314 research outputs found

    Chronic cutaneous draining sinus of dental origin

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    Extra oral sinus of odontogenic origin occurs when the purulent by‑products of dental pulp necrosis spread along the path of least resistance from the root apex to the skin on the face. Patients presenting with cutaneous sinus usually visit a general physician or dermatologist first, as the lesion can mimic various dermatologic pathologies, ranging from an infected sebaceous cysts to a basal cell carcinoma. Despite systemic antibiotics, symptoms often persist causing further confusion, and at times leading to unnecessary surgical interventions. The location of this sinus in the head and neck region should lead the physician to seek a dental opinion in order to avoid misdiagnosis.Keywords: Dental fistula, Localized drug delivery, Root canal treatmen

    An application of principal component analysis for pre- harvest forecast model for rice crop based on biometrical characters

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    An application of principal component analysis for the development of suitable statistical models for preharvest forecast of rice yield based on biometrical characters has been dealt with in the present paper. The data obtained from the two experiments on rice have been utilised to develop the model. The forecast yields of based onthese models have been found to be 24.25, 22.60 and 21.10 q/ha against the actual yield of 28.00, 23.56 and 21.85 q/ha, respectively, in experiment –I. For experiment –II the forecast yields were found to be 24.62, 28.06 and 29.43 q/ha against the actual yield of 28.82, 29.31 and 26.59 q/ha, respectively. These forecast yields are subject to maximum of almost 10 percent standard error. In most of the cases, the forecast yields were found to be close to the actual yield except in some cases. The values of R2, i.e. 79.80 and 72.60 for experiment –I and II, respectively, indicate the validity of the models. Statistical tool like viz. principal component analysis (PCA) has been first time applied to develop pre-harvest forecast model based on experimental data

    Pathological studies of Pestalotia mangiferae

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    Pestalotia mangiferæ has been observed on leaves of Mangiferœ indica at Allahabad and Madras. The pathogenicity of this organism has been established on leaves, stem and fruits of mango and symptoms have been described. Cross-inoculations on Psidium gujava, Mimusops hexandra, Butea frondosa, Eucalyptus sp. and Citrus sp. were unsuccessful. Storage of fruits at temperatures below 8°C. prevented fruit rot. Dusting the leaves with zinc sulphate controlled the disease but similar dustings on fruits failed to control the rot

    Intrusion Detection Systems Based on Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    [EN] Intrusion detection system (IDS) is regarded as the second line of defense against network anomalies and threats. IDS plays an important role in network security. There are many techniques which are used to design IDSs for specific scenario and applications. Artificial intelligence techniques are widely used for threats detection. This paper presents a critical study on genetic algorithm, artificial immune, and artificial neural network (ANN) based IDSs techniques used in wireless sensor network (WSN)The authors extend their appreciation to the Distinguished Scientist Fellowship Program(DSFP) at King Saud University for funding this research.Alrajeh, NA.; Lloret, J. (2013). Intrusion Detection Systems Based on Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks. 2013(351047):1-6. https://doi.org/10.1155/2013/351047S16201335104

    Phenotypic, cytogenetic and spike fertility characterization of a population of male-sterile triticale

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    Triticale (X Triticosecale Wittmack) is a good cereal for production of flour and feed. A segregating population of triticale was developed from a male-sterile (MS) plant. To determine whether this new source of male sterility in triticale is appropriate for use in breeding programs the expression of the male sterility phenotype was characterized through spike fertility, meiotic behavior, and pollen. Controlled crosses between male-sterile plants and control varieties male-fertile (MF) of triticale were also conducted, and cytological analyses were performed in the F2 and backcross plants. Plants with male-sterile phenotypes displayed reduced spike fertility when compared to plants with male-fertile phenotypes. Compared to male-fertile plants, male-sterile plants exhibited a lower percentage of normal meiotic cells, a reduced meiotic index and reduced pollen viability. The F2 plants had improved pollen fertility when compared to the male-sterile population; however there were no corresponding improvements in the percentage of normal meiotic cells or in the meiotic index. A single generation of backcrosses resulted in an improved meiotic index and increased pollen viability. However, no changes in the percentage of normal meiotic cells were observed. Meiotic instability, which was shown to be inheritable, was the likely cause of male sterility. Therefore, the use of this population in triticale breeding was considered to be inappropriate because it could promote or contribute to the maintenance of meiotic instability, which is commonly observed in this species

    Increased Expression of PS1 Is Sufficient to Elevate the Level and Activity of Îł-Secretase In Vivo

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    Increase in the generation and deposition of amyloid-β (Aβ) plays a central role in the development of Alzheimer's Disease (AD). Elevation of the activity of γ-secretase, a key enzyme required for the generation for Aβ, can thus be a potential risk factor in AD. However, it is not known whether γ-secretase can be upregulated in vivo. While in vitro studies showed that expression of all four components of γ-secretase (Nicastrin, Presenilin, Pen-2 and Aph-1) are required for upregulation of γ-secretase, it remains to be established as to whether this is true in vivo. To investigate whether overexpressing a single component of the γ-secretase complex is sufficient to elevate its level and activity in the brain, we analyzed transgenic mice expressing either wild type or familial AD (fAD) associated mutant PS1. In contrast to cell culture studies, overexpression of either wild type or mutant PS1 is sufficient to increase levels of Nicastrin and Pen-2, and elevate the level of active γ-secretase complex, enzymatic activity of γ-secretase and the deposition of Aβ in brains of mice. Importantly, γ-secretase comprised of mutant PS1 is less active than that of wild type PS1-containing γ-secretase; however, γ-secretase comprised of mutant PS1 cleaves at the Aβ42 site of APP-CTFs more efficiently than at the Aβ40 site, resulting in greater accumulation of Aβ deposits in the brain. Our data suggest that whereas fAD-linked PS1 mutants cause early onset disease, upregulation of PS1/γ-secretase activity may be a risk factor for late onset sporadic AD

    Αβ Hinders Nuclear Targeting of AICD and Fe65 in Primary Neuronal Cultures

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    The intracellular domain of the Alzheimer’s amyloid precursor protein (AICD) has been described as an important player in the transactivation of specific genes. It results from proteolytic processing of the Alzheimer’s amyloid precursor protein (APP), as does the neurotoxic Aβ peptide. Although normally produced in cells, Aβ is typically considered to be a neurotoxic peptide, causing devastating effects. By exposing primary neuronal cultures to relatively low Aβ concentrations, this peptide was shown to affect APP processing. Our findings indicate that APP C-terminal fragments are increased with concomitant reduction in the expression levels of APP itself. AICD nuclear immunoreactivity detected under control conditions was dramatically reduced in response to Aβ exposure. Additionally, intracellular protein levels of Fe65 and GSK3 were also decreased in response to Aβ. APP nuclear signaling is altered by Aβ, affecting not only AICD production but also its nuclear translocation and complex formation with Fe65. In effect, Aβ can trigger a physiological negative feedback mechanism that modulates its own production

    Propylthiouracil Is Teratogenic in Murine Embryos

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    Background: Hyperthyroidism during pregnancy is treated with the antithyroid drugs (ATD) propylthiouracil (PTU) and methimazole (MMI). PTU currently is recommended as the drug of choice during early pregnancy. Yet, despite widespread ATD use in pregnancy, formal studies of ATD teratogenic effects have not been performed. Methods: We examined the teratogenic effects of PTU and MMI during embryogenesis in mice. To span different periods of embryogenesis, dams were treated with compounds or vehicle daily from embryonic day (E) 7.5 to 9.5 or from E3.5 to E7.5. Embryos were examined for gross malformations at E10.5 or E18.5 followed by histological and micro-CT analysis. Influences of PTU on gene expression levels were examined by RNA microarray analysis. Results: When dams were treated from E7.5 to E9.5 with PTU, neural tube and cardiac abnormalities were observed at E10.5. Cranial neural tube defects were significantly more common among the PTU-exposed embryos than those exposed to MMI or vehicle. Blood in the pericardial sac, which is a feature indicative of abnormal cardiac function and/or abnormal vasculature, was observed more frequently in PTU-treated than MMI-treated or vehicle-treated embryos. Following PTU treatment, a total of 134 differentially expressed genes were identified. Disrupted genetic pathways were those associated with cytoskeleton remodeling and keratin filaments. At E 18.5, no gross malformations were evident in either ATD group, but the number of viable PTU embryos per dam at E18.5 was significantly lower from those at E10.5, indicating loss o

    Mechanisms of Hybrid Oligomer Formation in the Pathogenesis of Combined Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases

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    Background: Misfolding and pathological aggregation of neuronal proteins has been proposed to play a critical role in the pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Parkinson’s disease (PD) are frequent neurodegenerative diseases of the aging population. While progressive accumulation of amyloid b protein (Ab) oligomers has been identified as one of the central toxic events in AD, accumulation of a-synuclein (a-syn) resulting in the formation of oligomers and protofibrils has been linked to PD and Lewy body Disease (LBD). We have recently shown that Ab promotes a-syn aggregation and toxic conversion in vivo, suggesting that abnormal interactions between misfolded proteins might contribute to disease pathogenesis. However the molecular characteristics and consequences of these interactions are not completely clear. Methodology/Principal Findings: In order to understand the molecular mechanisms involved in potential Ab/a-syn interactions, immunoblot, molecular modeling, and in vitro studies with a-syn and Ab were performed. We showed in vivo in the brains of patients with AD/PD and in transgenic mice, Ab and a-synuclein co-immunoprecipitate and form complexes. Molecular modeling and simulations showed that Ab binds a-syn monomers, homodimers, and trimers, forming hybrid ringlike pentamers. Interactions occurred between the N-terminus of Ab and the N-terminus and C-terminus of a-syn. Interacting a-syn and Ab dimers that dock on the membrane incorporated additional a-syn molecules, leading to th
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