5,943 research outputs found

    Precision measurement with an optical Josephson junction

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    We study a new type of Josephson device, the so-called "optical Josephson junction" as proposed in Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 95}, 170402 (2005). Two condensates are optically coupled through a waveguide by a pair of Bragg beams. This optical Josephson junction is analogous to the usual Josephson junction of two condensates weakly coupled via tunneling. We discuss the use of this optical Josephson junction, for making precision measurements.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figur

    Dynamical stability of entanglement between spin ensembles

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    We study the dynamical stability of the entanglement between the two spin ensembles in the presence of an environment. For a comparative study, we consider the two cases: a single spin ensemble, and two ensembles linearly coupled to a bath, respectively. In both circumstances, we assume the validity of the Markovian approximation for the bath. We examine the robustness of the state by means of the growth of the linear entropy which gives a measure of the purity of the system. We find out macroscopic entangled states of two spin ensembles can stably exist in a common bath. This result may be very useful to generate and detect macroscopic entanglement in a common noisy environment and even a stable macroscopic memory.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Coherent control of atomic spin currents in a double well

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    We propose an experimental feasible method for controlling the atomic currents of a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate in a double well by applying an external field to the atoms in one of the potential wells. We study the ground-state properties of the system and show that the directions of spin currents and net-particle tunneling can be manipulated by adiabatically varying the coupling strength between the atoms and the field. This system can be used for studying spin and tunneling phenomena across a wide range of interaction parameters. In addition, spin-squeezed states can be generated. It is useful for quantum information processing and quantum metrology.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, minor revisio

    Critical Fidelity

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    Using a Wigner Lorentzian Random Matrix ensemble, we study the fidelity, F(t)F(t), of systems at the Anderson metal-insulator transition, subject to small perturbations that preserve the criticality. We find that there are three decay regimes as perturbation strength increases: the first two are associated with a gaussian and an exponential decay respectively and can be described using Linear Response Theory. For stronger perturbations F(t)F(t) decays algebraically as F(t)tD2F(t)\sim t^{-D_2}, where D2D_2 is the correlation dimension of the critical eigenstates.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Revised and published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Entanglement between atomic condensates in an optical lattice: effects of interaction range

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    We study the area-dependent entropy and two-site entanglement for two state Bose-Einstein condensates in a 2D optical lattice. We consider the case where the array of two component condensates behave like an ensemble of spin-half particles with the interaction to its nearest neighbors and next nearest neighbors. We show how the Hamiltonian of their Bose-Einstein condensate lattice with nearest-neighbor and next-nearest-neighbor interactions can be mapped into a harmonic lattice. We use this to determine the entropy and entanglement content of the lattice.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, title change

    Dimensional Reduction and Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking by a Magnetic Field in 3+13+1 Dimensions

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    It is shown that in 3+13+1 dimensions, a constant magnetic field is a catalyst of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking, leading to generating a fermion mass even at the weakest attractive interaction between fermions. The essence of this effect is the dimensional reduction DD2D \rightarrow D-2 (3+11+13+1 \rightarrow 1+1) in the dynamics of fermion pairing in a magnetic field. The effect is illustrated in the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. Possible applications of this effect are briefly discussed.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    The structure of preserved information in quantum processes

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    We introduce a general operational characterization of information-preserving structures (IPS) -- encompassing noiseless subsystems, decoherence-free subspaces, pointer bases, and error-correcting codes -- by demonstrating that they are isometric to fixed points of unital quantum processes. Using this, we show that every IPS is a matrix algebra. We further establish a structure theorem for the fixed states and observables of an arbitrary process, which unifies the Schrodinger and Heisenberg pictures, places restrictions on physically allowed kinds of information, and provides an efficient algorithm for finding all noiseless and unitarily noiseless subsystems of the process

    Impact of the Wiggler Coherent Synchrotron Radiation Impedance on the Beam Instability

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    Coherent Synchrotron Radiation (CSR) can play an important role by not only increasing the energy spread and emittance of a beam, but also leading to a potential instability. Previous studies of the CSR induced longitudinal instability were carried out for the CSR impedance due to dipole magnets. However, many storage rings include long wigglers where a large fraction of the synchrotron radiation is emitted. This includes high-luminosity factories such as DAPHNE, PEP-II, KEK-B, and CESR-C as well as the damping rings of future linear colliders. In this paper, the instability due to the CSR impedance from a wiggler is studied assuming a large wiggler parameter KK. The primary consideration is a low frequency microwave-like instability, which arises near the pipe cut-off frequency. Detailed results are presented on the growth rate and threshold for the damping rings of several linear collider designs. Finally, the optimization of the relative fraction of damping due to the wiggler systems is discussed for the damping rings.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Generation and propagation of entanglement in driven coupled-qubit systems

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    In a bipartite system subject to decoherence from two separate reservoirs, the entanglement is typically destroyed faster than for single reservoirs. Surprisingly however, the existence of separate reservoirs can also have a beneficial entangling effect: if the qubits are coupled and driven externally by a classical field, the system ends up in a stationary state characterized by a finite degree of entanglement. This phenomenon occurs only in a certain region of the parameter space and the structure of the stationary state has a universal form which does not depend on the initial state or on the specific physical realization of the qubits. We show that the entanglement thus generated can be propagated within a quantum network using simple local unitary operations. We suggest the use of such systems as "batteries of entanglement" in quantum circuits.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure