144 research outputs found


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    Проблема и ее связь с научными и практическими задачами. Все подре-шетные воды гравитационного отделения аккумулируются в зумпфах большой емкости и далее перекачиваются на операцию предварительной регенерации в гидроциклоны, классификаторы или сгустители. При этом необходимо обеспе-чить подачу на самую верхнюю отметку для дальнейшего распределения шла-мовых потоков самотеком. Как правило, такие потоки характеризуются высо-кими транспортными задержками. Магистрали для шламовых потоков перед узлами вывода имеют меньшие геометрические размеры, переносят незначи-тельное количество пульпы по сравнению с вводными коммуникациями

    A literature review of magnetic resonance imaging sequence advancements in visualizing functional neurosurgery targets

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    OBJECTIVE: Historically, preoperative planning for functional neurosurgery has depended on the indirect localization of target brain structures using visible anatomical landmarks. However, recent technological advances in neuroimaging have permitted marked improvements in MRI-based direct target visualization, allowing for refinement of "first-pass" targeting. The authors reviewed studies relating to direct MRI visualization of the most common functional neurosurgery targets (subthalamic nucleus, globus pallidus, and thalamus) and summarize sequence specifications for the various approaches described in this literature. METHODS: The peer-reviewed literature on MRI visualization of the subthalamic nucleus, globus pallidus, and thalamus was obtained by searching MEDLINE. Publications examining direct MRI visualization of these deep brain stimulation targets were included for review. RESULTS: A variety of specialized sequences and postprocessing methods for enhanced MRI visualization are in current use. These include susceptibility-based techniques such as quantitative susceptibility mapping, which exploit the amount of tissue iron in target structures, and white matter attenuated inversion recovery, which suppresses the signal from white matter to improve the distinction between gray matter nuclei. However, evidence confirming the superiority of these sequences over indirect targeting with respect to clinical outcome is sparse. Future targeting may utilize information about functional and structural networks, necessitating the use of resting-state functional MRI and diffusion-weighted imaging. CONCLUSIONS: Specialized MRI sequences have enabled considerable improvement in the visualization of common deep brain stimulation targets. With further validation of their ability to improve clinical outcomes and advances in imaging techniques, direct visualization of targets may play an increasingly important role in preoperative planning

    Значение зарубежных сельскохозяйственных практик для студентов аграрных вузов

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    young people do not see the opportunities for employment and career after graduating from agricultural institutions. Therefore, they don’t intend to enter agricultural higher institutions. Those students who graduated from agricultural institutions don’t work in the sphere of agriculture. Agricultural universities face the problem of making education more attractive, marketable and requested by the youth. The author see internships abroad as one of the criteria contributing to raising the attractiveness of agricultural education as the necessity in specialists with international experience arises in modern society. It leads to development of international cooperation among universities and opportunities for students to get practical experience abroad.The paper highlights the significance of agricultural internships abroad for students trained at agricultural institutions. The authors specify the goals, tasks of internships and their specific features. The paper explores the experience of Novosibirsk State Agrarian University in organizational support of these internships and describes agricultural internship in Bavaria (Germany) which is implemented under cooperation between NSAU and Agroimpuls Bavaria. The authors show statistical data for previous 15 years: the number of students who had internship in Bavaria, Faculties they are trained at, international programs they further applied to and the contribution of internship into their employment after graduation. The authors analyze the reports and reviews of 224 students who passed internship in Germany. The authors make conclusion about the role and significance of international internship for students and organization of agricultural internships at agricultural higher institutions.На региональном рынке труда наблюдается острая необходимость в специалистах с высшим аграрным образованием. Многие молодые люди не видят перспективы хорошего трудоустройства после окончания сельскохозяйственного вуза, поэтому стремятся поступить в вузы неаграрного профиля, а выпускники аграрных университетов зачастую работают не по профессии. Поэтому перед аграрными вузами стоит задача сделать обучение привлекательным и востребованным для молодежи. Одним из критериев привлекательности аграрного образования является организация международных стажировок и практик по специальности, так как в современном обществе возрастает потребность в специалистах с международным опытом. Это, в свою очередь, вызывает необходимость развития международного сотрудничества вузов и расширения возможностей студентов получить во время обучения практический опыт за рубежом.В статье раскрывается значение зарубежных сельскохозяйственных стажировок и практик для студентов аграрных вузов; указываются цель и задачи стажировок, особенности их организации; рассматривается пример Новосибирского государственного аграрного университета (Новосибирский ГАУ) в организации таких практик и стажировок; описывается международная программа «Сельскохозяйственная практика в Германии (Бавария)», которую реализует Новосибирский ГАУ и организация «Агроимпульс Бавария» на основании соглашения о сотрудничестве. Кроме того, приводятся статистические данные за последние 15 лет действия программы: сколько студентов прошли сельскохозяйственную практику, с каких факультетов, в каких международных образовательных программах они приняли участие после практики в Германии, как практика помогла в трудоустройстве выпускников Новосибирского ГАУ. Анализируются отчеты и отзывы 224 студентов, прошедших стажировку в Баварии. На основании анализа статистических данных, отзывов и отчетов студентов делается вывод о значимости программы для студентов и о необходимости организации и проведения сельскохозяйственных практик в аграрном вузе

    Lead-DBS v3.0: Mapping Deep Brain Stimulation Effects to Local Anatomy and Global Networks.

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    Following its introduction in 2014 and with support of a broad international community, the open-source toolbox Lead-DBS has evolved into a comprehensive neuroimaging platform dedicated to localizing, reconstructing, and visualizing electrodes implanted in the human brain, in the context of deep brain stimulation (DBS) and epilepsy monitoring. Expanding clinical indications for DBS, increasing availability of related research tools, and a growing community of clinician-scientist researchers, however, have led to an ongoing need to maintain, update, and standardize the codebase of Lead-DBS. Major development efforts of the platform in recent years have now yielded an end-to-end solution for DBS-based neuroimaging analysis allowing comprehensive image preprocessing, lead localization, stimulation volume modeling, and statistical analysis within a single tool. The aim of the present manuscript is to introduce fundamental additions to the Lead-DBS pipeline including a deformation warpfield editor and novel algorithms for electrode localization. Furthermore, we introduce a total of three comprehensive tools to map DBS effects to local, tract- and brain network-levels. These updates are demonstrated using a single patient example (for subject-level analysis), as well as a retrospective cohort of 51 Parkinson's disease patients who underwent DBS of the subthalamic nucleus (for group-level analysis). Their applicability is further demonstrated by comparing the various methodological choices and the amount of explained variance in clinical outcomes across analysis streams. Finally, based on an increasing need to standardize folder and file naming specifications across research groups in neuroscience, we introduce the brain imaging data structure (BIDS) derivative standard for Lead-DBS. Thus, this multi-institutional collaborative effort represents an important stage in the evolution of a comprehensive, open-source pipeline for DBS imaging and connectomics

    In vivo detection of activated platelets allows characterizing rupture of atherosclerotic plaques with molecular magnetic resonance imaging in mice

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    BACKGROUND: Early and non-invasive detection of platelets on micro atherothrombosis provides a means to identify unstable plaque and thereby allowing prophylactic treatment towards prevention of stroke or myocardial infarction. Molecular magnetic resonance imaging (mMRI) of activated platelets as early markers of plaque rupture using targeted contrast agents is a promising strategy. In this study, we aim to specifically image activated platelets in murine atherothrombosis by in vivo mMRI, using a dedicated animal model of plaque rupture. METHODS: An antibody targeting ligand-induced binding sites (LIBS) on the glycoprotein IIb/IIIa-receptor of activated platelets was conjugated to microparticles of iron oxide (MPIO) to form the LIBS-MPIO contrast agent causing a signal-extinction in T2*-weighted MRI. ApoE(-/-) mice (60 weeks-old) were fed a high fat diet for 5 weeks. Using a small needle, the surface of their carotid plaques was scratched under blood flow to induce atherothrombosis. In vivo 9.4 Tesla MRI was performed before and repetitively after intravenous injection of either LIBS-MPIO versus non-targeted-MPIO. RESULTS: LIBS-MPIO injected animals showed a significant signal extinction (p/= 2% of the vascular lumen. Histology further confirmed significant binding of LIBS-MPIO compared to control-MPIO on the thrombus developing on the surface of ruptured plaques (p<0.01). CONCLUSION: in vivo mMRI detected activated platelets on mechanically ruptured atherosclerotic plaques in ApoE(-/-) mice with a high sensititvity. This imaging technology represents a unique opportunity for noninvasive detection of atherothrombosis and the identification of unstable atherosclerotic plaques with the ultimate promise to prevent strokes and myocardial infarctions

    Activated Platelets in Carotid Artery Thrombosis in Mice Can Be Selectively Targeted with a Radiolabeled Single-Chain Antibody

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    BACKGROUND: Activated platelets can be found on the surface of inflamed, rupture-prone and ruptured plaques as well as in intravascular thrombosis. They are key players in thrombosis and atherosclerosis. In this study we describe the construction of a radiolabeled single-chain antibody targeting the LIBS-epitope of activated platelets to selectively depict platelet activation and wall-adherent non-occlusive thrombosis in a mouse model with nuclear imaging using in vitro and ex vivo autoradiography as well as small animal SPECT-CT for in vivo analysis. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: LIBS as well as an unspecific control single-chain antibody were labeled with (111)Indium ((111)In) via bifunctional DTPA ( = (111)In-LIBS/(111)In-control). Autoradiography after incubation with (111)In-LIBS on activated platelets in vitro (mean 3866 ± 28 DLU/mm(2), 4010 ± 630 DLU/mm(2) and 4520 ± 293 DLU/mm(2)) produced a significantly higher ligand uptake compared to (111)In-control (2101 ± 76 DLU/mm(2), 1181 ± 96 DLU/mm(2) and 1866 ± 246 DLU/mm(2)) indicating a specific binding to activated platelets; P<0.05. Applying these findings to an ex vivo mouse model of carotid artery thrombosis revealed a significant increase in ligand uptake after injection of (111)In-LIBS in the presence of small thrombi compared to the non-injured side, as confirmed by histology (49630 ± 10650 DLU/mm(2) vs. 17390 ± 7470 DLU/mm(2); P<0.05). These findings could also be reproduced in vivo. SPECT-CT analysis of the injured carotid artery with (111)In-LIBS resulted in a significant increase of the target-to-background ratio compared to (111)In-control (1.99 ± 0.36 vs. 1.1 ± 0.24; P < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Nuclear imaging with (111)In-LIBS allows the detection of platelet activation in vitro and ex vivo with high sensitivity. Using SPECT-CT, wall-adherent activated platelets in carotid arteries could be depicted in vivo. These results encourage further studies elucidating the role of activated platelets in plaque pathology and atherosclerosis and might be of interest for further developments towards clinical application

    Treatment of advanced, recurrent, resistant to previous treatments basal and squamous cell skin carcinomas with a synergistic formulation of interferons. Open, prospective study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Aggressive non-melanoma skin cancer (deeply infiltrating, recurrent, and morphea form lesions) are therapeutically challenging because they require considerable tissue loss and may demand radical disfiguring surgery. Interferons (IFN) may provide a non-surgical approach to the management of these tumors. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of a formulation containing IFNs-α and -γ in synergistic proportions on patients with recurrent, advanced basal cell (BCC) or squamous cell skin carcinomas (SCSC).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Patients with extensive, recurrent, resistant to other procedures BCC or SCSC received the IFN formulation peri- and intralesionally, three times per week for 3 weeks. They had been previously treated with surgery and/or radiotherapy or chemotherapy. Thirteen weeks after the end of treatment, the original lesion sites were examined for histological evidence of remaining tumor.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Sixteen elder (median 70 years-old) patients were included. They beared 12 BCC and 4 SCSC ranging from 1.5 to 12.5 cm in the longest dimension. At the end of treatment 47% CR (complete tumor elimination), 40% PR (>30% tumor reduction), and 13% stable disease were obtained. None of the patients relapsed during the treatment period. The median duration of the response was 38 months. Only one patient with complete response had relapsed until today. Principal adverse reactions were influenza-like symptoms well known to occur with interferon therapy, which were well tolerated.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The peri- and intralesional combination of IFNs-α and -γ was safe and showed effect for the treatment of advanced, recurrent and resistant to previous treatments of BCC and SCSC in elder patients. This is the first report of such treatment in patients with advance non-melanoma skin cancer. The encouraging result justifies further confirmatory trials.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Current Controlled Trials RPCEC00000052.</p

    Fluorescence-Quenched Substrates for Live Cell Imaging of Human Glucocerebrosidase Activity

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    Deficiency of the lysosomal glycoside hydrolase glucocerebrosidase (GCase) leads to abnormal accumulation of glucosyl ceramide in lysosomes and the development of the lysosomal storage disease known as Gaucher’s disease. More recently, mutations in the&nbsp;GBA1&nbsp;gene that encodes GCase have been uncovered as a major genetic risk factor for Parkinson’s disease (PD). Current therapeutic strategies to increase GCase activity in lysosomes involve enzyme replacement therapy (ERT) and molecular chaperone therapy. One challenge associated with developing and optimizing these therapies is the difficulty in determining levels of GCase activity present within the lysosomes of live cells. Indeed, visualizing the activity of endogenous levels of any glycoside hydrolases, including GCase, has proven problematic within live mammalian cells. Here we describe the successful modular design and synthesis of fluorescence-quenched substrates for GCase. The selection of a suitable fluorophore and quencher pair permits the generation of substrates that allow convenient time-dependent monitoring of endogenous GCase activity within cells as well as localization of activity within lysosomes. These efficiently quenched (∼99.9%) fluorescent substrates also permit assessment of GCase inhibition in live cells by either confocal microscopy or high content imaging. Such substrates should enable improved understanding of GCase in situ as well the optimization of small-molecule chaperones for this enzyme. These findings also suggest routes to generate fluorescence-quenched substrates for other mammalian glycoside hydrolases for use in live cell imaging