50 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Anggrek Sebagai Bahan Obat Tradisional Pada Etnis Batak Sumatera Utara [Utilitation of Orchids as Medicinal Plants by Ethnic Batak of North Sumatra]

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    Sumatra has rich diversity of orchids. The local communities in Sumatra have been used orchids as a ornamental plant, food, and medicine. Research on utilitation of orchids as medicinal plants by ethnic Batak of North Sumatra was conducted using ethnobotanical methods. The objectives of the research was to know species of orchids that were used as medicinal plants by Batak ethnic in North Sumatra. Respond-ents consisted of traditional medicine plants traders in the traditional markets and traditional healers. We found as many as seven species of 6 genera of orchids have been used as traditional medicine. Those orchids used as medicine for fever, aphrodisiac, maintain stamina, respira-tory disorders, and gastrointestinal disorders

    Composition and structure of a lowland forest in the core zone of the Bukit Duabelas National Park, Jambi, Indonesia

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    The objective of the study was to obtain data on composition and structure of the forest in the midsection of the Bukit Duabelas National Park core zone, designed to complement the existing data and  provide new information  potentials for the management of the park  core zone. The study was carried out in October-November 2012. Observations were made on plots of one hectare (100 m x 100 m), which was divided into 100 subplot, measuring 10 m x 10 m each. Enumeration  of tree species with  diameters ≥ 10 cm revealed that as many as 540 individuals were recorded, consisting of 89 species and 36 families, with a total  basal area of 30.837 m2 and  only three species of Dipterocarpaceae were registered. The forest had a low diversity as indicated by low species richness, much lower than in the  undisturbed lowland  primary forests in the Batang Gadis National Park in North Sumatra, where similarity was very low (5.9 %).  The forest in the plot was designated as the  Dacryodes rostrata- Shorea leprosula Association,  named after two species with highest importance values, thus the dominant. The structure and species composition pointed to the regenerating  forest after heavy disturbances.  The forest has been  undergoing  slow natural succession,  leading to  the formation of the forest similar to the original climax forest. Natural recovery through succession could be enhanced and assisted by means of ecological restoration, through planting of tree species characteristics of forests in Jambi, including  species of Dipterocapaceae, useful species having values to maintain the livelihood of the indigenous native tribe Suku Anak Dalam  and rare, endemic other species having  high conservation values. Tujuan studi  ini adalah  untuk memperoleh data tentang komposisi dan struktur hutan di bagian tengah zona inti Taman Nasional Bukit Duabelas. Studi   dirancang untuk melengkapi data yang telah ada dan untuk menyajikan informasi baru yang berpotensi untuk digunakan dalam pengelolaan zona inti taman nasional. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Oktober-November 2012 dalam petak seluas satu hektare (100 m x 100 m), yang dibagi menjadi 100 anak-petak dengan ukuran masing-masing 10 m x 10 m.   Pencacahan pohon dengan diameter ≥ 10 cm  menghasilkan 540 batang, yang terdiri atas 89 jenis dan 36 suku, dengan luas bidang dasar total 30.837 m2 dan hanya tercatat  tiga jenis Dipterocarpaceae. Keanekaragaman jenis hutan rendah,  seperti  ditunjukan oleh  rendahnya kekayaan jenis, jauh lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan  hutan primer yang tidak terganggu di Taman Nasional Batang Gadis di Sumatra Utara, yang mempunyai  kesamaan hanya 5,9 % dengan Taman Nasional Bukit Duabelas.  Berdasarkan dua jenis dominan dengan nilai kepentingan tinggi, komunitas pohon dalam petak dinamakan Asosiasi Dacryodes rostrata- Shorea leprosula. Struktur dan komposisi jenis menunjukan status hutan sebagai hutan yang sedang beregenerasi setelah mengalami gangguan. Hutan sedang mengalami suksesi alami yang lambat menuju ke pembentukan hutan yang serupa dengan hutan klimaks aslinya. Pemulihan alami melalui suksesi dapat dipercepat dan dibantu dengan restorasi ekologi melalui penanaman jenis-jenis khas hutan alami Jambi, termasuk  Dipterocapaceae, jenis-jenis bermanfaat dan mempunyai nilai untuk keberlanjutan kehidupan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat asli Suku Anak Dalam dan jenis-jenis langka, endemik dan jenis lain yang mempunyai nilai konservasi tinggi

    Kajian Etnobotani Tumbuhan Obat Oleh Masyarakat Lokal Etnis Batak Mandailing di Desa Tanjung Julu, Kabupaten Mandailing Natal, Sumatra Utara

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    Masyarakat lokal etnis Batak di Sumatra Utara masih menggunakan tumbuhan dalam pengobatan tradisional. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis tumbuhan yang dimanfaatkan dan manfaat tumbuhan obat oleh masyarakat etnis Batak Mandailing di Desa Tanjung Julu Kecamatan Mandailing Natal. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan pendekatan etnobotani. Sebanyak 32 responden umum dan 8 informan kunci diwawancarai dengan wawancara bebas dan semi terstruktur. Data dianalisis secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan menghitung nilai tanaman obat. Masyarakat di Desa Tanjung Julu menggunakan 163 jenis dengan 128 marga dan 56 famili untuk mengobati 23 macam penyakit. Zingiberaceae, Rutaceae, Asteraceae, dan Arecaceae adalah famili yang paling banyak jumlahnya. Sebagian besar tumbuhan digunakan untuk mengatasi penyakit gaib (gangguan setan 47 jenis) dan penyakit alam (demam sebanyak 59 jenis dan sakit perut sebanyak 43 jenis). Pemanfaatan bunga jopan (Clibadium surinamense) dan sirampas para (Mikania cordata) perlu dikaji lebih lanjut karena tanaman ini masih sangat mudah ditemukan di lingkungan sekitarnya sehingga dapat dikembangkan sebagai alternatif obat sakit perut.Abstract The local Batak ethnic community in North Sumatra still uses plants in traditional medicine. This study aims to determine the types of plants used and the benefits of medicinal plants by the Mandailing Batak ethnic community in Tanjung Julu Village, Mandailing Natal District. The research was conducted with the ethnobotany approach. A total of 32 general respondents and eight key informants were interviewed with free and semi-structured interviews. Data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively by calculating the value of medicinal plants. Communities in Tanjung Julu Village used 163 type with 128 genera and 56 families to treat 23 types of diseases. Zingiberaceae, Rutaceae, Asteraceae, and Arecaceae are the most numerous families. Most of the plants are used to overcome supernatural diseases (47 species of devil disorders) and natural diseases (fever as many as 59 species and stomach pain as many as 43 species). The utilization of bunga jopan (Clibadium surinamense) and sirampas para (Mikania cordata) needs to be studied further because they are attainable around the environment to be developed as an alternative stomach ache medicine

    Economic Valuation of Mangrove Ecosystem at Gerung District, West Lombok Regency

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    Research regarding economic valuation of mangrove in Gerung District, West Lombok Regency has been conducted. The purposes of this research were to calculate and analyze economic value from mangrove ecosystem at Gerung District. Research methods used observation and interviews. Direct Economic Value (DEV) were obtained from direct use of mangrove with a value IDR. 227,040,000/year. Indirect Economic Value (IEV)were calculated from mangrove ecosystem services with a value IDR. 1,405,041,200/year, Existence Value (EV) was obtained by Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) with a value IDR. 1,520,000/year. Option Value (OV) were calculated from biodiversity value with a value were IDR. 1,200,000/year. Total Economic Value (TEV) of mangrove in Gerung District were IDR. 1,634,801,200/year

    The Ethnobotany Study of The Foodstuffs by Local Communities in The Bulumario Village, North Sumatera

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    Food is a primary human need. Various foods are initially obtained from plant species. Village people have used various food plants based on local knowledge and belief. The aims of this research were to elucidate (1) various food plants traditionally utilization by local people of the Bulumario Village, North Sumatra; (2) plant organs of food plants that are traditionally used by the local people of Bulumario village. The method used in this study was qualitative. Data were collected through surveys, interviews, and participatory observation. A total of 46 respondents were interviewed consisting of 22 men and 24 women who determined by purposive sampling. Data were analyzed was descriptively using descriptive statistics. A total of 83 species belonging to 66 genera and 36 families have been used by local communities in Bulumario village as foodstuffs. Those used as a source of carbohydrates (7 species), fruit sources (15 species), vegetables (32 species), and spices (21 species). Based on plant part used, the foodstuffs are fruit (34 species), leaves (21 species), and stems (13 species).  The composition of food plants are cultivated (53 species), wild (18 species), and semi-cultivated (12 species). Solanum torvum, Garcinia attrovidis, Etlingera elatior, and Zanthoxylum acanthopodium are spices especially in Bulumario Village which have bioactivity as an antimicrobial so they are potential to be developed as a natural preservative. Pakkat (Calamus hookerianus, Calamus metzianus, Calamus thwaitesii and Plectocomiopsis geminiflora) have the potential to be developed as a vegetable or carbohydrate source


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    A study has been conducted on the diversity of woody plants which are wild and native in Universitas Indonesia,an urban ecosystem in the area of Jakarta Capital Region. This work is part of the flora inventory in UniversitasIndonesia. A number of 118 species (34 families) were recorded, with three largest families are Fabaceae (14species), Moraceae (12 species) and Phyllanthaceae (10 species). Among those numbers, 26 species are climbers,which is considerably remarkable for urban ecosystem. Twenty four were considered as lowland species. Fivewere exclusively distributed in Western Java. Twenty six species have been included in Flora van Batavia whichshowed that Universitas Indonesia will be an important component for the conservation of plants diversity inJakarta and surroundings. An estimation on abundance also given for all species recorded, which resulting thatabout 41.52% species were locally rare. Discussion in future conservation in local scales also briefly discussed.Two species, namely Helicteres viscida and Phoebe declinata, are proposed for main conservation priorities ofwild and native woody plants species in Universitas Indonesia. Keywords: checklist, Jakarta, native species, urban biodiversity, woody plant

    Potential Medicinal Plant Species For Fever Used by Minangkabau Ethnic at Nagari Taruang-Taruang, West Sumatra, Indonesia

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    AbstractFever is a symptom of illness that is commonly found in the Minangkabau ethnic community. This way, the Minangkabau ethnic community has local knowledge of utilizing plants to cure fever. The purpose of this study was to obtain species of plants used by the Minangkabau ethnic community in the treatment of diseases with symptoms of fever, as well as their potential as modern medicinal ingredients. The research method was carried out by using the open, semi-structural, and participatory observation techniques. Interviews were conducted with 9 key informants selected by purposive sampling and 126 respondents selected by snowball sampling. Data were analyzed qualitatively with descriptive statistic and quantitatively by calculating the Cultural Significance Index (CSI) and fidelity value. The medicinal plants used were 40 species from 22 families. The most used families were Euphorbiaceae (5 species), Musaceae, and Poaceae (each of 4 species), and Rubiaceae (3 species). Cocos nucifera had the highest CSI value, indicating the species was widely used in Minangkabau community. Based on the value of fidelity, 70% value was obtained by 4 plants to treat fever, namely Costus speciosus, Kalanchoe pinnata, Sacciolepeis interrupta, and Enhydra fluctuans. The four plants have the potential to be further developed into modern medicinal ingredients.AbstrakDemam merupakan gejala sakit yang umum ditemukan pada masyarakat etnis Minangkabau. Masyarakat etnis Minangkabau memiliki pengetahuan lokal dalam memanfaatkan tumbuhan untuk penyembuhan demam. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh jenis tumbuhan yang digunakan oleh masyarakat etnis Minangkabau dalam pengobatan penyakit dengan gejala demam, serta potensinya sebagai bahan obat modern. Metode penelitian dilakukan dengan teknik wawancara terbuka, semistruktural dan observasi partisipasif. Wawancara dilakukan pada 9 orang informan kunci yang dipilih secara purposive sampling dan 126 orang responden yang dipilih menggunakan snowball sampling. Data dianalisis secara statistika deskriptif dan kuantitatif dengan menghitung nilai kultural (Index of Cultural Significance) dan nilai Fidelitas. Tumbuhan yang obat yang dimanfaatkan sebanyak 40 jenis yang berasal dari 22 suku. Famili terbanyak yang dimanfaatkan yaitu Euphorbiaceae (5 jenis), Poaceae dan Musaceae (masing masing 4 jenis), dan Rubiaceae (3 jenis). Cocos nucifera merupakan tumbuhan obat dengan nilai kultural (CSI) tertinggi. Berdasarkan nilai fidelitas terdapat 4 tanaman yang memiliki nilai 70% dalam penyembuhan demam, yaitu Costus speciosus, Kalanchoe pinnata, Sacciolepeis interrupta, dan Enhydra fluctuans. Keempat tanaman tersebut memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi bahan obat modern

    Ethnoecology of The Slamet Mountain Slope Community (SMSC) in Paguyangan District, Brebes Regency, Central Java

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    The local communities have local knowledge in utilizing and managing landscape units. The threat of modernization has led to the degradation of local knowledge, including the Javanese community on Mt. Slamet. This study aimed to analyze the plant diversity characteristics of landscape units and determine the important value of landscape units and plant species used by the community. This research was conducted in the Ragatunjung, Cipetung, and Pandansari village, Paguyangan District, Brebes Regency, Central Java. Semi-structured interviews collected Ethnoecological data with eight key informants and 83 respondents selected by purposive sampling and snowball sampling. Data on the level of landscape utilization were analyzed using the Local User's Value Index (LUVI). The community recognizes nine types of landscape units, such as perawisan (yard), wanah (production forest), Majegan (gardens), Sabin (rice fields), Kubang buyut (protected forest plan), tea plantations, Telaga Ranjeng Nature Reserve, Tanah Bengkok and tuk (water sources). Wanah was the most important landscape unit in the community in Ragatunjung (31.27), Cipetung (53.55), and Pandansari (28.17). Oryza sativa had the highest importance value in Sabin (22) and wanah (12) of Ragatunjung. In contrast, Syzygium aromaticum had the highest in Majegan (6.68). Brassica oleracea has the highest importance value in the two landscape units of Cipetung, namely, Majegan (4.20) and settlements (3.5), while in the wanah is Zea mays (11.38). Solanum tuberosum had the highest value in each landscape unit in Pandansari, both in wanah (10.33), Majegan (6.80), and Protection Forest Plan (PFP) (4.13). Categorizing landscapes and their utilization by maintaining certain landscapes, such as the Telaga Ranjeng Nature Reserve and Kubang buyut, directly impact the sustainability and integrity of ecosystems and natural resources in and around the area


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    A research about macroepifit community was conducted in September 2007 at Universitas Indonesia. The aim of this research is to obtain data of macroepifit’s biodiversity and abundance in northen and southern region of Universitas Indonesia. In addition, the comparison of macroepifit abundance in various tree stage is also obtained. The information that were collected including frequency, density, and macroepifit coverage from each tree in various tree stage.Analysis were done by considering total species, relative frequency, relative density, relative coverage, important value index, Sorensen index, T-test, and correlation between abiotic factor and macroepifit density using Spearman correlation. The result shows that macroepifit in Universitas Indonesia consist of 4 family and 12 species. Drymoglossum piloselloides have the highest abundance in northern region of Universitas Indonesia. D. piloselloides and Pyrrosia lanceolata have the highest abundance in southern region of Universitas Indonesia. The abundance in southern region is higher than northen region because of temperature, humidity, and light intensity in southern region that more suitable for macroepifit growth and development.   Keywords :important value index, abundance, community, macroepifi