1,956 research outputs found

    Diagnosis for ecological intensification of maize-based smallholder farming systems in the Costa Chica, Mexico

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    Enhanced utilization of ecological processes for food and feed production as part of the notion of ecological intensification starts from location-specific knowledge of production constraints. A diagnostic systems approach which combined social-economic and production ecological methods at farm and field level was developed and applied to diagnose extent and causes of the perceived low productivity of maize-based smallholder systems in two communities of the Costa Chica in South West Mexico. Social-economic and production ecological surveys were applied and complemented with model-based calculations. The results demonstrated that current nutrient management of crops has promoted nutrition imbalances, resulting in K- and, less surprisingly N-limited production conditions, reflected in low yields of the major crops maize and roselle and low resource use efficiencies. Production on moderate to steep slopes was estimated to result in considerable losses of soil and organic matter. Poor crop production, lack of specific animal fodder production systems and strong dependence on animal grazing within communal areas limited recycling of nutrients through manure. In combination with low prices for the roselle cash crop, farmers are caught in a vicious cycle of cash shortage and resource decline. The production ecological findings complemented farmers opinions by providing more insight in background and extent of livelihood constraints. Changing fertilizer subsidies and rethinking animal fodder production as well as use of communal lands requires targeting both formal and informal governance structures. The methodology has broader applicability in smallholder systems in view of its low demand on capital intensive resource

    Assessment of the antioxidant properties of tomato extracts: A synergistic approach using in vitro chemical tests and cell-based assays

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    The aim of this research was to assess the total antioxidant activity (TAA) of lipophilic (Lextr) and hydrophilic (Hextr) tomato extracts using in vitro chemical tests and cell-based assays, focusing on possible synergistic actions between tomato antioxidants. Both Hextr and Lextr were HPLC analysed for their carotenoids, phenolic compounds, and ascorbic acid contents. For the evaluation of TAA, extracts were assayed alone or in combination using in vitro chemical tests (TEAC, FRAP) and cell-based (CAA) assays using human hepatoma (HepG2) and human histiocytic lymphoma (U937) cells. The only carotenoid detected in Lextr was lycopene, while a mixture of phenolic compounds (chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, and rutin) was identified in Hextr. Ascorbic acid was not found either in Hextr or in Lextr. Upon extract combination (1:1, v/v), the FRAP assay revealed additive action between Lextr and Hextr, whilst a slight synergistic action was observed in TAA as measured by the TEAC assay. Synergistic action was better revealed when TAA was analysed using either U937 or HepG2 cells. This could be explained by the presence of a multiphase media (cell membrane and extra- and intracellular media) that might facilitate the distribution and interaction of antioxidants with different polarities and different mechanisms of action

    Therapeutic drug monitoring of itraconazole and the relevance of pharmacokinetic interactions

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    ABSTRACTA review of the pharmacological aspects of greatest relevance in relation to the monitoring of itraconazole serum levels is presented in this article. The main causes of pharmacokinetic variability, e.g., poor aqueous solubility, the presystemic first-pass effect with the involvement of transporters such as P-glycoprotein, the high extent of metabolism mediated by the CYP450 system and a high probability of pharmacological interactions, are documented and discussed. The pharmacokinetic–pharmacodynamic criteria used to optimise antibiotic therapy, as well as their application to antifungal drugs, are also discussed. Data concerning the breakpoints established for the minimum serum concentrations of itraconazole are included, and the most relevant justifications for drug monitoring are cited

    Efectividad de las actividades preventivas a los 8 años de su introducción en una consulta de medicina general de un centro de salud

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    ObjetivoPrincipal: valorar la modificación del riesgo coronario (RC) en pacientes adultos tras 8 años de su incorporación al Programa Actividades Preventivas y Promoción Salud (PAPPS). Secundario: determinar nivel de vacunación antitetánica alcanzado y cumplimiento de actividades.DiseñoEstudio de intervención sin asignación aleatoria «antes-después».EmplazamientoUna consulta de medicina general de un centro de salud.PacientesUn total de 429 pacientes (204 varones, 225 mujeres) de 30-65 años seguidos durante 8 años, captados por búsqueda activa de casos en la consulta diaria.IntervencionesDeterminación de tensión arterial, colesterol, peso, tabaquismo, ingesta etílica, estado vacunal antitetánico, cálculo del RC a los 10 años según Framinghan y grado de cumplimiento de actividades. Estas variables se determinaron al inicio, a los 4 y a los 8 años. Datos obtenidos de la historia clínica.ResultadosPoblación total: a los 8 años descenso del RC, 0,8 (IC diferencia, 0,4-1,2), equivalente al 8,5% del inicial. Incremento obtenido de la vacunación antitetánica correcta del 64,4% (IC diferencia, 59,9-69%). Cumplimiento actividades al inicio y al octavo año: tensión, 100%, 71%; consumo tabaco, 99,5%, 71%; determinación colesterol, 89%, 64%. Subgrupo RC inicial alto: a los 8 años descenso del RC, 6,7 (IC diferencia, 4,9-8,5), equivalente al 24,8% del inicial.ConclusionesEn la población total el descenso del RC obtenido no es clínicamente significativo, mientras que en el subgrupo con RC inicial alto el descenso sí lo ha sido. Probablemente debería hacerse búsqueda activa de los pacientes con RC alto y actuar sobre ellos.ObjectivesMain: to assess the change in coronary risk (CR) in adults after 8 years of their involvement in the Programme of Preventive Activities and Health Promotion (PAPPS). Secondary: to determine the level of anti-tetanus vaccination reached and patients' compliance with activities.Design«Before and after» intervention study without random allocation.SettingA general medical clinic at a health centre.Patients429 patients (204 men, 225 women) between 30 and 65 monitored for 8 years, recruited by active search for cases at daily consultations.InterventionsBlood pressure, cholesterol, weight, tobacco habit, alcohol intake, anti-tetanus vaccination state, CR calculation at 10 years on the Framingham scale, and degree of compliance with activities were all determined at the start, at 4 years and at 8 years. Data was obtained from the clinical notes.ResultsTotal population: a 0.8 drop in CR (CI difference: 0.4-1.2), equivalent to 8.5% of the initial figure. 64.4% increase in correct anti-tetanus vaccination (CI difference: 59.9-69). Compliance with activities at the start and after eight years: pressure 100%, 71%; tobacco consumption 99.5%, 71%; cholesterol determination 89%, 64%. Initially high CR sub-group: 6.7 drop of CR at 8 years (CI difference: 4.9-8.5), equivalent to 24.8% of the initial figure.ConclusionsIn the total population, the CR drop found was not clinically significant, whereas in the initially high CR sub-group the drop was. There should probably be an active search made for patients with high CR and action taken on them

    Caractérisation des systèmes de production ovine dans la zone de "Sierra del Segura y la Sagra", Espagne

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    [FR] Le présent article se propose d¿analyser les caractéristiques les plus saillantes du secteur ovin dans une partie de la zone géographique sous Indication Géographique Protégée (IGP) "Cordero de Segura y la Sagra". Une enquête a été menée sur 93 propriétaires d¿élevages, dans l'objectif de connaître la situation du secteur dans cette zone. Les questions concernaient les sujets suivants: caractéristiques du troupeau, âge, niveau d'études, ouvriers à la ferme, continuité des activités de la ferme. La taille moyenne du troupeau est de 378 animaux et la race "Segureña" est prédominante (99%). Dans 93,4% des cas l¿éleveur travaille à temps plein dans l¿exploitation et le revenu principal est la vente d¿agneaux pour la viande, mais seulement 9,7% des éleveurs font partie d¿une coopérative pour la commercialisation. L'âge moyen du fermier est de 50 ans et 87,1% des éleveurs n¿ont pas d¿études ou de faible niveau. La moyenne du travail employé est de 1,31 UTA, essentiellement de type familial. Seulement dans 12% des cas il existe une sécurité de la continuité de l'activité. Les résultats obtenus montrent qu'il est nécessaire de parvenir à de meilleures conditions socioéconomiques pour les exploitations dans la zone étudiée. L'IGP "Cordero de Segura y la Sagra" pourrait être utile pour améliorer ces aspects.[EN] The aim of this study is to present the basic characteristics which define the sheep systems in some zones of the PGI Cordero de Segura y la Sagra protected area, in order to bring about actions to improve the competitiveness of such systems. A survey has been conducted among 93 farm owners. The questionnaire included questions regarding herd characteristics, age, educational level, workers, and continuity of the farm activity. The average herd size is 378 animals and the Segureña breed sheep is predominant (99 percent). In 93.5 percent of cases the owner works full time on the farm and the main economic benefit is the sale of lambs for meat, but only 9.7 percent of farmers belong to some kind of marketing cooperative. The average farmer's age is 50 years old and a high percentage (87.1 percent) has no education or a very basic one. The year work unit (YWU) is 1.31 and the work is mainly of family type. In only 12 percent of the cases the continuity of the activity is assured. The above analysed aspects show that it is necessary to achieve better socioeconomic conditions of farms. The PGI Cordero de Segura y la Sagra could be useful to improve these aspects. Therefore we suggest that the PGI must be promoted among farmers, especially among young people.Navarro-Ríos, M.; Marín-Bernal, A.; Martí, A.; Fernández Martínez, CJ. (2011). Characterizacion of Segureña sheep production system in the area of Sierra del Segura y la Sagra, Spain. Options Mediterraneennes. Serie A: Seminaires Mediterraneens. (100):211-216. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/107315S21121610

    Self-thinning in four pine species: an evaluation of potential climate impacts

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    Key message: Self-thinning lines are species- and climate-specific, and they should be used when assessing the capacity of different forest stands to increase biomass/carbon storage. Context: The capacity of forests to store carbon can help to mitigate the effects of atmospheric CO2 rise and climate change. The self-thinning relationship (average size measure ∼ stand density) has been used to identify the potential capacity of biomass storage at a given density and to evaluate the effect of stand management on stored carbon. Here, a study that shows how the self-thinning line varies with species and climate is presented. Aims: Our main objective is thus testing whether species identity and climate affect the self-thinning line and therefore the potential amount of carbon stored in living biomass. Methods: The Ecological and Forest Inventory of Catalonia was used to calculate the self-thinning lines of four common coniferous species in Catalonia, NE Iberian Peninsula (Pinus halepensis, Pinus nigra, Pinus sylvestris and Pinus uncinata). Quadratic mean diameter at breast height was chosen as the average size measure. The self-thinning lines were used to predict the potential diameter at a given density and study the effect of environmental variability. Results: Species-specific self-thinning lines were obtained. The self-thinning exponent was consistent with the predicted values of −3/2 and −4/3 for mass-based scaling for all species except P. sylvestris. Species identity and climatic variability within species affected self-thinning line parameters. Conclusion: Self-thinning lines are species-specific and are affected by climatic conditions. These relationships can be used to refine predictions of the capacity of different forest stands to increase biomass/carbon storage.</p

    Morfología de las ciudades silentes de Cartagena. Reflejos del urbanismo de la ciudad viva

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    La aspiración humana de ir más allá de la vida ha ocasionado diversas manifestaciones de grandeza que en ocasiones se han visto reflejadas en los lugares elegidos para alojar sus restos tras el momento final. Desde que en el s.XIX Cartagena acatara las disposiciones de la Real Cédula de Carlos III por la que se imponía emplazar los recintos funerarios extramuros de las ciudades, se establecieron en la misma dos cementerios que aún hoy siguen funcionando; el cementerio de San Antonio Abad (1806) y el de Nuestra Señora de los Remedios (1868). Esta comunicación pretende analizar las distintas morfologías urbanas ensayadas en estos camposantos para mostrar la diferente concepción de los dos espacios y el reflejo en la ciudad viva de los modelos urbanos con que fueron concebidas ambas ciudades silentes. El primero, imitó modelos racionales como el que Ferdinando Fuga había practicado en Italia, donde bajo ideales ilustrados; vivos y muertos serían igualados en el momento final, y el segundo fue proyectado como un cementerio romántico en el que los hombres ilustres de la Cartagena decimonónica construyeron sus panteones a imagen de las mansiones emplazadas en la otra ciudad

    Prolapso de la glándula lacrimal del tercer párpado

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    El prolapso de la glándula lacrimal del tercer párpado es relativamente frecuente en oftalmología canina. La exéresis glandular es una técnica sencilla, aunque puede presentar complicaciones a largo plazo. La adenopexia debería ser la primera elección quirúrgica, su resultado depende de una adecuada exposición de la esclerótica, del tamaño de la glándula y de la calidad del material de sutura empleado.Protrusion of the membrane nictitans gland is a common occurrence in veterinary ophthalmology. Although excision of the gland is an easy technique, it can develop serious further complications. Adenopexia should be the first surgical election, iss success depends on the clear sclera exposure, the gland size and the quality of the suture material employed

    Structural Invariance of Sunspot Umbrae Over the Solar Cycle: 1993-2004

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    Measurements of maximum magnetic flux, minimum intensity, and size are presented for 12 967 sunspot umbrae detected on the NASA/NSO spectromagnetograms between 1993 and 2004 to study umbral structure and strength during the solar cycle. The umbrae are selected using an automated thresholding technique. Measured umbral intensities are first corrected for a confirming observation of umbral limb-darkening. Log-normal fits to the observed size distribution confirm that the size spectrum shape does not vary with time. The intensity-magnetic flux relationship is found to be steady over the solar cycle. The dependence of umbral size on the magnetic flux and minimum intensity are also independent of cycle phase and give linear and quadratic relations, respectively. While the large sample size does show a low amplitude oscillation in the mean minimum intensity and maximum magnetic flux correlated with the solar cycle, this can be explained in terms of variations in the mean umbral size. These size variations, however, are small and do not substantiate a meaningful change in the size spectrum of the umbrae generated by the Sun. Thus, in contrast to previous reports, the observations suggest the equilibrium structure, as testified by the invariant size-magnetic field relationship, as well as the mean size (i.e. strength) of sunspot umbrae do not significantly depend on solar cycle phase.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures. Published in Solar Physic

    Primary endometrial carcinoma with signet-ring cells. A case report and review of the literature

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    Endometrial adenocarcinoma with signet-ring cells is an infrequent histological type of carcinoma that usually corresponds to a metastasis of a primary carcinoma of another origin, mainly from the gastrointestinal tract or the breast. For this reason, in view of this histological finding, it is essential to carry out a thorough evaluation including mammography, gastroscopy, colonoscopy and thoracoabdominopelvic CT. To date, only six cases of primary endometrial carcinoma with signet-ring cells have been reported in the English literature. A 73-year-old patient was referred to the Gynecology Department with a 3-day history of postmenopausal bleeding. She was diagnosed with primary endometrial adenocarcinoma with signet-ring cells. The anatomopathological special features of the surgical specimen are presented, as well as the evolution of the patient, who remained asymptomatic and free of disease 28 months after surgery. A review of the literature is performed, emphasizing the peculiarities of this rare histological subtype. Despite the fact that primary endometrial carcinoma with signet-ring cells is an infrequent tumor, it must be considered in the differential diagnosis of malignant tumors of aforesaid origin. It is essential to carry out a correct and an extensive investigative study as well as an immunohistochemical analysis of the samples obtained for its confirmation diagnosis
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