130 research outputs found

    Vom „blauen Himmel über der Ruhr“ bis zur „Dieselabgasaffäre“. Entwicklung der Luftreinhaltepolitik in Deutschland

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    Das Arbeitspapier ist im Rahmen des vom BMBF geförderten Projekts "Gemeinwohl-relevante öffentliche Güter. Die politische Organisation von Infrastrukturaufgaben im Gewährleistungsstaat" entstanden. Seit der Industrialisierung ist die Qualität der Luft besonders in städtischen Ballungsräumen schlecht und führt zur gesundheitlichen Beeinträchtigung der Menschen. Aktuell erfährt das Thema Luftreinhaltung aufgrund der Feinstaubproblematik vermehrt Aufmerksamkeit in öffentlichen Debatten. Der Begriff „saubere Luft“ umfasst vielfältige Aspekte, die sich im historischen Verlauf verändert haben. Das Arbeitspapier untersucht den historischen Wandel des Handlungsfelds. Ziel ist es mithilfe einer historischen Strukturanalyse die aktuelle Problem- und Handlungskonstellation, dabei vor allem die Schwierigkeiten der Gewährleistung sowie die politische Bearbeitung dieser Schwierigkeiten zu identifizieren

    When details are difficult to portray: enriching vision videos

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    The creation of a shared understanding of the project vision of all relevant stakeholders is vital to the requirements engineering process. One way to create such a shared understanding is through the use of vision videos that visualize the project vision at an early project stage. However, not all functional aspects can be presented. For example, the fact that an access code is valid for only a single use can be hard to visualize. One low-effort solution could be the insertion of short texts or short audio clips. In this work, our question is twofold: What effects do short pieces of additional information have in vision videos? What are suitable ways to add this information to vision videos? To answer these research questions, we investigated three different methods of inserting additional information to vision videos in an eye tracking study. We inserted short texts either below the scene or as overlays and also investigated the addition of short audio clips. These methods were evaluated in terms of participants’ video comprehension, visual effort, cognitive load and subjective preference. The results of our study show that the pieces of additional information improve vision comprehension, thereby supporting the creation of a shared understanding. All investigated methods lead to only marginal increases of the viewers’ cognitive load. Based on our results, we derive recommendations on how to insert additional information in vision videos

    Schutz vor Strahlung – Abschirmung durch Aluminium - Ist die Bestimmung des Massenabschwächungskoeffizienten von Aluminium mit einer Mischprobe bestehend aus: Cs-137, Am-241 und Sr-90 mit einem Geiger-Müller-Zählrohr möglich?

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    Experimente zur Abschirmung von ionisierender Strahlung sollten in keinem Anfängerpraktikum fehlen, um den Studierenden die Abschirmung (durch Absorption) als eines der Hauptprinzipien des Strahlenschutzes zu vermitteln. Eine besonders interessante Fragestellung für ein Experiment zu diesem Thema, ist die Bestimmung des Massenabschwächungskoeffizienten eines Gamma-Strahlers durch Aluminium. Da nicht jedes Grund- oder Anfängerpraktikum über geeignete reine Gamma-Präparate verfügt, wurde im Anfängerpraktikum der Fakultät für Physik an der Universität Wien eine Alternative gesucht und erprobt. Wir befassten uns mit der Frage, ob ein bereits vorhandenes, genehmigungspflichtiges Alpha/Beta/Gamma-Mischpräparat, bestehend aus Am-241, Sr90 und Cs-137 genauso geeignet ist, wie ein reines Cs-137 Präparat, um den Massenabschwächungskoeffizienten von Cs-137 durch Aluminium hinreichend zuverlässig zu bestimmen. Je nach Aufbau der Messapparatur lassen sich die vielfältigen Wechselwirkungen mit Materie und die Auswirkung der Proben- und Apparaturgeometrie eindrucksvoll zeigen. Mit je einem Kollimator an Probe und Zählrohr lässt sich der Literaturwert quantitativ bestimmen, aber selbst mit einfachem und kostengünstigen Aufbau (die Bearbeitung von Blei wird in vielen hauseigenen Werkstätten nicht mehr durchgeführt) sind zuverlässig wiederholbare Ergebnisse in der entsprechenden Größenordnung messbar

    Schutz vor Strahlung – Abschirmung durch Aluminium - Ist die Bestimmung des Massenabschwächungskoeffizienten von Aluminium mit einer Mischprobe bestehend aus: Cs-137, Am-241 und Sr-90 mit einem Geiger-Müller-Zählrohr möglich?

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    Experimente zur Abschirmung von ionisierender Strahlung sollten in keinem Anfängerpraktikum fehlen, um den Studierenden die Abschirmung (durch Absorption) als eines der Hauptprinzipien des Strahlenschutzes zu vermitteln. Eine besonders interessante Fragestellung für ein Experiment zu diesem Thema, ist die Bestimmung des Massenabschwächungskoeffizienten eines Gamma-Strahlers durch Aluminium. Da nicht jedes Grund- oder Anfängerpraktikum über geeignete reine Gamma-Präparate verfügt, wurde im Anfängerpraktikum der Fakultät für Physik an der Universität Wien eine Alternative gesucht und erprobt. Wir befassten uns mit der Frage, ob ein bereits vorhandenes, genehmigungspflichtiges Alpha/Beta/Gamma-Mischpräparat, bestehend aus Am-241, Sr90 und Cs-137 genauso geeignet ist, wie ein reines Cs-137 Präparat, um den Massenabschwächungskoeffizienten von Cs-137 durch Aluminium hinreichend zuverlässig zu bestimmen. Je nach Aufbau der Messapparatur lassen sich die vielfältigen Wechselwirkungen mit Materie und die Auswirkung der Proben- und Apparaturgeometrie eindrucksvoll zeigen. Mit je einem Kollimator an Probe und Zählrohr lässt sich der Literaturwert quantitativ bestimmen, aber selbst mit einfachem und kostengünstigen Aufbau (die Bearbeitung von Blei wird in vielen hauseigenen Werkstätten nicht mehr durchgeführt) sind zuverlässig wiederholbare Ergebnisse in der entsprechenden Größenordnung messbar

    The Herpes Simplex Virus Protein pUL31 Escorts Nucleocapsids to Sites of Nuclear Egress, a Process Coordinated by Its N-Terminal Domain

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    Progeny capsids of herpesviruses leave the nucleus by budding through the nuclear envelope. Two viral proteins, the membrane protein pUL34 and the nucleo-phosphoprotein pUL31 form the nuclear egress complex that is required for capsid egress out of the nucleus. All pUL31 orthologs are composed of a diverse N-terminal domain with 1 to 3 basic patches and a conserved C-terminal domain. To decipher the functions of the N-terminal domain, we have generated several Herpes simplex virus mutants and show here that the N-terminal domain of pUL31 is essential with basic patches being critical for viral propagation. pUL31 and pUL34 entered the nucleus independently of each other via separate routes and the N-terminal domain of pUL31 was required to prevent their premature interaction in the cytoplasm. Unexpectedly, a classical bipartite nuclear localization signal embedded in this domain was not required for nuclear import of pUL31. In the nucleus, pUL31 associated with the nuclear envelope and newly formed capsids. Viral herpesviralmutants lacking the N-terminal domain or with its basic patches neutralized still associated with nucleocapsids but were unable to translocate them to the nuclear envelope. Replacing the authentic basic patches with a novel artificial one resulted in HSV1(17(+)) Lox-UL31-hbpmp1mp2, that was viable but delayed in nuclear egress and compromised in viral production. Thus, while the C-terminal domain of pUL31 is sufficient for the interaction with nucleocapsids, the N-terminal domain was essential for capsid translocation to sites of nuclear egress and a coordinated interaction with pUL34. Our data indicate an orchestrated sequence of events with pUL31 binding to nucleocapsids and escorting them to the inner nuclear envelope. We propose a common mechanism for herpesviral nuclear egress: pUL31 is required for intranuclear translocation of nucleocapsids and subsequent interaction with pUL34 thereby coupling capsid maturation with primary envelopment

    Stake size and the power of focal points in coordination games: Experimental evidence

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    We collect data from symmetric and asymmetric coordination games with a focal point and vary the stake size. The data show that in symmetric games coordination on the label-salient strategy increases with stake size. By contrast, in asymmetric games the coordination rates do not vary with stake size and are close to the levels predicted by both the mixed Nash equilibrium and the level-kmodel used by Crawford et al.(2008). These findings suggest that players’ mode of reasoning, and the extent to which it can be explained by team reasoning or a level-kmodel, crucially depends on the symmetry or asymmetry of the coordination payoffs

    Path to Success: Development of the Pharmacist Through the Continuum of Pharmacy School and Beyond

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    Objective: To explore the processes and opportunities provided in the co-curriculum of the Wegmans School of Pharmacy (WSoP) that contribute to the development of successful pharmacy graduates. Methods: Pharmacy career preparation begins at orientation with workshops on emotional intelligence, leadership, and the APhA Career Pathway Evaluation Program. During the P1 through P4 years, the optional Student Development Workshop Series (SDW) offers seminars for students on a variety of topics including time management, exam taking strategies/anxiety management, learning styles, personal “brand” creation, CV/portfolio development, and interview soft skills. All students may participate in the annual WSoP Career Day, which offers networking and career opportunities, including post-graduate training options. During the P4 year, there is opportunity for a structured Residency/Fellowship Preparation Program (RPP). Additionally, local pharmacy residents/fellows participate in a Residency Teaching/Learning Curriculum Program (TLC) to develop academic teaching and precepting skills. Results: The SDW program has been successful and well attended with greater than 90% of students finding the topics relevant to their post-graduate success. After the RPP, ASHP residency match results in the 2016 class yielded an improvement from previous years, with 76 % of applied students and 94% of ranked students matching programs in Phase 1. Of the TLC participants, 90% documented an improvement in multiple types of teaching skills. Implications: Based on data and student/faculty input, career development is reassessed and improved continuously at WSoP. In the near future, a method for tracking graduates will be designed to further monitor the impact of programs on student success

    Symposion: Was ist Netzwerkforschung?

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    Gegenwärtig wird soziale Netzwerkforschung aus den vielfältigsten Perspektiven und in den unterschiedlichsten Disziplinen betrieben. Dabei divergieren die Fragestellungen und Annahmen, sowie die methodischen Vorgehensweisen zum Teil deutlich. Die elf Beiträge dieses Symposiums umreiĂźen aus ganz unterschiedlichen Fächern und Richtungen ihre Sichtweise auf Netzwerkforschung: Soziologie, Politikwissenschaft, Ethnologie, Geographie, Stadtforschung, Erziehungswissenschaft, Wirtschaftsinformatik und Computerlinguistik. Sie zeigen einerseits aktuelle Trends in der sozialen Netzwerkforschung auf und leuchten andererseits neben der disziplinären Pluralität auch die methodische und epistemologische Vielfalt der Forschung zu Netzwerken aus. Das Symposium hat seinen Ausgangspunkt in der Initiative Netzwerkforschung interdisziplinär. Diese will Vorteile wie Herausforderungen interdisziplinärer oder auch transdisziplinärer Netzwerkforschung diskutieren und entsprechende Kooperationen unterstĂĽtzen.   Social network research is currently pursued from a wide variety of perspectives and by very different disciplines. The assumptions and research questions, but also the methods deployed diverge considerably. This symposium comprises eleven contributions that sketch the approaches from different disciplines and directions: sociology, political science, anthropology, geography, urban research, education, computer science, and computer linguistics. They point to current trends in network research, as well as shedding light on the variety of disciplines, methods, and epistemological positions involved. The symposium springs from the Initiative Interdisciplinary Network Research. The initiative aims at discussing the advantages and challenges of network research between the disciplines, and at encouraging and supporting cooperation bridging these divides

    OECD validation study to assess intra- and inter-laboratory reproducibility of the zebrafish embryo toxicity test for acute aquatic toxicity testing

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    The OECD validation study of the zebrafish embryo acute toxicity test (ZFET) for acute aquatic toxicity testing evaluated the ZFET reproducibility by testing 20 chemicals at 5 different concentrations in 3 independent runs in at least 3 laboratories. Stock solutions and test concentrations were analytically confirmed for 11 chemicals. Newly fertilised zebrafish eggs (20/concentration and control) were exposed for 96 h to chemicals. Four apical endpoints were recorded daily as indicators of acute lethality: coagulation of the embryo, lack of somite formation, non-detachment of the tail bud from the yolk sac and lack of heartbeat. Results (LC50 values for 48/96 h exposure) show that the ZFET is a robust method with a good intra- and inter-laboratory reproducibility (CV 30%) for some very toxic or volatile chemicals, and chemicals tested close to their limit of solubility. The ZFET is now available as OECD Test Guideline 236. Considering the high predictive capacity of the ZFET demonstrated by Belanger et al. (2013) in their retrospective analysis of acute fish toxicity and fish embryo acute toxicity data, the ZFET is ready to be considered for acute fish toxicity for regulatory purposes

    Long-term effects of an inpatient weight-loss program in obese children and the role of genetic predisposition-rationale and design of the LOGIC-trial

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The prevalence of childhood obesity has increased worldwide, which is a serious concern as obesity is associated with many negative immediate and long-term health consequences. Therefore, the treatment of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents is strongly recommended. Inpatient weight-loss programs have shown to be effective particularly regarding short-term weight-loss, whilst little is known both on the long-term effects of this treatment and the determinants of successful weight-loss and subsequent weight maintenance.</p> <p>The purpose of this study is to evaluate the short, middle and long-term effects of an inpatient weight-loss program for children and adolescents and to investigate the likely determinants of weight changes, whereby the primary focus lies on the potential role of differences in polymorphisms of adiposity-relevant genes.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>The study involves overweight and obese children and adolescents aged 6 to 19 years, who participate in an inpatient weight-loss program for 4 to 6 weeks. It started in 2006 and it is planned to include 1,500 participants by 2013. The intervention focuses on diet, physical activity and behavior therapy. Measurements are taken at the start and the end of the intervention and comprise blood analyses (DNA, lipid and glucose metabolism, adipokines and inflammatory markers), anthropometry (body weight, height and waist circumference), blood pressure, pubertal stage, and exercise capacity. Physical activity, dietary habits, quality of life, and family background are assessed by questionnaires. Follow-up assessments are performed 6 months, 1, 2, 5 and 10 years after the intervention: Children will complete the same questionnaires at all time points and visit their general practitioner for examination of anthropometric parameters, blood pressure and assessment of pubertal stage. At the 5 and 10 year follow-ups, blood parameters and exercise capacity will be additionally measured.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>Apart from illustrating the short, middle and long-term effects of an inpatient weight-loss program, this study will contribute to a better understanding of inter-individual differences in the regulation of body weight, taking into account the role of genetic predisposition and lifestyle factors.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p><a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01067157">NCT01067157</a>.</p
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