73 research outputs found

    Study of the Influences of a High School Career Exploration Program on the Adult Professional Lives of Former Program Participants

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    This phenomenological study documented the influences of a high school career exploration program, Experience-Based Career Education (E.B.C.E.), on the professional lives of nine adults who are former program participants. E.B.C.E. was an experiencebased, student-centered program that helped students develop long-term career goals and then reassessed those goals based on community-based, externship experiences. The findings in this study indicate that the utilization of John Dewey’s experiencebased, student-centered philosophy, the basis for E.B.C.E., effectively enhanced the learning process. The study\u27s data, which was gathered exclusively through an Internet focus group session and follow-up email questions, documented the long-term influence of E.B.C.E. on program participants at Ellen Martin High School, a school that admitted only honors students in a large city in the South. E.B.C.E. participants from Ellen Martin High School participated in the Program for the last two years of high school. Program participants discovered their career interests and researched their career options while learning job skills and life skills during their junior year of E.B.C.E. Their non-paid externships, during their senior year of E.B.C.E., helped students learn how they might fit into the adult work world. Study participants developed life guides/philosophies, such as the importance of responsibility, commitment, dedication, and hard work. Adult mentors played an important role in the lives of the E.B.C.E. students, both personally and professionally and several study participants have maintained contact with their former E.B.C.E. mentors. These mentoring experiences helped E.B.C.E. participants develop a sense of confidence about their abilities in the adult world. They have maintained this sense of confidence in their present profession. Most of the study\u27s participants experienced flow, a condition linking high challenges to feelings of enjoyment, self-worth, and ongoing development, based on their successfully meeting challenges. Some of these challenges were purposely placed in the paths of students to test them while they participated in E.B.C.E. The positive feelings about overcoming challenges, in the adult work world led E.B.C.E. students to seek higher level challenges and this recursively upward pattern of seeking higher challenges has led them to continue seeking higher challenges in their professional lives

    Study of the Influences of a High School Career Exploration Program on the Adult Professional Lives of Former Program Participants

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    This phenomenological study documented the influences of a high school career exploration program, Experience-Based Career Education (E.B.C.E.), on the professional lives of nine adults who are former program participants. E.B.C.E. was an experiencebased, student-centered program that helped students develop long-term career goals and then reassessed those goals based on community-based, externship experiences. The findings in this study indicate that the utilization of John Dewey’s experiencebased, student-centered philosophy, the basis for E.B.C.E., effectively enhanced the learning process. The study\u27s data, which was gathered exclusively through an Internet focus group session and follow-up email questions, documented the long-term influence of E.B.C.E. on program participants at Ellen Martin High School, a school that admitted only honors students in a large city in the South. E.B.C.E. participants from Ellen Martin High School participated in the Program for the last two years of high school. Program participants discovered their career interests and researched their career options while learning job skills and life skills during their junior year of E.B.C.E. Their non-paid externships, during their senior year of E.B.C.E., helped students learn how they might fit into the adult work world. Study participants developed life guides/philosophies, such as the importance of responsibility, commitment, dedication, and hard work. Adult mentors played an important role in the lives of the E.B.C.E. students, both personally and professionally and several study participants have maintained contact with their former E.B.C.E. mentors. These mentoring experiences helped E.B.C.E. participants develop a sense of confidence about their abilities in the adult world. They have maintained this sense of confidence in their present profession. Most of the study\u27s participants experienced flow, a condition linking high challenges to feelings of enjoyment, self-worth, and ongoing development, based on their successfully meeting challenges. Some of these challenges were purposely placed in the paths of students to test them while they participated in E.B.C.E. The positive feelings about overcoming challenges, in the adult work world led E.B.C.E. students to seek higher level challenges and this recursively upward pattern of seeking higher challenges has led them to continue seeking higher challenges in their professional lives

    Benchmarks for Detecting Measurement Tampering

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    When training powerful AI systems to perform complex tasks, it may be challenging to provide training signals which are robust to optimization. One concern is \textit{measurement tampering}, where the AI system manipulates multiple measurements to create the illusion of good results instead of achieving the desired outcome. In this work, we build four new text-based datasets to evaluate measurement tampering detection techniques on large language models. Concretely, given sets of text inputs and measurements aimed at determining if some outcome occurred, as well as a base model able to accurately predict measurements, the goal is to determine if examples where all measurements indicate the outcome occurred actually had the outcome occur, or if this was caused by measurement tampering. We demonstrate techniques that outperform simple baselines on most datasets, but don't achieve maximum performance. We believe there is significant room for improvement for both techniques and datasets, and we are excited for future work tackling measurement tampering.Comment: Edits: extended and improved appendices, fixed references, figures, and typo

    Des Cantons-de-l’Est à l’Estrie

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    Les auteurs reprennent, dans l'oeuvre de Blanchard, les chapitres sur les Cantons-de-l'Est et en font la mise à jour. La physiographie de même que l'évolution glaciaire et post-glaciaire du milieu physique sont dorénavant mieux connues. L'agriculture se caractérise par l'élevage et la production laitière, le bois demeurant une activité d'appoint. Le développement récent a été influencé par les transports routiers, successeurs du transport ferroviaire. La structure industrielle repose toujours sur les secteurs traditionnels que sont le bois, l'amiante et le textile auxquels se sont ajoutées récemment les industries de micro-technologies. Le tourisme est dorénavant considéré comme l'industrie la plus prometteuse. L'Estrie est-elle encore cette sublime région du Québec que dépeint le dithyrambe de Blanchard ?The authors review and bring up to date the information pertaining to the Eastern Townships in Blanchard's work. With present day knowledge, the physical milieu is more fully understood, particularly the glacial and post-glacial periods. Cattle, pig and milk production are the mainstays of the agriculture industry, while wood cutting is on the decline. Road transportation has supplanted railroads as a main factor in the area's recent development. The main industrial sector is still identified to wood transformation, asbestos mining and textile production; these old industries are being gradually replaced by smaller ones dealing with micro-technologies. Tourism is now an important sector of economic activity. Are the Eastern Townships still that idyllic area of Québec that Blanchard presented in his work

    Triggered massive-star formation on the borders of Galactic HII regions. IV- Star formation at the periphery of Sh2-212

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    Aims: We wish to establish whether sequential star formation is taking place at the periphery of the Galactic HII region Sh2-212. Methods: We present CO millimetre observations of this region obtained at the IRAM 30-m telescope to investigate the distribution of associated molecular material. We also use deep JHK observations obtained at the CFHT to study the stellar content of the region, and radio observations obtained at the VLA to look for the presence of an ultra-compact (UC) HII region and for maser emission. Results: In the optical, Sh2-212 is spherically symmetric around its central exciting cluster. This HII region is located along a molecular filament. A thin, well-defined half ring of molecular material surrounds the brightest part of the HII region at the rear and is fragmented. The most massive fragment (~200 solar masses) contains a massive young stellar object displaying a near-IR excess; its spectral energy distribution indicates a high-mass (~14solar masses), high-temperature (~30000K), and high-luminosity (~17000 solar luminosities) source. This object ionizes a UC HII region. Conclusions: Sh2-212 is a good example of massive-star formation triggered via the collect and collapse process. The massive YSO observed at its periphery is a good candidate for a massive star formed in isolation.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures. To be published in A&

    A phylogeny-aware GWAS framework to correct for heritable pathogen effects on infectious disease traits.

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    Infectious diseases are particularly challenging for genome-wide association studies (GWAS) because genetic effects from two organisms (pathogen and host) can influence a trait. Traditional GWAS assume individual samples are independent observations. However, pathogen effects on a trait can be heritable from donor to recipient in transmission chains. Thus, residuals in GWAS association tests for host genetic effects may not be independent due to shared pathogen ancestry. We propose a new method to estimate and remove heritable pathogen effects on a trait based on the pathogen phylogeny prior to host GWAS, thus restoring independence of samples. In simulations, we show this additional step can increase GWAS power to detect truly associated host variants when pathogen effects are highly heritable, with strong phylogenetic correlations. We applied our framework to data from two different host-pathogen systems, HIV in humans and X. arboricola in A. thaliana. In both systems, the heritability and thus phylogenetic correlations turn out to be low enough such that qualitative results of GWAS do not change when accounting for the pathogen shared ancestry through a correction step. This means that previous GWAS results applied to these two systems should not be biased due to shared pathogen ancestry. In summary, our framework provides additional information on the evolutionary dynamics of traits in pathogen populations and may improve GWAS if pathogen effects are highly phylogenetically correlated amongst individuals in a cohort

    A Phylogeny-aware GWAS Framework to Correct for Heritable Pathogen Effects on Infectious Disease Traits

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    Infectious diseases are particularly challenging for genome-wide association studies (GWAS) because genetic effects from two organisms (pathogen and host) can influence a trait. Traditional GWAS assume individual samples are independent observations. However, pathogen effects on a trait can be heritable from donor to recipient in transmission chains. Thus, residuals in GWAS association tests for host genetic effects may not be independent due to shared pathogen ancestry. We propose a new method to estimate and remove heritable pathogen effects on a trait based on the pathogen phylogeny prior to host GWAS, thus restoring independence of samples. In simulations, we show this additional step can increase GWAS power to detect truly associated host variants when pathogen effects are highly heritable, with strong phylogenetic correlations. We applied our framework to data from two different host-pathogen systems, HIV in humans and X. arboricola in A. thaliana. In both systems, the heritability and thus phylogenetic correlations turn out to be low enough such that qualitative results of GWAS do not change when accounting for the pathogen shared ancestry through a correction step. This means that previous GWAS results applied to these two systems should not be biased due to shared pathogen ancestry. In summary, our framework provides additional information on the evolutionary dynamics of traits in pathogen populations and may improve GWAS if pathogen effects are highly phylogenetically correlated amongst individuals in a cohort

    Novel study design to assess the utility of the copd assessment test in a primary care setting

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    The quality of a consultation provided by a physician can have a profound impact on the quality of care and patient engagement in treatment decisions. When the COPD Assessment Test (CAT) was developed, one of its aims was to aid the communication between physician and patient about the impact of COPD. We developed a novel study design to assess this in a primary care consultation. Primary care physicians across five countries in Europe conducted videoed consultations with six standardised COPD patients (played by trained actors) which had patient-specific issues that the physician needed to identify through questioning. Half the physicians saw the patients with the completed CAT, and half without. Independent assessors scored the physicians on their ability to identify and address the patient-specific issues, review standard COPD aspects, their understanding of the case and their overall performance. This novel study design presented many challenges which needed to be addressed to achieve an acceptable level of robustness to assess the utility of the CAT. This paper discusses these challenges and the measures adopted to eliminate or minimise their impact on the study results