1,893 research outputs found

    Biologische producten natuurlijk verpakt

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    Hoe milieuvriendelijk zijn hernieuwbare en biologisch afbreekbare kunststofverpakkingen eigenlijk? Voor het verpakkend bedrijfsleven is het lastig om daarachter te komen en dus weloverwogen keuzes te maken. In het onderzoek ‘Natuurlijk verpakt’ – uitgevoerd door Wageningen UR Food & Biobased Research – is zoveel mogelijk informatie verzameld en samengevat

    The Determination of the `Diffusion Coefficients' and the Stellar Wind Velocities for X-Ray Binaries

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    The distribution of neutron stars (NS's) is determined by stationary solution of the Fokker-Planck equation. In this work using the observed period changes for four systems: Vela X-1, GX 301-2, Her X-1 and Cen X-3 we determined D, the 'diffusion coefficient',-parameter from the Fokker-Planck equation. Using strong dependence of D on the velocity for Vela X-1 and GX 301-2, systems accreting from a stellar wind, we determined the stellar wind velocity. For different assumptions for a turbulent velocity we obtained V=(660−1440)kms−1V=(660-1440) km s ^{-1}. It is in good agreement with the stellar wind velocity determined by other methods. We also determined the specific characteristic time scales for the 'diffusion processes' in X-ray pulsars. It is of order of 200 sec for wind-fed pulsars and 1000-10000 sec for the disk accreting systems.Comment: 8 pages, Latex, no figures, accepted for publication to Astronomical and Astrophysical Transactions (1995). Admin note 20Feb2000: original (broken) version now paper.tex.orig in source; fixed version with two bad equations set in verbatim used for PS, paper.tex in sourc

    Chemokine-induced secretion of gelatinase B in primary human monocytes

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    Chemokines help control normal leukocyte trafficking as well as their infiltration into tissues during acute and chronic inflammation. Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) help support the extravasation and infiltration of leukocytes through limited proteolysis of basement membranes and matrix material. The effect of the chemokines RANTES/CCL5, MCP-1/CCL and SDF-1 /CXCL12 on secretion of the matrix metalloproteinase B and its endogenous inhibitor TIMP-1 was studied. RANTES/CCL5 and SDF-1/CXCL12 were found to induce MMP-9 secretion in primary human monocytes while TIMP-1 secretion was not affected. RANTES/CCL5 effects were mediated through CCR1 because the CCR1 antagonist BX471 was found to effectively block RANTES/CCL5-induced MMP-9 secretion

    Resolving the Fe xxv Triplet with Chandra in Cen X-3

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    We present the results of a 45 ks Chandra observation of the high-mass X-ray binary Cen X--3 at orbital phases between 0.13 and 0.40 (in the eclipse post-egress phases). Here we concentrate on the study of discrete features in the energy spectrum at energies between 6 and 7 keV, i.e. on the iron Kα_\alpha line region, using the High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer on board the Chandra satellite. We clearly see a Kα_\alpha neutral iron line at ∼6.40\sim 6.40 keV and were able to distinguish the three lines of the \ion{Fe}{25} triplet at 6.61 keV, 6.67 keV, and 6.72 keV, with an equivalent width of 6 eV, 9 eV, and 5 eV, respectively. The equivalent width of the Kα_\alpha neutral iron line is 13 eV, an order of magnitude lower than previous measures. We discuss the possibility that the small equivalent width is due to a decrease of the solid angle subtended by the reflector.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, To appear in the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Discovery of a 6.4 keV Emission Line in a Burst from SGR 1900+14

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    We present evidence of a 6.4 keV emission line during a burst from the soft gamma-ray repeater SGR 1900+14. The Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) monitored this source extensively during its outburst in the summer of 1998. A strong burst observed on August 29, 1998 revealed a number of unique properties. The burst exhibits a precursor and is followed by a long (~ 1000 s) tail modulated at the 5.16 s stellar rotation period. The precursor has a duration of 0.85 s and shows both significant spectral evolution as well as an emission feature centered near 6.4 keV during the first 0.3 s of the event, when the X-ray spectrum was hardest. The continuum during the burst is well fit with an optically thin thermal bremsstrahlung (OTTB) spectrum with the temperature ranging from about 40 to 10 keV. The line is strong, with an equivalent width of 400 eV, and is consistent with Fe K-alpha fluorescence from relatively cool material. If the rest-frame energy is indeed 6.4 keV, then the lack of an observed redshift indicates that the source is at least 80 km above the neutron star surface. We discuss the implications of the line detection in the context of models for SGRs.Comment: AASTex preprint, 14 pages, 3 embedded figures. Accepted for Publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    The X-ray Luminosity Function of "The Antennae" Galaxies (NGC4038/39) and the Nature of Ultra-Luminous X-ray Sources

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    We derive the X-ray luminosity function (XLF) of the X-ray source population detected in the Chandra observation of NGC4038/39 (the Antennae). We explicitly include photon counting and spectral parameter uncertainties in our calculations. The cumulative XLF is well represented by a flat power law (α=−0.47\alpha=-0.47), similar to those describing the XLFs of other star-forming systems (e.g. M82, the disk of M81), but different from those of early type galaxies. This result associates the X-ray source population in the Antennae with young High Mass X-ray Binaries. In comparison with less actively star-forming galaxies, the XLF of the Antennae has a highly significant excess of sources with luminosities above 10^{39} erg\s (Ultra Luminous Sources; ULXs). We discuss the nature of these sources, based on the XLF and on their general spectral properties, as well as their optical counterparts discussed in Paper III. We conclude that the majority of the ULXs cannot be intermediate mass black-holes (M > 10-1000 \msun) binaries, unless they are linked to the remnants of massive Population III stars (the Madau & Rees model). Instead, their spatial and multiwavelength properties can be well explained by beamed emission as a consequence of supercritical accretion. Binaries with a neutron star or moderate mass black-hole (up to 20\msun), and B2 to A type star companions would be consistent with our data. In the beaming scenario, the XLF should exibit caracteristic breaks that will be visible in future deeper observations of the Antennae.Comment: 15 pages, submitted to Ap

    Neutron Star Masses and Radii as Inferred from kilo-Hertz QPOs

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    Kilo-Hertz (kHz) Quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) have been discovered in the X-ray fluxes of 8 low-mass X-ray binaries (LMXBs) with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE). The characteristics of these QPOs are remarkably similar from one source to another. In particular, the highest observed QPO frequencies for 6 of the 8 sources fall in a very narrow range: 1,066 to 1,171 Hz. This is the more remarkable when one considers that these sources are thought to have very different luminosities and magnetic fields, and produce very different count rates in the RXTE detectors. Therefore it is highly unlikely that this near constancy of the highest observed frequencies is due to some unknown selection effect or instrumental bias. In this letter we propose that the highest observed QPO frequency can be taken as the orbital frequency of the marginally stable orbit. This leads to the conclusions that the neutron stars in these LMXBs are inside their marginally stable orbits and have masses in the vicinity of 2.0 solar masses. This mass is consistent with the hypothesis that these neutron stars were born with about 1.4 solar masses and have been accreting matter at a fraction of the Eddington limit for 100 million years.Comment: 7 pages, uses aas2pp4.sty, Accepted by ApJ

    Role of the Netrin-like Domain of Procollagen C-Proteinase Enhancer-1 in the Control of Metalloproteinase Activity

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    The netrin-like (NTR) domain is a feature of several extracellular proteins, most notably the N-terminal domain of tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMPs), where it functions as a strong inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinases and some other members of the metzincin superfamily. The presence of a C-terminal NTR domain in procollagen C-proteinase enhancers (PCPEs), proteins that stimulate the activity of astacin-like tolloid proteinases, raises the possibility that this might also have inhibitory activity. Here we show that both long and short forms of the PCPE-1 NTR domain, the latter beginning at the N-terminal cysteine known to be critical for TIMP activity, show no inhibition, at micromolar concentrations, of several members of the metzincin superfamily, including matrix metalloproteinase-2, bone morphogenetic protein-1 (a tolloid proteinase), and different ADAMTS (a disintegrin and a metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs) proteinases from the adamalysin family. In contrast, we report that the NTR domain within PCPE-1 leads to superstimulation of bone morphogenetic protein-1 activity in the presence of heparin and heparan sulfate. These observations point to a new mechanism whereby binding to cell surface-associated or extracellular heparin-like sulfated glycosaminoglycans might provide a means to accelerate procollagen processing in specific cellular and extracellular microenvironments

    Timing, glitches and braking index of PSR B0540-69

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    We report a pulse-time history of PSR B0540−-69 based on the analysis of an extended Data set including ASCA, BeppoSAX and RXTE observations spanning a time interval of about 8 years. This interval includes also the epoch of the glitch episode reported by Zhang et al. (2001). Our analysis shows the presence of a relevant timing noise and does not give a clear evidence of the glitch occurrence. We performed an accurate evaluation of the main timing parameters, ν\nu, ν˙\dot{\nu} and ν¨\ddot{\nu} and derived a mean braking index of n=2.125±0.001n=2.125\pm0.001 quite different from the lower value found by Zhang et al. (2001), but in rather good agreement with other several values reported in the literature.Comment: 9 pages 5 figures, accepted by A&A, main journa

    X-ray and optical periodicities in X-ray binaries. I.A0535+26

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    A homogeneous set of UBV photometry (354 data points obtained between 1983 and 1998) for the Be/X-ray binary A0535+26 = V725Tau is analysed, aiming to look for possible periodic component(s). After subtraction of the long-term variation it was found that only a 103-day periodic component remains in the power spectra in both the V and B colour bands. The probability of chance occurrence of such a peak is less than 0.1%. There are no signs of optical variability at the X-ray period (111 d). We discuss possible reasons for a 103-day modulation and suggest that it corresponds to a beat frequency of the orbital period of the neutron star and the precession period (~1400 d) either of an accretion disc around the neutron star or a warped decretion disc around the Be star.Comment: LaTeX, 6 pages, 5 figures, uses psfig.st
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