196 research outputs found

    Heat transfer in a one-dimensional harmonic crystal in a viscous environment subjected to an external heat supply

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    We consider unsteady heat transfer in a one-dimensional harmonic crystal surrounded by a viscous environment and subjected to an external heat supply. The basic equations for the crystal particles are stated in the form of a system of stochastic differential equations. We perform a continualization procedure and derive an infinite set of linear partial differential equations for covariance variables. An exact analytic solution describing unsteady ballistic heat transfer in the crystal is obtained. It is shown that the stationary spatial profile of the kinetic temperature caused by a point source of heat supply of constant intensity is described by the Macdonald function of zero order. A comparison with the results obtained in the framework of the classical heat equation is presented. We expect that the results obtained in the paper can be verified by experiments with laser excitation of low-dimensional nanostructures.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Methods of educational content management for sustainable development of the university

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    В рамках НИР МЭСИ «Обеспечение зарубежных точек доступа к информационно-знаниевой среде МЭСИ качественным видеоконтентом» была разработана методика актуализации мультимедийных (видео) учебных материалов как элементов электронных курсов. В статье приводятся некоторые результаты научно-исследовательской работы


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    В докладе рассматриваются вопросы журналистской этики в контексте пресс-туров. Поднимается проблема: можно ли ездить в пресс-туры и быть при этом объективным? Автор анализирует и обобщает взгляды исследователей этой темы, а также опирается на собственный практический опыт. В пресс-турах журналисту трудно сохранить непредвзятость, но при этом возможно остаться верным законам журналистской этики. А полный отказ от пресс-туров лишь негативно скажется на медиа.The report focuses on the issues of journalistic ethics in the context of press trips. It concerns a dilemma: is it possible to go on press trips and be objective? The author analyzes and summarizes the views of researchers on this topic and relies on his own practical experience. During press trips, it is a difficult task for a journalist to maintain impartiality, but at the same Кривцов time it is possible to remain faithful to the laws of journalistic ethics. But a complete rejection of press trips will only have a negative impact on the media

    Homoleptic Poly(nitrato) Complexes of Group 14 Stable at Ambient Conditions

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    Using a novel approach in homoleptic nitrate chemistry, Sn(NO3)62− (3c) as well as the previously unknown hexanitrato complexes Si(NO3)62− (1c), Ge(NO3)62− (2c) were synthesized from the element tetranitrates as salt-like compounds which were isolated and characterized using 1H, 14N, and 29Si NMR and IR spectroscopies, elemental and thermal analyses, and single-crystal XRD. All hexanitrates are moderately air-sensitive at 298 K and possess greater thermal stability toward NO2 elimination than their charge-neutral tetranitrato congeners as solids and in solution. The complexes possess distorted octahedral coordination skeletons and adopt geometries that are highly symmetric (3c) or deformed (1c, 2c) depending on the degree of steric congestion of the ligand sphere. As opposed to the κ2O,O′ coordination mode reported for Sn(NO3)4 previously,1 all nitrato ligands of 3c coordinate in κ1O mode. Six geometric isomers of E(NO3)62− were identified as minima on the PES using DFT calculations at the B3LYP/6-311+G(d,p) level of which two were observed experimentally

    Derivation of the conditions for equivalent positions in crystals: The dissymmetrization of barite by electron spin resonance spectra

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    The conditions for equivalent positions on the (hkl) face of growing crystal are derived using sym- metry elements of the space group. It is shown by the example of the sp. gr.D2h 16 that the conditions of equiv- alent position formation coincide with conditions of the reflection of diffracted beams by crystal. It is estab- lished that electron spin resonance (ESR) centers in barite, SO4 -(I) and SO4 -(II), with only two conjugate spectra with equal intensity out of four, and SO4 -(III), with a different intensity of conjugate spectra KaM = 2, are localized into the growth pyramid of the (001) face with a [010] step. SO2 -,SO3 -, and (IV) centers, having an identical intensity of the conjugate ESR spectra with KαM = 2, are localized into the growth pyramid of the (210) face with a growth step [001]. © Pleiades Publishing, Inc., 2012


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    Apoptosis is defined as a highly regulated form of programmed cell death with typical morphological and biochemical features. A variety of factors, including heavy metals, may influence the intensity of programmed cell death. The aim of the work was to simulate apoptosis in an in vitrosystem under the conditions of stable strontium exposure. The children’s population consuming drinking water with high strontium (Sr2+) content (n = 49) was observed. The level of lymphocyte apoptosis was determined with flow cytometry technique, by means of labeled annexin V-FITC conjugate (AnnV-FITC) and propidium iodide (PI) staining. AnnV-FITC+PI- cells were regarded as early apoptotic forms, whereas late apoptotic and/or necrotic cells were AnnV-FITC+PI+. The isolated leukocytes were incubated with Sr2+ at a concentration of 7.0 mg/l, the maximal permitted concentration (MPC) for water of aqueous objects, for 4 hours at 37 ºC. Expression of CD95 and p53 apoptosis markers was performed by flow cytometry using labeled monoclonal antibodies.In vitroexposure to strontium was associated with significantly decreased expression of apoptosisregulating factors, i.e., membrane marker CD95 and intracellular transcription protein p53, 1.56- and 1.68-fold, respectively. Meanwhile, we revealed a significantly (4.68-fold) decreased amounts of AnnV-FITC+PI--cells, as well as a statistically significant (1.35-fold) increase of the AnnV-FITC+PI+-cells. Moreover, the amounts of AnnV-FITC+ PI--lymphocytes in all samples were below the physiological ranges and control values. The number of samples with higher contents of AnnV-FITC+PI+-lymphocyte exceeding the established standards and control values, was 30.8%. Thus, it has been experimentally proven that strontium, at a concentration corresponding to MPC for water objects may significantly inhibit cell death along apoptotic pathways, with switching to necrotic cell death mechanisms, according to phosphatidylserine contents, as detected by annexin V binding test. The data have revealed an ability of strontium to have a significant effect upon the parameters of regulation and maintenance of cellular homeostasis, by influencing the apoptosis intensity, due to shifting a balance towards necrosis and reducing expression of apoptosis-regulating factors. The results of this study may be used in order to identify some marker indexes of immune disorders potentially induced by external influence of strontium upon human health under specific environmental factors

    Modelling the long-term suspended sedimentological effects on stormwater pond performance in an urban catchment

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    The influence of long-term suspended sediment dynamics on stormwater pond performance should not be ignored, but is often neglected in pond design and performance evaluation. This paper provides systematic simulated quantification of long-term suspended sedimentological effects on stormwater pond performance. Integrated hydrological and two-dimensional hydro-morphodynamic modelling and simulations were carried over a 32-year period (1984–2015) covering 3896 rainfall events with a wide range of rainfall volumes, durations and intensities. Three event-based hypothetical rainfall scenarios: non-flood condition (5-year), sewer design condition (30-year), and river flood condition (100-year) rainfall events with 1-h duration, were also simulated for comparison between the traditional event-based approach and the novel approach presented in this study. Simulation results show that the flood peak attenuation and delay are more pronounced for small (<5-year) and medium (<30-year) flood events. The long-term continuous simulation results indicate that the pond provides positive annual trap efficiencies varying from 2% to 69% for 31 of 32 years, providing long-term water quality benefits downstream. However, an extreme rainfall event in year 2012 flush out the accumulated sedimentation as a shock load to the downstream river, leading to a negative trap efficiency of −11%. The spatially averaged sediment deposition rate, as predicted by the model, varies with a mean (SD) of 2 (1.34) cm/year over the study period, which resulted in a 24% loss in the pond’s volume over 32 years. The impact of the loss in storage on pond flood attenuation capacity are explored at regular time intervals over the study period. The results indicate that reduction in the pond’s flood attenuation capacity is relatively more pronounced for medium (30-year) and extreme (100-year) flood events than the frequent small flood (5-year) events. The variation in annual sediment loading with rainfall quantities and patterns are also explored

    The blue-green path to urban flood resilience

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    Abstract Achieving urban flood resilience at local, regional and national levels requires a transformative change in planning, design and implementation of urban water systems. Flood risk, wastewater and stormwater management should be re-envisaged and transformed to: ensure satisfactory service delivery under flood, normal and drought conditions, and enhance and extend the useful lives of ageing grey assets by supplementing them with multi-functional Blue-Green infrastructure. The aim of the multidisciplinary Urban Flood Resilience (UFR) research project, which launched in 2016 and comprises academics from nine UK institutions, is to investigate how transformative change may be possible through a whole systems approach. UFR research outputs to date are summarised under three themes. Theme 1 investigates how Blue-Green and Grey (BG + G) systems can be co-optimised to offer maximum flood risk reduction, continuous service delivery and multiple co-benefits. Theme 2 investigates the resource capacity of urban stormwater and evaluates the potential for interoperability. Theme 3 focuses on the interfaces between planners, developers, engineers and beneficiary communities and investigates citizens’ interactions with BG + G infrastructure. Focussing on retrofit and new build case studies, UFR research demonstrates how urban flood resilience may be achieved through changes in planning practice and policy to enable widespread uptake of BG + G infrastructure.EPSR

    ASXL2 is essential for haematopoiesis and acts as a haploinsufficient tumour suppressor in leukemia

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    Additional sex combs-like (ASXL) proteins are mammalian homologues of additional sex combs (Asx), a regulator of trithorax and polycomb function in Drosophila. While there has been great interest in ASXL1 due to its frequent mutation in leukemia, little is known about its paralog ASXL2, which is frequently mutated in acute myeloid leukemia patients bearing the RUNX1-RUNX1T1 (AML1-ETO) fusion. Here we report that ASXL2 is required for normal haematopoiesis with distinct, non-overlapping effects from ASXL1 and acts as a haploinsufficient tumour suppressor. While Asxl2 was required for normal haematopoietic stem cell self-renewal, Asxl2 loss promoted AML1-ETO leukemogenesis. Moreover, ASXL2 target genes strongly overlapped with those of RUNX1 and AML1-ETO and ASXL2 loss was associated with increased chromatin accessibility at putative enhancers of key leukemogenic loci. These data reveal that Asxl2 is a critical regulator of haematopoiesis and mediates transcriptional effects that promote leukemogenesis driven by AML1-ETO

    Structural Biology of Human H3K9 Methyltransferases

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    SET domain methyltransferases deposit methyl marks on specific histone tail lysine residues and play a major role in epigenetic regulation of gene transcription. We solved the structures of the catalytic domains of GLP, G9a, Suv39H2 and PRDM2, four of the eight known human H3K9 methyltransferases in their apo conformation or in complex with the methyl donating cofactor, and peptide substrates. We analyzed the structural determinants for methylation state specificity, and designed a G9a mutant able to tri-methylate H3K9. We show that the I-SET domain acts as a rigid docking platform, while induced-fit of the Post-SET domain is necessary to achieve a catalytically competent conformation. We also propose a model where long-range electrostatics bring enzyme and histone substrate together, while the presence of an arginine upstream of the target lysine is critical for binding and specificity. Enhanced version: This article can also be viewed as an enhanced version in which the text of the article is integrated with interactive 3D representations and animated transitions. Please note that a web plugin is required to access this enhanced functionality. Instructions for the installation and use of the web plugin are available i