2,046 research outputs found

    Seismic Vibration of Nuclear Power Station Building

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    Reactor Building is considered as a system with concentrated masses. The movement of the system is described with account of elastic component, shear and rotation of the base relatively foundation. Seismic excitation is described by set of accelerogramms. The equations of movement are solved using complex modal analysis. Natural frequencies are acceleration functions for masses of the system are defined

    Doping-Induced Electron Transfer at Organic/Oxide Interfaces: Direct Evidence from Infrared Spectroscopy

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    Charge transfer at organic/inorganic interfaces critically influences the properties of molecular adlayers. Although for metals such charge transfers are well documented by experimental and theoretical results, in the case of semiconductors, clear and direct evidence for a transfer of electrons or holes from oxides with their typically high ionization energy is missing. Here, we present data from infrared reflection−absorption spectroscopy demonstrating that despite a high ionization energy, electrons are transferred from ZnO into a prototype strong molecular electron acceptor, hexafluoro-tetracyano-naphthoquinodimethane (F6_{6}-TCNNQ). Because there are no previous studies of this type, the interpretation of the pronounced vibrational red shifts observed in the experiment was aided by a thorough theoretical analysis using density functional theory. The calculations reveal that two mechanisms govern the pronounced vibrational band shifts of the adsorbed molecules: electron transfer into unoccupied molecular levels of the organic acceptor and also the bonding between the surface Zn atoms and the peripheral cyano groups. These combined experimental data and the theoretical analysis provide the so-far missing evidence of interfacial electron transfer from high ionization energy inorganic semiconductors to molecular acceptors and indicates that n-doping of ZnO plays a crucial role

    Solar dynamo model with nonlocal alpha-effect

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    The first results of the solar dynamo model that allows for the diamagnetic effect of inhomogeneous turbulence and the nonlocal alpha-effect due to the rise of magnetic loops are discussed. The nonlocal alpha-effect is not subject to the catastrophic quenching related to the conservation of magnetic helicity. Given the diamagnetic pumping, the magnetic fields are concentrated near the base of the convection zone, although the distributed-type model covers the entire thickness of the convection zone. The magnetic cycle period, the equatorial symmetry of the field, its meridional drift, and the polar-to-toroidal field ratio obtained in the model are in agreement with observations. There is also some disagreement with observations pointing the ways of improving the model.Comment: To appear in Astronomy Letters, 10 pages, 5 figure

    Rare earth elements materials production from apatite ores

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    The paper deals with the study of processing apatite ores with nitric acid and extraction of the rare earth elements. The rare earth elements can be successfully separated and recovered by extraction from the nitrate- phosphate solution, being an tributyl phosphate as extraction agent. The developed scheme of the processing apatite concentrate provides obtaining rare earth concentrates with high qualitative characteristics

    Extraction of rare earth elements from hydrate-phosphate precipitates of apatite processing

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    The features of extraction of rare earth elements (REE) were considered from hydrate-phosphate precipitates of REE of apatite processing by nitric acid technology. The preliminary purification of nitrate solution of REE from impurities of titanium, aluminum, iron, uranium and thorium was suggested to obtain stable solutions not forming precipitates. Washing the extract was recommended with the evaporated reextract that allows to obtain directly on the cascade of REE extraction the concentrated solutions suitable for the separation into groups by the extraction method. Technical decisions were suggested for the separation of REE in groups without the use of salting-out agent

    The model of dynamo with small number of modes and magnetic activity of T Tauri stars

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    The model that describes operation of dynamo in fully convective stars is presented. It is based on representation of stellar magnetic field as a superposition of finite number of poloidal and toroidal free damping modes. In the frame of adopted low of stellar differential rotation we estimated minimal value of dynamo number D, starting from which generation of cyclic magnetic field in stars without radiative core is possible. We also derived expression for period of the cycle. It was found that dynamo cycles of fully convective stars and stars with thin convective envelopes differ in a qualitative way: 1) distribution of spots over latitude during the cycle is different in these stars; 2) the model predicts that spot formation in fully convective stars should be strongly suppressed at some phases of the cycle. We have analyzed historical lightcurve of WTTS star V410 Tau and found that long term activity of the star is not periodic process. Rather one can speak about quasi cyclic activity with characteristic time of 4\sim 4 yr and chaotic component over imposed. We concluded also that redistribution of cool spots over longitude is the reason of long term variations of V410 Tau brightness. It means that one can not compare directly results of photometric observations with predictions of our axially symmetric (for simplicity) model which allows to investigate time evolution of spot's distribution over latitude. We then discuss what kind of observations and in which way could be used to check predictions of the dynamo theory.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, accepted to Astron. Let

    Abnormal phenomena in a one-dimensional periodic structure containing left-handed materials

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    The explicit dispersion equation for a one-dimensional periodic structure with alternative layers of left-handed material (LHM) and right-handed material (RHM) is given and analyzed. Some abnormal phenomena such as spurious modes with complex frequencies, discrete modes and photon tunnelling modes are observed in the band structure. The existence of spurious modes with complex frequencies is a common problem in the calculation of the band structure for such a photonic crystal. Physical explanation and significance are given for the discrete modes (with real values of wave number) and photon tunnelling propagation modes (with imaginary wave numbers in a limited region).Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Multiplicities of secondaries in interactions of 1.8 GeV/nucleon Fe-56 nuclei with photoemulsion and the cascade evaporation model

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    A nuclear photographic emulsion method was used to study the charge-state, ionization, and angular characteristics of secondaries produced in inelastic interactions of Fe-56 nuclei at 1.8 GeV/nucleon with H, CNO, and AgBr nuclei. The data obtained are compared with the results of calculations made in terms of the Dubna version of the cascade evaporation model (DCM). The DCM has been shown to satisfactorily describe most of the interaction characteristics for two nuclei in the studied reactions. At the same time, quantitative differences are observed in some cases

    Target fragments in collisions of 1.8 GeV/nucleon Fe-56 nuclei with photoemulsion nuclei, and the cascade-evaporation model

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    Nuclear photographic emulsion is used to study the dependence of the characteristics of target-nucleus fragments on the masses and impact parameters of interacting nuclei. The data obtained are compared in all details with the calculation results made in terms of the Dubna version of the cascade-evaporation model (DCM)