899 research outputs found

    Cell-Free Nucleic Acids

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    The deficits of mammography and the potential of noninvasive diagnostic testing using circulating miRNA profiles are presented in our first review article. Exosomes are important in the transfer of genetic information. The current knowledge on exosome-associated DNAs and on vesicle-associated DNAs and their role in pregnancy-related complications is presented in the next article. The major obstacle is the lack of a standardized technique for the isolation and measurement of exosomes. One review has summarized the latest results on cell-free nucleic acids in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Despite the extensive research, the etiology and exact pathogenesis are still unclear, although similarity to the cell-free ribonucleic acids (cfRNAs) observed in other autoimmune diseases seems to be relevant in IBD. Liquid biopsy is a useful tool for the differentiation of leiomyomas and sarcomas in the corpus uteri. One manuscript has collected the most important knowledge of mesenchymal uterine tumors and shows the benefits of noninvasive sampling. Microchimerism has also recently become a hot topic. It is discussed in the context of various forms of transplantation and transplantation-related advanced therapies, the available cell-free nucleic acid (cfNA) markers, and the detection platforms that have been introduced. Ovarian cancer is one of the leading serious malignancies among women, with a high incidence of mortality; the introduction of new noninvasive diagnostic markers could help in its early detection and treatment monitoring. Epigenetic regulation is very important during the development of diseases and drug resistance. Methylation changes are important signs during ovarian cancer development, and it seems that the CDH1 gene is a potential candidate for being a noninvasive biomarker in the diagnosis of ovarian cancer. Preeclampsia is a mysterious disease—despite intensive research, the exact details of its development are unknown. It seems that cell-free nucleic acids could serve as biomarkers for the early detection of this disease. Three research papers deal with the prenatal application of cfDNA. Copy number variants (CNVs) are important subjects for the study of human genome variations, as CNVs can contribute to population diversity and human genetic diseases. These are useful in NIPT as a source of population specific data. The reliability of NIPT depends on the accurate estimation of fetal fraction. Improvement in the success rate of in vitro fertilization (IVF) and embryo transfer (ET) is an important goal. The measurement of embryo-specific small noncoding RNAs in culture media could improve the efficiency of ET

    A potential theoretic minimax problem on the torus

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    We investigate an extension of an equilibrium-type result, conjectured by Ambrus, Ball and Erd\'elyi, and proved recently by Hardin, Kendall and Saff. These results were formulated on the torus, hence we also work on the torus, but one of the main motivations for our extension comes from an analogous setup on the unit interval, investigated earlier by Fenton. Basically, the problem is a minimax one, i.e. to minimize the maximum of a function FF, defined as the sum of arbitrary translates of certain fixed "kernel functions", minimization understood with respect to the translates. If these kernels are assumed to be concave, having certain singularities or cusps at zero, then translates by yjy_j will have singularities at yjy_j (while in between these nodes the sum function still behaves realtively regularly). So one can consider the maxima mim_i on each subintervals between the nodes yjy_j, and look for the minimization of maxF=maximi\max F = \max_i m_i. Here also a dual question of maximization of minimi\min_i m_i arises. This type of minimax problems were treated under some additional assumptions on the kernels. Also the problem is normalized so that y0=0y_0=0. In particular, Hardin, Kendall and Saff assumed that we have one single kernel KK on the torus or circle, and F=j=0nK(yj)=K+j=1nK(yj)F=\sum_{j=0}^n K(\cdot-y_j)= K + \sum_{j=1}^n K(\cdot-y_j). Fenton considered situations on the interval with two fixed kernels JJ and KK, also satisfying additional assumptions, and F=J+j=1nK(yj)F= J + \sum_{j=1}^n K(\cdot-y_j). Here we consider the situation (on the circle) when \emph{all the kernel functions can be different}, and F=j=0nKj(yj)=K0+j=1nKj(yj)F=\sum_{j=0}^n K_j(\cdot- y_j) = K_0 + \sum_{j=1}^n K_j(\cdot-y_j). Also an emphasis is put on relaxing all other technical assumptions and give alternative, rather minimal variants of the set of conditions on the kernel

    Az objektív jóllét modellezése és első eredményei Magyarországon

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    A gazdasági kibocsátás vagy a hozzáadott érték mérése irányából a komplexebb mutatószámok (HDI, UNDP-Millenium Development Goals), illetve a teljesen eltérő alapokra építkező indikátorok kidolgozása (nemzeti boldogságindex, illetve a jóllét különböző tartalmú mutatószámai) arra a felismerésre alapoztak, hogy a gazdaság teljesítménye nem mutat erős korrelációt az egyének megélt elégedettségével, életminőségével. A mérések zöme nemzetállamokra, szövetségi államok szintjére készült el, s csak kevés példát látunk alacsony területi szinten megjelenő differenciák megjelenítésére, modellezésére. Jelen tanulmányban egy TÁMOP-kutatás részeként a hazai kistérségi (LAU1) szintű különbségeket feltáró kísérleti számítás első eredményeit tesszük közzé azzal a megszorítással, hogy a kirajzolódó területi szerkezet csak az ún. objektív jóllétet tükrözi vissza. Teljesebb képet az időközben elkészült nagymintás kérdőíves felmérés eredményeivel kiegészített és súlyozott, „szubjektív” jóllétdimenziók hozzáadása adhat

    First results in modelling objective well-being in Hungary at lower territorial level

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    Developing complex indicators measuring economic output, added value and indicators relying on an entirely different basis, researchers worked on the assumption that economic output does not correlate strongly with people’s happiness or quality of life. Most measurements relate to countries and federal states. Only a few seek to present or model differences at lower territorial levels. This study discloses the first results of pilot calculations that have been performed as part of Hungary’s Social Renewal Programme. These explore differences at the level of Hungarian districts (LAU1) with the proviso, that the spatial structure presented only reflects what is called objective well-being. A more comprehensive picture can be obtained only if the subjective well-being dimensions incorporating and weighted by the results of a large-scale sample survey, conducted in the meantime, are also taken into accoun

    Magreceptorok működésének genomszintü vizsgálata kromatin immunprecipitációval primer humán immun sejtekben = Decoding nuclear hormone receptor activity using chromatin immunoprecipitation in human primary immune cells

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    A kutatómunka során szisztematikusan feltérképeztük az un RXR heterodimer típusú receptorok szerepét a humán monocita eredetű dendritikus sejtek differenciálódása és immunfunkciói során. Ezek a receptorok a PPARg, LXR, VDR és RAR receptorok volta, melyeket kiegészítettünk az RXR receptorral is. A specikus utvonalak azonosítása mellett általános megállapításként elmondhattuk, hogy ez a receptorcsalad olyan molekuláris szenzorként működik, mely képes átprogramozni a sejt genkifejeződését külső és belső lipid szintek változása során. Összefüggést talaltunk az IL4 STAT6-on kerestüli szignalizációja és a PPARg receptor között és legújabban feltérképeztük a az RXR receptor genomi kötőhelyeit ls cisztromikus kölcsönhatásait is. | During our work we have systematically mapped the so called RXR heterodimeric receptors roles in monocyte derived dendritic cells during differentiation and immune function. These receptors included PPARg, LXR, VDR and RXR and also included their heterodimeric partner RXR. Based on the data obtained one can conclude that besides the specialized pathways identified, these receptors act as molecular sensors in detecting changing extra and intracellular lipid levels. We have also identified an interaction between IL4 mediated STAT6 signaling and PPARg and most recently we have detrained the RXR cistrome and its interactions