1,589 research outputs found

    Financial inclusion, financial stability and sustainability in the banking sector : the case of Indonesia

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    Purpose: The purpose of the present study is to analyze the effect of financial inclusion on sustainable economic growth for Indonesian banking companies, and to investigate the effect of financial inclusion on sustainable economic growth through financial system stability. Design/Methodology/Approach: This research is a quantitative study using secondary data taken from annual financial statements of banking companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) over the period 2010-2017. Findings: The results show that (a) the financial inclusion does not affect sustainable economic growth in Indonesian banking companies, and (b) the financial system stability mediates the effect of financial inclusion on sustainable economic growth in Indonesian banking companies. Practical Implications: This study provides deeper insight into the factors that drive financial inclusion and an increase in market share and financial performance of banks. With conditions of inclusion that are still low in Indonesia while the number of banks is increasing, it is necessary to have strong financial system stability. By understanding the matrix in financial inclusion, managers are well-positioned to understand the strategies needed to promote financial inclusion so that market share increases. Likewise, the results of the present study are probable to be an input for other stakeholders for their consideration in decision making. Originality/Value: Empirical research that explores the effects of financial inclusion, and sustainable economic growth in Indonesia is still very limited. According to our knowledge, no one has examined the use of financial system stability as mediation as it is used in this studypeer-reviewe

    A Sketch of a Humane Education: A Capability Approach Perspective

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    Poverty, understood as basic capability deprivation, can only be solved through a process of expanding the freedoms that people value and have reason to value. This process can only begin if the capability to imagine and aspire for an altenative lifestyle worthy of human dignity is cultivated by an education program that develops both the capability to reason and to value. These two facets play a major role in the creative exercise of human agency. This program of humane education can only come from an adequate description of the human agent as a persona that seeks to actualize itself based on his/her understanding of the good. Education must therefore seek to cultivate the capability to have an adequate conception of the good (normative) as well as the capability to constantly re-evaluate one’s conception of the good (evaluative) in order to freely and reasonably choose a life that one values and has reason to value. Education must therefore entail not merely the development of skills nor specialization in a particular field but must concentrate on the integration of the human person as a whole which leads to self-creative praxis

    Two sides of the coin:Patient and provider perceptions of health care delivery to patients from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds

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    BACKGROUND: Australia is a culturally diverse nation with one in seven Australians born in a non-English speaking country. Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) populations are at a high risk of developing preventable chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes mellitus, renal disease, and chronic respiratory disease, especially communities from the Pacific Islands, the Middle East, North Africa, the Indian subcontinent and China. Previous studies have shown that access to services may be a contributing factor. This study explores the experiences, attitudes and opinions of immigrants from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds and their health care providers with regard to chronic disease care. METHODS: Five focus groups were conducted comprising participants from an Arabic speaking background, or born in Sudan, China, Vietnam or Tonga. A total of 50 members participated. All focus groups were conducted in the participants’ language and facilitated by a trained multicultural health worker. In addition, 14 health care providers were interviewed by telephone. Interviews were digitally recorded and transcribed. All qualitative data were analysed with the assistance of QSR NVivo 8 software. RESULTS: Participants were generally positive about the quality and accessibility of health services, but the costs of health care and waiting times to receive treatment presented significant barriers. They expressed a need for greater access to interpreters and culturally appropriate communication and education. They mentioned experiencing racism and discriminatory practices. Health professionals recommended recruiting health workers from CALD communities to assist them to adequately elicit and address the needs of patients from CALD backgrounds. CONCLUSIONS: CALD patients, carers and community members as well as health professionals all highlighted the need for establishing culturally tailored programs for chronic disease prevention and management in CALD populations. Better health care can be achieved by ensuring that further investment in culturally specific programs and workforce development is in line with the number of CALD communities and their needs

    Preservation process modelling (including a review of semantic process modelling and workflow languages)

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    This report describes in a formalised way a comprehensive set of processes for digital preservation. These processes are drawn from a series of relevant projects and standards from the preservation community, including OAIS, TRAC, PLANETS and others. The result is intended to be used as a generic baseline that those interested in audiovisual preservation can refer to, extract and customise processes in order to fit with their specific AV preservation needs

    KOMENTAR ČLANA 180. KRIVIČNOG ZAKONIKA REPUBLIKE SRBIJE - sa osvrtom na uporedno pravo

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    Goal of this paper, as well as the author’s intention, is to point out that besides solid legal protection in Article 180 of Criminal Code of Serbia, our legal system needs to be improved with so-called alternative measures, introduced in order to significantly decrease pedophilia and criminal act „Sexual intercourse with minor“, hence establishing better protection of children. These measures are being used in several countries of Europe and in USA, giving very positive results. Therefore, main contribution of the paper should be to imply introduction of these measures to the legislator, based on good practice of other countries and suggestions of experts, all in order to secure better future for children.Cilj ovog rada, kao i namera autora je da skrene pažnju na činjenicu da je, i pored dobre krivično-pravne zaštite koju pruža član 180. Krivičnog zakonika Republike Srbije, u naš pravni sistem potrebno uvrstiti i neke druge,tzv. alternativne mere koje će u značajnoj meri uticati na smanjivanje pojave pedofilije i krivičnog dela Obljuba sa detetom, i samim tim doprineti većoj zaštiti dece. Te mere se već koriste u nekim zemljama Evrope i SAD-a, i tamo daju veoma dobre rezultate. Stoga, ovaj rad teži da da doprinos nekoj boljoj budućnosti u kojoj će naš zakonodavac poučen primerima iz drugih zemalja i sugestijama stručnjaka, u naš pravni sistem uvrstiti i neku od njih

    New polychrome methods in microtechnique

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    When the writer took an introductory course in Microtechnique in 1954-55, he was impressed by the inadequacy of some microtechnical procedures recommended in triple staining, and he felt disappointed and discouraged by the consistently inferior results. He resolved to attempt modifications or to develop a new technique which could be relied upon to achieve anticipated results. This is a report on two years of efforts to develop a simple dependable technique in polychrome staining for histological studies. The writer feels that the results are of importance to students and teachers of biological science and to microtomists. The herein proposed technique enables the observer readily to recognize fine details of microscopic structures, and it presents a more attractive picture than does the common Harris’ hematoxylin counterstained with eosin. This report also includes a list of polychrome procedures, divided into four groups: (1) hematoxylin and combinations, (2) safranin and combinations, (3) acid fuchsin and combinations, and (4) miscellaneous


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    The purpose of this study is to test empirically whether is a significant effect between firm characteristics on the reporting disclosure, a significant effect between firm characteristics on the reporting disclosure through earnings quality, and a significant effect between the reporting disclosure on earning quality. to measure earnings quality, this study uses the Dechow and Dichev model (2002). Results of the study are that there is no relationship between firm characteristics with the reporting disclosure, exxept the size of the company; there is no relationship between firm characteristics and earnings quality through the reporting disclosure, and there is no relationship between the reporting disclosure with earnings quality

    Pengaruh Karakteristik Perusahaan terhadap Pengungkapan Pelaporan Serta Implikasinya terhadap Kualitas Laba

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    The purpose of this study is to test empirically whether is a significant effect between firm characteristics on the reporting disclosure, a significant effect between firm characteristics on the reporting disclosure through earnings quality, and a significant effect between the reporting disclosure on earning quality. to measure earnings quality, this study uses the Dechow and Dichev model (2002). Results of the study are that there is no relationship between firm characteristics with the reporting disclosure, exxept the size of the company; there is no relationship between firm characteristics and earnings quality through the reporting disclosure, and there is no relationship between the reporting disclosure with earnings quality