518 research outputs found

    Cyber-Physical Systems Technologies: Applications in Industry and Education

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    Industry 4.0 concept development forms new trends as cloud computing,  big data analysis, the industrial internet of things, machine-to-machine technologies. Cyber-physical systems (CPS) paradigm is based on these trends and integrates of computation, networking and physical processes. Synergy Center at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University works in the areas of intelligent systems for data processing and control, motion control systems for robotics, complex automation and mechatronics as components of CPS. Keywords: Industry 4.0, Cyber-physical systems, Digital twin; intelligent control system, automation, Global digitalisation, Practical-oriented online courses, Skills training, Joint international educational programmes

    Polymeric Coatings Composition Based on Modified Oligopiperylene Styrene Binders with Galvanic Sludge as a Filler

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    Abstract The possibility of development of new coating materials based on oligopiperylene styrene modified with alkoxysilane and galvanic sludge as a pigment-filler is presented in this article. The nanostructure of the coating surface and the influence of the composition and nature of the components of paint and varnish materials on its property are studied. These materials are intended for protection buildings from the effects of adverse factors

    The Maupertuis principle and canonical transformations of the extended phase space

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    We discuss some special classes of canonical transformations of the extended phase space, which relate integrable systems with a common Lagrangian submanifold. Various parametric forms of trajectories are associated with different integrals of motion, Lax equations, separated variables and action-angles variables. In this review we will discuss namely these induced transformations instead of the various parametric form of the geometric objects

    Canonical transformations of the extended phase space, Toda lattices and Stackel family of integrable systems

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    We consider compositions of the transformations of the time variable and canonical transformations of the other coordinates, which map completely integrable system into other completely integrable system. Change of the time gives rise to transformations of the integrals of motion and the Lax pairs, transformations of the corresponding spectral curves and R-matrices. As an example, we consider canonical transformations of the extended phase space for the Toda lattices and the Stackel systems.Comment: LaTeX2e + Amssymb, 22p


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    Актуальним науково-технiчним завданням є вивченнякорозiйних процесiв i пошук дешевих та ефективних методiв захисту.Унаслiдок корозiйного руйнування втрачається близько 10% рiчноговиробництва металу. Тому антикорозiйним заходам придiляється значнаувага. Iнгiбiтори iржi є ефективним способом ї ї видалення та захистувiд корозiї. Останнiм часом пiдвищений iнтерес викликають так званi«зеленi iнгiбiтори». Багато рослин є джерелом таких iнгiбiторiв, комплексусполук алкалоїдiв, полiсахаридiв, бiлкiв, слизових i дубильних речовин.Усi вони, хоча i в рiзному ступенi, здатнi адсорбуватися на металевiйповерхнi та закрiплюватися на нiй. Проведенi дослiдження демонструютьможливостi захисту металiв вiд корозiї за допомогою екстрактiв рослин:томата їстiвного Solanum lycopersicum, чистотiлу Chelidonium majus L.,Althaea officinalis L., деревiю Achillea millefolium L.An urgent scientific and technical task is the study of corrosionprocesses and finding cheap and effective methods of protection. As a result ofcorrosion destruction, about 10% of annual metal production is lost. Therefore,considerable attention is paid to anti-corrosion measures. Rust inhibitors arean effective way to remove rust and protect against corrosion. Recently, theso-called “green inhibitors” have aroused increased interest. Many plants are asource of such inhibitors, a complex of compounds — alkaloids, polysaccharides,proteins, mucous and tannins. All of them, although to varying degrees,have the ability to be adsorbed on a metal surface and fixed on it. Weconducted research on the possibility of protecting metals from corrosionwith extracts: Tomato edible Lycopersicum, Celandine Chelidonium majus L,Althaea Althaea officinalis L., Yarrow Achillea millefolium


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    The major medical problem in the treatment of skin melanoma is improvement methods of treatment, increasing their effectiveness and safety. In this study, adoptive immunotherapy, using lymphocytes activated in vitro, was performed in 15 patients with metastatic melanoma. Evaluated the phenotype of peripheral blood lymphocytes and activation markers (HLA-DR, CD25, CD314, CD38, CD69) before and 3-4 weeks after immunotherapy. It is shown that for these patients is characterized by increasing the number of CD25+ and Treg lymphocytes in the bloodstream, which has not changed after immunotherapy. Adoptive immunotherapy in combination with chemotherapy resulted in a decrease of absolute number of lymphocyte, B- and T-lymphocytes, T helper cells, NKT-cells, CD314+ lymphocytes, CD38+ lymphocytes and immature T-lymphocytes (CD3+CD38+) (р < 0,05). However, there was a positive dynamic to increase the percentage of NK-cells to 32% and CD69+NK-cells to 21% and significant increase in expression of HLA-DR on all lymphocytes (p < 0.05). Adoptive immunotherapy characterized by the absence of side effects and can be recommended as accompanying to basic radiation and chemotherapy

    New approaches in assessing the clinical and pathomorphological aspects of obstetric pathology in the structure of the mother-placenta-fetus using atomic force research

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    The aim of the research is study of histological features of the placenta’s and uterus’ structure, erythrocytes in the mother-placenta-fetus system during pregnancy, occurring against the background of thyroid diseases, diabetes (type I and gestational), moderate and severe preeclampsi