396 research outputs found

    Probing the Environment with Galaxy Dynamics

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    I present various projects to study the halo dynamics of elliptical galaxies. This allows one to study the outer mass and orbital distributions of ellipticals in different environments, and the inner distributions of groups and clusters themselves.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figs, to appear in Proc. ESO Workshop, Groups of Galaxies in the Nearby Universe (5-9 Dec 2005), eds. I. Saviane, V. Ivanov & J. Borissova (Springer-Verlag

    Nutrient deficiencies in apple plants (Pyrus malus L.)

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    O ensaio foi conduzido com macieiras 'Ohio Beauty' com 1 ano, cultivadas em vaso para se verificar sintomas e nĂ­veis de deficiĂŞncias de N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S e B. Conclui - se que: os nĂ­veis de nutrientes em folhas sadias e com sintomas de deficiĂŞncia sĂŁo: N -2,22 e 1,53%, P - 0,17 e 0,05%; K - 1,32 e 0,22%, Ca - 0,9Âą* e 0,52%, Mg - 0,37 60,06%, S - 0,18 e 0,08%, B - 62 e 2k ppm. Os nĂ­veis de deficiĂŞncia em folhas,a fome oculta" sĂŁo: N - 1,74%, P - 0,07%, K - 0,30%, Ca - 0,65%, Mg - 0,09%, S - 0,09%, B-33ppm.A trial was carried out with one year old 'Ohio Beauty apples (grafted on 'Doucin'), grown on sand cu1ture, receining nutrient solutions lacking the following nutrients at the time: N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, and B. The main conclusions are as follows: as the adequate and inadequate levels from leaf analysis were, respectively: N -2.22 and 1.53%, P - 0,17 and 0.05%, K - 1.32 and 0.33%; Ca -0.9.4 and 0.52%, Mg - 0.37 and 0.06%; S -0.18 and 0.08%; B -62 and 2k ppm

    Coupling climate and economic models in a cost-benefit framework: a convex optimization approach

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    In this paper we present a general method, based on a convex optimisation technique, that facilitates the coupling of climate and economic models in a cost-benefit framework. As a demonstration of the method, we couple an economic growth model Ă  la Ramsey adapted from DICE-99 with an efficient intermediate complexity climate model, C-GOLDSTEIN, which has highly simplified physics, but fully 3-D ocean dynamics. As in DICE-99 we assume that an economic cost is associated with global temperature change: this change is obtained from the climate model which is driven by the GHG concentrations computed from the economic growth path. The work extends a previous paper in which these models were coupled in cost-effectiveness mode. Here we consider the more intricate cost-benefit coupling in which the climate impact is not fixed a priori. We implement the coupled model using an oracle-based optimisation technique. Each model is contained in an oracle which supplies model output and information on its sensitivity to a master program. The algorithm Proximal-ACCPM guarantees the convergence of the procedure under sufficient convexity assumptions. Our results demonstrate the possibility of a consistent, cost-benefit, climate-damage optimisation analysis with a 3-D climate model

    Probing the dark matter issue in f(R)-gravity via gravitational lensing

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    For a general class of analytic f(R)-gravity theories, we discuss the weak field limit in view of gravitational lensing. Though an additional Yukawa term in the gravitational potential modifies dynamics with respect to the standard Newtonian limit of General Relativity, the motion of massless particles results unaffected thanks to suitable cancellations in the post-Newtonian limit. Thus, all the lensing observables are equal to the ones known from General Relativity. Since f(R)-gravity is claimed, among other things, to be a possible solution to overcome for the need of dark matter in virialized systems, we discuss the impact of our results on the dynamical and gravitational lensing analyses. In this framework, dynamics could, in principle, be able to reproduce the astrophysical observations without recurring to dark matter, but in the case of gravitational lensing we find that dark matter is an unavoidable ingredient. Another important implication is that gravitational lensing, in the post-Newtonian limit, is not able to constrain these extended theories, since their predictions do not differ from General Relativity.Comment: 7 pages, accepted for publication in EPJ

    Phase- coherent comparison of two optical frequency standards over 146 km using a telecommunication fiber link

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    We have explored the performance of two "dark fibers" of a commercial telecommunication fiber link for a remote comparison of optical clocks. The two fibers, linking the Leibniz University of Hanover (LUH) with the Physi-kalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) in Braunschweig, are connected in Hanover to form a total fiber length of 146 km. At PTB the performance of an optical frequency standard operating at 456 THz was imprinted to a cw trans-fer laser at 194 THz, and its frequency was transmitted over the fiber. In order to detect and compensate phase noise related to the optical fiber link we have built a low-noise optical fiber interferometer and investigated noise sources that affect the overall performance of the optical link. The frequency stability at the remote end has been measured using the clock laser of PTB's Yb+ frequency standard operating at 344 THz. We show that the frequency of a frequency-stabilized fiber laser can be transmitted over a total fiber length of 146 km with a relative frequency uncertainty below 1E-19, and short term frequency instability given by the fractional Allan deviation of sy(t)=3.3E-15/(t/s)
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