15,637 research outputs found

    The first twenty cases under GATT article XX: tuna or shrimp dear?

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    When the general exceptions to the GATT have been invoked before the Appellate Body, they have only been deemed a legitimate defence in two cases since the inception of the WTO and its Dispute Settlement Body in 1995. This article analyses why so many defences taken under the general exceptions to the GATT have failed and whether this low success rate is indicative of a priority being given to market access over public policy objectives at the WTO. In August 2014, the Appellate Body issued its twentieth report in a case appealed under the general exceptions. These first twenty reports are analysed to see which stage of the two-tier test measures have failed and why they have failed. To better understand Article XX’s context, this article first examines its historical evolution and recent interpretations of its two-tier test. It then turns to application of the two-tier test and why measures have failed the necessity test or failed to comply with Article XX’s chapeau (the two elements of Article XX’s two-tier test). Finally, in light of Article XX’s case law and how the two-tier test has been interpreted, it considers whether the Appellate Body is striking the right balance between Members’ substantive rights and Members’ rights to pursue public policy objectives under the general exceptions

    Individual Budgets : Lessons from Early Users' Experiences

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    Within the context of modernization, there has been a trend towards 'cash-for-care' schemes designed to bring choice and control closer to the service user. In England, Individual Budgets (IBs) are being piloted, with the aim of promoting personalized support for disabled people and other users of social care services. This paper reports on the experiences and outcomes of early IB users two to three months after first being offered an IB. The users included adults with physical/sensory impairments, learning difficulties, mental health problems and older people. Semi-structured interviews were carried out with nine service users and five proxies. The findings suggest that IBs have the potential to be innovative and life-enhancing. However, achieving this potential in practice depends on a range of other factors, including changes in the routine practices and organizational culture of adult social care services and ensuring users have access to appropriate documentation and support. Any conclusions drawn from the experiences of these early IB users must be treated with caution. The findings nevertheless indicate some of the issues that will need to be addressed as IBs are implemented more widely to replace conventional forms of adult social care provision

    Massive Stellar Content of the Galactic Supershell GSH 305+01-24

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    The distribution of OB stars along with that of Hα\alpha, 12^{12}CO, dust infrared emission, and neutral hydrogen is carried out in order to provide a more complete picture of interactions of the young massive stars and the observed supershell GSH 305+01-24. The studied field is located between 299l311299^\circ \le l \le 311^\circ and 5b7-5^\circ \le b \le 7^\circ. The investigation is based on nearly 700 O-B9 stars with uvbyβuvby\beta photometry currently available. The derived stellar physical parameters were used to establish a homogeneous scale for the distances and extinction of light for major apparent groups and layers of foreground and background stars in Centaurus and study the interaction with the surrounding interstellar medium. The distance to the entire Centaurus star-forming complex is revised and a maximum of the OB-star distance distribution is found at 1.8±\pm0.4 (r.m.s) kpc. The massive star component of GSH 305+01-24 is identified at about 85-90 % completeness up to 11.5-12 mag. The projected coincidence of the OB stars with the shell and the similarities between the shell's morphology and the OB-star distribution indicate a strong interaction of the stellar winds with the superbubble material. We demonstrate that these stars contribute a sufficient wind injection energy in order to explain the observed size and expansion velocity of the supershell. The derived stellar ages suggest an age gradient over the Coalsack Loop. A continuous star-formation might be taking place within the shell with the youngest stars located at its periphery and the open cluster NGC 4755 being the oldest. A layer of very young stars at 1 kpc is detected and its connection to both GSH 305+01-24 and the foreground GSH 304-00-12 H I shells is investigated.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. Paper consists of 11 pages, 3 tables and 9 figures. Table 1 and Table 3 will only be available from CD

    Investigations in space-related molecular biology

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    Improved instrumentation and preparation techniques for high resolution, high voltage cryo-electron microscopic and diffraction studies on terrestrial and extraterrestrial specimens are reported. Computer correlated ultrastructural and biochemical work on hydrated and dried cell membranes and related biological systems provided information on membrane organization, ice crystal formation and ordered water, RNA virus linked to cancer, lunar rock samples, and organometallic superconducting compounds. Apollo 11, 12, 14, and 15 specimens were analyze

    Flight test of navigation and guidance sensor errors measured on STOL approaches

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    Navigation and guidance sensor error characteristics were measured during STOL approach-flight investigations. Data from some of the state sensors of a digital avionics system were compared to corresponding outputs from an inertial navigation system. These sensors include the vertical gyro, compass, and accelerometers. Barometric altimeter data were compared to altitude measured by a tracking radar. Data were recorded with the Augmentor Wing Jet STOL Research Aircraft parked and in flight

    Galaxy Clusters Selected via the Sunyaev–Zel'dovich Effect in the SPTpol 100-square-degree Survey

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    We present a catalog of galaxy cluster candidates detected in 100 square degrees surveyed with the SPTpol receiver on the South Pole Telescope. The catalog contains 89 candidates detected with a signal-to-noise ratio greater than 4.6. The candidates are selected using the Sunyaev–Zel'dovich effect at 95 and 150 GHz. Using both space- and ground-based optical and infrared telescopes, we have confirmed 81 candidates as galaxy clusters. We use these follow-up images and archival images to estimate photometric redshifts for 66 galaxy clusters and spectroscopic observations to obtain redshifts for 13 systems. An additional two galaxy clusters are confirmed using the overdensity of near-infrared galaxies only and are presented without redshifts. We find that 15 candidates (18% of the total sample) are at redshift z ≥ 1.0, with a maximum confirmed redshift of z_(max) = 1.38±0.10. We expect this catalog to contain every galaxy cluster with M_(500c) > 2.6×10¹⁴M⊙h⁻¹₇₀ and z > 0.25 in the survey area. The mass threshold is approximately constant above z = 0.25, and the complete catalog has a median mass of approximately M_(500c) > 2.7×10¹⁴M⊙h⁻¹₇₀. Compared to previous SPT works, the increased depth of the millimeter-wave data (11.2 and 6.5 μK-arcmin at 95 and 150 GHz, respectively) makes it possible to find more galaxy clusters at high redshift and lower mass

    Developing the EU Farm Accountancy Data Network to derive indicators around the sustainable use of nitrogen and phosphorus at farm level.

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    peer-reviewedThis study uses a national farm survey which is part of the European Union (EU) Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) to develop environmental sustainability indicators in the use of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) across a range of farm systems in the Republic of Ireland. Farm level micro data were used to calculate all inputs and outputs of N and P that cross the farm gate and to derive balances (kg ha-1) and overall use efficiencies across 827 farms in 2012. The sample is populated weighted to represents 71,480 farms nationally. Results indicated an average N balance of 71.0 kg ha-1 and use efficiency of 36.7% across the nationally representative sample. Nitrogen balances were between two and four times higher across specialist dairy farms compared to livestock rearing and specialist tillage systems. Nitrogen use efficiency was generally lowest across milk producing systems compared to livestock rearing and tillage systems. Phosphorus balance and use efficiency averaged 4.7 kg ha-1 and 79.6% respectively across the sample. Specialist tillage and dairying farms had higher average P balances compared to other livestock based systems. The approach developed in this analysis will form the benchmark for temporal analysis across these indicators for future nutrient balance and efficiency trends and could assist other members of the EU FADN to develop similar nationally representative indicators.Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marin

    User's manual: Subsonic/supersonic advanced panel pilot code

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    Sufficient instructions for running the subsonic/supersonic advanced panel pilot code were developed. This software was developed as a vehicle for numerical experimentation and it should not be construed to represent a finished production program. The pilot code is based on a higher order panel method using linearly varying source and quadratically varying doublet distributions for computing both linearized supersonic and subsonic flow over arbitrary wings and bodies. This user's manual contains complete input and output descriptions. A brief description of the method is given as well as practical instructions for proper configurations modeling. Computed results are also included to demonstrate some of the capabilities of the pilot code. The computer program is written in FORTRAN IV for the SCOPE 3.4.4 operations system of the Ames CDC 7600 computer. The program uses overlay structure and thirteen disk files, and it requires approximately 132000 (Octal) central memory words

    A flight investigation of a 4D area navigation system concept for STOL aircraft in the terminal area

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    A digital avionics system referred to as STOLAND was test flown in the NASA CV-340 aircraft to obtain performance data for time controlled guidance in the manual flight director mode. The advanced system components installed in the cockpit included an electronic attitude director indicator and an electronic multifunction display. Navigation guidance and control computations were performed on a digital computer. A detailed 4D area navigation systems description is given. The pilot/system interface and systems operation and performance are also described. Approach flightpaths were flown which included a 180 deg turn and a 1-min, 5 deg straight-in approach to 30 m altitude, at which point go-around was initiated. Results are presented for 19 approaches