434 research outputs found

    Mycolic acid as antigen or analyte in tuberculosis

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    Tuberculosis has become one of the world’s most devastating diseases, with more than two million deaths and eight million new cases occurring annually due to the development of drug-resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the breakdown of the immune system of its host by HIV, lapses in public health programmes and the fact that diagnosis of TB is not 100% reliable. Early, affordable, unsophisticated and accurate diagnosis of TB to facilitate timely and proper treatment has become of highest priority to public health. Mycolic acid (MA) is the major lipid cell wall component of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and is unique to mycobacteria and closely aligned genera. Mycolic acids have been shown to be unique antigens for TB diagnosis and have been utilized in standard serodiagnostic techniques, but sensitivity and specificity was found to be unsatisfactory. Two vastly different techniques were investigated in this study – one making use of antibodies and MA, the other, just MA and its unique physical properties of interaction with other MA using fluorescently labelled MA. In the first approach, Sepharose protein-A was employed to trap patient IgG antibodies. The anti-MA antibodies were then quantified by probing with liposomes containing fluorescently labelled MA. Although it generally worked well, a few false –positive and –negative results were obtained. This assay appeared to be more accurate than the standard ELISA immunoassay but it is more labour intensive and not even remotely as amenable to large-scale screening and automation as ELISA. The second approach is based on the release of fluorescent MA from immobilized liposomes on glass by means of the specific attraction that MA in test liposomes or TB patient serum was perceived to have on the immobilized MA. The end-point measured was the remaining fluorescent MA on the surface. Differences were observed between the control and patients’ sera at a very high dilution but not between the HIV negative, TB positive and HIV positive, TB positive patients. This was merely an exploratory investigation and more work still needs to be done before the test is ready for validation with large numbers of serum samples. If subsequent studies confirm these findings, then this concept may be converted into a simple, rapid and affordable TB diagnostic test or be used in combination with the IAsys affinity biosensor to provide a more thorough diagnosisDissertation (MSc (Biochemistry))--University of Pretoria, 2009.Biochemistryunrestricte

    Correlação clínica (escore de Apgar), ácido-básica e enzimática (ATPase Na+-K+) ao nascimento : determinação do ácido láctico, ATP e eletrólitos intra e extraeritrocitários no sangue do cordão umbilical

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    Orientador: Noboro MiasakiDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em PediatriaInclui anexosResumo: O escore de Apgar foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar a necessidade ou não de ressuscitação. Seu uso indiscriminado levou ao diagnóstico de asfixia, enquanto este diagnóstico requer evidência de hipercapnia, hipóxia e acidose. O escore de Apgar isoladamente é insuficiente para o diagnóstico de asfixia pois pode ser influenciado por fatores como prematuridade, baixo peso ao nascimento, uso de anestésicos, manuseio obstétrico e pediátrico, além da liberação de catecolaminas pelo próprio sofrimento fetal aumentando a pontuação no escore. Bioquimicamente, situações diversas podem acontecer. Na acidose maternogênica ou transfusional, a produção de ácido láctico é realizada pela mãe, especialmente no segundo estágio do trabalho de parto pelas musculaturas esquelética e uterina. Na acidose de origem fetal, a produção de ácido láctico se inicia com a diminuição da oferta de oxigênio e metabolismo anaeróbio gerado pelo feto. Existe ainda a ocorrência de acidose fisiológica no feto durante o processo do parto, caracterizado por interrupções frequentes no fluxo placentário durante as contrações uterinas. Com o objetivo de avaliar a condição de nascimento foi realizado a correlação entre o estudo acido-básico materno-fétal, o escore de Apgar e o comportamento da ATPase Na+-K+ dependente, principal componente da Bomba de sódio, responsável por aproximadamente 70% do fluxo de cátions. Os exames foram realizados em 41 recém-nascidos á termo, no sangue do cordão umbilical, coletado imediatamente após o nascimento, após duplo clampeamento. A média de peso de nascimento da população de estudo foi de 3178 ± 486g e de idade gestacional, 30,91 ± 0,98 semanas. Trinta casos (73,17%) tiveram Apgar no I o minuto > 7 e 11 (26,83%) 7,25) em 17 casos, pré-acidose (jpH entre 7,20 e 7,24) em 8 e com acidose (pH 7 apresentaram pré-acidose ou acidose. De acordo com a diferença de pH e BE materno-artéria umbilical, os casos de acidose foram subdivididos em: acidose fetal (diferença de BE > 6 e de pH > 0,15) em 10 casos (62,5%) e acidose maternogênica (diferença de BE < 6 e de pH < 0,15) em 6 casos (37,5%). Com acidose de origem fetal, 50% dos casos apresentaram Apgar no Io rninuto < 3 enquanto na acidose maternogênica o menor Apgar de Io minuto foi igual a 7 em 33% dos casos. Todos os casos com Apgar de 5o minuto igual a 7 pertenciam ao grupo com acidose fetal. A ATPase, especificamente a ATPase Ouabaína-sensivel, è responsável pelo gradiente de Na+ e K+ intra e extracelular e, portanto, pela manutenção do volume celular normal. A liberação de catecolaminas, sob acidose e hipóxia, estimula a troca Na+-H+, trocando um Na+ externo por ura próton interno. O resultado é a captação simultânea de Na+ e C1" com edema celular. A hipóxia determina ainda perda de K+ pela célula. Há então ativação da Bomba de sódio na tentativa de corrigir o desequilíbrio eletrolítico, extruindo íon Na+ e captando íon K+. Predominou em toda a amostra, independente da presença ou não de acidose ou hipóxia, Na+ intíaeritrocitário elevado (69,69%), Na+ extraeritrocitário diminuído (85,71%), K+ intraeritrocitário diminuído (63,63%) e K+ extraeritrocitário elevado (62,85%), compatível com inibição da ATPase Ouabaína-sensivel, que esteve diminuída em todos os casos. Entretanto, com acidose de origem fetal, a diminuição da ATPase Ouabaína-sensivel esteve entre 50-100% do limite inferior normal, enquanto na maternogênica esta diminuição não ultrapassou 50% do mesmo limite. Embora a inibição enzimática verificada em toda a amostra esteja provavelmente relacionada à inibição fisiológica determinada pela circulação de uma substância "like-ouabaina" produzida pela unidade feto-placentaria, houve maior inibição da ATPase na acidose de origem fetal, reflexo do verdadeiro sofrimento fetal. No recém-nascido deprimido de qualquer idade gestacional, a avaliação acido-básica maternofetal é indispensável para o diagnóstico da condição de nascimento e da causa da depressão neonatal. No recém-nascido à termo, vigoroso, também esta avaliação è necessária, já que em 50% dos casos houve pré-acidose ou acidose. Esta avaliação é fundamental para o diagnóstico real da condição de nascimento e para permitir possíveis avaliações neuropsicomotoras futuras relacionadas a acidem ia neonatal. A determinação da Bomba de sódio deve merecer maior atenção como marcador do edema celular na asifixia perinatal

    La soledad de las mujeres mayores que viven solas

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    España está entre los países más envejecidos del mundo y así como ocurre en otros países, los datos muestran una feminización del proceso de envejecimiento poblacional. Investigaciones recientes indican la preferencia de los españoles mayores por vivir en sus propias viviendas frente a mudarse a la casa de sus familiares o ser institucionalizados. A raíz de estos cambios sociodemográficos, se viene notando una creciente tendencia de los hogares unipersonales encabezados por personas mayores. Al ser más longevas, las mujeres tienen más probabilidad de vivir solas durante más años que los varones mayores. Desde el modelo de discrepancia cognitiva, la soledad es una sensación desagradable resultante de una discrepancia entre los niveles de contacto social deseado y la realidad que la persona ha logrado conquistar. Por lo tanto, la experiencia de soledad depende de una valoración subjetiva de la persona sobre sus relaciones sociales. Según Weiss (1983), hay dos tipos de soledad. La soledad del aislamiento emocional es la respuesta subjetiva a la falta de una figura generalizada de apego; la soledad del aislamiento social resulta de la pérdida de roles sociales (viudedad, jubilación, etc.) y la consecuente pérdida de contacto con las personas con quienes uno compartía sus preocupaciones. A más edad aumenta la probabilidad de que uno esté o viva solo debido a eventos normativos y comunes en la fase más avanzada de la vida, pero eso no significa que todas las personas mayores que están o que viven solas se sientan solas. Los grupos de mayor riesgo de sentirse solos son: mujeres, personas más mayores, sin una pareja confidente, que viven solos, con niveles más bajos de estudios y de ingresos económicos. Además, se ha detectado una importante asociación negativa de la soledad con la percepción de apoyo social recibido por las personas mayores. El objetivo general del estudio fue identificar la prevalencia del sentimiento de soledad y los factores que influyen en los sentimientos de soledad en mujeres mayores de 60 años. El estudio tuvo un diseño de metodología cuantitativa transversal. Los criterios de inclusión fueron: género femenino, tener 60 o más años de edad, vivir solas en la ciudad de Valencia y ser usuarias de un servicio privado de teleasistencia. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 267 mujeres, con edad media de 82,76 años (DT = 4,74). Se utilizó un instrumento compuesto por cuestionarios y escalas validadas, que fue aplicado a través de encuestas telefónicas. Se midieron variables sociodemográficas, conocimiento y uso de servicios de apoyo social formal, salud percibida, movilidad en el espacio de vida, frecuencia de contacto con la familia, satisfacción con la vida, tamaño de la red social y aislamiento social. Para evaluar la presencia y la intensidad de los sentimientos de soledad, se utilizó la de Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale. Los resultados del estudio muestran que efectivamente la soledad está más presente en el colectivo entrevistado que en otros grupos de personas mayores. Se ha comprobado que las características sociodemográficas juegan un papel menos importante que las variables psicosociales a la hora de explicar la varianza de soledad. Se confirmaron fuertes asociaciones entre la soledad y la salud, el tamaño de la red social, la frecuencia de contacto con los familiares y la satisfacción con la vida. Por lo tanto, concluimos que estas son condiciones claves que contribuyen al aumento o la disminución de sentimientos de soledad en mujeres mayores que viven solas.Spain is among the most aged countries in the world and in the same way that happens in other countries, data shows a feminization of the population aging process. Recent studies indicate that the Spanish older adults prefer to live in their own homes instead of moving to the house of a relative or being institutionalized. Due to these sociodemographic changes, an increasing trend of unipersonal homes headed by older people is been observed. As women live longer, they have higher chances of living alone during more years than older men. According to the cognitive discrepancy model, loneliness is a unpleasant feeling that results from a discrepancy between the levels of desired social contact and the reality achieved by a person. Therefore, the experience of loneliness depends on a subjective evaluation about a person's social relationships. According to Weiss (1983), there are two types of loneliness. The emotional loneliness is the subjective response to the lack of a general attach figure; the social loneliness results from the loss of social roles (widowhood, retirement, etc.) and the resulting loss of contact with people with whom one used to share their worries. At older ages it is more likely that one becomes or lives alone due to normative events that are common in later life, but this does not mean that all older adults who are or who live alone feel lonely. The group of people who are at higher risk of feeling lonely are: women, older people, without a confident partner, who live alone, with lower education level and less income. Moreover, an important negative association between loneliness and perceived social support has been detected in older adults. The general aim of this study was to identify the prevalence of feelings of loneliness and the factors that influence these feelings in women aged 60 or older. The study had a quantitative and cross-sectional methodology design. The inclusion criteria were: female gender, being 60 years old or older, living alone in the city of Valencia and being users of a private teleassistance service. The sample was composed of 267 women, with a mean age of 82,76 years old (SD = 4,74). A measuring instrument composed of questionnaires and scales was used, applied through telephone interviews. Measures included sociodemographic variables, knowledge and use of formal social support services, perceived health, life-space mobility, frequency of contact with family members, satisfaction with life, social network size and social isolation. In order to measure the presence and the intensity of feelings of loneliness, the de Jong Gierveld Loneliness Scale was used. The results of the study show that loneliness is in fact more prevalent among the sample of people that were interviewed than in other groups of older adults. Sociodemographic characteristics were identified as playing a less important role than psychosocial variables in explanning the variance of loneliness. Strong associations between loneliness and health, social network size, frequency of contact with family members, and satisfaction with life were confirmed. Therefore, we conclude that these are key conditions that contribute for increasing or decreasing the feelings of loneliness in older women who live alone

    Development and evaluation of a two-step multiplex TaqMan real-time PCR assay for detection/quantification of different genospecies of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato

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    Nowadays, at least four clinically important B. burgdorferi sensu lato (s.l.) genospecies (B. afzelii, B. garinii, B. burgdorferi sensu stricto (s.s.) and B. lusitaniae) circulate in Portugal. Each genospecies has a different tropism that resuls in a diverse array of clinical manifestations. The standard diagnostic procedure used is normally simple, nevertheless, during the “window-period” phase, in which specific antibodies cannot yet be detected, diagnosis becomes difficult, and calls for reliable, sensitive and specific laboratory methods, such as molecular tests. The aim of this study was to develop and evaluate a multiplex TaqMan real-time PCR assay to infer the presence of B. burgdorferi s.l. genospecies in clinical and vector-derived samples. The assay consists of two steps: (i) a first duplex real-time PCR targeting both flaB of B. burgdorferi s.l., and an internal control (18S rDNA for tick samples or the mammal β-actin gene for clinical samples); and (ii) a second tetraplex real-time PCR targeting the flaB gene of B. afzelii, B. garinii, B. burgdorferi s.s. and B. lusitaniae. The first step revealed a high specificity and sensitivity, allowing the detection of as low as 20 genome equivalents (GE) of B. burgdorferi s.l. from isolated cultures, clinical samples and ticks. The second step revealed high specificity, but a slightly lower sensitivity (2×102 GE) for detection of B. afzelii, B. garinii, B. burgdorferi s.s. and B. lusitaniae in purified DNA extracts, and particularly when testing cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples. Nonetheless, both real-time PCR protocols were developed to be applied at the beginning of the infection, to improve early diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis (LB), where detection of Borrelia should not rely on the use of CSF samples. The assay here described is of special interest for the analysis of both environmental and clinical samples, being advantageous in the former phase screening of Lyme borreliosis, when the efficiency of serologically based diagnoses may be seriously compromised

    Star Wars - an episodes battle

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    Mlodinow (2008) proposed a crazy market experiment: to release the same film under two titles: Star Wars: Episode A and Star Wars: Episode B. Their marketing campaigns and distribution schedule are identical except by their titles on trailers and ads. He looks at the first 20,000 moviegoers and record the film they choose to see. He claims it is most probable the lead never changes, and it is 88 times more likely that one of the two films will be int the lead through all 20,000 customers than it is that the lead continuously seesaw. We present a detailed mathematical explanation for Mlodinow claims

    Bacterial and protozoal agents of feline vector-borne diseases in domestic and stray cats from southern Portugal

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    Background: Feline vector-borne diseases (FVBD) have emerged in recent years, showing a wider geographic distribution and increased global prevalence. In addition to their veterinary importance, domestic cats play a central role in the transmission cycles of some FVBD agents by acting as reservoirs and sentinels, a circumstance that requires a One Health approach. The aim of the present work was to molecularly detect feline vector-borne bacteria and protozoa with veterinary and zoonotic importance, and to assess associated risk factors in cats from southern Portugal. Methods: Six hundred and forty-nine cats (320 domestic and 329 stray), from veterinary medical centres and animal shelters in southern Portugal, were studied. Anaplasma spp./Ehrlichia spp., Babesia spp., Bartonella spp., Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, Hepatozoon spp. and Leishmania spp. infections were evaluated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in blood samples. Results: One hundred and ninety-four (29.9%) cats were PCR-positive to at least one of the tested genera or complex of FVBD agents. Sixty-four (9.9%) cats were positive to Leishmania spp., 56 (8.6%) to Hepatozoon spp., 43 (6.6%) to Babesia spp., 35 (5.4%) to Anaplasma spp./Ehrlichia spp., 19 (2.9%) to Bartonella spp. and 14 (2.2%) to B. burgdorferi s.l. Thirty-three (5.1%) cats were positive to two (n = 29) or three (n = 4) genera/complex. Babesia vogeli, Bartonella clarridgeiae, Bartonella henselae, Ehrlichia canis, Hepatozoon felis and Leishmania infantum were identified by DNA sequencing. Conclusions: The occurrence of FVBD agents in southern Portugal, some of them with zoonotic character, emphasizes the need to alert the veterinary community, owners and public health authorities for the risk of infection. Control measures should be implemented to prevent the infection of cats, other vertebrate hosts and people.Centro de Malaria e outras Doencas Tropicais, IHMT-UNL, Portugal; EU [FP7-261504 EDENext]; Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia, Ministerio da Educacao e Ciencia, Portugal [SFRH/BPD/44082/2008, SFRH/BD/78325/2011]; Bayer HealthCare-Animal Health divisio

    International Meeting 40 years of the 1980 Azores Earthquake, 6th - 7th October 2020 - Conference Report

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    The main goal of the International Meeting “40 Years of the 1980 Azores Earthquake” was promoting a reflection of the earthquake of January 1st, 1980, and the advances since them on topics like seismology, seismic hazard, and risk, building rehabilitation and public policies. Nevertheless, due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the organizing committee decided that the meeting should be online and re- arrange the strategy, reduce the scientific program, and canceled the social one. The scientific program had five sessions, with six keynotes, 16 presentations, round table beyond the opening ceremony. All the sessions were live-streamed and available at https://azores4080meeting.wordpress.com as well as the proceedings and program. Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade dos Açores and Universidade de Évora handled the organization of the conference

    Extended Health Insurance for Post-Secondary Students: Limited Support for Students with Mental Health Problems

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    Almost half of young adults aged 19 to 25 years old have experienced a psychiatric disorder in the last 12 months. A majority of post-secondary institutions offer extended health plans that cover common health services that students may require. Coverage for medication is usually adequate to cover common mental health problems. However, coverage for psychotherapy or counseling is usually very limited and not adequate to provide for students experiencing common problems such as anxiety or depression. Given the high level of mental health concerns in post-secondary institutions, it is important for campuses to develop comprehensive mental health strategies.York’s Knowledge Mobilization Unit provides services and funding for faculty, graduate students, and community organizations seeking to maximize the impact of academic research and expertise on public policy, social programming, and professional practice. It is supported by SSHRC and CIHR grants, and by the Office of the Vice-President Research & Innovation. [email protected] www.researchimpact.c

    Clínica e cirurgia de animais de companhia: cistite idiopática felina

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    O presente relatório de estágio foi elaborado após estágio curricular para conclusão do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária, pela Universidade de Évora, realizado no Hospital Veterinário Muralha de Évora, desde 15 de Outubro de 2012 até 15 de Maio de 2013. O relatório divide-se na apresentação estatística da casuística observada durante o estágio, na monografia sobre cistite idiopática felina e na exposição de um caso clínico sobre este mesmo tema. O presente trabalho visa explorar o que se conhece até à data acerca da doença, os fatores que a predispõem, a fisiopatologia e as técnicas diagnósticas possíveis. Para além disso, visa averiguar as vantagens da associação “comensalista” da abordagem terapêutica farmacológica/alimentar com a modificação e enriquecimento ambiental como formas de prevenção. Conjuntamente, o trabalho assume a perspetiva de sugerir uma possível abordagem médico-veterinária da doença e a conduta para com os proprietários; ABSTRACT: COMPANION ANIMAL PRACTICE AND SURGERY - FELINE IDIOPATHIC CYSTITIS This internship report was made after traineeship for completion of the Master’s Degree in Veterinary Medicine from the Universidade de Évora, held at the Hospital Veterinário Muralha de Évora, located in Évora, Portugal, from 15 October 2012 until 15 May 2013. The report is divided essentially in the statistical presentation of the casuistry observed during the traineeship, the monograph about feline idiopathic cystitis and the exposure of a case on the same subject. In this context, this paper aims to explore what is known until today about the disease, factors that predispose, its pathophysiology and possible diagnostic techniques. In addition, it aims to find out the advantages of the “commensal” association of drug / food therapeutic approach with the modification and environmental enrichment as a means of prevention. This work takes the perspective of suggesting a possible medical and veterinary management of the disease and the conduit to the owners