134 research outputs found

    Elder law instutute

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    Meeting proceedings of a seminar by the same name, held October 1-2, 2020

    Worker health by industry and occupation

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    "In 1970 Congress passed the Occupational Safety and Health Act "to assure so far as possible every working man and woman in the Nation safe and healthful working conditions." The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) was created to perform research concerning the causes of occupational injuries and illnesses. One responsibility of NIOSH is to identify occupational diseases and conditions in order to target research and prevention efforts. To meet this goal, surveillance of occupational health is a necessary first step. NIOSH uses a number of occupational health surveillance systems, some developed by NIOSH and others from outside agencies. One such external system is the annual Survey of Occupational Injuries and ILlnesses (SOII), from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) in the Department of Labor. The SOII is the only national health surveillance system covering all types of illnesses and injuries caused by hazards in the workplace. NIOSH has used the SOII to target interventions to specific industries, for background information in NIOSH reports (NIOSH, 1997), and for descriptive reports on occupational disease (Burnett et al., 1998). The purpose of this report is to provide descriptive information on six of the most common occupational illnesses or conditions in the United States: 1) musculoskeletal disorders of the back, 2) musculoskeltal disorders of the upper extremities, 3) musculoskeletal disorders of the lower extremities, 4) hernia, 5) dermatitis, and 6) anxiety, stress, and neurotic disorders. The SOII information presented here is not available from any other published or electronic source and can be obtained only by special request to BLS." - NIOSHTIC-2[authors, Carol A. Burnett ... et al.].Chiefly tables."January 2001."Also available via the World Wide Web.Includes bibliographical references (p. 100)


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    Background:Industrialization is the central to economic development andimproved prospects for human well-being. Industrial workers are at higherrisk of health conditions. Occupational hazards includes chemical hazards,physical hazards, biological hazards, ergonomic hazards, and psychology hazards. Hazards identification is needed to minimize the potential safety and health among industrial workers.Objective:  To determine thepotential occupational hazards and control of impact on palm kernelcrushing at PT. Wilmar Cahaya Indonesia 2014.Methods:  This studyused a qualitative study to explore more about potential occupationalhazards at PT. Wilmar Cahaya Indonesia 2014. The sampling techniquesthat was used in this study was purposive sampling and data wereanalyzed using triangulation method.Results: The chemical hazards arecaustic soda chemicals, exposure to dust, and fume. Physical hazards arenoise, vibration, poor lighting, heat temperature, and radiation. Biologicalhazards includes clean water area, latrine and landfills. Ergonomichazards include non-ergonomic working position. Psychological hazardsare night work hours and workload. Control of impact is done to controloccupational hazards. Controlling the impact using administrative aretraining, safety sign, and housekeeping. Controlling the impact is doneusing personal protective equipment such as ear plug, safety helmet,safety shoes, gloves, welding gloves, welding mask, safety googles, andmask. Conclusions: Potential hazards on palm kernel crushing PT.Wilmar Cahaya Indonesia are chemical hazards, physical hazards,biological hazards, ergonomics hazards, and psycology hazards. Controlling the impact that has been done by PT. Wilmar Cahaya Indonesia are administrative control and the use of personal protectiveequipment.Keywords: Identification of potential occupational hazards, control of impact.1. Medical School, Faculty of Medicine, Tanjungpura University, West  Kalimantan. 2. Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Tanjungpura University, West   Kalimantan.3. Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Tanjungpura University, West   Kalimantan

    Death on the Job: The Toll of Neglect (2009)

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    [Excerpt] This 2009 edition of “Death on the Job: The Toll of Neglect” marks the 18th year the AFL-CIO has produced a report on the state of safety and health protections for America’s workers. The report includes state-by-state profiles of workers’ safety and health and features state and national information on workplace fatalities, injuries, illnesses, the number and frequency of workplace inspections, penalties, funding, staffing and public-employee coverage under the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHAct). It also includes information on the state of mine safety and health

    Quantifying the life-cycle health impacts of a cobalt-containing lithium-ion battery

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    Purpose: Lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have been criticized for contributing to negative social impacts along their life cycles, especially child labor and harsh working conditions during cobalt extraction. This study focuses on human health impacts — arguably the most fundamental of all social impacts. The aim is to quantify the potential life-cycle health impacts of an LIB cell of the type nickel-manganese-cobalt (NMC 811) in terms of disability-adjusted life years (DALY), as well as to identify hotspots and ways to reduce the health impacts. Methods: A cradle-to-gate attributional life-cycle assessment study is conducted with the functional unit of one LIB cell and human health as the sole endpoint considered. The studied LIB is produced in a large-scale “gigafactory” in Sweden, the cobalt sulfate for the cathode is produced in China, and the cobalt raw material is sourced from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). Potential health impacts from both emissions and occupational accidents are quantified in terms of DALY, making this an impact pathway (or type II) study with regard to social impact assessment. Two scenarios for fatality rates in the artisanal cobalt mining in the DRC are considered: a high scenario at 2000 fatalities/year and a low scenario at 65 fatalities/year. Results: Applying the high fatality rate, occupational accidents in the artisanal cobalt mining in the DRC contribute notably to the total life-cycle health impacts of the LIB cell (13%). However, emissions from production of nickel sulfate (used in the cathode) and of copper foil (the anode current collector) contribute even more (30% and 20%, respectively). These contributions are sensitive to the selected time horizon of the life-cycle assessment, with longer or shorter time horizons leading to considerably increased or decreased health impacts, respectively. Conclusions: In order to reduce the health impacts of the studied LIB, it is recommended to (i) investigate the feasibility of replacing the copper foil with another material able to provide anode current collector functionality, (ii) reduce emissions from metal extraction (particularly nickel and copper), (iii) increase the recycled content of metals supplied to the LIB manufacturing, and (iv) improve the occupational standards in artisanal mining in the DRC, in particular by reducing fatal accidents

    An Analysis of a Hearing Conservation Programme (HCP) at a Mining Company in Zimbabwe

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    The study sought to carry out an analysis of a hearing conservation programme at a mining company in Zimbabwe. To answer the research problem, researchers used a descriptive survey design in which the target population were underground employees at the company. A sample of 120 employees was selected using the stratified random sampling technique and the researchers used two research instruments; questionnaires and a focus group guide. Findings revealed that the mine under study is providing Hearing Protective Devices (HPD) and the majority of the workers are making use of them. The Hearing Protective Devices being provided by the company are plugs, noise ban customised hearing devices, and the ear muff. The company is also doing well in carrying out audiometry test because they are done annually. In view of the findings and conclusions drawn from the study, the researchers strongly recommended that Line managers and SHERQ practitioners should strictly inspect and enforce the usage of HCP by all employees in their area of control. The researchers also strongly recommended the company to employ a resident audiologist on site so that employees with deviations are assisted promptly. Keywords: Hearing Conservation Programme, Induced Noise Hearing Loss, Hearing Protective Device, Audiometry Test, Minin

    J Nanopart Res

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    A concerted effort is being made to insert Prevention through Design principles into discussions of sustainability, occupational safety and health, and green chemistry related to nanotechnology. Prevention through Design is a set of principles that includes solutions to design out potential hazards in nanomanufacturing including the design of nanomaterials, and strategies to eliminate exposures and minimize risks that may be related to the manufacturing processes and equipment at various stages of the lifecycle of an engineered nanomaterial.20152015-10-01T00:00:00ZCC999999/Intramural CDC HHS/United States26435688PMC458952

    “Do I need exercise?” A Qualitative Study on Factors Affecting Leisure-Time Physical Activity in India

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    Physical activity can reduce the risk of premature mortality from various chronic diseases. Previous research in Kerala, India indicates several barriers which can impact physical activity levels. Perceptions about the importance of health-promoting physical activity were examined among adults in Kerala and various facilitators, motivators and barriers to physical activity were identified using focus group discussions and interviews with key informants. At present, the attitude of people and health professionals is that physical activity has to be taken up when diagnosed with a disease (obesity, diabetes) and advised by a health professional. Men were more likely to start exercising after being advised by a health worker compared to women who were restricted by family roles and gender norms. Hence, there is an urgent need to include physical activity in all health communications to increase awareness about the role of physical activity in health promotion and disease prevention

    Occupational exposure to coal tar products

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    "NIOSH recommends that occupational exposure to coal tar products in the workplace be controlled so that employees are not exposed to coal tar (8007452), coal tar pitch, creosote (8001589), or mixtures of these substances at a concentration greater than 0.1 milligram per cubic meter of the cyclohexane extractable fraction of the sample, determined as a time weighted average concentration for up to a 10 hour work shift in a 40 hour workweek. Criteria are outlined for air sampling and analysis, medical surveillance, labeling and posting, personal protective equipment, protective clothing, informing employees of hazards from coal tar products, work practices, sanitation practices, monitoring and recordkeeping. Also, outlined are the biological effects of exposure to coal tar products, and environmental data and engineering controls. (Contract No. 099-74-0031)." - NIOSHTIC-2CurrentPrevention and ControlEnvironmental Health099-74-003
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