439 research outputs found

    J0811+4730: the most metal-poor star-forming dwarf galaxy known

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    We report the discovery of the most metal-poor dwarf star-forming galaxy (SFG) known to date, J0811+4730. This galaxy, at a redshift z=0.04444, has a Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) g-band absolute magnitude M_g = -15.41 mag. It was selected by inspecting the spectroscopic data base in the Data Release 13 (DR13) of the SDSS. LBT/MODS spectroscopic observations reveal its oxygen abundance to be 12 + log O/H = 6.98 +/- 0.02, the lowest ever observed for a SFG. J0811+4730 strongly deviates from the main-sequence defined by SFGs in the emission-line diagnostic diagrams and the metallicity - luminosity diagram. These differences are caused mainly by the extremely low oxygen abundance in J0811++4730, which is ~10 times lower than that in main-sequence SFGs with similar luminosities. By fitting the spectral energy distributions of the SDSS and LBT spectra, we derive a stellar mass of M* = 10^6.24 - 10^6.29 Msun (statistical uncertainties only), and we find that a considerable fraction of the galaxy stellar mass was formed during the most recent burst of star formation.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Strategies and innovations in modern trade marketing

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    Purpose: The article is devoted to the critical analysis of existing theoretical and methodological approaches to determining the content and nature of sales marketing as a factor and element of companies’ competitive strategy. Design/Methodology/Approach: Based on a critical retrospective analysis, authors presented the features of the trade marketing toolkit providing substantial increase in market sales. Authors considered key existing functional marketing strategies, as well as its innovative trends and ideas. Findings: The modern market of trade enterprises is characterized by fundamental changes in economic conditions caused by the transformation of the economic system, the market priority of consumers, the formation of the information society, and the integration of economic processes. The economic phenomena escalate the struggle in the trading business for its share of the competitive market. In order to maintain and strengthen their positions, trade enterprises should build their trade and technological processes more and more efficiently. Practical implications: Economic growth of a commercial enterprise could be carried out in line with intensive and extensive factors. With the growing level of concentration of the trade industry, factors of intensive economic growth of trade enterprises become relevant. Originality/Value: The author's approach could be used in the development of promising corporate marketing strategies in terms of the development and implementation of innovative marketing solutions available for implementation throughout the entire cycle of the strategic marketing process.peer-reviewe

    Moral distress measurement in animal care workers: a systematic review.

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    The mental health of veterinary and other animal health professionals is significantly impacted by the psychological stressors they encounter, such as euthanasia, witnessing animal suffering and moral distress. Moral distress, initially identified in nursing, arises when individuals are aware of the right action but are hindered by institutional constraints. We aimed to review existing research on moral distress scales among animal care workers by focusing on the identification and psychometric validity of its measurement. Two-step systematic review. First, we identified all moral distress scales used in animal care research in the eligible original studies. Second, we evaluated their psychometric validity, emphasising content validity, which is a critical aspect of patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs). This evaluation adhered to the Consensus-based Standards for the Selection of Health Measurement Instruments (COSMIN). The results were reported according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. PubMed, EMBASE and PsycINFO to search for eligible studies published between January 1984 and April 2023. We included original (primary) studies that (1) were conducted in animal care workers; (2) describing either the development of a moral distress scale, or validation of a moral distress scale in its original or modified version, to assess at least one of the psychometric properties mentioned in COSMIN guidelines. Two independent reviewers used standardised methods to search, screen and code included studies. We considered the following information relevant for extraction: study reference, name and reference of the moral distress scale used, psychometric properties assessed and methods and results of their assessments. The collected information was then summarised in a narrative synthesis. The review identified only one PROM specifically adapted for veterinary contexts: the Measure of Moral Distress for Animal Professionals (MMD-AP), derived from the Measure of Moral Distress for Healthcare Professionals (MMD-HP). Both MMD-HP and MMD-AP were evaluated for the quality of development and content validity. The development quality of both measures was deemed doubtful. According to COSMIN, MMD-HP's content validity was rated as sufficient, whereas MMD-AP's was inconsistent. However, the evidence quality for both PROMs was rated low. This is the first systematic review focused on moral distress measurement in animal care workers. It shows that moral distress is rarely measured using standardised and evidence-based methods and that such methods should be developed and validated in the context of animal care. CRD42023422259

    Transport properties of the azimuthal magnetorotational instability

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    The magnetorotational instability (MRI) is thought to be a powerful source of turbulence in Keplerian accretion disks. Motivated by recent laboratory experiments, we study the MRI driven by an azimuthal magnetic field in an electrically conducting fluid sheared between two concentric rotating cylinders. By adjusting the rotation rates of the cylinders, we approximate angular velocity profiles ω ∝ r q . We perform direct numerical simulations of a steep profile close to the Rayleigh line q & −2 and a quasiKeplerian profile q ≈ −3/2 and cover wide ranges of Reynolds (Re ≤ 4 · 104 ) and magnetic Prandtl numbers (0 ≤ Pm ≤ 1). In the quasi-Keplerian case, the onset of instability depends on the magnetic Reynolds number, with Rmc ≈ 50, and angular momentum transport scales as √ PmRe2 in the turbulent regime. The ratio of Maxwell to Reynolds stresses is set by Rm. At the onset of instability both stresses have similar magnitude, whereas the Reynolds stress vanishes or becomes even negative as Rm increases. For the profile close to the Rayleigh line, the instability shares these properties as long as Pm & 0.1, but exhibits a markedly different character if Pm → 0, where the onset of instability is governed by the Reynolds number, with Rec ≈ 1250, transport is via Reynolds stresses and scales as Re2 . At intermediate Pm = 0.01 we observe a continuous transition from one regime to the other, with a crossover at Rm = O(100). Our results give a comprehensive picture of angular momentum transport of the MRI with an imposed azimuthal field

    Simulation model of the realtor agency

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    The article describes the modeling activities of real estate agency with clients. Identified negative economic factors affecting the work of the small real estate company. The reasons to reduce the number of actual transactions in the agency. An example of creating a simulation model of organization in Arena Rockwell Software company environment. Obtained statistical data describing the economic characteristics of the company's business processes. Based on the simulation results of the experiment offered the option of improving the activity of real estate agency. Recommendations for improving the business processes of the company. The data of statistical reports proving the economic efficiency of the proposed variant optimization agencyВ статье описано моделирование деятельности агентства недвижимости с клиентами. Выявлены негативные экономические факторы, влияющие на работу малых компаний на рынке недвижимости. Определены причины сокращения количества реальных сделок в агентстве. Рассмотрен пример создания имитационной модели деятельности организации в среде Arena компании Rockwell Software. Получен статистический материал, описывающий экономические характеристики бизнес-процессов фирмы. На основе результатов имитационного эксперимента предложен вариант совершенствования деятельности агентства недвижимости. Сформулированы рекомендации по совершенствованию бизнес-процессов компании. Приведены данные статистических отчетов, подтверждающие экономическую эффективность предложенного варианта оптимизации агентств

    Выбор математической модели объекта исследования в электроимпедансной томографии

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    Зроблено огляд наукових праць, що стосуються питань моделювання досліджуваних об’єктів у разі електроімпедансної томографії. Спираючись на тривимірність процесів, які відбуваються в об’єктах дослідження при застосуванні електроімпедансних томографів, показано, що для адекватного моделювання об’єктів дослідження необхідно застосовувати квазістатичний або повнопольовий електродинамічні підходи.Introduction. A brief review of scientific publications relating to questions of the object for study modeling that implements the EIT methods is given. Formulation of the problem. EIT features associated with three-dimensionality of processes taking place in the study objects during the measurement and the complexity of the reconstruction process are shown. A comparative analysis of the quasi-static and full-wave model of the object for study is presented. Conclusion. Based on three-dimensional processes that take place in the study objects using EIT has shown that adequate models of study objects should be based on quasi-static or full-wave electrodynamics approaches.Выполнен обзор научных работ, касающихся вопросов моделирования исследуемых объектов в электроипедансной томографии. С учетом трехмерности процессов, происходящих в исследуемых объектах при использовании электроимпедансных томографов, показано, что для адекватного моделирования объектов исследования необходимо применять квазистатический или полнополевой электродинамические подходы

    Собственные волны в поперечно неоднородном открытом цилиндрическом диэлектрическом волноводе

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    Методом точкового узгодження, з врахуванням лише парних поздовжніх складових електричного поля, розв’язується задача на власні значення – сталі поширення хвиль в неоднорідному діелектричному хвилеводі. Розглядається наступна модель: діелектричний хвилевід кругового поперечного перетину з однією неоднорідністю кругової форми. Наведені результати чисельних досліджень залежності сталої поширення для різних типів хвиль в залежності від параметрів та місцеположення неоднорідності.Результати даної роботи можуть бути поширені для дослідження хвилеводів, які мають перетин іншої форми та/або містять декілька неоднорідних областей з різними параметрамиBy the point matching method, taking into account only the even electric longitudinal field components, is considered the eigenvalue problem - constant propagation in inhomogeneous dielectric waveguide. The following model is accepted: a dielectric waveguide of round cross-section with single circular heterogeneity. A result of numerical studies of the dependence of the propagation constant for different types of waves, depending on the parameters and the location of the in homogeneity, are introduced. The results of the study can be extended to the study of waveguides with a cross section of different shapes and/or contain multiple heterogeneous domains with different parametersМетодом точечного согласования, с учетом только четных продольных составляющих электрического поля, решается задача на собственные значения – постоянные распространения волн в неоднородном диэлектрическом волноводе. Рассматривается следующая модель: диэлектрический волновод круглого поперечного сечения с одной неоднородностью круглой формы. Приведены результаты численных исследований зависимости постоянной распространения для разных типов волн в зависимости от параметров и месторасположения неоднородности.Результаты данной работы можно расширить для исследования волноводов, имеющих сечение другой формы и/или содержащих несколько неоднородных областей с разными параметрам

    Interleukin-11 Drives Early Lung Inflammation during Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection in Genetically Susceptible Mice

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    IL-11 is multifunctional cytokine whose physiological role in the lungs during pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is poorly understood. Here, using in vivo administration of specific antibodies against IL-11, we demonstrate for the first time that blocking IL-11 diminishes histopathology and neutrophilic infiltration of the lung tissue in TB-infected genetically susceptible mice. Antibody treatment decreased the pulmonary levels of IL-11 and other key inflammatory cytokines not belonging to the Th1 axis, and down-regulated IL-11 mRNA expression. This suggests the existence of a positive feedback loop at the transcriptional level, which is further supported by up-regulation of IL-11 mRNA expression in the presence of rIL-11 in in vitro cultures of lung cells. These findings imply a pathogenic role for IL-11 during the early phase of Mycobacterium tuberculosis-triggered disease in a genetically susceptible host

    Size fractionation of trace elements in the surface water and groundwater of the Ganjiang River and Xiushui River basins, China

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    The research of trace element behaviour and size fractionation is significant to understand the processes in the water-rock system. Moreover, the aqueous speciation of trace elements is strongly related to their distribution and toxicity. In this research, trace elements behaviour and their size fractionation are investigated in the natural water (the surface water and shallow groundwater) of the Ganjiang River and Xiushui River basins. Trace element concentrations were measured by ICP-MS. The authors estimated the size fractionation of the trace elements between suspended forms (>0.45 [mu]m) and dissolved fractions, which included truly dissolved (1 kDa) and colloidal particles (0.45 [mu]m-1 kDa)), after filtration through a 0.45 [mu]m acetate cellulose membrane filter. The distinct features of the trace element size fractionation were identified. The size fractionation of the trace elements under different conditions (in the surface water and shallow groundwater) was studied

    Kostroma cattle breed in the new century: the state and the prospects (review)

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    The article reflects the current state and the prospects of the Kostroma cattle breed development. The creation and improvement of the breed anticipated the formation and further breed development in the domestic and world zoo technical science. In recent years, the number of Kostroma cattle breed has been unreasonably reducing despite its economic valuable traits. At the same time in the Kostroma region there are prospects for preserving the valuable gene pool of one of the best domestic dairy and meat cattle breeds. As a result of directed selection and breeding work with the use of Brown Swiss bulls, a stud milk breed "Karavaevsky KK-1" has been developed. At present cow-champions of the Kostroma breed give up to 12,000 kg of milk per lactation. The milk of the Kostroma breed cows has a high content of protein and fat. The animals of Kostroma breed have good meat qualities, high resistance to a number of diseases, strong ungulate horn, easy adaptability to intensive technologies, good fertility and high productive longevity. To save the Kostroma breed it is important to put on 8-10 bulls of 8 planned lines and related groups for the validation and accumulation of sperm every year. The restoration of previously created lines with high genetic potential should be foreseen. It is necessary to identify and actively use the stud bulls bred in their own breeding farms; to conduct a linear assessment of bulls and daughter heifers by body type for more competent selection. In addition to the generally accepted forms and methods of selection, it is necessary to continue immunogenetic control of the authenticity of the origin of breeding animals and introduce modern methods of DNA technology to assess the breeding and productive qualities of cattle, which will reveal valuable genetic complexes in the best breeding animals and thus 1.5-2 times accelerate the selection processes.Conflict of interest: the authors stated that there was no conflict of interest