223 research outputs found

    Active geothermal systems with entrained seawater as analogues for low-sulphidation epithermal mineralization

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    The paradigm for low-sulphidation (LS) volcanic-arc associated mineralization is the active geothermal systems located along the Taupo Volcanic Zone (e.g. Broadlands). However, this analogue is inapt where fluid salinities are consistently in excess of 3.5 wt % NaCl. LS mineralization on Milos (Aegean arc) records high paleofluid-salinities. The δD and δ18O data do not exemplify 18O-shifted meteoric waters—typical of terrestrial geothermal systems. Nor is a submarine origin indicated—stable isotope data show mixing between meteoric, seawater and volcanic-arc gases. Strontium isotope data are comparable to a nearby active seawater-entrained geothermal system. These are features seen in hydrothermal systems associated with emergent volcanoes. For the Milos LS mineralization, high-salinity fluids show it cannot be explained by a Broadlands-type model. The absence of saliferous sequences and significant intrusive rocks preclude these as salinity sources. The similarities between paleo and active systems in terms of salinity, δD–δ18O and strontium isotope systematics strongly suggest that seawater is the main source for Na and Cl. We suggest geothermal systems, containing seawater, associated with emergent volcanoes are an alternative analogue for LS epithermal mineralization. Furthermore, they bridge the gap between submarine, and large-scale terrestrial geothermal systems—the modern analogues for VHMS and epithermal mineralisation in the scheme of intrusion-centered hydrothermal mineralization

    Patches in a side-by-side configuration: a description of the flow and deposition fields

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    In the last few decades, a lot of research attention has been paid to flow-vegetation interactions. Starting with the description of the flow field around uniform macrophyte stands, research has evolved more recently to the description of flow fields around individual, distinct patches. However, in the field, vegetation patches almost never occur in isolation. As such, patches will influence each other during their development and interacting, complex flow fields can be expected. In this study, two emergent patches of the same diameter (D = 22 cm) and a solid volume fraction of 10% were placed in a side-by-side configuration in a lab flume. The patches were built as an array of wooden cylinders, and the distance between the patches (gap width Delta) was varied between Delta = 0 and 14 cm. Flow measurements were performed by a 3D Vectrino Velocimeter (Nortek AS) at mid-depth of the flow. Deposition experiments of suspended solids were performed for selected gap widths. Directly behind each patch, the wake evolved in a manner identical to that of a single, isolated patch. On the centerline between the patches, the maximum velocity U-max was found to be independent of the gap width Delta. However, the length over which this maximum velocity persists, the potential core L-j, increased linearly as the gap width increased. After the merging of the wakes, the centerline velocity reaches a minimum value U-min. The minimum centerline velocity decreased in magnitude as the gap width decreased. The velocity pattern within the wake is reflected in the deposition patterns. An erosion zone occurs on the centerline between the patches, where the velocity is elevated. Deposition occurs in the low velocity zones directly behind each patch and also downstream of the patches, along the centerline between the patches at the point of local velocity minimum. This downstream deposition zone, a result of the interaction of neighbouring patch wakes, may facilitate the establishment of new vegetation, which may eventually inhibit flow between the upstream patches and facilitate patch merger

    Manipulating O3/P2 phase ratio in bi-phasic sodium layered oxides via ionic radius control

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    Funding: This work was supported by the Faraday Institution (Grant number FIRG018). The authors would like to thank Dr. David Rochester at Lancaster University for conducting the ICP-OES experiments. A.B.N. would like to acknowledge funding by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council under grant numbers EP/L017008/1, EP/R023751/1, and EP/T019298/1 for the electron microscopy analysis.Bi-phasic O3/P2 sodium layered oxides have emerged as leading candidates for the commercialisation of next-generation sodium-ion batteries. However, beyond simply altering the sodium content, rational control of the O3/P2 ratio in these materials has proven particularly challenging despite being crucial for the realization of high-performance electrode materials. Here, using abundant elements, we manipulate the O3/P2 ratio using the average ionic radius of the transition metal layer and different synthesis conditions. These methods allow deterministic control over the O3/P2 ratio, even for constant Na contents. In addition, tuning the O3/P2 ratio yields high-performing materials with different performance characteristics, with a P2-rich material achieving high rate capabilities and excellent cycling stability (92% retention, 50 cycles), while an O3-rich material displayed an energy density up to 430 Wh kg−1, (85%, 50 cycles). These insights will help guide the rational design of future high-performance materials for sodium-ion batteries.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Flood frequency estimation by continuous simulation under climate change (with uncertainty)

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    International audienceThis paper explores the potential for assessing the impacts of climate change upon flood frequency for the gauged, upland Wye catchment at Plynlimon, Wales, UK, while taking account of uncertainty in modelling rainfall-runoff processes under current conditions. A continuous simulation methodology which uses a stochastic rainfall model to drive the rainfall-runoff model TOPMODEL is utilised. Behavioural parameter sets for both the rainfall model and TOPMODEL are identified prior to the climate change runs using the Generalised Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE) methodology. The "medium-high" UKCIP98 climate change scenario, obtained from the HadCM2 GCM simulations, is used as a starting point for a variety of different scenarios at the catchment scale. It is demonstrated that while the scenarios have only a small impact upon the likelihood weighted flood frequency uncertainty bounds in comparison with the current condition scenario, the risk of a given discharge as an element in the distribution of T year floods is changed. This underlines the need to account explicitly for uncertainty within hydrological modelling, especially in estimating the impacts of climate change. Keywords: Climate change; Floods; Frequency; TOPMODEL</p

    River routing at the continental scale: use of globally-available data and an a priori method of parameter estimation

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    International audienceTwo applications of a river routing model based on the observed river network and a linearised solution to the convective-diffusion equation are presented. One is an off-line application to part of the Amazon basin (catchment area 2.15 M km2) using river network data from the Digital Chart of the World and GCM-generated runoff at a grid resolution of 2.5 degrees latitude and 3.75 degrees longitude. The other application is to the Arkansas (409,000 km2) and Red River (125,500 km2) basins as an integrated component of a macro-scale hydrological model, driven by observed meteorology and operating on a 17 km grid. This second application makes use of the US EPA reach data to construct the river network. In both cases, a method of computing parameter values a priori has been applied and shows some success, although some interpretation is required to derive `correct' parameter values and further work is needed to develop guidelines for use of the method. The applications, however, do demonstrate the possibilities for applying the routing model at the continental scale, with globally-available data and a priori parameter estimation, and its value for validating GCM output against observed flows

    Precipitation of Mn Oxides in Quaternary microbially induced sedimentary structures (MISS), Cape Vani Paleo-Hydrothermal Vent Field, Milos, Greece

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    Understanding microbial mediation in sediment-hosted Mn deposition has gained importance in low-temperature ore genesis research. Here we report Mn oxide ores dominated by todorokite, vernadite, hollandite, and manjiroite, which cement Quaternary microbially induced sedimentary structures (MISS) developed along bedding planes of shallow-marine to tidal-flat volcaniclastic sandstones/sandy tuffs, Cape Vani paleo-hydrothermal vent field, Milos, Greece. This work aims to decipher the link between biological Mn oxide formation, low-T hydrothermalism, and, growth and preservation of Mn-bearing MISS (MnMISS). Geobiological processes, identified by microtexture petrography, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, lipid biomarkers, bulk- and lipid-specific δ13Corganic composition, and field data, and, low-temperature hydrothermal venting of aqueous Mn2+ in sunlit shallow waters, cooperatively enabled microbially-mediated Mn (II) oxidation and biomineralization. The MnMISS biomarker content and δ13Corg signatures strongly resemble those of modern Mn-rich hydrothermal sediments, Milos coast. Biogenic and syngenetic Mn oxide precipitation established by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy and petrography, combined with hydrothermal fluid flow-induced pre-burial curing/diagenesis, may account for today’s crystalline Mn oxide resource. Our data suggests that MISS are not unique to cyanobacteria mats. Furthermore, microbial mats inhabited by aerobic methanotrophs may have contributed significantly to the formation of the MnMISS, thus widening the spectrum of environments responsible for marine Mn biometallogenesi

    Instream and riparian implications of weed cutting in a chalk river

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    Macrophyte growth is extensive in the iconic chalk streams that are concentrated in southern and eastern England. Widespread and frequent weed cutting is undertaken to maintain their key functions (e.g. flood water conveyance and maintenance of viable fisheries). In this study, a multidisciplinary approach was adopted to quantify coincident physico-chemical responses (instream and riparian) that result from weed cutting and to discuss their potential implications. Three weed cuts were monitored at a site on the River Lambourn (The CEH River Lambourn Observatory) and major instream and riparian impacts were observed. Measurements clearly demonstrated how weed cutting enhanced flood flow conveyance, reduced water levels (river and wetland), increased river velocities, and mobilised suspended sediment (with associated chemicals) and reduced the capacity for its retention within the river channel. Potential implications in relation to flood risk, water resources, downstream water quality, instream and riparian ecology, amenity value of the river, and wetland greenhouse gas emissions were considered. Provided the major influence of macrophytes on instream and riparian environments is fully understood then the manipulation of macrophytes represents an effective management tool that demonstrates the great potential of working with nature

    Deterministic dual control of phase competition in strained BiFeO3 : a multiparametric structural lithography approach

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    UK Research and Innovation, MR/T043172/1, Raymond G. P. McQuaid; Department for Employment and Learning, Northern Ireland, USI-082, Amit Kumar; Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, EP/S037179/1, Amit Kumar; EP/L015323/01, Nathan Black.The realization of a mixed-phase microstructure in strained BiFeO3 (BFO) thin films has led to numerous novel effects derived from the coexistence of the tetragonal-like monoclinic phase (T phase) and rhombohedral-like monoclinic phase (R phase). Strong strain and polarization differences between the phases should result in a high level of transformation plasticity, which enables the continuous alteration of the relative proportion of R and T states in response to external forces. Although the potential for utilizing such plasticity to control mixed-phase populations under external stimuli is evident, direct experimental evidence backed by equilibrium predictions has not yet been fully demonstrated. Here we demonstrate deterministic control of mixed-phase populations in an epitaxially strained BFO thin film through the application of localized stresses and electric fields in a reversible manner. The results illustrate and rationalize deterministic control of mixed phases in strained BFO films, which could be crucial in tuning their functional properties. The findings also highlight a new multiparametric technique in the scanning probe lithography toolbox based on tip-assisted electric and strain field manipulation of functional properties that might find application beyond the ferroelectric domain and structural phase lithography.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Interactions between fine-grained sediment delivery, river bed deposition and salmonid spawning success

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    Salmonids clean river bed gravels to lay their eggs. However, during the incubation period fine sediment infiltrates the bed. This has been found to limit the success of salmonid spawning, as fine sediment reduces gravel permeability resulting in intra-gravel flow velocities and O2 concentrations decreasing. The success of salmonid spawning is therefore a function of the coincidence of fine sediment delivery and the development of the salmonid eggs. The presence of fine sediment also exerts sub-lethal effects on the rate of egg development with a negative feedback slowing and extending the incubation process meaning the eggs are in the gravels for longer and susceptible to more potential sediment delivery events. The SIDO (Sediment Intrusion and Dissolved Oxygen)-UK model is a physically-based numerical model which simulates the effect of fine sediment deposition on the abiotic characteristics of the salmonid redd, along with the consequences for egg development and survival. This model is used to investigate the interactions and feedbacks between the timing and concentrations of suspended sediment delivery events, and the deposition of fine sediment within the gravel bed, and the consequences of this on the rate of egg development and survival. The model simulations suggest that egg survival is highly sensitive to suspended sediment concentrations, particularly to changes in the supply rate of sand particles. The magnitude, frequency and specific timing of sediment delivery events effects egg survival rates. The modelling framework is also used to investigate the impact of the rate of gravel infilling by sediment
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