1,674 research outputs found
Nowadays the progress of computer technology is rapidly increasing, and with these technologies will allow us to obtain information about cultural heritage, one of which is Javanese letters. Many people find it difficult in learning the Javanese letters. Media literacy learning of Javanese letters existing still many do not take advantage of computer technology. The purpose of this study was to develop interactive multimedia based of media literacy learning for Javanese letters and to know the eligibility level. This study uses the development research approach (Research and Development). The study was conducted at the Focus Group Discussion on Regional Language Education Department, Yogyakarta State University in May 2011. Research subjects were members of the Focus Group Discussion, and the object of research is interactive multimedia based instructional media of Javanese letters packaged in a CD (compact disc). The methods used in data collection is by observation and interviews, and data analysis methods is by qualitative descriptive analysis techniques. From the validation results to the media expert and matter expert, obtained results that the media has been good and in accordance with the criteria of interactive multimedia-based learning media. After the learning media tested on focus group discussions, showed that the medium of learning can be declared to be viable and appropriate to the criteria of good learning media. Feasibility study of media in terms of aspects of ease of use, display, navigation, interactivity, and the range of matter. Key words: development, instructional media, interactive multimedia, Javanese letters, Macromedia Flash
Program Repair by Stepwise Correctness Enhancement
Relative correctness is the property of a program to be more-correct than
another with respect to a given specification. Whereas the traditional
definition of (absolute) correctness divides candidate program into two classes
(correct, and incorrect), relative correctness arranges candidate programs on
the richer structure of a partial ordering. In other venues we discuss the
impact of relative correctness on program derivation, and on program
verification. In this paper, we discuss the impact of relative correctness on
program testing; specifically, we argue that when we remove a fault from a
program, we ought to test the new program for relative correctness over the old
program, rather than for absolute correctness. We present analytical arguments
to support our position, as well as an empirical argument in the form of a
small program whose faults are removed in a stepwise manner as its relative
correctness rises with each fault removal until we obtain a correct program.Comment: In Proceedings PrePost 2016, arXiv:1605.0809
Geophysical study of the structure and processes of the continental convergence zones: Alpine-Himalayan Belt
Intracontinental deformation occurrence and the processes and physical parameters that control the rates and styles of deformation were examined. Studies addressing specific mechanical aspects of deformation were reviewed and the studies of deformation and of the structure of specific areas were studied considering the strength of the material and the gravitational effect
The interpretation of crustal dynamics data in terms of plate interactions and active tectonics of the Anatolian plate and surrounding regions in the Middle East
A detailed study was made of the consequences of the Arabian plate convergence against Eurasia and its effects on the tectonics of Anatolia and surrounding regions of the eastern Mediterranean. A primary source of information is time rates of change of baseline lengths and relative heights determined by repeated SLR measurements. These SLR observations are augmented by a network of GPS stations in Anatolia, Aegea, and Greece, established and twice surveyed since 1988. The existing SLR and GPS networks provide the spatial resolution necessary to reveal the details of ongoing tectonic processes in this area of continental collision. The effort has involved examining the state of stress in the lithosphere and relative plate motions as revealed by these space based geodetic measurements, seismicity, and earthquake mechanisms as well as the aseismic deformations of the plates from conventional geodetic data and geological evidence. These observations are used to constrain theoretical calculations of the relative effects of: (1) the push of the Arabian plate; (2) high topography of Eastern Anatolia; (3) the geometry and properties of African-Eurasian plate boundary; (4) subduction under the Hellenic Arc and southwestern Turkey; and (5) internal deformation and rotation of the Anatolian plate
The Interpretation of Crustal Dynamics Data in Terms of Plate Interactions and Active Tectonics of the Anatolian Plate and Surrounding Regions in the Middle East
During the past 6 months, efforts were concentrated on the following areas: (1) Continued development of realistic, finite element modeling of plate interactions and associated deformation in the Eastern Mediterranean; (2) Neotectonic field investigations of seismic faulting along the active fault systems in Turkey with emphasis on identifying seismic gaps along the North Anatolian fault; and (3) Establishment of a GPS regional monitoring network in the zone of ongoing continental collision in eastern Turkey (supported in part by NSF)
Peningkatan Minat Belajar Ipa Melalui Strategi True Or False Pada Siswa Kelas V Sd Negeri 1 Menduran Kec. Brati Kab. Grobogan Tahun 2012/2013
Tujuan khusus Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini yaitu untuk meningkatkan
minat belajar mata pelajaran IPA melalui strategi True or False pada siswa kelas
V SD Negeri 1 Menduran Kecamatan Brati Kabupaten Grobogan Tahun
2012/2013. Jenis peneitian ini adalah PTK (Penelitian Tindakan Kelas). Penelitian
ini dilaksanakan dua siklus dan dua kali pertemuan setiap siklusnya. Subjek
penelitian tindakan kelas ini adalah siswa kelas V SD Negeri 1 Menduran dengan
jumlah siswa 31. Subjek pelaksanaan tindakan adalah peneliti dibantu oleh guru
kelas. Objek pelaksanaan tindakan adalah minat belajar siswa dengan
menggunakan strategi True or False. Metode pengumpulan data melalui
observasi, wawancara, tes dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunkan
yaitu teknik analisis data interaktif.
Hasil penelitian ini adalah menunjukan hasil peningkatan minat belajar
dan hasil belajar siswa dalam belajar IPA melalui penggunaan strategi True or
False. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari: 1) Ketertarikan siswa menyelesaikan soal-soal
pelajaran pada pra siklus 32,25%, siklus I 64,51%, siklus II 83,87%. 2) Perhatian
siswa terhadap guru dan materi pelajaran pada pra siklus 38,70%, siklus I 64,51%,
siklus II 74,19%, 3) Keterlibatan siswa (bertanya, menjawab pertanyaan, melakukan
eksperimen) pada pra siklus 41,93%, siklus I 45,16%, siklus II 83,87%. Sedangkan
peningkatan hasil belajar siswa dapat dilihat dari pencapaian nilai KKM ≥ 70
sebelum tindakan 58,06%, siklus I 80,64 %, siklus II 96,77%. Kesimpulan
penelitian ini adalah dengan penggunaan strategi True or False dapat
meningkatkan minat belajar dan hasil belajar siswa kelas V SD Negeri 1
Program Derivation by Correctness Enhacements
Relative correctness is the property of a program to be more-correct than
another program with respect to a given specification. Among the many
properties of relative correctness, that which we found most intriguing is the
property that program P' refines program P if and only if P' is more-correct
than P with respect to any specification. This inspires us to reconsider
program derivation by successive refinements: each step of this process
mandates that we transform a program P into a program P' that refines P, i.e.
P' is more-correct than P with respect to any specification. This raises the
question: why should we want to make P' more-correct than P with respect to any
specification, when we only have to satisfy specification R? In this paper, we
discuss a process of program derivation that replaces traditional sequence of
refinement-based correctness-preserving transformations starting from
specification R by a sequence of relative correctness-based
correctness-enhancing transformations starting from abort.Comment: In Proceedings Refine'15, arXiv:1606.0134
Fenomena yang terjadi dalam masyarakat pada umumnya berpendapat bahwa mahasiswa yang memiliki kepribadian tipe A dinilai lebih unggul dalam prestasi belajar dibanding dengan mahasiswa berkepribadian tipe B. Data awal yang di peroleh dengan mewawancarai 14 mahasiswa UNUSA pada bulan april
2014 menunjukkan mahasiswa berkepribadian tipe A hampir setengahnya (28,57%) mempunyai prestasi belajar sangat memuaskan. Sedangkan kepribadian tipe B setengahnya (50%) mempunyai prestasi belajar memuaskan. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan antara tipe kepribadian dengan prestasi belajar.
Design penelitian ini analitik observasional dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi seluruh mahasiswa tingkat II prodi D-III keperawatan Fakultas Keperawatan dan Kebidanan UNUSA dengan jumlah mahasiswa 90 orang. Besar sampel 74 orang, diambil dengan teknik simple random sampling. Variabel yang digunakan adalah tipe kepribadian dan prestasi belajar. Pengumpulan data diambil dengan kuesioner, analisis menggunakan uji T test dengan tingkat kemaknaan (
Hasil penelitian diperoleh 44 responden sebagian besar berkepribadian Tipe
B (61,2%) dan diperoleh 56 responden hampir seluruhnya mempunyai prestasi belajar memuaskan (77,8%). Hasil uji menggunakan uji T test didapatkan hasil p=0,001< maka H0 ditolak artinya ada hubungan antara tipe kepribadian dengan prestasi belajar.
Kesimpulan penelitian adalah tipe kepribadian mempengaruhi prestasi belajar. Saran pada penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan informasi dan pemahaman kepada mahasiswa keperawatan mengenai tipe kepribadian dan prestasi belajar
ASEAN VISION 2020 mempunyai tujuan untuk menciptakan kesatuan wilayah ekonomi di Asia Tenggara yang secara simultan meningkatkan kesejahteraan bagi negara-negara anggotanya. Sejak dicanangkan pada tahun 1997, negara-negara anggota ASEAN telah didorong untuk mengubah kebijakan baik internasional maupun dalam negeri guna mendukung tujuan utama tersebut. Hasilnya, penduduk Asia Tenggara kini mempunyai kesempatan yang lebih luas untuk bekerja di kesatuan wilayah tersebut. Baru-baru ini, Indonesia, sebagai salah satu dari sebelas negara anggota lainnya, telah mengubah kebijakan ketenagakerjaan guna mengakomodasi pekerja luar negeri untuk bekerja di wilayah Indonesia. Di sisi lain, Indonesia mempunyai permasalahan panjang dan belum terselesaikan terkait dengan pengangguran dan kemiskinan. Orang-orang penyandang disabilitas merupakan kelompok rentan yang terdekat dengan pengangguran dan kemiskinan. Kebijakan ketenagakerjaan yang baru hanya berfokus pada kebebasan pasar kerja namun tidak memberikan pengamanan dan/atau jaminan kepada penyandang disabilitas untuk mengakses pasar kerja tersebut. Mempertimbangkan permasalahan tersebut, perubahan pandangan tentang pekerjaan bagi penyandang disabilitas sangat segera diperluka
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