2,650 research outputs found

    How I Do It: High Flow, Non-invasive ventilation and Awake (non-intubation) Proning in Covid-19 Patients with Respiratory Failure.

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic will be remembered for the rapidity with which it spread, the morbidity and mortality associated with it, and the paucity of evidence-based management guidelines. One of the major concerns of hospitals was to limit spread of infection to health-care workers. Because the virus is spread mainly by respiratory droplets and aerosolized particles, procedures that may potentially disperse viral particles, the so-called “aerosol-generating procedures” were avoided whenever possible. Included in this category were noninvasive ventilation (NIV), high-flow nasal cannula (HFNC), and awake (nonintubated) proning. Accordingly, at many health-care facilities, patients who had increasing oxygen requirements were emergently intubated and mechanically ventilated to avoid exposure to aerosol-generating procedures. With experience, physicians realized that mortality of invasively ventilated patients was high and it was not easy to extubate many of these patients. This raised the concern that HFNC and NIV were being underutilized to avoid intubation and to facilitate extubation. In this article, we attempt to separate fact from fiction and perception from reality pertaining to the aerosol dispersion with NIV, HFNC, and awake proning. We describe precautions that hospitals and health-care providers must take to mitigate risks with these devices. Finally, we take a practical approach in describing how we use the three techniques, including the common indications, contraindications, and practical aspects of application

    Biochemical, physiological and psychological changes during endurance exercise in people with type 1 diabetes.

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    BACKGROUND: Increasing numbers of people with diabetes are adopting exercise programs. Fear of hypoglycemia, hypoglycemia itself, and injuries are major issues for many people with diabetes undertaking physical activity. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of type 1 diabetes mellitus on the risk of hypoglycemia, glycemic variability, exercise performance, changes in body composition, changes in insulin dosage, and psychosocial well-being during a multiday endurance exercise event. METHODS: Eleven participants (7 with type 1 diabetes, 4 with normal glucose tolerance) undertook a 15-day, 2300 km cycling tour from Barcelona to Vienna. Data were prospectively collected using bike computers, continuous glucose monitors, body composition analyzers, and mood questionnaires. RESULTS: Mean blood glucose in riders with and without diabetes significantly reduced as the event progressed. Glycemic variability and time spent in hypoglycemia did not change throughout the ride for either set of riders. Riders with diabetes in the lowest quartile of sensor glucose values had significantly reduced power output. Percentage body fat also significantly fell. Hypo- and hyperglycemia provoked feelings of anxiety and worry. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study to describe a real-time endurance event in type 1 diabetes, and provides important new data that cannot be studied in laboratory conditions. Hypoglycemia continues to occurs in spite of peer support and large reductions in insulin dose. Glycemic variability is shown as a potential barrier to participation in physical activity through effects on mood and psychological well-being

    Post transition metal substituted Keggin POMs as thin film chemiresistive sensors for H2O and CO2 detection

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    Chemiresitive sensing allows the affordable and facile detection of small molecules such as H2O and CO2. Herein, we report a novel class of earth abundant post transition metal substituted Keggin polyoxometalates (POMs) for chemiresistive sensing applications, with conductivies up to 0.01 S cm-1 under 100% CO2 and 65% Relative Humidity (RH)

    The validity and reliability of observational assessment tools available to measure fundamental movement skills in school-age children: A systematic review

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    Background Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) play a critical role in ontogenesis. Many children have insufficient FMS, highlighting the need for universal screening in schools. There are many observational FMS assessment tools, but their psychometric properties are not readily accessible. A systematic review was therefore undertaken to compile evidence of the validity and reliability of observational FMS assessments, to evaluate their suitability for screening. Methods A pre-search of ‘fundamental movement skills’ OR ‘fundamental motor skills’ in seven online databases (PubMed, Ovid MEDLINE, Ovid Embase, EBSCO CINAHL, EBSCO SPORTDiscus, Ovid PsycINFO and Web of Science) identified 24 assessment tools for school-aged children that: (i) assess FMS; (ii) measure actual motor competence and (iii) evaluate performance on a standard battery of tasks. Studies were subsequently identified that: (a) used these tools; (b) quantified validity or reliability and (c) sampled school-aged children. Study quality was assessed using COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments (COSMIN) checklists. Results Ninety studies were included following the screening of 1863 articles. Twenty-one assessment tools had limited or no evidence to support their psychometric properties. The Test of Gross Motor Development (TGMD, n = 34) and the Movement Assessment Battery for Children (MABC, n = 37) were the most researched tools. Studies consistently reported good evidence for validity, reliability for the TGMD, whilst only 64% of studies reported similarly promising results for the MABC. Twelve studies found good evidence for the reliability and validity of the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency but poor study quality appeared to inflate results. Considering all assessment tools, those with promising psychometric properties often measured limited aspects of validity/reliability, and/or had limited feasibility for large scale deployment in a school-setting. Conclusion There is insufficient evidence to justify the use of any observational FMS assessment tools for universal screening in schools, in their current form

    Proton Pump Inhibitors in the Management of Tachypnoea following Panproctocolectomy: A Case of High Output Ileostomy

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    High output ileostomies are important complications of stoma formation following bowel surgery. Adequate management of such stomas might prevent severe morbidity and mortality when this potentially fatal complication develops. In this case report, we describe a female patient with a recent ileostomy formation following panproctocolectomy for ulcerative colitis who presented with progressively increasing shortness of breath. The patient was found to have a hypochloraemic metabolic acidosis on arterial blood gases. She rapidly improved with adequate sodium and fluid replacement and with the use of a course of proton pump inhibitors. This case highlights the importance of recognising high output ileostomies early and important management issues in their regard

    The balancing act between high electronic and low ionic transport influenced by perovskite grain boundaries

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    \ua9 2024 The Royal Society of Chemistry.A better understanding of the materials\u27 fundamental physical processes is necessary to push hybrid perovskite photovoltaic devices towards their theoretical limits. The role of the perovskite grain boundaries is essential to optimise the system thoroughly. The influence of the perovskite grain size and crystal orientation on physical properties and their resulting photovoltaic performance is examined. We develop a novel, straightforward synthesis approach that yields crystals of a similar size but allows the tuning of their orientation to either the (200) or (002) facet alignment parallel to the substrate by manipulating dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) and tetrahydrothiophene-1-oxide (THTO) ratios. This decouples crystal orientation from grain size, allowing the study of charge carrier mobility, found to be improved with larger grain sizes, highlighting the importance of minimising crystal disorder to achieve efficient devices. However, devices incorporating crystals with the (200) facet exhibit an s-shape in the current density-voltage curve when standard scan rates are used, which typically signals an energetic interfacial barrier. Using the drift-diffusion simulations, we attribute this to slower-moving ions (mobility of 0.37 7 10-10 cm2 V-1 s-1) in combination with a lower density of mobile ions. This counterintuitive result highlights that reducing ion migration does not necessarily minimise hysteresis

    The racist bodily imaginary: the image of the body-in-pieces in (post)apartheid culture

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    This paper outlines a reoccurring motif within the racist imaginary of (post)apartheid culture: the black body-in-pieces. This disturbing visual idiom is approached from three conceptual perspectives. By linking ideas prevalent in Frantz Fanon’s description of colonial racism with psychoanalytic concepts such as Lacan’s notion of the corps morcelĂ©, the paper offers, firstly, an account of the black body-in-pieces as fantasmatic preoccupation of the (post)apartheid imaginary. The role of such images is approached, secondly, through the lens of affect theory which eschews a representational ‘reading’ of such images in favour of attention to their asignifying intensities and the role they play in effectively constituting such bodies. Lastly, Judith Butler’s discussion of war photography and the conditions of grievability introduces an ethical dimension to the discussion and helps draw attention to the unsavory relations of enjoyment occasioned by such images

    Do female association preferences predict the likelihood of reproduction?

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    Sexual selection acting on male traits through female mate choice is commonly inferred from female association preferences in dichotomous mate choice experiments. However, there are surprisingly few empirical demonstrations that such association preferences predict the likelihood of females reproducing with a particular male. This information is essential to confirm association preferences as good predictors of mate choice. We used green swordtails (<i>Xiphophorus helleri</i>) to test whether association preferences predict the likelihood of a female reproducing with a male. Females were tested for a preference for long- or short-sworded males in a standard dichotomous choice experiment and then allowed free access to either their preferred or non-preferred male. If females subsequently failed to produce fry, they were provided a second unfamiliar male with similar sword length to the first male. Females were more likely to reproduce with preferred than non-preferred males, but for those that reproduced, neither the status (preferred/non-preferred) nor the sword length (long/short) of the male had an effect on brood size or relative investment in growth by the female. There was no overall preference based on sword length in this study, but male sword length did affect likelihood of reproduction, with females more likely to reproduce with long- than short-sworded males (independent of preference for such males in earlier choice tests). These results suggest that female association preferences are good indicators of female mate choice but that ornament characteristics of the male are also important
