2,751 research outputs found

    Unirationality of moduli spaces of special cubic fourfolds and K3 surfaces

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    We provide explicit descriptions of the generic members of Hassett's divisors Cd\mathcal C_d for relevant 18≤d≤3818\leq d\leq 38 and for d=44d=44. In doing so, we prove that Cd\mathcal C_d is unirational for 18≤d≤38,d=4418\leq d\leq 38,d=44. As a corollary, we prove that the moduli space Nd\mathcal N_{d} of polarized K3 surfaces of degree dd is unirational for d=14,26,38d=14,26,38. The case d=26d=26 is entirely new, while the other two cases have been previously proven by Mukai.Comment: 13 pages, 2 tables. Script for the computer calculations used are provided on the author's websit

    Symbiotic stars in X-rays II: faint sources detected with XMM-Newton and Chandra

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    We report the detection, with Chandra{\it Chandra} and XMM-Newton{\it Newton}, of faint, soft X-ray emission from four symbiotics stars that were not known to be X-ray sources. These four object show a β\beta-type X-ray spectrum, i.e. their spectra can be modeled with an absorbed optically thin thermal emission with temperatures of a few million degrees. Photometric series obtained with the Optical Monitor on board XMM-Newton{\it Newton} from V2416 Sgr and NSV 25735 support the proposed scenario where the X-ray emission is produced in a shock-heated region inside the symbiotic nebulae.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables; A&A publishe

    Modeling of occurrence frequencies of ion conics as a function of altitude and conic angle

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    International audienceThe occurrence frequencies of dayside ion conics with various conic angles are obtained as a function of altitude from Exos-D (Akebono) observations. We made a model calculation of ion conic evolution to match the observation results. The observed occurrence frequencies of ion conics with 80° to 90° conic angle are used as an input to the model and the occurrence frequencies of ion conics with smaller conic angles are numerically calculated at higher altitudes. The calculated occurrence frequencies are compared with the observed ones of ion conics with smaller conic angles. We take into account conic angle variation with altitude in both adiabatic and non-adiabatic cases, horizontal extension of ion conics due to E×B drift, and evolution to elevated conics and ion beams in the model. In the adiabatic case, the conic angle decreases with increasing altitude much faster than was observed. The occurrence frequency of small-angle conics is much larger than the observed value without E×B drift and evolution to the other UFIs. An agreement is obtained by assuming non-adiabatic variation of conic angles with altitude and an ion E×B drift to gyro velocity ratio of 0.08 to 0.6, depending on geomagnetic activities

    Symbiotic stars in X-rays III: Suzaku observations

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    We describe the X-ray emission as observed with Suzaku from five symbiotic stars that we selected for deep Suzaku observations after their initial detection with ROSAT, ASCA and Swift. We find that the X-ray spectra of all five sources can be adequately fit with absorbed, optically thin thermal plasma models, with either single- or multi-temperature plasmas. These models are compatible with the X-ray emission originating in the boundary layer between an accretion disk and a white dwarf. The high plasma temperatures of kT >3~>3 keV for all five targets were greater than expected for colliding winds. Based on these high temperatures, as well as previous measurements of UV variability and UV luminosity, and the large amplitude of X-ray flickering in 4 Dra, we conclude that all five sources are accretion-powered through predominantly optically thick boundary layers. Our X-ray data allow us to observe a small, optically thin portion of the emission from these boundary layers. Given the time between previous observations and these observations, we find that the intrinsic X-ray flux and the intervening absorbing column can vary by factors of three or more on a time scale of years. However, the location of the absorber and the relationship between changes in accretion rate and absorption are still elusive.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures and 3 tables. Accepted to published 04/15/2016. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1505.0063

    Relationship of upflowing ion beams and conics around the dayside cusp/cleft region to the interplanetary conditions

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    International audienceThe dayside cusp/cleft region is known as a major source of upflowing ionospheric ions to the magnetosphere. Since the ions are supposed to be energized by an input of energy from the dayside magnetospheric boundary region, we examined the possible influence of the interplanetary conditions on dayside ion beams and conics observed by the polar-orbiting Exos-D (Akebono) satellite. We found that both the solar wind velocity and density, as well as IMF By and Bz , affect the occurrence frequency of ion conics. The energy of ion conics also depends on the solar wind velocity, IMF By and Bz . The ion beams around the local noon are not significantly controlled by the interplanetary conditions. The results reveal that ion convection, as well as the energy source, is important to understand the production of dayside ion conics while that of ion beams basically reflects the intensity of local field-aligned currents

    Swift J0525.6+2416 and IGR J04571+4527: two new hard X-ray selected magnetic cataclysmic variables identified with XMM-Newton

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    IGR J04571+4527 and Swift J0525.6+2416 are two hard X-ray sources detected in the Swift/BAT and INTEGRAL/IBIS surveys. They were proposed to be magnetic cataclysmic variables of the Intermediate Polar (IP) type, based on optical spectroscopy. IGR J04571+4527 also showed a 1218 s optical periodicity, suggestive of the rotational period of a white dwarf, further pointing towards an IP classification. We here present detailed X-ray (0.3-10 keV) timing and spectral analysis performed with XMM-Newton, complemented with hard X-ray coverage (15-70 keV) from Swift/BAT. These are the first high signal to noise observations in the soft X-ray domain for both sources, allowing us to identify the white dwarf X-ray spin period of Swift J0525.6+2416 (226.28 s), and IGR J04571+4527 (1222.6 s). A model consisting of multi-temperature optically thin emission with complex absorption adequately fits the broad-band spectrum of both sources. We estimate a white dwarf mass of about 1.1 and 1.0 solar masses for IGR J04571+4527 and Swift J0525.6+2416, respectively. The above characteristics allow us to unambiguously classify both sources as IPs, confirming the high incidence of this subclass among hard X-ray emitting Cataclysmic Variables.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Swift Observations of Hard X-ray Emitting White Dwarfs in Symbiotic Stars

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    The X-ray emission from most accreting white dwarfs (WDs) in symbiotic binary stars is quite soft. Several symbiotic WDs, however, produce strong X-ray emission at energies greater than ~20 keV. The Swift BAT instrument has detected hard X-ray emission from 4 such accreting WDs in symbiotic stars: RT Cru, T CrB, CD -57 3057, and CH Cyg. In one case (RT Cru), Swift detected X-rays out to greater than 50 keV at a > 5 sigma confidence level. Combining data from the XRT and BAT detectors, we find that the 0.3-150 keV spectra of RT Cru, T CrB, and CD -57 3057 are well described by emission from a single-temperature, optically thin thermal plasma, plus an unresolved 6.4-6.9 keV Fe line complex. The X-ray spectrum of CH Cyg contains an additional bright soft component. For all 4 systems, the spectra suffer high levels of absorption from material that both fully and partially covers the source of hard X-rays. The XRT data did not show any of the rapid, periodic variations that one would expect if the X-ray emission were due to accretion onto a rotating, highly magnetized WD. The X-rays were thus more likely from the accretion-disk boundary layer around a massive, non-magnetic WD in each binary. The X-ray emission from RT Cru varied on timescales of a few days. This variability is consistent with being due to changes in the absorber that partially covers the source, suggesting localized absorption from a clumpy medium moving into the line of sight. The X-ray emission from CD -57 3057 and T CrB also varied during the 9 months of Swift observations, in a manner that was also consistent with variable absorption.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 9 pages, 6 figure

    Broad-band characteristics of seven new hard X-ray selected cataclysmic variables

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scopus.We present timing and spectral analysis of a sample of seven hard X-ray selected cataclysmic variable candidates based on simultaneous X-ray and optical observations collected with XMM–Newton, complemented with Swift/BAT and INTEGRAL /IBIS hard X-ray data and ground-based optical photometry. For six sources, X-ray pulsations are detected for the first time in the range of ∼296–6098 s, identifying them as members of the magnetic class. Swift J0927.7−6945, Swift J0958.0−4208, Swift J1701.3−4304, Swift J2113.5+5422 and possibly PBC J0801.2−4625 are intermediate polars (IPs), while Swift J0706.8+0325 is a short (1.7 h) orbital period polar, the 11th hard X-ray-selected identified so far. X-ray orbital modulation is also observed in Swift J0927.7−6945 (5.2 h) and Swift J2113.5+5422 (4.1 h). Swift J1701.3−4304 is discovered as the longest orbital period (12.8 h) deep eclipsing IP. The spectra of the magnetic systems reveal optically thin multitemperature emission between 0.2 and 60 keV. Energy-dependent spin pulses and the orbital modulation in Swift J0927.7−6945 and Swift J2113.5+5422 are due to intervening local high-density absorbing material (NH ∼ 1022 − 23 cm−2). In Swift J0958.0−4208 and Swift J1701.3−4304, a soft X-ray blackbody (kT ∼ 50 and ∼80 eV) is detected, adding them to the growing group of ‘soft’ IPs. White dwarf masses are determined in the range of ∼0.58–1.18 M, indicating massive accreting primaries in five of them. Most sources accrete at rates lower than the expected secular value for their orbital period. Formerly proposed as a long-period (9.4 h) nova-like CV, Swift J0746.3−1608 shows peculiar spectrum and light curves suggesting either an atypical low-luminosity CV or a low-mass X-ray binary.https://academic.oup.com/mnras/article/470/4/4815/390658

    The peculiar source XSS J12270-4859: a LMXB detected by FERMI ?

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    The X-ray source XSS J12270-4859 has been first suggested to be a magnetic cataclysmic variable of Intermediate Polar type on the basis of its optical spectrum and a possible 860 s X-ray periodicity. However further X-ray observations by the Suzaku and XMM-Newton satellites did not confirm this periodicity but show a very peculiar variability, including moderate repetitive flares and numerous absorption dips. These characteristics together with a suspected 4.3 h orbital period would suggest a possible link with the so- called "dipping sources", a sub-class of Low-Mass X-ray Binaries (LMXB). Based on the released FERMI catalogues, the source was also found coincident with a very high energy (0.1-300 GeV) VHE source 2FGL J1227.7-4853. The good positional coincidence, together with the lack of any other bright X-ray sources in the field, makes this identification highly probable. However, none of the other standard LMXBs have been so far detected by FERMI. Most galactic VHE sources are associated with rotation-powered pulsars. We present here new results obtained from a 30 ksec high-time resolution XMM observations in January 2011 that confirm the flaring-dipping behaviour and provide upper limits on fast X-ray pulsations. We discuss the possible association of the source with either a microquasar or an accreting rotation powered pulsar.Comment: To appear in the Proceedings of "The Golden Age of Cataclysmic Variables (Palermo 2011)", in Mem. Soc. Astron. It. (4 pages, 2 figures
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