993 research outputs found

    Photonic Hall Effect in ferrofluids: Theory and Experiments

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    An experimental and theoretical study on the Photonic Hall Effect (PHE) in liquid and gelled samples of ferrofluids is presented. The ferrofluids are aqueous colloidal suspensions of Fe(_{2})CoO(_{4}) particles, which can be considered as anisotropic and absorbing Rayleigh scatterers. The PHE is found to be produced by the orientation of the magnetic moments of the particles, as is also the case for the Faraday effect. The dependence of the PHE with respect to the concentration of the scatterers, the magnetic field and the polarization of the incident light is measured in liquid and in gelled samples and is compared to a simple model based on the use of a scattering matrix and the single scattering approximation.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, submitte

    The leading chiral electromagnetic correction to the nonleptonic Delta I = 3/2 amplitude in kaon decays

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    In kaon decay, electromagnetic radiative corrections can generate shifts in the apparent Delta I = 3/2 amplitude of order alpha A_0/A_2 ~ 22 alpha. In order to know the true Delta I = 3/2 amplitude for comparison with lattice calculations and phenomenology, one needs to subtract off this electromagnetic effect. We provide a careful estimate of the electromagnetic shift in the amplitude, which shows that it is smaller than naive expectations, with a fractional shift of delta A_2/A_2 = -0.016 +- 0.01.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures Revised comments and titl

    Exact 1/N and Optimized Perturbative Evaluation of mu_c for Homogeneous Interacting Bose Gases

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    In the framework of the O(N) three-dimensional effective scalar field model for homogeneous dilute weakly interacting Bose gases we use the 1/N expansion to evaluate, within the large N limit, the parameter r_c which is directly related to the critical chemical potential mu_c. This quantity enters the order-a^2 n^{2/3} coefficient contributing to the critical temperature shift Delta T_c where a represents the s-wave scattering length and n represents the density. Compared to the recent precise numerical lattice simulation results, our calculation suggests that the large N approximation performs rather well even for the physical case N=2. We then calculate the same quantity but using different forms of the optimized perturbative (variational) method, showing that these produce excellent results both for the finite N and large-N cases.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures. We have performed a refined and extended numerical analysis to take into account the very recent results of Ref. [15

    A limit result for a system of particles in random environment

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    We consider an infinite system of particles in one dimension, each particle performs independant Sinai's random walk in random environment. Considering an instant tt, large enough, we prove a result in probability showing that the particles are trapped in the neighborhood of well defined points of the lattice depending on the random environment the time tt and the starting point of the particles.Comment: 11 page

    Improved planning abilities in binge eating.

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    OBJECTIVE: The role of planning in binge eating episodes is unknown. We investigated the characteristics of planning associated with food cues in binging patients. We studied planning based on backward reasoning, reasoning that determines a sequence of actions back to front from the final outcome. METHOD: A cross-sectional study was conducted with 20 healthy participants, 20 bulimia nervosa (BN), 22 restrictive (ANR) and 23 binging anorexia nervosa (ANB), without any concomitant impulsive disorder. In neutral/relaxing, binge food and stressful conditions, backward reasoning was assessed with the Race game, promotion of delayed large rewards with an intertemporal discounting task, attention with the Simon task, and repeating a dominant behavior with the Go/No-go task. RESULTS: BN and to a lower extent ANB patients succeeded more at the Race game in food than in neutral condition. This difference discriminated binging from non-binging participants. Backward reasoning in the food condition was associated with lower approach behavior toward food in BN patients, and higher food avoidance in ANB patients. Enhanced backward reasoning in the food condition related to preferences for delayed large rewards in BN patients. In BN and ANB patients the enhanced success rate at the Race game in the food condition was associated with higher attention paid to binge food. CONCLUSION: These findings introduce a novel process underlying binges: planning based on backward reasoning is associated with binges. It likely aims to reduce craving for binge foods and extend binge refractory period in BN patients, and avoid binging in ANB patients. Shifts between these goals might explain shifts between eating disorder subtypes

    Geometry optimization of a heat storage system for concentrated solar power plants (CSP)

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    In the present study, geometry optimization of a phase change material (PCM) heat storage system is presented. The existing PCM-fins heat exchanger system works at the back side of a solar receiver in order to minimize the effect of the solar radiation fluctuations inside the cavity. As initially designed, the system does not accomplish the expected design purposes and thus optimization is needed. Optimization is usually time-consuming and some algorithms need a starting point, therefore one suitable method is geometrical optimization which aims to find the optimal shape of a system for a given criteria and providing a rough optimal geometry. Here, constructal theory, 'point to volume', is applied to find the optimum shape factor of the elemental volume of the presented PCM-heat exchanger. With this methodology, an optimum ratio of the PCM and fin width and length is found and beyond that the method is extended to 'surface to volume' problem. Results have been numerically validated using a CFD software and demonstrate that it gives a very good approximation of the real optimum which can be used as initial configuration for further optimization through CFD simulation or other optimization methods that require a starting point.The author Aran Solé would like to thank the Societat Economica Barcelonesa Amics del Pais (SEBAP) for the funds that made possible her research stay. The authors would like to thank Jean-Marie Mancaux for his help and Jinqiu Shen for her contribution in the work. The authors would like to thank the Catalan Government for the quality accreditation given to their research group GREA (2014 SGR 123). GREA is certified agent TECNIO in the category of technology developers from the Government of Catalonia. The work is partially funded by the Spanish government (ENE2015-64117-C5-1-R (MINECO/FEDER)). The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 657466 (INPATH-TES). Aran Solé would like to thank Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad de España for Grant Juan de la Cierva, FJCI-2015-440 25741

    Singular measures in circle dynamics

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    Critical circle homeomorphisms have an invariant measure totally singular with respect to the Lebesgue measure. We prove that singularities of the invariant measure are of Holder type. The Hausdorff dimension of the invariant measure is less than 1 but greater than 0

    Variational solution of the Gross-Neveu model; 2, finite-N and renormalization

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    We show how to perform systematically improvable variational calculations in the O(2N) Gross-Neveu model for generic N, in such a way that all infinities usually plaguing such calculations are accounted for in a way compatible with the renormalization group. The final point is a general framework for the calculation of non-perturbative quantities like condensates, masses, etc..., in an asymptotically free field theory. For the Gross-Neveu model, the numerical results obtained from a "two-loop" variational calculation are in very good agreement with exact quantities down to low values of N