4,660 research outputs found

    The Van Slyke Manometric Apparatus

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    The Van Slyke Manometric Apparatus. A short history The DeWitt Stetten, Jr. Museum of Medical Research brochure, circa late 1980shttps://digitalcommons.rockefeller.edu/artifacts-ephemera/1016/thumbnail.jp

    Effect of a Prophylactic Knee Brace on Leg Muscle Performance of Athletes

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    This study investigated the effect of prophylactic knee brace wearing on physical performance as measured by selected parameters. The 10 subjects were members of the 1985 Ithaca College women\u27s lacrosse team. The Cybex II isokinetic dynamometer was used to assess the performance of the quadriceps at two angular velocities (60 and 120 deg/s), and the Wingate cycling test was administered to determine anaerobic capacity. Additionally, blood samples were taken to determine circulating lactate levels before and after exercise. Multivariate analysis of variance revealed physical performance was significantly better (E \u3c .05) under the no brace condition compared to the brace wearing condition. It was concluded that performance, as described by blood lactate production, peak anaerobic power, peak torque output at 60 deg/s, rise time at 60 deg/s, and time to fatigue, was decreased significantly by prophylactic knee brace wearing. Rise time had the greatest influence upon the multivariate difference, but there was no statistical evidence to support a significant effect of this or any other single individual variable. However, there was a tendency for all variables to show slightly better performance under the no brace condition. Given the lack of evidence from previous research to support a protective effect of prophylactic knee brace wearing and the current findings of impeded performance with brace wearing, there is little reason to support their use by athletes with stable knees

    Tutorial: How do I submit a manuscript for a PI from a journal that does not participate in PMC?

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    26 slides show the progression of screens in the submission process. With explanations of buttons, clicks, files types, etc. For those submitting manuscripts on behalf of principle investigators

    Edukasi Limbah Rumah Tangga Dalam Pembuatan Pupuk Organik Cair di Desa Meuraksa Pidie Jaya

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    Sampah merupakan bahan sisa yang tidak berguna yang dapat menyebabkan tercemarnya lingkungan, permasalahan tercemarnya lingkungan yang disebabkan penumpukan sampah sering terjadi dimasyarakat, permasalahan ini dapat diatasi dengan penanggulangan pemanfaatan sampah sebagai bahan baku yang dapat digunakan kembali, salah satunya yaitu pembuatan POC, pupuk organik cair merupakan pupuk cair yang berasal dari bahan organik dari bahan tumbuh-tumbuhan, dan sisa makanank kemudian bahan ini difermentasikan. Tujuan kegiatan pembuatan POC ini untuk memberikan pengetahuan kepada masyarakat dalam pengeloaan sampah limbah organik yang berbahan dasar sederhana dari sampah limbah rumah tangga yang dapat dilakukan sebagai bahan produk yang bermanfaat seperti dalam pembuatan POC. Kegiatan ini dilakukan dengan metode pemberdayaan partisipatif melalui penyuluhan sosialisasi (ceramah), pembagian poster, Kuesioner pertanyaan langsung, pelaksanaan pembuatan POC dan dikhiri dengan sesi diskusi tanya jawab. Hasil dari kegiatan ini yaitu meningkatnya pengetahuan dan pemahaman masyarak mengenai POC dari limbah rumah tangga dengan tingkat presentase tertinggi 96% dari hasil edukasi pembuatan POC limbah rumah tangga. Berdasarkan kegiatan edukasi yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan perolehan pupuk organik cair yang dapat digunakan untuk meningkatkan kesuburan tanah/tanaman yang dapat digunakan masyarakat gampong meuraksa, serta pemahaman umum tentang proses produksi pupuk bahan organik dalam sosialisasi pemanfaatan sampah rumah tangga menjadi POC ini layak digunakan


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    Stunting adalah kondisi gagal tumbuh pada anak balita akibat kekurangan gizi kronis terutama pada 1.000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan (HPK). Provinsi Aceh merupakan penyumbang stunting cukup tinggi yaitu 40,3 %. (Riskesdas, 2018).  Pada Tahun 2018 Angka Stunting di wilayah kerja Dinas Kesehatan Kabupaten Aceh Barat sangat tinggi sebesar 43.2%. Penurunan stunting ditetapkan sebagai program prioritas nasional yang harus dimasukkan ke dalam Rencana Kerja Pemerintah (RKP). Tujuan dari pengabdian ini adalah untuk membentuk dan mengintervensi Kelompok Preventif (KP) stunting yang terdiri dari 16 kader kesehatan kecamatan Meureubo dalam mencegah kejadian stunting pada 1000 HPK. Metode pengabdian melalui 3 pendekatan yaitu pembentukan, pelaksanaan, monitoring, pendampingan dan evaluasi. Hasil pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa adanya peningkatan pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah edukasi oleh KP stunting dengan hasil uji statistic diperoleh nilai P-Value = 0,00. 85% kader telah mampu melakukan pengukuran antroprometri dengan tepat, dan 90% kader KP stunting mampu menjadi konselor dan motivator bagi khalayak sasaran KP stunting yang terdiri dari pasangan usia subur, ibu hamil dan ibu menyusui. Oleh karena itu, dinas kesehatan diharapakan terus memberikan dukungan kepada para kader KP stunting sehingga mampu menekan angka stunting. Kata kunci: Kelompok Preventif (KP), Stunting, Pasangan usia subur, Ibu hamil, Ibu menyusui ABSTRACT Stunting is a thrive failure condition of under five children due to chronic malnutrition problem, especially in 1,000 Days of Life (HPK). The province of Aceh was a high contributor to stunting, which was 40.3% (Riskesdas, 2018). Specifically, In 2018, Stunting Rate was 43.2% in working area of ​​the West Aceh District Health Office. It is classified as the higher number among the years. Therefore, Stunting reduction is determined as a national priority program that must be included in the Government Work Plan (RKP). The purpose of this program is to create and intervene the stunting Preventive Group (KP) consisting of 16 cadres of Meureubo sub-district in preventing the occurrence of stunting at 1000 Days of Life (HPK). The method used through 3 approaches, namely the formation, implementation, monitoring, assistance and evaluation. The result of program showed that there is a significant development of stunting preventive groups’ knowledge before and after education proven by pre-test and post-test score. 85% of cadres were able to take anthroprometry measurements correctly, and 90% of KP stunting cadres were able to be counselors and motivators for target audiences consisting of couples of childbearing age, pregnant women and nursing mothers. Therefore, the health department is expected to sustainably support stunting Preventive Group (KP stunting) so that the rate of stunting can be decreased comprehensively. Keywords: Preventive group (KP), Stunting, Couples of childbearing age, Pregnant women, Nursing mother

    Physical and social factors determining quality of life for veterans with lower-limb amputation(s) : a systematic review

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    Purpose: Most veterans live for many years after their war-related traumatic lower-limb amputation, which is why understanding which factors influence health-related quality of life (HRQoL) remains important to their long-term management. The objective of this study was to perform a review of the literature to summarize any evidence on the physical and social determinants for HRQoL in veterans with uni- or bilateral lower-limb amputation(s). Method: MEDLINE, EMBASE, PEDro, CINAHL, Scopus and Cochrane databases were searched systematically for eligible studies. Inclusion criteria were: traumatic lower-limb amputation(s), HRQoL outcome and veterans. Physical and social factors that influence HRQoL were extracted. Results: The literature search identified 2073 citations, leading to the inclusion of 10 studies in the systematic review. Physical activity level, sport participation, level of amputation, back pain, years of education, as well as duration and severity of phantom pain were found to be determining factors for HRQoL among veterans with lower-limb amputation. Conclusions: The identified physical and social determinants were similar to those found in civilian traumatic amputees. More high quality research designs, interventions and complex statistical analyses are warranted to identify the physical and social factors that influence the HRQoL of veteran amputees. Implications for Rehabilitation Rehabilitation staff should promote physical activity and participation in sport among veterans with lower-limb amputation(s). Level of amputation, back pain severity, years of education, duration of phantom pain and severity of phantom pain have been found to be determining factors for HRQoL and should be taken into consideration when planning rehabilitation programs for veterans with lower-limb amputations
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