187 research outputs found

    Alien Registration- Nadeau, Marie Anne A. (Lewiston, Androscoggin County)

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    Les quinze ans du théâtre Le Clou : portrait d'une compagnie de théâtre de création pour adolescents, dans le contexte du théâtre pour l'enfance et la jeunesse au Québec de 1989 à 2004

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    Cette recherche a pour objectif d'étudier la situation du théâtre de création pour adolescents au Québec. Pour ce faire, nous relaterons d'abord l'histoire de cette pratique en relation avec celle du théâtre pour l'enfance et la jeunesse en général. Du théâtre purement divertissant au théâtre de création contemporain en passant par le didactisme et l'animation théâtrale, le théâtre pour enfants, puis pour la jeunesse, a joué plusieurs rôles et pris différentes formes. Nous développerons ensuite sur le parcours de la compagnie la plus significative dans le milieu du théâtre de création pour adolescents: le Théâtre Le Clou. Actif depuis 1989, le Théâtre Le Clou cherche à intéresser et bousculer le public adolescent en lui proposant une forme artistique nouvelle et branchée dans le présent. Suite à cette étude de cas, nous analyserons la situation actuelle et proposerons des moyens pour améliorer les conditions de pratique des compagnies qui souhaitent présenter leurs créations aux jeunes de 12 à 17ans. Nous croyons que le théâtre de création pour adolescents au Québec ne se développera pas davantage dans les prochaines années sans que de grands changements ne soient opérés dans le financement et la gestion des centres de diffusion de la province. La sensibilisation des enseignants, des diffuseurs, des parents et de la population en général est également nécessaire pour permettre aux adolescents d'entrer plus facilement en contact avec le théâtre de création et les arts en général. Un débat public sur la place de la culture dans notre société serait souhaitable. Notre étude a démontré que malgré les efforts des compagnies spécialisées et de certains diffuseurs, le contact avec les écoles secondaires reste difficile. Les compagnies de théâtre qui s'intéressent au public adolescent doivent être persévérantes et ingénieuses pour survivre dans un marché où les budgets des écoles pour les sorties culturelles sont minimes, voire inexistants. Selon nous, ce qui importe c'est que les jeunes aient accès régulièrement à une diversité de propositions artistiques de qualité, présentées dans des lieux adaptés. Dans le répertoire comme dans la création, l'art doit continuer d'exister pour ce qu'il est, sans redevenir un outil pédagogique. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Théâtre, Jeunesse, Adolescents, Adolescence, Théâtre Le Clou

    Contents of α-tocopherol and β-carotene in grasses and legumes harvested at different maturities

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    Concentrations of α-tocopherol and β-carotene in forage species at various maturities were studied in Scandinavia. Red clover (RC)/timothy (TI), RC/meadow fescue (MF), and birdsfoot trefoil (BT)/TI mixtures were grown in Skara and Umeå, Sweden. RC/TI,RC/perennial ryegrass (PR), white clover/PR and BT/TI were grown in Foulum, Denmark. Forages in Sweden were cut one week before heading (BH), at heading and one week after heading of TI. The regrowth was cut six and eight weeks after each harvest in the spring growth cycle. In Denmark, one first harvest and three regrowths were taken. Results from Skara and Foulum are presented. Highest concentrations of α-tocopherol and β-carotene (mg kg-1 DM) in legumes were found in BT grown in Skara (49.8 and 69.6 in spring growth cycle,48.1 and 79.8 in regrowth) and in Foulum (81.3 and 89.2). MF had more α-tocopherol and β-carotene than TI in the spring growth cycle (73.5 and 54.2 vs. 46.9 and 43.0 mg kg-1 DM). Highest concentrations of vitamins in the regrowth were found six weeks after BH with 71.8 and 104.8 mg α-tocopherol and 99.6 and 73.1 mg β-carotene kg-1 DM in legumes and grasses,respectively

    PhytoMilk - Open seminar

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    Programme for open seminar for the PhytoMilk project held at Studentersamfundet, UMB, Ă…s, Norway, 23 June 201

    Equine nutrition: a survey of perceptions and practices of horse owners undertaking a massive open online course in equine nutrition

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    An online survey was designed to ascertain the following information: demographics, current feeding practices, and perceptions and knowledge of equine nutrition, including nutrition-related disorders. Response rate was 34% (6,538 respondents). More than 80% of respondents were horse owners or caretakers, with the majority owning between one and five horses (75%) aged 5 years and older (74%). Most kept their horses for pleasure (54%), with 33% using them mostly for competition and 13% using them for an equal mix of both pleasure and competition. Concentrates were fed by the majority (87%), and more than 70% stated that their horses had some access to pasture. Over half of respondents (60%) regularly monitored their horses' weight, with most doing this monthly. Weight tapes were most commonly used (62%), although many reported to guess the weight of their horse(s) with very few (5%) using weight scales. Under half (46%) stated that they regularly used body condition scoring (BCS), many did not use BCS at all (24%), and some did not know what BCS was (10%). Of those that did use BCS, most (36%) did this monthly, with others weekly (25%), daily (14%), and when they remembered (15%). Overall knowledge of nutrition was reported by most as average (median, 3 on Likert scale—average); however, respondents were less knowledgeable on the management of nutrition-related disorders

    Le musée Soulages à Rodez

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    Compte-rendu de visite d’Anne Nadeau Trente-cinq ans après les deux premières expositions consacrées à Pierre Soulages en 1979, l’une personnelle, l’autre collective, le musée Soulages est inauguré le 31 mai dernier. Déjà représenté dans près de quatre-vingt-dix musées, celui de Rodez réunit la plus grande collection au monde d’œuvres du maître de l’outrenoir grâce aux deux donations exceptionnelles de Pierre et Colette Soulages en 2005 puis en 2009 faites à la communauté d’agglomération du G..

    Adipose tissue attenuation and adipocyte size

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    Objective: To assess the ability of CT-derived measurements including adipose tissue attenuation and area to predict fat cell hypertrophy and related cardiometabolic risk. Methods: Abdominal adipose tissue areas and radiologic attenuation were assessed using 4 CT images in 241 women (age: 47 years, BMI: 26.5 kg/m2). Fat cell weight was measured in paired VAT and SAT samples. Fasting plasma lipids, glucose and insulin levels were measured. Results: Adipose tissue attenuation was negatively correlated with SAT (r=-0.46) and VAT (r=-0.67) fat cell weight in the corresponding depot (p<0.0001 for both). Women with visceral adipocyte hypertrophy had higher total-, VLDL-, LDL- and HDL-triglyceride and apoB levels as well as a higher cholesterol/HDL-cholesterol ratio, fasting glucose and insulin levels compared to women with smaller visceral adipocytes. Adjustment for VAT area minimized these differences while subsequent adjustment for attenuation eliminated all differences, with the exception of fasting glycaemia. In SAT, adjustment for VAT area and attenuation eliminated all adipocyte hypertrophy-related alterations except for fasting hyperglycaemia. Conclusion: CT-derived adipose tissue attenuation and area both contribute to explain variation in the cardiometabolic risk profile associated with the same biological parameter: visceral fat cell hypertrophy

    Variations an α-Tocopherol and β-Carotene Concentrations in Forage Legumes and Grasses Harvested at Different Sites and Maturity Stages

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    Forage is a major source of natural α-tocopherol and β-carotene for dairy cows. This study examined vitamin concentrations of birdsfoot trefoil (Bft), red clover (Rc), timothy (Ti) and meadow fescue (Mf) at different sites, years and cutting dates. Mixtures of Bft+Ti, Rc+Ti and Rc+Mf were established at Skara (58°21’N; 13°08’E) and Umeå (63°45’N; 20°17’E) in Sweden. First-year leys were cut on three occasions in spring (Umeå 2005, Skara 2005 and 2007); one week before heading of timothy, at heading and one week after heading. Birdsfoot trefoil had higher α-tocopherol concentration at Skara than at Umeå in the first two cuts in 2005 (66 vs. 27 and 50 vs. 36 mg/kg DM, respectively) and had generally higher concentration than Rc. α-Tocopherol concentrations of Bft and Rc were 32 vs. 17 and 50 vs. 25 mg/kg DM at Umeå and Skara 2005, respectively, averaged over cuts. At Skara, α-tocopherol concentration decreased with later cutting date of Bft and grasses (P \u3c 0.01). Birdsfoot trefoil had higher β-carotene concentration at Skara than at Umeå in 2005 (70 vs. 55 mg/kg DM) and higher concentration than Rc at Skara, when averaged over cuts (70 vs. 46 mg/kg DM in 2005 and 82 vs. 52 in 2007; P = 0.037). Grasses had higher α-tocopherol and β-carotene concentrations at Skara than at Umeå in 2005, when averaged over cuts (56 vs. 33 and 46 vs. 23 mg/kg DM; P \u3c 0.001). Interactions between site, species and cutting date affected α-tocopherol and β-carotene concentrations in forages

    Quelles influences ont les programmes et les formateurs sur les attitudes des futures enseignantes envers les élèves ayant des difficultés comportementales ?

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    Inclusive education is not always positively experienced by teachers of students with behavioural difficulties (DC); the use of certain practices would be particularly harmful to their success (Payne, 2015). These practices would be associated with teachers’ attitudes, which in turn would be influenced by the training received (Kim, 2011). Based on the tripartite model and a series of regressions, this article examines the attitudes of 1491 preservice teachers and explores the influence of teaching training programs. The results show that these programs positively influence the components of attitude, although the explained variance remains low. Keywords: teacher training, students with emotional and behavioural difficulties, preservice teachers, university trainers, field mentor, mainstreamingL’éducation inclusive n’est pas toujours vécue positivement par les futures enseignantes d’élèves en difficulté de comportement (DC) ; le recours à certaines pratiques serait notamment nuisible à leur réussite (Payne, 2015). Ces pratiques sont associées aux attitudes entretenues par les enseignantes, qui seraient à leur tour influencées par la formation reçue (Kim, 2011). En s’appuyant sur le modèle tripartite et une série de régressions, cet article examine les attitudes de 1 491 futures enseignantes et explore l’influence des programmes de formation initiale à l’enseignement sur celles-ci. Les résultats révèlent que ces programmes influencent positivement les composantes de l’attitude, bien que la variance expliquée demeure faible. Mots-clés : programme de formation à l’enseignement, élèves, difficultés comportementales, futures enseignantes, formatrices et formateurs universitaires, enseignantes associées, classe ordinair
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