171 research outputs found

    Ṣadaqa and ‘Spirituality Gene’ Expression: The Qurʾan and Advances in Epigenetics

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    Charity  (ṣadaqa) is commonly given for religious reasons: Muslims donate voluntarily to earn Allah’s pleasure and receive His blessings. However, there have been changes in the way Muslims perceive charity and what significance it has in their life. Many studies have addressed this issue but failed to explore the connection between ṣadaqaand mental state. This paper was aimed to complement the existing studies by analyzing the process of the shifting interpretation of charity and its positive effects on the donors. This study used qualitative analysis of primary and secondary data. The data was processed through descriptive methods and content analysis. In particular, it focused on analyzing the religious background of the donors, including the biological processes underlying their tendency to give generously. The study concluded that the practice of giving ṣadaqa increases social, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing, depending on the level of spirituality of the donors and their intention


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    Abstrak Kondisi Indonesia saat ini sangat membutuhkan adanya layanan konseling krisis. Berbagai masalah yang terjadi di bidang sosial dan menimpa individu, anak, remaja, dan keluarga patut direnungkan bahwa sesungguhnya masyarakat Indonesia membutuhkan layanan khusus untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Salah satunya adalah konseling krisis untuk penanganan hal-hal tersebut. Oleh sebab itu, kebutuhan masyarakat akan tenaga konselor sangat besar. Saat ini, konselor tidak hanya dituntut dapat berkiprah di sekolah, tetapi juga di masyarakat. Masyarakat luas adalah salah satu pihak yang sangat membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga konselor tersebut. Hal ini menjadi peluang dan sekaligus menjadi tantangan untuk tenaga konselor maupun bagi calon-calon tenaga konselor yang masih di bangku kuliah. Besar harapan, kebutuhan masyarakat luas akan tenaga konselor profesional bisa segera diwujudkan. Kata kunci: konseling krisis, masyarakat Indonesi

    Pendidikan Konselor Religius

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    The presentation of religious and spiritual issues is a common occurance in counselling. Are counselors competent to address this issue? This paper will address this issue. An exploration of the ways religion coming up in counseling will be discussed along with suggestions for its practices. The discussion will pay attention on the issue of educational counselor and the preparation for counselors to meet the spiritual and religious needs of their clients. In this paper this writer brings out discussion on counseling and its relation to religion through an attempt of rereading literatures in order to provide understanding as to how religion could be understood in the light of counseling. This paper also brings into focus the personality of counselor, and anything concerned to the relation of counseling and the religiousity of client. Issues of ethic for counseling in treating a religious client will be discussed as well. Thus, the discussion of religion and educational counselor will answer the question as to where it would lead to? In the lattest discussion of this paper, this writer’s suggestion on developing a subject of counseling and guidance in any universities offering Islamic Studies and on treatment of religious clients with religious approachment will be dealt with. From this point, this writer brings about a suggestion to the university

    Takhrij Hadits Tarekat Dalam Kitab Al Mukhtasor Fi Ulumiddin Karya Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al Jailani

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    AbstractThis paper examines takhrij al-hadith on the hadith that discusses the tarekat. Researchers are attempting to trace the Prophet's hadiths about tarekat in the book Al-Mukhtasor Fi Ulumiddin by Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jailani, focusing on library research (library research). Then, to assess the quality of these hadiths, this study investigates the transmission path (sanad) of each of these hadiths in the primary books. According to the findings of this study, hadiths about tarekat have varying attributes; some are legitimate, hasan, and daif, but all of these hadiths can be utilized as evidence because they are fadhail al a'mal. According to the hadith, Amaliah Tarekat was highly approved by the Prophet because the editorial's purpose was to awaken the spirit of worship.Keywords: Hadith; Quality; Tarekat.  AbstrakTulisan ini melakukan kajian takhrij al-hadis terhadap hadits yang menerangkan tentang tarekat. Dengan fokus pada studi pustaka (library reaserch), peneliti berusaha melacak hadits-hadits Nabi tentang tarekat dalam kitab al-mukhtasor fi ulumiddin karya Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jailani qsa. Kemudian untuk menganalisa kualitas hadits tersebut, tulisan ini secara khusus mengkaji jalur periwayatan (sanad) setiap hadits tersebut dalam kitab-kitab induk. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan temuan bahwa hadis-hadis tentang tarekat mempunyai kualitas yang variative, ada yang berstatus sahih, hasan dan daif, namun semua hadits tersebut dapat dijadikan hujjah, sebab bersifat fadhail al a’mal. Adapun pemahaman dari hadis tersebut adalah amaliah tarekat sangat dianjurkan Nabi karena redaksinya adalah membangkitkan semangat beribadah. Kata Kunci: Hadits; Kualitas; Tarekat.Tulisan ini melakukan kajian takhrij al-hadis terhadap hadis yang menerangkan tentang tarekat. Dengan fokus pada studi pustaka (library reaserch), penulis berusaha melacak hadis-hadis Nabi tentang tarekat dalam al mukhtasor fi ulumiddin karya Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al Jailani qsa. Kemudian untuk memahami hadis tersebut, tulisan ini spesifik mengkaji secara ma’ani al-hadis dengan pendekatan etika serta analisa data intertekstualitas. Dengan demikian, didapati temuan bahwa hadis-hadis tentang tarekat mempunyai kualitas yang variative, ada sahih, hasa dan daif, namun dapat dijadikan hujjah, sebab bersifat fadhail al a’mal. Adapun pemahaman dari hadis tersebut adalah amaliah tarekat sangat dianjurkan Nabi karena redaksinya adalah membangkitkan semangat beribada


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    There are various interpretations from some exegetes of the word darajah in verse 228 of al-Baqarah, that “a man has a darajah (superiority) to a woman.†Some of the interpretations of the word darajah according to mufassirs are physical, intelectual, psychological, leadership, material, and divorce. Although the verse contextually is about divorce but limited to the right of a husband to return (rujû’) to his wife in the ‘iddah period. Thus, the word darajah in this verse is an explanation to the previous sentences, so this word has to be understood in this contex

    Qur'anic Perspective on Social Religious Conflict Resolution Based on Culture of Togetherness and Rembugan in Indonesia

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    This study described the resolution of religious and social conflicts in Bantarkawung, Central Java, Indoensia; its contributing factors and how they aligned with the Qur'an's perspective. This study employed a qualitative approach by conducting interviews with participants in conflict resolution. During the Covid-19 period from 2020 to 2021, we collected data. This study found that the local government and religious leaders resolved conflicts based on the culture of togetherness in religious rituals and social works, fostering interactions and adhering to consensus-based "rembugan" to accept differences in religious understanding, particularly regarding ūlūl-amr. In this region, conflicts were typically resolved through conciliation, with a conciliator initiating the process. Additionally, the conciliator actively devised and formulated resolution steps for the disputing parties. This resolution was a combination of şulĥ (reconciliation) and taĥkīm (arbitration), according to the Qur'an. However, this research had limitations; consequently, it is necessary to conduct similar studies in other regions of Indonesia with distinct characteristics from the research area. Comparative studies would also be useful with countries that share similarities with Indonesia, such as Malaysia, Brunei Darussalam, and Singapore and those that differ, such as Middle Eastern, Australian, American, and European nations

    Overlapping Duty of Parents in Distance Learning During Pandemic and Its Impact on Child's Psyche at TK Al-Amanah Campor Barat Ambunten Sumenep

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    This article aims to determine the impact of overlapping parental duties during the pandemic on the psychological condition of children in Distance Learning, based on the results of interviews and observations of students and their guardians at Al-Amanah Campor Barat Kindergarten, Ambunten Sumenep. This article identifies the overlapping duties of parents, namely studying children's school assignments, motivating the children to learn, finding a stable internet network, and providing the monthly internet quotas. Furthermore, the overlapping of parental duties during distance learning has a negative impact on the child's psyche. The indicator is that children feel bored and even cry, because often parents are impatient and yell at them during the implementation of distance learning
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