82 research outputs found

    Absence of spin superradiance in resonatorless magnets

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    A spin system is considered with a Hamiltonian typical of molecular magnets, having dipole-dipole interactions and a single-site magnetic anisotropy. In addition, spin interactions through the common radiation field are included. A fully quantum-mechanical derivation of the collective radiation rate is presented. An effective narrowing of the dipole-dipole attenuation, due to high spin polarization is taken into account. The influence of the radiation rate on spin dynamics is carefully analysed. It is shown that this influence is completely negligible. No noticeable collective effects, such as superradiance, can appear in molecular magnets, being caused by electromagnetic spin radiation. Spin superradiance can arise in molecular magnets only when these are coupled to a resonant electric circuit, as has been suggested earlier by one of the authors in Laser Phys. {\bf 12}, 1089 (2002).Comment: Latex file, 14 pages, 5 figure

    Superfluidity of a perfect quantum crystal

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    In recent years, experimental data were published which point to the possibility of the existence of superfluidity in solid helium. To investigate this phenomenon theoretically we employ a hierarchy of equations for reduced density matrices which describes a quantum system that is in thermodynamic equilibrium below the Bose-Einstein condensation point, the hierarchy being obtained earlier by the author. It is shown that the hierarchy admits solutions relevant to a perfect crystal (immobile) in which there is a frictionless flow of atoms, which testifies to the possibility of superfluidity in ideal solids. The solutions are studied with the help of the bifurcation method and some their peculiarities are found out. Various physical aspects of the problem, among them experimental ones, are discussed as well.Comment: 24 pages with 2 figures, version accepted for publication in Eur.Phys.J.

    Self-consistent field theory of polarized BEC: dispersion of collective excitation

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    We suggest the construction of a set of the quantum hydrodynamics equations for the Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC), where atoms have the electric dipole moment. The contribution of the dipole-dipole interactions (DDI) to the Euler equation is obtained. Quantum equations for the evolution of medium polarization are derived. Developing mathematical method allows to study effect of interactions on the evolution of polarization. The developing method can be applied to various physical systems in which dynamics is affected by the DDI. Derivation of Gross-Pitaevskii equation for polarized particles from the quantum hydrodynamics is described. We showed that the Gross-Pitaevskii equation appears at condition when all dipoles have the same direction which does not change in time. Comparison of the equation of the electric dipole evolution with the equation of the magnetization evolution is described. Dispersion of the collective excitations in the dipolar BEC, either affected or not affected by the uniform external electric field, is considered using our method. We show that the evolution of polarization in the BEC leads to the formation of a novel type of the collective excitations. Detailed description of the dispersion of collective excitations is presented. We also consider the process of wave generation in the polarized BEC by means of a monoenergetic beam of neutral polarized particles. We compute the possibilities of the generation of Bogoliubov and polarization modes by the dipole beam.Comment: 16 pages, 15 figures. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1106.082

    Damping of phase fluctuations in superfluid Bose gases

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    Using Popov's hydrodynamic approach we derive an effective Euclidean action for the long-wavelength phase fluctuations of superfluid Bose gases in D dimensions. We then use this action to calculate the damping of phase fluctuations at zero temperature as a function of D. For D >1 and wavevectors | k | << 2 mc (where m is the mass of the bosons and c is the sound velocity) we find that the damping in units of the phonon energy E_k = c | k | is to leading order gamma_k / E_k = A_D (k_0^D / 2 pi rho) (| k | / k_0)^{2 D -2}, where rho is the boson density and k_0 =2 mc is the inverse healing length. For D -> 1 the numerical coefficient A_D vanishes and the damping is proportional to an additional power of |k | /k_0; a self-consistent calculation yields in this case gamma_k / E_k = 1.32 (k_0 / 2 pi rho)^{1/2} |k | / k_0. In one dimension, we also calculate the entire spectral function of phase fluctuations.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, published versio

    The strong interaction at the collider and cosmic-rays frontiers

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    First data on inclusive particle production measured in proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are compared to predictions of various hadron-interaction Monte Carlos (QGSJET, EPOS and SIBYLL) used commonly in high-energy cosmic-ray physics. While reasonable overall agreement is found for some of the models, none of them reproduces consistently the sqrt(s) evolution of all the measured observables. We discuss the implications of the new LHC data for the modeling of the non-perturbative and semihard parton dynamics in hadron-hadron and cosmic-rays interactions at the highest energies studied today.Comment: 7 pages, Proceeds. Workshop "30 years of strong interactions", Spa, Belgium, 6-8 April 2011. Elsevier to appea

    Isolated tau leptons in events with large missing transverse momentum at HERA

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    A search for events containing isolated tau leptons and large missing transverse momentum, not originating from the tau decay, has been performed with the ZEUS detector at the electron-proton collider HERA, using 130 pb^-1 of integrated luminosity. A search was made for isolated tracks coming from hadronic tau decays. Observables based on the internal jet structure were exploited to discriminate between tau decays and quark- or gluon-induced jets. Three tau candidates were found, while 0.40 +0.12 -0.13 were expected from Standard Model processes, such as charged current deep inelastic scattering and single W-boson production. To search for heavy-particle decays, a more restrictive selection was applied to isolate tau leptons produced together with a hadronic final state with high transverse momentum. Two candidate events survive, while 0.20 +-0.05 events are expected from Standard Model processes.Comment: 28 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, accepted by Phys. Lett. B. Updated with minor changes to the text requested by the journal refere

    Conformal and Affine Hamiltonian Dynamics of General Relativity

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    The Hamiltonian approach to the General Relativity is formulated as a joint nonlinear realization of conformal and affine symmetries by means of the Dirac scalar dilaton and the Maurer-Cartan forms. The dominance of the Casimir vacuum energy of physical fields provides a good description of the type Ia supernova luminosity distance--redshift relation. Introducing the uncertainty principle at the Planck's epoch within our model, we obtain the hierarchy of the Universe energy scales, which is supported by the observational data. We found that the invariance of the Maurer-Cartan forms with respect to the general coordinate transformation yields a single-component strong gravitational waves. The Hamiltonian dynamics of the model describes the effect of an intensive vacuum creation of gravitons and the minimal coupling scalar (Higgs) bosons in the Early Universe.Comment: 37 pages, version submitted to Gen. Rel. Gra
