813 research outputs found

    Direct observation of incommensurate magnetism in Hubbard chains

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    The interplay between magnetism and doping is at the origin of exotic strongly correlated electronic phases and can lead to novel forms of magnetic ordering. One example is the emergence of incommensurate spin-density waves with a wave vector that does not match the reciprocal lattice. In one dimension this effect is a hallmark of Luttinger liquid theory, which also describes the low energy physics of the Hubbard model. Here we use a quantum simulator based on ultracold fermions in an optical lattice to directly observe such incommensurate spin correlations in doped and spin-imbalanced Hubbard chains using fully spin and density resolved quantum gas microscopy. Doping is found to induce a linear change of the spin-density wave vector in excellent agreement with Luttinger theory predictions. For non-zero polarization we observe a decrease of the wave vector with magnetization as expected from the Heisenberg model in a magnetic field. We trace the microscopic origin of these incommensurate correlations to holes, doublons and excess spins which act as delocalized domain walls for the antiferromagnetic order. Finally, when inducing interchain coupling we observe fundamentally different spin correlations around doublons indicating the formation of a magnetic polaron

    The use of Raman spectroscopy to differentiate between different prostatic adenocarcinoma cell lines

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    Raman spectroscopy (RS) is an optical technique that provides an objective method of pathological diagnosis based on the molecular composition of tissue. Studies have shown that the technique can accurately identify and grade prostatic adenocarcinoma (CaP) in vitro. This study aimed to determine whether RS was able to differentiate between CaP cell lines of varying degrees of biological aggressiveness. Raman spectra were measured from two well-differentiated, androgen-sensitive cell lines (LNCaP and PCa 2b) and two poorly differentiated, androgen-insensitive cell lines (DU145 and PC 3). Principal component analysis was used to study the molecular differences that exist between cell lines and, in conjunction with linear discriminant analysis, was applied to 200 spectra to construct a diagnostic algorithm capable of differentiating between the different cell lines. The algorithm was able to identify the cell line of each individual cell with an overall sensitivity of 98% and a specificity of 99%. The results further demonstrate the ability of RS to differentiate between CaP samples of varying biological aggressiveness. RS shows promise for application in the diagnosis and grading of CaP in clinical practise as well as providing molecular information on CaP samples in a research setting

    A Biological Model for Influenza Transmission: Pandemic Planning Implications of Asymptomatic Infection and Immunity

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    Background: The clinical attack rate of influenza is influenced by prior immunity and mixing patterns in the host population, and also by the proportion of infections that are asymptomatic. This complexity makes it difficult to directly estimate R0 from the attack rate, contributing to uncertainty in epidemiological models to guide pandemic planning. We have modelled multiple wave outbreaks of influenza from different populations to allow for changing immunity and asymptomatic infection and to make inferences about R0. \ud \ud Data and Methods. On the island of Tristan da Cunha (TdC), 96% of residents reported illness during an H3N2 outbreak in 1971, compared with only 25% of RAF personnel in military camps during the 1918 H1N1 pandemic. Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) methods were used to estimate model parameter distributions. \ud \ud Findings. We estimated that most islanders on TdC were non-immune (susceptible) before the first wave, and that almost all exposures of susceptible persons caused symptoms. The median R0 of 6.4 (95% credibility interval 3.7–10.7) implied that most islanders were exposed twice, although only a minority became ill in the second wave because of temporary protection following the first wave. In contrast, only 51% of RAF personnel were susceptible before the first wave, and only 38% of exposed susceptibles reported symptoms. R0 in this population was also lower [2.9 (2.3–4.3)], suggesting reduced viral transmission in a partially immune population. \ud \ud Interpretation: Our model implies that the RAF population was partially protected before the summer pandemic wave of 1918, arguably because of prior exposure to interpandemic influenza. Without such protection, each symptomatic case of influenza would transmit to between 2 and 10 new cases, with incidence initially doubling every 1–2 days. Containment of a novel virus could be more difficult than hitherto supposed

    Modeling influenza epidemics and pandemics: insights into the future of swine flu (H1N1)

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    Here we present a review of the literature of influenza modeling studies, and discuss how these models can provide insights into the future of the currently circulating novel strain of influenza A (H1N1), formerly known as swine flu. We discuss how the feasibility of controlling an epidemic critically depends on the value of the Basic Reproduction Number (R0). The R0 for novel influenza A (H1N1) has recently been estimated to be between 1.4 and 1.6. This value is below values of R0 estimated for the 1918–1919 pandemic strain (mean R0~2: range 1.4 to 2.8) and is comparable to R0 values estimated for seasonal strains of influenza (mean R0 1.3: range 0.9 to 2.1). By reviewing results from previous modeling studies we conclude it is theoretically possible that a pandemic of H1N1 could be contained. However it may not be feasible, even in resource-rich countries, to achieve the necessary levels of vaccination and treatment for control. As a recent modeling study has shown, a global cooperative strategy will be essential in order to control a pandemic. This strategy will require resource-rich countries to share their vaccines and antivirals with resource-constrained and resource-poor countries. We conclude our review by discussing the necessity of developing new biologically complex models. We suggest that these models should simultaneously track the transmission dynamics of multiple strains of influenza in bird, pig and human populations. Such models could be critical for identifying effective new interventions, and informing pandemic preparedness planning. Finally, we show that by modeling cross-species transmission it may be possible to predict the emergence of pandemic strains of influenza

    Application of ecological momentary assessment in stress-related diseases

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    Many physical diseases have been reported to be associated with psychosocial factors. In these diseases, assessment relies mainly on subjective symptoms in natural settings. Therefore, it is important to assess symptoms and/or relationships between psychosocial factors and symptoms in natural settings. Symptoms are usually assessed by self-report when patients visit their doctors. However, self-report by recall has an intrinsic problem; "recall bias". Recently, ecological momentary assessment (EMA) has been proposed as a reliable method to assess and record events and subjective symptoms as well as physiological and behavioral variables in natural settings. Although EMA is a useful method to assess stress-related diseases, it has not been fully acknowledged, especially by clinicians. Therefore, the present brief review introduces the application and future direction of EMA for the assessment and intervention for stress-related diseases

    Pharmacologic targeting of renal ischemia-reperfusion injury using a normothermic machine perfusion platform.

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    Normothermic machine perfusion (NMP) is an emerging modality for kidney preservation prior to transplantation. NMP may allow directed pharmacomodulation of renal ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) without the need for systemic donor/recipient therapies. Three proven anti-IRI agents not in widespread clinical use, CD47-blocking antibody (αCD47Ab), soluble complement receptor 1 (sCR1), and recombinant thrombomodulin (rTM), were compared in a murine model of kidney IRI. The most effective agent was then utilized in a custom NMP circuit for the treatment of isolated porcine kidneys, ascertaining the impact of the drug on perfusion and IRI-related parameters. αCD47Ab conferred the greatest protection against IRI in mice after 24 hours. αCD47Ab was therefore chosen as the candidate agent for addition to the NMP circuit. CD47 receptor binding was demonstrated by immunofluorescence. Renal perfusion/flow improved with CD47 blockade, with a corresponding reduction in oxidative stress and histologic damage compared to untreated NMP kidneys. Tubular and glomerular functional parameters were not significantly impacted by αCD47Ab treatment during NMP. In a murine renal IRI model, αCD47Ab was confirmed as a superior anti-IRI agent compared to therapies targeting other pathways. NMP enabled effective, direct delivery of this drug to porcine kidneys, although further efficacy needs to be proven in the transplantation setting

    Radio emission from Supernova Remnants

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    The explosion of a supernova releases almost instantaneously about 10^51 ergs of mechanic energy, changing irreversibly the physical and chemical properties of large regions in the galaxies. The stellar ejecta, the nebula resulting from the powerful shock waves, and sometimes a compact stellar remnant, constitute a supernova remnant (SNR). They can radiate their energy across the whole electromagnetic spectrum, but the great majority are radio sources. Almost 70 years after the first detection of radio emission coming from a SNR, great progress has been achieved in the comprehension of their physical characteristics and evolution. We review the present knowledge of different aspects of radio remnants, focusing on sources of the Milky Way and the Magellanic Clouds, where the SNRs can be spatially resolved. We present a brief overview of theoretical background, analyze morphology and polarization properties, and review and critical discuss different methods applied to determine the radio spectrum and distances. The consequences of the interaction between the SNR shocks and the surrounding medium are examined, including the question of whether SNRs can trigger the formation of new stars. Cases of multispectral comparison are presented. A section is devoted to reviewing recent results of radio SNRs in the Magellanic Clouds, with particular emphasis on the radio properties of SN 1987A, an ideal laboratory to investigate dynamical evolution of an SNR in near real time. The review concludes with a summary of issues on radio SNRs that deserve further study, and analyzing the prospects for future research with the latest generation radio telescopes.Comment: Revised version. 48 pages, 15 figure
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