Occupational exposure to coal tar products


"NIOSH recommends that occupational exposure to coal tar products in the workplace be controlled so that employees are not exposed to coal tar (8007452), coal tar pitch, creosote (8001589), or mixtures of these substances at a concentration greater than 0.1 milligram per cubic meter of the cyclohexane extractable fraction of the sample, determined as a time weighted average concentration for up to a 10 hour work shift in a 40 hour workweek. Criteria are outlined for air sampling and analysis, medical surveillance, labeling and posting, personal protective equipment, protective clothing, informing employees of hazards from coal tar products, work practices, sanitation practices, monitoring and recordkeeping. Also, outlined are the biological effects of exposure to coal tar products, and environmental data and engineering controls. (Contract No. 099-74-0031)." - NIOSHTIC-2CurrentPrevention and ControlEnvironmental Health099-74-003

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