2,110 research outputs found

    Accumulation, localization, and compartmentation of transforming growth factor beta during endochondral bone development.

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    Endochondral bone formation was induced in postnatal rats by implantation of demineralized rat bone matrix. Corresponding control tissue was generated by implanting inactive extracted bone matrix, which did not induce bone formation. At various times, implants were removed and sequentially extracted with guanidine hydrochloride, and then EDTA and guanidine hydrochloride. Transforming growth factor beta (TGF beta) in the extracts was quantitated by a radioreceptor assay. TGF beta was present in demineralized bone matrix before implantation, and the concentration had decreased by 1 d after implantation. Thereafter, TGF beta was undetectable by radioreceptor assay until day 9. From day 9-21 the TGF beta was extracted only after EDTA demineralization, indicating tight association with the mineralized matrix. During this time, the content of TGF beta per milligram soluble protein rose steadily and remained high through day 21. This increased concentration correlated with the onset of vascularization and calcification of cartilage. TGF beta was detected only between days 3-9 in the controls; i.e., non-bone-forming implants. Immunolocalization of TGF beta in bone-forming implants revealed staining of inflammatory cells at early times, followed later by staining of chondrocytes in calcifying cartilage and staining of osteoblasts. The most intense staining of TGF beta was found in calcified cartilage and mineralized bone matrix, again indicating preferential compartmentalization of TGF beta in the mineral phase. In contrast to the delayed expression of TGF beta protein, northern blot analysis showed TGF beta mRNA in implants throughout the sequence of bone formation. The time-dependent accumulation of TGF beta when cartilage is being replaced by bone in this in vivo model of bone formation suggests that TGF beta may play a role in the regulation of ossification during endochondral bone development

    Development of an open-ended microstrip stub apparatus and technique for the dielectric characterization of powders

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    A new apparatus and method to characterize the complex dielectric permittivity of powders is described. The apparatus and technique are used to determine the dielectric properties of detergent powder agglomerates at different conditions. The technique is based on the measurement of Scattering-parameters of an open circuit microstrip stub partly loaded with the test powder material. The scattering parameters relate the voltage waves incident on the ports of a microwave network to those reflected from the ports and can easily be measured with a vector network analyzer. A 3D finite element electromagnetic field simulation tool HFSS (High frequency structural simulator) is used to replicate the measured S-parameters and then extract the complex permittivity data from it. The method has been verified by measuring the dielectric properties of disks of known dielectric materials – specifically Duriod 5880 and Teflon. Results are in good agreement with manufacturer data sheets. The complex permittivity of a range of detergent powder agglomerates with different moisture levels, at ambient and elevated temperatures, has been determined using this technique. Results are consistent with predictions of how the water interacts with the different components of the detergent particles at these different conditions

    How important is sexual isolation to speciation?

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    K.L.S. was supported by Cornell University and the U.S. NSF during this project. C.R.C was supported by a Natural Environment Research Council Independent Research Fellowship (NE/T01105X/1). T.C.M. is supported by U.S. NSF 2026334. M.G.R. is supported by the Natural Environment Research Council (UK, NE/V001566/1).A central role for sexual isolation in the formation of new species and establishment of species boundaries has been noticed since Darwin and is frequently emphasized in the modern literature on speciation. However, an objective evaluation of when and how sexual isolation plays a role in speciation has been carried out in few taxa. We discuss three approaches for assessing the importance of sexual isolation relative to other reproductive barriers, including the relative evolutionary rate of sexual trait differentiation, the relative strength of sexual isolation in sympatry, and the role of sexual isolation in the long-term persistence of diverging forms. First, we evaluate evidence as to whether sexual isolation evolves faster than other reproductive barriers during the early stages of divergence. Second, we discuss available evidence as to whether sexual isolation is as strong or stronger than other barriers between closely related sympatric species. Finally, we consider the effect of sexual isolation on long-term species persistence, relative to other reproductive barriers. We highlight challenges to our knowledge of and opportunities to improve upon our understanding of sexual isolation from different phases of the speciation process.Peer reviewe

    Prospective object search in dogs: mixed evidence for knowledge of What and Where

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    We investigated whether two dogs that had been specially trained to retrieve objects by their names were able to integrate information about the identity (What) as well as the location (Where) of those objects so that they could plan their search accordingly. In a first study, two sets of objects were placed in two separate rooms and subjects were asked to retrieve the objects, one after the other. Both dogs remembered the identity of the objects as they reliably retrieved the correct objects. One of the dogs was also able to integrate information about the object’s location as he chose the correct location in which the object had been placed. Further investigation of the second dog’s behavior revealed that she followed a more stereotyped search strategy. Despite this variation in performance, this study provides evidence for the memory of What and Where in a domestic dog and shows the prospective use of such information in a search task

    Sampling constrained probability distributions using Spherical Augmentation

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    Statistical models with constrained probability distributions are abundant in machine learning. Some examples include regression models with norm constraints (e.g., Lasso), probit, many copula models, and latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA). Bayesian inference involving probability distributions confined to constrained domains could be quite challenging for commonly used sampling algorithms. In this paper, we propose a novel augmentation technique that handles a wide range of constraints by mapping the constrained domain to a sphere in the augmented space. By moving freely on the surface of this sphere, sampling algorithms handle constraints implicitly and generate proposals that remain within boundaries when mapped back to the original space. Our proposed method, called {Spherical Augmentation}, provides a mathematically natural and computationally efficient framework for sampling from constrained probability distributions. We show the advantages of our method over state-of-the-art sampling algorithms, such as exact Hamiltonian Monte Carlo, using several examples including truncated Gaussian distributions, Bayesian Lasso, Bayesian bridge regression, reconstruction of quantized stationary Gaussian process, and LDA for topic modeling.Comment: 41 pages, 13 figure

    Molecular Aggregation of L-isoleucine in Aqueous Solution and its Impact on the Determination of Solubility and Nucleation Kinetics

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    Comparison between the solubility of L-Isoleucine as measured using gravimetric and dissolution methods reveals significant differences which is consistent with the presence of solute aggregation in solution. Calculation of the critical aggregation concentration confirms this analysis revealing this concentration to lie between the two measured solubility values suggesting the existence of a stability zone roughly defined by the temperature/concentration range of 40°C/33g/L to 75°C/42g/L in which a mixture of free and aggregated molecules under the slurried conditions appear to exist. Dynamic light scattering result reveals that the aggregate size lies within the range of 40-170 nm. The potential impact of relying on the measurement of solubility using gravimetric data based on solution isolation of the slurried state for such systems is highlighted through a comparison of the values of representative crystallization parameters such as metastable zone width (MSZW) and nucleation kinetics as determined using solubilities derived from both methodologies. Reduction in solution pH in the aggregated molecular state is consistent with the aggregates being formed from neutral species suggesting, in turn, that this compound might crystallize via a 2-step nucleation process. This research suggests that caution should be exercised when using solubility data derived from gravimetric measurements particularly for amphiphilic molecules where solute ordering in solution might be expected

    The structure of the PapD-PapGII pilin complex reveals an open and flexible P5 pocket

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    P pili are hairlike polymeric structures that mediate binding of uropathogenic Escherichia coli to the surface of the kidney via the PapG adhesin at their tips. PapG is composed of two domains: a lectin domain at the tip of the pilus followed by a pilin domain that comprises the initial polymerizing subunit of the 1,000-plus-subunit heteropolymeric pilus fiber. Prior to assembly, periplasmic pilin domains bind to a chaperone, PapD. PapD mediates donor strand complementation, in which a beta strand of PapD temporarily completes the pilin domain's fold, preventing premature, nonproductive interactions with other pilin subunits and facilitating subunit folding. Chaperone-subunit complexes are delivered to the outer membrane usher where donor strand exchange (DSE) replaces PapD's donated beta strand with an amino-terminal extension on the next incoming pilin subunit. This occurs via a zip-in-zip-out mechanism that initiates at a relatively accessible hydrophobic space termed the P5 pocket on the terminally incorporated pilus subunit. Here, we solve the structure of PapD in complex with the pilin domain of isoform II of PapG (PapGIIp). Our data revealed that PapGIIp adopts an immunoglobulin fold with a missing seventh strand, complemented in parallel by the G1 PapD strand, typical of pilin subunits. Comparisons with other chaperone-pilin complexes indicated that the interactive surfaces are highly conserved. Interestingly, the PapGIIp P5 pocket was in an open conformation, which, as molecular dynamics simulations revealed, switches between an open and a closed conformation due to the flexibility of the surrounding loops. Our study reveals the structural details of the DSE mechanism

    How does gender influence the recognition of cardiovascular risk and adherence to self-care recommendations? : a study in polish primary care

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    Background: Studies have shown a correlation between gender and an ability to change lifestyle to reduce the risk of disease. However, the results of these studies are ambiguous, especially where a healthy lifestyle is concerned. Additionally, health behaviors are strongly modified by culture and the environment. Psychological factors also substantially affect engagement with disease-related lifestyle interventions. This study aimed to examine whether there are differences between men and women in the frequency of health care behavior for the purpose of reducing cardiovascular risk (CVR), as well as cognitive appraisal of this type of risk. We also aimed to identify the psychological predictors of engaging in recommended behavior for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease after providing information about this risk in men and women. Methods: A total of 134 consecutive eligible patients in a family practice entered a longitudinal study. At initial consultation, the individual’s CVR and associated health burden was examined, and preventive measures were recommended by the physician. Self-care behavior, cognitive appraisal of risk, and coping styles were then assessed using psychological questionnaires. Six months after the initial data collection, the frequency of subjects’ self-care behavior was examined. Results: We found an increase in health care behavior after providing information regarding the rate of CVR in both sexes; this increase was greater for women than for men. Women followed self-care guidelines more often than men, particularly for preventive measures and dietary advice. Women were more inclined to recognize their CVR as a challenge. Coping style, cognitive appraisal, age, level of health behaviors at baseline and CVR values accounted for 48% of the variance in adherence to self-care guidelines in women and it was 52% in men. In women, total risk of CVD values were most important, while in men, cognitive appraisal of harm/loss was most important. Conclusions: Different predictors of acquisition of health behavior are encountered in men and women. Our results suggest that gender-adjusted motivation models influencing the recognition process need to be considered to optimize compliance in patients with CVR