580 research outputs found

    Controlling Light Through Optical Disordered Media : Transmission Matrix Approach

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    We experimentally measure the monochromatic transmission matrix (TM) of an optical multiple scattering medium using a spatial light modulator together with a phase-shifting interferometry measurement method. The TM contains all information needed to shape the scattered output field at will or to detect an image through the medium. We confront theory and experiment for these applications and we study the effect of noise on the reconstruction method. We also extracted from the TM informations about the statistical properties of the medium and the light transport whitin it. In particular, we are able to isolate the contributions of the Memory Effect (ME) and measure its attenuation length

    Performance of Repetitive Tasks Induces Decreased Grip Strength and Increased Fibrogenic Proteins in Skeletal Muscle: Role of Force and Inflammation

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    Background This study elucidates exposure-response relationships between performance of repetitive tasks, grip strength declines, and fibrogenic-related protein changes in muscles, and their link to inflammation. Specifically, we examined forearm flexor digitorum muscles for changes in connective tissue growth factor (CTGF; a matrix protein associated with fibrosis), collagen type I (Col1; a matrix component), and transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGFB1; an upstream modulator of CTGF and collagen), in rats performing one of two repetitive tasks, with or without anti-inflammatory drugs. Methodology/Results To examine the roles of force versus repetition, rats performed either a high repetition negligible force food retrieval task (HRNF), or a high repetition high force handle-pulling task (HRHF), for up to 9 weeks, with results compared to trained only (TR-NF or TR-HF) and normal control rats. Grip strength declined with both tasks, with the greatest declines in 9-week HRHF rats. Quantitative PCR (qPCR) analyses of HRNF muscles showed increased expression of Col1 in weeks 3–9, and CTGF in weeks 6 and 9. Immunohistochemistry confirmed PCR results, and also showed greater increases of CTGF and collagen matrix in 9-week HRHF rats than 9-week HRNF rats. ELISA, and immunohistochemistry revealed greater increases of TGFB1 in TR-HF and 6-week HRHF, compared to 6-week HRNF rats. To examine the role of inflammation, results from 6-week HRHF rats were compared to rats receiving ibuprofen or anti-TNF-α treatment in HRHF weeks 4–6. Both treatments attenuated HRHF-induced increases in CTGF and fibrosis by 6 weeks of task performance. Ibuprofen attenuated TGFB1 increases and grip strength declines, matching our prior results with anti-TNFα. Conclusions/Significance Performance of highly repetitive tasks was associated with force-dependent declines in grip strength and increased fibrogenic-related proteins in flexor digitorum muscles. These changes were attenuated, at least short-term, by anti-inflammatory treatments

    The osteopetrotic mutation toothless (tl) is a loss-of-function frameshift mutation in the rat Csf1 gene: Evidence of a crucial role for CSF-1 in osteoclastogenesis and endochondral ossification

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    The toothless (tl) mutation in the rat is a naturally occurring, autosomal recessive mutation resulting in a profound deficiency of bone-resorbing osteoclasts and peritoneal macrophages. The failure to resorb bone produces severe, unrelenting osteopetrosis, with a highly sclerotic skeleton, lack of marrow spaces, failure of tooth eruption, and other pathologies. Injections of CSF-1 improve some, but not all, of these. In this report we have used polymorphism mapping, sequencing, and expression studies to identify the genetic lesion in the tl rat. We found a 10-base insertion near the beginning of the open reading of the Csf1 gene that yields a truncated, nonfunctional protein and an early stop codon, thus rendering the tl rat CSF-1null. All mutants were homozygous for the mutation and all carriers were heterozygous. No CSF-1 transcripts were identified in rat mRNA that would avoid the mutation via alternative splicing. The biology and actions of CSF-1 have been elucidated by many studies that use another naturally occurring mutation, the op mouse, in which a single base insertion also disrupts the reading frame. The op mouse has milder osteoclastopenia and osteopetrosis than the tl rat and recovers spontaneously over the first few months of life. Thus, the tl rat provides a second model in which the functions of CSF-1 can be studied. Understanding the similarities and differences in the phenotypes of these two models will be important to advancing our knowledge of the many actions of CSF-1

    Endochondral bone formation in toothless (osteopetrotic) rats: failures of chondrocyte patterning and type X collagen expression

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    The pacemaker of endochondral bone growth is cell division and hypertrophy of chondrocytes. The developmental stages of chondrocytes, characterized by the expression of collagen types II and X, are arranged in arrays across the growth zone. Mutations in collagen II and X genes as well as the absence of their gene products lead to different, altered patterns of chondrocyte stages which remain aligned across the growth plate (GP). Here we analyze GP of rats bearing the mutation toothless (tl) which, apart from bone defects, develop a progressive, severe chondrodystrophy during postnatal weeks 3 to 6. Mutant GP exhibited disorganized, non-aligned chondrocytes and mineralized metaphyseal bone but without cartilage mineralization or cartilaginous extensions into the metaphysis. Expression of mRNA coding for collagen types II (Col II) and X (Col X) was examined in the tibial GP by in situ hybridization. Mutant rats at 2 weeks exhibited Col II RNA expression and some hypertrophied chondrocytes (HC) but no Col X RNA was detected. By 3rd week, HC had largely disappeared from the central part of the mutant GP and Col II RNA expression was present but weak and in 2 separate bands. Peripherally the GP contained HC but without Col X RNA expression. This abnormal pattern was exacerbated by the fourth week. Bone mineralized but cartilage in the GP did not. These data suggest that the tl mutation involves a regulatory function for chondrocyte maturation, including Col X RNA synthesis and mineralization, and that the GP abnormalities are related to the Col X deficiency. The differences in patterning in the tl rat GP compared to direct Col X mutations may be explained by compensatory effects

    Evidence that the rat osteopetrotic mutation toothless (tl) is not in the TNFSF11 (TRANCE, RANKL, ODF, OPGL) gene

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    The toothless (tl) osteopetrotic mutation in the rat affects an osteoblast-derived factor that is required for normal osteoclast differentiation. Although the genetic locus remains unknown, the phenotypic impact of the tl mutation on multiple systems has been well characterized. Some of its actions are similar to tumornecrosis factor superfamily member 11(TNFSF11; also called TRANCE, RANKL, ODF and OPGL) null mice. TNFSF11 is a recently described member of the tumor necrosis factor superfamily which, when expressed by activated T cells, enhances the survival of antigen-presenting dendritic cells, and when expressed by osteoblasts, promotes the differentiation and activation of osteoclasts. The skeletal similarities between tl rats and TNFSF11(-/-) mice include 1) profound osteoclastopenia (TNFSF11-null mice, 0% and tl rats 0-1% of normal); 2) persistent, non-resolving osteopetrosis that results from 3) a defect not in the osteoclast lineage itself, but in an osteoblast-derived, osteoclastogenic signal; and 4) a severe chondrodysplasia of the growth plates of long bones not seen in other osteopetrotic mutations. The latter includes thickening of the growth plate with age, disorganization of chondrocyte columns, and disturbances of chondrocyte maturation. These striking similarities prompted us to undertake studies to rule in or out a TNFSF11 mutation in the tl rat. We looked for expression of TNFSF11 mRNA in tl long bones and found it to be over-expressed and of the correct size. We also tested TNFSF11 protein function in the tl rat. This was shown to be normal by flow cytometry experiments in which activated, spleen-derived T-cells from tl rats exhibited normal receptor binding competence, as measured by a recombinant receptor assay. We also found that tl rats develop histologically normal mesenteric and peripheral lymph nodes, which are absent from TNFSF11-null mice. Next, we found that injections of recombinant TNFSF11, which restores bone resorption in null mice, had no therapeutic effect in tl rats. Finally, gene mapping studies using co-segregation of polymorphic markers excluded the chromosomal region containing the TNFSF11 gene as harboring the mutation responsible for the tl phenotype. We conclude that, despite substantial phenotypic similarities to TNFSF11(-/-) mice, the tl rat mutation is not in the TNFSF11 locus, and that its identification must await the results of further studies

    Structural insights into Clostridium perfringens delta toxin pore formation

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    Clostridium perfringens Delta toxin is one of the three hemolysin-like proteins produced by C. perfringens type C and possibly type B strains. One of the others, NetB, has been shown to be the major cause of Avian Nectrotic Enteritis, which following the reduction in use of antibiotics as growth promoters, has become an emerging disease of industrial poultry. Delta toxin itself is cytotoxic to the wide range of human and animal macrophages and platelets that present GM2 ganglioside on their membranes. It has sequence similarity with Staphylococcus aureus β-pore forming toxins and is expected to heptamerize and form pores in the lipid bilayer of host cell membranes. Nevertheless, its exact mode of action remains undetermined. Here we report the 2.4 Å crystal structure of monomeric Delta toxin. The superposition of this structure with the structure of the phospholipid-bound F component of S. aureus leucocidin (LukF) revealed that the glycerol molecules bound to Delta toxin and the phospholipids in LukF are accommodated in the same hydrophobic clefts, corresponding to where the toxin is expected to latch onto the membrane, though the binding sites show significant differences. From structure-based sequence alignment with the known structure of staphylococcal α-hemolysin, a model of the Delta toxin pore form has been built. Using electron microscopy, we have validated our model and characterized the Delta toxin pore on liposomes. These results highlight both similarities and differences in the mechanism of Delta toxin (and by extension NetB) cytotoxicity from that of the staphylococcal pore-forming toxins

    Susceptibility of hamsters to clostridium difficile isolates of differing toxinotype

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    Clostridium difficile is the most commonly associated cause of antibiotic associated disease (AAD), which caused ~21,000 cases of AAD in 2011 in the U.K. alone. The golden Syrian hamster model of CDI is an acute model displaying many of the clinical features of C. difficile disease. Using this model we characterised three clinical strains of C. difficile, all differing in toxinotype; CD1342 (PaLoc negative), M68 (toxinotype VIII) and BI-7 (toxinotype III). The naturally occurring non-toxic strain colonised all hamsters within 1-day post challenge (d.p.c.) with high-levels of spores being shed in the faeces of animals that appeared well throughout the entire experiment. However, some changes including increased neutrophil influx and unclotted red blood cells were observed at early time points despite the fact that the known C. difficile toxins (TcdA, TcdB and CDT) are absent from the genome. In contrast, hamsters challenged with strain M68 resulted in a 45% mortality rate, with those that survived challenge remaining highly colonised. It is currently unclear why some hamsters survive infection, as bacterial and toxin levels and histology scores were similar to those culled at a similar time-point. Hamsters challenged with strain BI-7 resulted in a rapid fatal infection in 100% of the hamsters approximately 26 hr post challenge. Severe caecal pathology, including transmural neutrophil infiltrates and extensive submucosal damage correlated with high levels of toxin measured in gut filtrates ex vivo. These data describes the infection kinetics and disease outcomes of 3 clinical C. difficile isolates differing in toxin carriage and provides additional insights to the role of each toxin in disease progression

    Assessing the effectiveness of the Ramsar Convention in preserving wintering waterbirds in the Mediterranean

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    lthough biological conservation is based on international agreements, its effectiveness depends on how countries implement such recommendations as effective conservation tools. The Ramsar Convention is the oldest international treaty for wetland and waterbird conservation, establishing the world's largest network of protected areas. However, since it does not constitute any binding measure, its effectiveness in protecting wintering waterbird populations at an international scale has been questioned. Here, we use long-term (1991–2012) count data to assess the effectiveness of the Ramsar Convention in the Mediterranean Basin. We compared abundance and temporal trends of 114 waterbird species between 251 Ramsar wetlands and 3486 non-Ramsar wetlands. We found that the Ramsar network is critical for wintering waterbirds, concentrating nearly half of all waterbirds counted in the Mediterranean Basin in only 7% of monitored wetlands. Waterbird trends followed a northwestsoutheast gradient, with a population decrease in the East. A significant and positive Ramsar effect on population trends was only found for the species of higher conservation concern in the Maghreb, particularly when a management plan was implemented. The Ramsar Convention was previously used on very important wetlands for waterbirds in Southern Europe, but is now an underused conservation tool. Our study suggests weaknesses in the use of Ramsar as an effective conservation tool in most of the Mediterranean Basin. However, the Ramsar Convention effectiveness to enhance waterbird populations in the Maghreb should encourage strengthening the Ramsar Convention. It should be done particularly in countries with limited environmental agreements and by systematic implementation of management plans. Conservation measures International conventions Protected areas Protection status Monitoring WetlandsacceptedVersio
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