75 research outputs found

    Features of translation of medical instructions from English and French languages into Russian (Pharmacological discourse)

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    The purpose of the study is to reveal difficulties in translating instructions on the usage of medicines from English and French into Russian. Translation of medical instructions is a private form of medical translation that is in high demand. Each medicine should have a detailed description in Russian. With this document, a manufacturer guarantees to patient that subject to the prescribed standards, medicine will provide a certain effect that it is safe for life and health. The instruction is a kind of memo for a patient and a guarantee of the correctness of taking medicine. The authors of the article examined instructions for the use of medicines as genres of pharmaceutical discourse, highlighted the features of pharmaceutical terminology, examined ways to translate scientific terminology and vocabulary, analyzed translation techniques for transmitting vocabulary instructions for the use of medicines (translation of the instructions for the medicine «Sedalgin-Neo» from English into Russian, as well as instructions for the «Betaserk» medicine from French into Russian), errors were identified in their translation. The following research methods were used in the work: comparative typological method, empirical method, observation method, analysis and synthesis, a descriptive method, a method of comparative analysis of the original and translation, and generalisation of the obtained results. The theoretical significance of the study lies in the synthesis of theoretical material on the problem of translation of instructions for the use of medicines. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that its results can be used in the practical activities of translators of specialized literature and in the development of special translation courses of scientific literature from French and English into Russian. In addition, the results of this study can be used in the development of educational materials for students of medical specialties, the organization of advanced training and the exchange of teaching experience


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    Technologies of social work with orphans have a number of features. Principles of the general technologies (diagnostics, prevention, correction, adaptation) related to solution of problems of orphans and children without parental support slightly differ from the principles of work with other categories of children. Private technologies (art therapy, technology of volunteering, garden therapy, music therapy, game therapy, orthobiotics) are focused on choosing the methods as close as possible to the real life, since such approach allows overcoming the problems of orphans’ socialisation


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    The article presents the results of sociological research related to the working youth of the Chelyabinsk region, its socio-economic situation, the system of value orientations, installation towards family and children, attitudes towards healthy lifestyle

    Methodological Principles of Poly-Artistic Education of a Person in the Integrated Education System

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    The article outlines the methodological principles of the artistic education of an individual in the system of integrated artistic education. It is proved that the methodological basis of the integrative processes in education is the philosophical, psychological and cultural conditions and concepts. The determinants of artistic and pedagogical integration necessary for the construction of the integration theory in the field of artistic education and poly-artistic upbringing of the personality are revealed. It is determined that the manifestation of the integration specificity in the field of artistic education is due to the action of psychophysiological mechanisms, and human-centeredness is the fundamental feature of didactic integration. The classification of different categories of integration in pedagogy and didactics is given. The influence of integrative processes on the consciousness and sensory-sensual sphere of a person is considered. It is determined that the psychological preconditions of integrated learning are the peculiarities of human thinking, which organically combines sensual, imaginative-figurative, rational-logical, and creative-intuitive aspects of cognition. The necessity for developing the content of integrated courses and their corresponding technological support is substantiated

    Development of a mathematical model for analyzing the perturbed state of a thermal power hydraulic system

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    The results of developing a model for analyzing the perturbed state of a thermal power hydraulic system are presented using the example of a heat supply system. The parameters of the operating mode of the thermal power hydraulic system were assessed after exposure to disturbing factors. It is noted that the choice of boundary conditions must be carried out taking into account the use of energy equivalence when analyzing the perturbed state of the investigated fragment of the hydraulic system. The developed model of steady flow distribution with non-isothermal flow of a viscous medium is presented. It is concluded that the developed mathematical model represents a qualitatively new approach to formalizing problems of flow distribution analysis in systems with adjustable parameters. The model can be considered as a generalized form of representing particular models of flow distribution when describing the object under study, which can be considered as a hydraulic circuit with adjustable parameters for nonisothermal flow of a viscous medium. It is shown that this model can be used to analyze and describe the flows and properties of a viscous medium in systems where it is possible to regulate parameters and non-isothermal flow is taken into account

    New functionally-enhanced soy proteins as food ingredients with anti-viral activity

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    Respiratory viruses are a major public health problem because of their prevalence and high morbidity rate leading to considerable social and economic implications. Cranberry has therapeutic potential attributed to a comprehensive list of phytochemicals including anthocyanins, flavonols, and unique A-type proanthocyanidins. Soy flavonoids, including isoflavones, have demonstrated anti-viral effects in vitro and in vivo. Recently, it was demonstrated that edible proteins can efficiently sorb and concentrate cranberry polyphenols, including anthocyanins and proanthocyanins, providing greatly stabilized matrices suitable for food products. The combination of cranberry and soy phytoactives may be an effective dietary anti-viral resource. Anti-viral properties of both cranberry juice-enriched and cranberry pomace polyphenol-enriched soy protein isolate (CB-SPI and CBP-SPI) were tested against influenza viruses (H7N1, H5N3, H3N2), Newcastle disease virus and Sendai virus in vitro and in ovo. In our experiments, preincubation with CB-SPI or CBP-SPI resulted in inhibition of virus adsorption to chicken red blood cells and reduction in virus nucleic acid content up to 16-fold, however, CB-SPI and CBP-SPI did not affect hemagglutination. Additionally, CB-SPI and CBP-SPI inhibited viral replication and infectivity more effectively than the commercially available anti-viral drug Amizon. Results suggest CB-SPI and CBP-SPI may have preventative and therapeutic potential against viral infections that cause diseases of the respiratory and gastro-intestinal tract

    Влияние верапамила на формирование спаек при асептическом воспалении брюшины

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    Objective. An experimental study of verapamil new properties, such as the regulation of the connective tissue formation.Materials and мethods. The study was conducted in an aseptic inflammation of the peritoneum both on the body and cell culture in simulating haemoperitoneum in rats. The optimal dose (0,1 mg/kg body weight) for intraperitoneal verapamil administration was fixed, which did not provoke significant and reliable changes in cardio- and hemodynamics.Results. It was revealed that verapamil injected intraperitoneally at a dose of 0,1 mg/kg demonstrates a pronounced pharmacological effect against excessive production of the connective tissue in hemoperitoneum. Conclusion. It was proved (in vivo and in vitro) the possibility of drug-induced modulating of the proliferative drug and collagen-producing fibroblast functions by regulating the calcium metabolism in these cells with verapamil.Цель исследования. Экспериментальное исследование новых свойств верапамила в регуляции образования соединительной ткани.Материал и методы. Исследование проведено при асептическом воспалении брюшины на целостном организме и в культуре клеток при моделировании гемоперитонеума у крыс. Установлена оптимальная доза (0,1 мг/кг массы тела) для внутрибрюшинного введения верапамила, не вызывающая значимых и достоверных изменений кардио- и гемодинамики.Результаты. Выявлено, что верапамил, введенный крысам внутрибрюшинно в дозе 0,1 мг/кг массы тела, оказывает выраженный фармакологический эффект в отношении избыточной продукции соединительной ткани при гемоперитонеуме.Выводы. В экспериментах in vivo и in vitro доказана возможность лекарственной модуляции пролиферативной и коллагенсинтезирующей функций фибробластов путем регуляции кальциевого обмена данных клеток верапамилом

    Current issues of the Russian language teaching XIV

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    Collection of papers “Current issues of the Russian language teaching XIV” is devoted to issues of methodology of teaching Russian as a foreign language, to issues of linguistics and literary science and includes papers related to the use of online tools and resources in teaching Russian. This collection of papers is a result of the international scientific conference “Current issues of the Russian language teaching XIV”, which was scheduled for 8–10 May 2020, but due to the pandemic COVID-19 took place remotely

    Genome-wide significant association with seven novel multiple sclerosis risk loci

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    Objective: A recent large-scale study in multiple sclerosis (MS) using the ImmunoChip platform reported on 11 loci that showed suggestive genetic association with MS. Additional data in sufficiently sized and independent data sets are needed to assess whether these loci represent genuine MS risk factors. Methods: The lead SNPs of all 11 loci were genotyped in 10 796 MS cases and 10 793 controls from Germany, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Austria and Russia, that were independent from the previously reported cohorts. Association analyses were performed using logistic regression based on an additive model. Summary effect size estimates were calculated using fixed-effect meta-analysis. Results: Seven of the 11 tested SNPs showed significant association with MS susceptibility in the 21 589 individuals analysed here. Meta-analysis across our and previously published MS case-control data (total sample size n=101 683) revealed novel genome-wide significant association with MS susceptibility (p<5×10−8) for all seven variants. This included SNPs in or near LOC100506457 (rs1534422, p=4.03×10−12), CD28 (rs6435203, p=1.35×10−9), LPP (rs4686953, p=3.35×10−8), ETS1 (rs3809006, p=7.74×10−9), DLEU1 (rs806349, p=8.14×10−12), LPIN3 (rs6072343, p=7.16×10−12) and IFNGR2 (rs9808753, p=4.40×10−10). Cis expression quantitative locus effects were observed in silico for rs6435203 on CD28 and for rs9808753 on several immunologically relevant genes in the IFNGR2 locus. Conclusions: This study adds seven loci to the list of genuine MS genetic risk factors and further extends the list of established loci shared across autoimmune diseases