilian hospitals, and this impact involves risks to patients