212 research outputs found

    Chegará o tempo da história?

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    Considering some episodes from the early 18th to the late 20th century, this essay intends first to suggest the lasting tension that the historiographical praxis – in the process of asserting itself along with the contemporary world – has absorbed between an increasingly high level of specialization demanded by the professional drive of the field in the West, and the role that the subject has taken over as knowledge to guide large and diversified strata of the population in life. Secondly, it intends to discuss the place that history has come to occupy in Brazil, considering on the one hand the exponential increase in the number of graduate programs and, on the other, the shortcomings of the historical conscience that the country seems to have developed. In order to attain these goals, the paper draws heavily upon arguments extracted from Philippe Ariès’ The time of history [1954], an otherwise underrated book.Considerando alguns episódios desde o final do século XVII e início do XVIII até as últimas décadas do XX, este ensaio procura sugerir, primeiramente, a permanente tensão que a prática historiográfica, ao constituir-se em paralelo ao mundo contemporâneo, absorveu entre a crescente especialização exigida pela profissionalização do campo no Ocidente e o papel que a disciplina adquiriu como conhecimento destinado a orientar amplos e diversificados estratos da população para a vida. Em seguida, pretende discutir o lugar que a história ocupa hoje em dia no Brasil, diante do crescimento exponencial, de um lado, dos programas de pós-graduação; e, do outro, da fragilidade da consciência histórica que o país parece ter desenvolvido. Para tanto, recorre em particular aos argumentos de Philippe Ariès, O tempo da história [1954], livro muito pouco valorizado entre nós

    Em busca de um ilustrado: Miguel Antônio de Melo (1766-1836)

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    Há muitos anos, em minhas aulas de teoria e metodologia da história, utilizo a cópia de um manuscrito sobre a Bahia conservado na Biblioteca Nacional (RJ), mas sem assinatura nem data. Se uma citação de Luís Henrique Dias Tavares identifica o autor como Miguel Antônio de Melo, de passagem por Salvador em 1797, diversas coincidências, ao longo desses anos, e algumas pesquisas esporádicas permitiram traçar as linhas gerais da trajetória desse nobre, 1 ° conde de Múrcia (1826), que foi governador de Angola ( 1797-1802) e dos Açores (1806-1810), além de presidente do Real Erário em 1825. Assim, o presente trabalho pretende anunciar o início de uma análise de suas idéias, de modo a salientar o papel de alguns indivíduos - não só nascidos na América, mas também em Portugal - que ocuparam um lugar excêntrico no império português de fins do século XVIII e inícios do XIX por conta das linguagens ilustradas a que sabiam recorrer

    Guardar mais silêncio do que falar: Ribeiro dos Santos contra Azeredo Coutinho

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    Na perspectiva das linguagens políticas proposta por J. G. A. Pocock, confronta-se o parecer desfavorável (1806) do censor António Ribeiro dos Santos à publicação da Análise sobre a justiça do resgate dos escravos da costa da África com as idéias de seu autor, o bispo José Joaquim Azeredo Coutinho, a fim de salientar as diversas correntes de pensamento presentes na Iluscração luso-brasileira, em termos políticos como religiosos

    Indépendance au Brésil et Lumières au Portugal : politique et culture dans l’espace luso-brésilien (1792-1823)

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    Dès 1772, des natifs de l’Amérique portugaise eurent des contacts avec les Lumières à Coïmbra et occupèrent des postes au Portugal et dans ses possessions d’outre-mer. Si la chute de Pombal en 1777 ne causa pas un vrai changement d’orientation politique, la noblesse traditionnelle reprit assez de pouvoir pour contraindre le souverain. Cependant, ce fut la présence de Rodrigo de Sousa Coutinho au Cabinet du prince régent João qui assura l’action réformatrice la plus inspirée des Lumières. En 1803, l’option diplomatique prise par la couronne portugaise le contraignit à quitter ce poste jusqu’à ce que les pressions de Bonaparte se traduisent par l’invasion du royaume portugais et le départ de la Cour pour Rio de Janeiro. En dépit de ces bouleversements, la politique resta confinée à l’espace privé et la religion demeura la forme dominante de structuration du monde. Dans ces conditions, malgré une importante circulation de pamphlets et de périodiques aux idées libérales, l’Indépendance du Brésil en 1822, conduite par l’héritier du trône lusitanien lui-même, se limita à une dispute avec le Portugal pour l’hégémonie à l’intérieur de l’empire, mais légua néanmoins des tensions profondes au nouveau pays.Beginning in 1772, the natives of Portuguese America had contacts with the Enlightenment in Coimbra, and held posts in Portugal and its overseas possessions. If the fall of Pombal in 1777 did not cause an actual change in political conduct, the traditional nobility recovered enough power to restrain the sovereign. But it was the presence of Rodrigo de Sousa Coutinho in the cabinet of the Prince regent João that guaranteed the most inspired reforms of the Enlightenment. In 1803, the diplomatic decision taken by the Portuguese crown compelled him to leave his post until the pressure of Bonaparte manifested itself in the invasion of the Kingdom of Portugal and the departure of the court for Rio de Janeiro. Despite these upheavals, politics remained a narrowly private affair and religion continued as the dominant perception of the world. In fact, for all the widespread circulation of pamphlets and journals containing liberal ideas, the independence of Brazil in 1822, led by the successor to the portuguese throne himself, was limited to a dispute with Portugal for the hegemony of the interior of the empire ; yet it still bequeathed deep political tensions to the new country

    Indépendance au Brésil et Lumières au Portugal : politique et culture dans l’espace luso-brésilien (1792-1823)

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    Dès 1772, des natifs de l’Amérique portugaise eurent des contacts avec les Lumières à Coïmbra et occupèrent des postes au Portugal et dans ses possessions d’outre-mer. Si la chute de Pombal en 1777 ne causa pas un vrai changement d’orientation politique, la noblesse traditionnelle reprit assez de pouvoir pour contraindre le souverain. Cependant, ce fut la présence de Rodrigo de Sousa Coutinho au Cabinet du prince régent João qui assura l’action réformatrice la plus inspirée des Lumières. En 1803, l’option diplomatique prise par la couronne portugaise le contraignit à quitter ce poste jusqu’à ce que les pressions de Bonaparte se traduisent par l’invasion du royaume portugais et le départ de la Cour pour Rio de Janeiro. En dépit de ces bouleversements, la politique resta confinée à l’espace privé et la religion demeura la forme dominante de structuration du monde. Dans ces conditions, malgré une importante circulation de pamphlets et de périodiques aux idées libérales, l’Indépendance du Brésil en 1822, conduite par l’héritier du trône lusitanien lui-même, se limita à une dispute avec le Portugal pour l’hégémonie à l’intérieur de l’empire, mais légua néanmoins des tensions profondes au nouveau pays.Beginning in 1772, the natives of Portuguese America had contacts with the Enlightenment in Coimbra, and held posts in Portugal and its overseas possessions. If the fall of Pombal in 1777 did not cause an actual change in political conduct, the traditional nobility recovered enough power to restrain the sovereign. But it was the presence of Rodrigo de Sousa Coutinho in the cabinet of the Prince regent João that guaranteed the most inspired reforms of the Enlightenment. In 1803, the diplomatic decision taken by the Portuguese crown compelled him to leave his post until the pressure of Bonaparte manifested itself in the invasion of the Kingdom of Portugal and the departure of the court for Rio de Janeiro. Despite these upheavals, politics remained a narrowly private affair and religion continued as the dominant perception of the world. In fact, for all the widespread circulation of pamphlets and journals containing liberal ideas, the independence of Brazil in 1822, led by the successor to the portuguese throne himself, was limited to a dispute with Portugal for the hegemony of the interior of the empire ; yet it still bequeathed deep political tensions to the new country

    The Farther the Better: Effects of Multiple Environmental Variables on Reef Fish Assemblages along a Distance Gradient from River Influences

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    The conservation and management of site-attached assemblages of coastal reefs are particularly challenging because of the tremendous environmental variation that exists at small spatial scales. In this sense, understanding the primary sources of variation in spatial patterns of the biota is fundamental for designing effective conservation policies. We investigated spatial variation in fish assemblages around the windward and leeward sides of coastal islands situated across a gradient of riverine influence (13 km in length). Specifically, relationships between rocky reef fish assemblages and benthic, topographic and physical predictors were assessed. We hypothesized that river induced disturbances may overcome local habitat features in modeling spatial patterns of fish distribution. Fish assemblages varied primarily due to the strong directional gradient of riverine influence (22.6% of the estimated components of variation), followed by topographic complexity (15%), wave exposure (9.9%), and benthic cover (8%). The trophic structure of fish assemblages changed from having a high abundance of invertebrate feeders in macroalgae-dominated reefs close to river mouths to a high proportion of herbivores, planktivores and invertebrate feeder species in reefs with large boulders covered by epilithic algal matrices, as the distance from rivers increased. This gradient led to an increase of 4.5-fold in fish richness and fish trophic group diversity, 11-fold in fish biomass and 10-fold in fish abundance. Our results have implications for the conservation and monitoring of assemblages patchily distributed at small spatial scales. The major role of distance from river influences on fish assemblages rather than benthic cover and topographic complexity suggest that managing land-based activities should be a conservation priority toward reef restoration.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Univ Fed Rural Rio de Janeiro, Dept Biol Anim, Lab Ecol Peixes, Campus Seropedica, Seropedica, RJ, BrazilUniv Fed Rural Rio de Janeiro, Dept Ciencias Meio Ambiente, Campus Tres Rios, Seropedica, RJ, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Inst Mar, Lab Ecol & Conservacao Marinha, Campus Baixada Santista, Santos, SP, BrazilLaboratório de Ecologia e Conservação Marinha, Instituto do Mar, Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Campus Baixada Santista, Santos, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Degradabilidade ruminal de grãos de milho de textura dura ou macia em três estádios de maturação

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    The predominance of vitreous endosperm in hard texture flint corn (Zea mays L.) can decrease ruminal starch digestion comparatively to the farinaceous endosperm of dent corn, reducing energy content of the grain. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effects of texture and maturity stage on ruminal degradability of corn grain. Two dent and two flint hybrids were harvested at the early dent, half milk line, and black layer stages. The proportion of vitreous endosperm (vitreousness) in dent hybrids was 44.3%, while in flint it was 67.0%. There was a linear increase in vitreousness with advancing maturity. Flint hybrids at the early dent stage were more vitreous than dent at the black layer stage. The increase in vitreousness per maturation day was greater for flint hybrids. Grains were incubated in situ in the rumen of 6 cows. The 24-hour ruminal dry matter degradation was 63.3% for dent corn and 52.4% for flint corn. The 72-hour incubation residues of dent and flint hybrids were 7.6% and 15.6%, respectively. Ruminal degradability was similar between hybrids at the early dent and half milk line stages. There was a marked texture effect on ruminal degradability at the black layer stage (quadratic effect of maturity stage and interaction between texture and maturity stage). Use of dent hybrids, compared to flint hybrids, may result in smaller relative reduction in ruminal starch digestion in situations of late grain harvesting.A predominância de endosperma vítreo em milho (Zea mays L.) flint de textura dura pode deprimir a digestão ruminal do amido comparativamente ao endosperma farináceo de milho dentado, reduzindo o conteúdo energético do grão. O objetivo deste experimento foi avaliar os efeitos da textura e do estádio de maturidade sobre a degradabilidade ruminal de grãos de milho. Dois híbridos dentados e dois duros foram colhidos nos estádios dentado inicial, metade da linha do leite e linha preta. A proporção de endosperma vítreo (vitreosidade) dos híbridos dentados foi 44,3% e a dos duros foi 67,0%. Ocorreu aumento linear na vitreosidade com o avançar da maturidade. Os híbridos duros no estádio dentado inicial foram mais vítreos que os dentados no estádio linha preta. O aumento na vitreosidade por dia de maturação foi maior nos híbridos duros. Os grãos foram incubados in situ no rúmen de 6 vacas. A degradação ruminal da matéria seca em 24 horas foi 63,3% nos grãos dentados e 52,4% nos duros. O resíduo após 72 horas de incubação de híbridos dentados e duros foram 7,6% e 15,6%, respectivamente. A degradabilidade ruminal dos híbridos foi similar nos estádios dentado inicial e metade da linha do leite. O efeito da textura sobre a degradabilidade ruminal foi acentuado no estádio linha preta (P < 0,01 para o efeito quadrático de estádio de maturação e para a interação entre textura e estádio de maturação). A utilização de híbridos dentados, comparativamente a híbridos duros, pode resultar em menor queda relativa na digestão ruminal do amido em situações de colheita tardia dos grãos

    Improving the downstream processing of interferon alfa-2b using alternative purification platforms based on ionic liquids

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    Improvements on human life expectancy and the lack of effective therapies has led to an increment of chronic diseases, being the application of biopharmaceuticals an efficient strategy to mitigate this scenario. Among the current available biopharmaceuticals, the role of interferon α-2b (IFNα-2b) should be highlighted, as it has been marketed over 30 years with a considerable impact on the global therapeutic proteins market (Castro et al, Vaccines, 2021). IFN manufacturing requires the use of the recombinant DNA technology, involving two main stages, the upstream and downstream stages. The first includes recombinant protein production in a suitable host microorganism, such as Escherichia coli (Castro et al, Sep. Purif. Technol., 2020), while the second comprises protein recovery, isolation, purification and polishing. Due to the high demands of the pharmaceutical industry for products with high purity and biological activity, the downstream stage is responsible for the majority of the production costs of biopharmaceuticals (50–90%), often including time-consuming and multi-step processes. Therefore, there is an immediate need to develop more efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable protein purification methodologies. In this work, two ionic-liquid-(IL)-based strategies were investigated for the purification of IFNα-2b recombinantly produced from E. coli fermentation broth, namely as adjuvants in aqueous biphasic systems or as chromatographic ligands immobilized in solid materials. Overall, the obtained results demonstrate that by tailoring IL’s chemical structures, improved protein purification processes are obtained and that the secondary structure of proteins is preserved.publishe

    Sustainable ionic-liquid-based strategies for the downstream processing of interferon α-2b from Echerichia coli

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    Over the last decades, society has been facing an increment of chronic diseases due to the higher human life expectancy and the lack of efficient treatments for several pathologies. In this regard, biopharmaceuticals have become one of the most effective clinical treatments for a broad range of diseases, including cancer, metabolic and neurodegenerative disorders [1]. Among biopharmaceuticals, the role of interferons, particularly interferon α-2b (IFNα-2b), should be underlined, as they have been marketed for over 30 years with a considerable impact on the global therapeutic proteins market [2]. Usually based on the recombinant DNA technology, the manufacturing process of biopharmaceuticals encompasses two main stages: the upstream and downstream stages. Typically, the upstream phase includes recombinant protein production processes in a suitable host microorganism, such as Escherichia coli [3], while the general downstream processing of biopharmaceuticals comprises four stages - recovery, isolation, purification and polishing -, which are responsible for the majority of the production costs of biopharmaceuticals (50–90%) [3]. The downstream processing is a time-consuming and multi-step process, for which the development of cost-effective purification processes is mandatory to decrease their costs and environmental impact. In this context, two ionic-liquid-(IL)-based strategies were investigated in this work for the purification of IFNα-2b recombinantly produced from E. coli fermentation broth. ILs have been used as adjuvants in aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) and applied in supported materials as alternative ligands. The obtained results demonstrate that ILs have a tailoring ability and contribute to the development of more effective and sustainable downstream processes of biopharmaceuticals.publishe

    Purification of interferon alpha 2b-based biopharmaceuticals using ionic liquid-based technologies

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    Protein biopharmaceuticals, among which interferon alpha-2b (IFNα-2b) that can be used in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C, have become an indispensable product of current medicine. Aiming at finding new cost-effective, efficient and sustainable technologies for recombinant IFNα-2b purification, ionic liquids were investigated as adjuvants in polymer-polymer aqueous two-phase systems (ATPS) or as chromatographic ligands covalently attached in silica (Supported ionic liquids, SILs). The application of ionic liquids as adjuvants in ATPS composed of polyethylene glycol (PEG 600 g/mol) and polypropylene glycol (PPG 400 g/mol) enhanced the purity of IFNα-2b recovered in the PEG-rich phase. On the other hand, SILs exhibited promising results toward IFNα-2b purification both in conditions favouring ionic or hydrophobic interactions, reinforcing the multimodal character of these novel stationary phases. Also, the secondary structure of IFNα-2b is preserved with both purification processes, as appraised by circular dichroism and western-blot studies. Overall, our results demonstrate the high potential exhibited by ionic liquids toward the preparative purification of the recombinant IFNα-2b biopharmaceuticals.publishe