287 research outputs found

    Effect of THI on milk coagulation properties of Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle

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    ABSTRACT The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of temperature-humidity index (THI) on the milk coagulation properties of Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle from northeast part of Italy. A total of 592 individual milk samples from six dairy herds were evaluated. The milk coagulation properties traits analysed were milk rennet coagulation time and curd firmness, as well as the fat, protein, and casein contents, pH, milk aptitude to coagulate (IAC), and the somatic cell count. The THI was determined during the periods of sample collection. The THI results showed that values of up to 75 did not significantly change the IAC values; however, when the THI values were above 75, the IAC decreased significantly. The control of THI can be used to guarantee appropriate milk coagulation properties

    The contribution of mitochondria to age-related skeletal muscle wasting: A sex-specific perspective

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    As people age, their skeletal muscle (SkM) experiences a decline in mitochondrial functionality and density, which leads to decreased energy production and increased generation of reactive oxygen species. This cascade of events, in turn, might determine the loss of SkM mass, strength and quality. Even though the mitochondrial processes dysregulated by aging, such as oxidative phosphorylation, mitophagy, antioxidant defenses and mtDNA transcription, are the same in both sexes, mitochondria age differently in the SkM of men and women. Indeed, the onset and magnitude of the impairment of these processes seem to be influenced by sex-specific factors. Sexual hormones play a pivotal role in the regulation of SkM mass through both genomic and non-genomic mechanisms. However, the precise mechanisms by which these hormones regulate mitochondrial plasticity in SkM are not fully understood. Although the presence of estrogen receptors in mitochondria is recognized, it remains unclear whether androgen receptors affect mitochondrial function. This comprehensive review critically dissects the current knowledge on the interplay of sex in the aging of SkM, focusing on the role of sex hormones and the corresponding signaling pathways in shaping mitochondrial plasticity. Improved knowledge on the sex dimorphism of mitochondrial aging may lead to sex-tailored interventions that target mitochondrial health, which could be effective in slowing or preventing age-related muscle loss

    Meniscal tears: comparison of the conventional spin-echo and fast spin-echo techniques through image processing

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    Background: Conventional spin-echo (PD-CSE) and fast spin-echo (PD-FSE) techniques are frequently used to detect meniscal tears. However, the time delay for imaging with PD-CSE has resulted in its replacement with faster techniques, such as proton density fast spin-echo (PD-FSE), which has become a frequent tool at most diagnostic centres. Qualitative analysis shows that the PD-CSE technique is more sensitive, but other authors have not found significant differences between the aforementioned techniques. Therefore, we performed a quantitative analysis in this study that aims to measure differences in the quality of the images obtained with both techniques.Methods: We compared the PD-CSE and PD-FSE techniques by quantitatively analysing the obtained proton density images: the area shown, as well as the brightness and lesion contrast of the obtained image. A set of 100 images from 50 patients thought to contain meniscal tears of the knee were selected. These 100 images were obtained from all individuals using both the PD-CSE and PD-FSE techniques. the images were processed using software developed in Delphi. in addition to these quantifications, three physicians, who are specialists in radiology and capable of analysing magnetic resonance (MR) images of the musculoskeletal system, qualitatively analysed the diagnostic sensitivity of both techniques.Results: On average, samples obtained via the PD-CSE technique contained 22% more pixels in the lesion area. the contrast differed by 28%, and the brightness differed by 31%. the two techniques were correlated using Student's t-test, which showed a statistically significant difference. the specialists detected meniscal tears in 30 of the images obtained via the PD-CSE technique, while only 72% of these cases were detected via the PD-FSE technique.Conclusions: the PD-CSE technique was shown to be superior to PD-FSE for all of the evaluated properties, making its selection preferable.FAEP (Fundacao de Amparo a Ensino e Pesquisa) from Universidade de Mogi das CruzesUniv Mogi das Cruzes, Nucleo Pesquisas Tecnol, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Diagnost Imagem EPM, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Diagnost Imagem EPM, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc


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    The present study aimed to verify the influence of the enzymatic preparations Ultrazym®AFP-L and Panzym®YieldMASH over the yield and chemical quality of apple juice. The process was optimised according to two parameters: temperature and enzyme concentration in a one hour-long run. The results of physical and chemical analysis were further submitted to multivariate statistical procedure aimed at pattern recognition. The exploratory and classificatory modeling discriminated the samples with 100 % correlation. The results of the experimental factorial design pointed to enzyme concentration as being the main factor that increased the yield. The concomitant observation of data using Principal Component Analisys (PCA) exploratory tools showed the tendency to separate the control samples according to higher content of phenolic compounds, glucose, pH and colour; the Ultrazym® AFP-L samples according to total acidity; and the Panzym®YieldMASH samples according to higher sugar content. It was concluded that the utilization of industrial enzymes in apple processing increases the yield of juice and decreases the amount of pomace


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    A Formação Araçatuba abriga rochas essencialmente pelíticas de ambiente lacustre, pertencentes à Bacia Bauru (Cretáceo Superior), com ocorrências no centro-oeste do estado de São Paulo. Diversos trabalhos já foram realizados sobre esta formação nas regiões de vales dos rios Tietê, Aguapeí (ou Feio) e do Peixe, com enfoques estratigráficos e sedimentológicos. Levantamentos prospectivos recentes de argila para suprir o setor de cerâmica vermelha no oeste do estado permitiram a identificação de afloramentos pelíticos desta unidade no vale do Rio Santo Anastácio. Através da descrição de seções colunares e análise de fácies, foram identificados três ambientes deposicionais (lacustre, fluvial efêmero e eólico), cuja sedimentação ocorreu em clima árido e semi-árido. O ambiente lacustre recebia esporadicamente sedimentos de rios efêmeros e fluxos de lama em períodos de chuvas torrenciais, sendo colmatado por depósito eólicos (dunas e ripples) nos períodos de seca. As análises laboratoriais de caracterização cerâmica mostraram resultados satisfatórios para uso dos horizontes pelíticos como matéria-prima para fabricação de produtos de cerâmica vermelha

    milk coagulation properties and methods of detection

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    ABSTRACT: One of the most crucial steps in cheesemaking is the coagulation process, and knowledge of the parameters involved in the clotting process plays an important technological role in the dairy industry. Milk of different ruminant species vary in terms of their coagulation capacities because they are influenced by the milk composition and mainly by the milk protein genetic variants. The milk coagulation capacity can be measured by means of mechanical and/or optical devices, such as Lactodynamographic Analysis and Near-Infrared and Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy

    Caracterização morfológica do fruto, semente, fases da germinação e plântula de Ocotea paranaensis

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    Ocotea paranaensis is a low frequency species in the Atlantic Forest and presents occurrence records only in the state of Paraná. The present study aimed at describing and illustrating the fruit and seed morphology, germination stages and seedling of Ocotea paranaensis. The fruits used in this study were collected from 5 mother trees in Laurace State Park, Adrianópolis, PR. For the fruit and seed description and illustration, 50 random samples were analyzed. To monitor the germination stages and seedling development, 5 replicates with 10 seeds each were placed in vermiculite, and then put to germinate in a Biomatic germinator at 30 °C. The fruit is an indehiscent drupe, with coloration varying from bright green to black, with thin, hairless, smooth and shiny epicarp, quite thick, fleshy mesocarp, and smooth, coriaceous endocarp. The seed is exalbuminous, round, with smooth, membranous, with brown integument. The embryo is axial, convex flatenned of pink coloration. Germination started on the eighth day and went on up to the sixtieth day after the test was initiated. The seedling is hypogeal, cryptocotylar, presenting cylindrical epicotyl with bright green cataphylls and simple alternate protophylls, with acute apex, cuneate leaf base and light green color. The aspects described and illustrated in this study were proven to be reliable for the species identification in nurseries and also for natural regeneration studies.Ocotea paranaensis é uma espécie de baixa frequência na Mata Atlântica com registros de ocorrência apenas no estado do Paraná. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo descrever e ilustrar a morfologia de fruto e semente, fases da germinação e plântula de Ocotea paranaensis. Os frutos foram coletados em cinco matrizes no Parque Estadual das Lauráceas, Adrianópolis, PR. Para a descrição e ilustração do fruto e da semente foram analisadas 50 amostras. Para acompanhar as fases da germinação e o desenvolvimento da plântula, cinco repetições de 10 sementes foram colocadas em substrato vermiculita e postas em germinador Biomatic, a 30 ºC. O fruto é do tipo drupa, indeiscente, verde-claro a preto, epicarpo fino, glabro, liso, brilhante, mesocarpo carnoso, bastante espesso e endocarpo liso, coriáceo. A semente é exalbuminosa, globosa, tegumento liso, membranáceo, coloração castanho. O embrião é axial, plano-convexo, de coloração rosada. A germinação iniciou-se no 8º dia se estendendo até o 60º dia após a instalação do teste, sendo a plântula hipógea, criptocotiledonar, epicótilo cilíndrico com catáfilos verde-claro e protofilos simples, alternos, ápice agudo, base cuneada e coloração verde-claro. Os aspectos descritos e ilustrados mostraram-se confiáveis para a identificação da espécie em viveiros e em estudos de regeneração natural

    Characterization of the radiative impact of aerosols on CO₂ and energy fluxes in the Amazon deforestation arch using artificial neural networks

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    In vegetation canopies with complex architectures, diffuse solar radiation can enhance carbon assimilation through photosynthesis because isotropic light is able to reach deeper layers of the canopy. Although this effect has been studied in the past decade, the mechanisms and impacts of this enhancement over South America remain poorly understood. Over the Amazon deforestation arch large amounts of aerosols are released into the atmosphere due to biomass burning, which provides an ideal scenario for further investigation of this phenomenon in the presence of canopies with complex architecture. In this paper, the relation of aerosol optical depth and surface fluxes of mass and energy are evaluated over three study sites with artificial neural networks and radiative transfer modeling. Results indicate a significant effect of the aerosol on the flux of carbon dioxide between the vegetation and the atmosphere, as well as on energy exchange, including that surface fluxes are sensitive to second-order radiative impacts of aerosols on temperature, humidity, and friction velocity. CO₂ exchanges increased in the presence of aerosol in up to 55 % in sites with complex canopy architecture. A decrease of approximately 12 % was observed for a site with shorter vegetation. Energy fluxes were negatively impacted by aerosols over all study sites