172 research outputs found

    Circuital and Numerical Models for Calculation of Shielding Effectiveness of Enclosure with Apertures and Monitoring Dipole Antenna Inside

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    In this paper, circuital and numerical models of metal In this paper, circuital and numerical models of metal enclosure with apertures are considered for the purpose of accurate shielding effectiveness calculation. An improved circuital model is presented to account for the presence of receiving dipole antenna which is often used in practice to measure the level of electromagnetic field at selected points inside the enclosure. Receiving antenna of finite dimensions could significantly change the EM field distribution inside the enclosure and thus affect the results for SE. TLM method incorporating wire node is used to create a numerical model. Both models are compared in terms of their ability to account for receiving antenna impact on shielding effectiveness of rectangular enclosure with aperture. In addition, comparison of both models is carried out for the case when an array of apertures with different aperture separation is present on one of the enclosure walls whereby the numerical TLM model is additionally enhanced with compact air-vent model

    Efficacy assessment of early rehabilitation after surgical repair of acute aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage

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    Uvod: Subarahnoidalno krvarenje (SAH) predstavlja iznenadan prodor krvi u subarahnoidalni prostor i jedna je od najdramatičnijih cerebralnih disfunkcija, a nastaje apoplektiformno, najčešće usled rupture aneurizmatskog proširenja arterijskog krvnog suda. Glavni simptom je glavobolja. Brojne su komplikacije i to neurološke (reruptura, vazospazam, hidrocefalus, epi napadi) i somatske komplikacije (plućni edem, srčane aritmije, poremećaj elektrolita, teških krvarenja iz gastrointestinalnog trakta, najčešće želuca) i dr. Nakon postavljanja dijagnoze, kauzalni vid lečenja je isključivanje aneurizme iz cirkulacije i to hirurškim ili endovaskularnim pristupom. Termin za hiruršku intervenciju može biti akutni, u prvih 72 h od rupture aneurizme. Istraživanja kada je potrebno i bezbedno započeti sa ranom rehabilitacijom i vertikalizacijom, praktično nema. Cilj ovog istraživanja je uspostavljanje što bezbednijeg rehabilitacionog programa sa vertikalizacijom za bolesnike koji su operisani od subarahnoidalnog aneurizmalnog krvarenja u akutnom terminu. Metod: Studija je bila tipa randomizovanog kliničkog ogleda. Ispitivanje se sprovodilo na Klinici za neurohirurgiju Kliničkog centra Srbije i to u periodu od 1. VI 2013. do 1. VI 2015. Studija je odobrena od Etičkog komiteta Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu. U studiju su bili uključeni bolesnici Klinike za neurohirurgiju Kliničkog centra Srbije kojima je postavljena klinička dijagoza SAH, a koji su operisani u akutnom terminu tj. u prva tri dana od rupture aneurizme tj. ataka, a koji su preoperativno pripadali I, II ili III gradusu, bez obzira na lokalizaciju aneurizme. Obuhvatala je šezdeset pet bolesnika koji su operisani nakon rupture aneurizme u akutnom terminu i to podeljeni u grupu I (N= 34) koji su ranu rehabilitaciju sa vertikalizacijom započeli 2-5 dana od krvarenaj i grupu II (N= 31) koji su ranu rehabilitaciju odmah započeli ali vertikalizovani oko 12- og dana od krvarenja. Kod svih bolesnika smo pratili: rane komplikacije, vazospazam, ishemiju kao i procenu motornog stanja bolesnika. Ispitivali smo depresiju (Zung skalom), anksioznost (Zung skalom), kognitivni status, Mini mental testom (MMSE test), vršili procenu funkcionalnosti skalom za procenu funkcionalne nezavisnosti (FIM), kvalitet života (WHOQOL-BREF) i to na otpustu, mesec i tri meseca nakon operacije...Introduction: The term subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) refers to sudden extravasation of blood into the subarachnoid space. As one of the most dramatic cerebral dysfunctions, it occurs suddenly, in most cases as a result of a ruptured arterial aneurism. The most common symptom of SAH is severe headache, often called thunderclap headache. A subarachnoid hemorrhage can have many complications, both neurological (a re-rupture of the aneurysm, vasospasm, hydrocephalus and epileptic seizures) and somatic (pulmonary edema, arrhythmia, electrolyte disturbances, and severe bleeding in the digestive tract, usually the stomach). After a positive diagnosis of SAH, patients receive causal treatment, i.e. the aneurysm is excluded from the blood flow using either the surgical or endovascular approach. A surgical procedure may be performed in the acute phase, within the first 72 hours after the ruptured aneurysm. To date, virtually no studies have been carried out into when it is preferred and safe to initiate early rehabilitation and verticalization. The aim of this study was to develop a safe rehabilitation and verticalization protocol for patients who have undergone surgical repair of acute SAH. Methods: The study was a randomized, clinical experimental design. It was carried out in the Neurosurgery Clinic of the Clinical Center of Serbia between June 2013 and June 2015. The investigation was approved by the Ethics Committee of the School of Medicine, University of Belgrade. All subjects were patients in the Neurosurgery Clinic of the Clinical Center of Serbia who had been diagnosed with SAH and undergone surgery in the acute phase of this life-threatening condition (i.e. within the first 3 days after aneurysm rupture; clinical status before surgery classified as grade I, II or III regardless of aneurysm location). These sixty-five subjects were evaluated in two groups. Group 1 (n=34) started early rehabilitation and verticalization on Days 2-5 post-bleeding, whereas Group 2 (n=31) started early rehabilitation immediately post-surgery and verticalization was initiated approximately Day 12 post-bleeding. All patients were monitored for early complications, vasospasm and ischemia; their motor status was assessed as well. Depression and anxiety (using the Zung scales), cognitive status (using the Mini-Mental State Examination) functional status (using the Functional Independence Measure or the FIM instrument) as well as quality of life (using the WHOQOL BREF scale) were assessed at discharge and at 1 and 3 months post-surgery..

    On entropy of probability integral transformed time series

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    Abstract The goal of this paper is to investigate the changes of entropy estimates when the amplitude distribution of the time series is equalized using the probability integral transformation. The data we analyzed were with known properties—pseudo-random signals with known distributions, mutually coupled using statistical or deterministic methods that include generators of statistically dependent distributions, linear and non-linear transforms, and deterministic chaos. The signal pairs were coupled using a correlation coefficient ranging from zero to one. The dependence of the signal samples is achieved by moving average filter and non-linear equations. The applied coupling methods are checked using statistical tests for correlation. The changes in signal regularity are checked by a multifractal spectrum. The probability integral transformation is then applied to cardiovascular time series—systolic blood pressure and pulse interval—acquired from the laboratory animals and represented the results of entropy estimations. We derived an expression for the reference value of entropy in the probability integral transformed signals. We also experimentally evaluated the reliability of entropy estimates concerning the matching probabilities

    Tunneling-driven breakdown of the 331 state and the emergent Pfaffian and composite Fermi liquid phases

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    We examine the possibility of creating the Moore-Read Pfaffian in the lowest Landau level when the multicomponent Halperin 331 state (believed to describe quantum Hall bilayers and wide quantum wells at the filling factor ν=1/2\nu=1/2) is destroyed by the increase of tunneling. Using exact diagonalization of the bilayer Hamiltonian with short-range and long-range (Coulomb) interactions in spherical and periodic rectangular geometries, we establish that tunneling is a perturbation that drives the 331 state into a compressible composite Fermi liquid, with the possibility for an intermediate critical state that possesses some properties of the Moore-Read Pfaffian. These results are interpreted in the two-component BCS model for Cauchy pairing with a tunneling constraint. We comment on the conditions to be imposed on a system with fluctuating density in order to achieve the stable Pfaffian phase.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Terapija endometritisa krmača intrauterinom instilacijom preparata na bazi zida kvasca

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    On the basis of our investigations it was possible to conclude that intrauterine treatment of sows with puerperal uterine infections with sterile YCW (Yeast Cell Wall) resulted in significant clinical improvement. The percent of recidivism was the lowest (10%) in groups of sows treated with 10 and 20 g of YCW. The degree of bacterial CFU (Colony Forming Units) reduction in samples of sows uterine flushings following instillation of YCW (5, 10 and 20 g) was wery high and ranged from 1361 to 1444 times, while in sows treated with Lotagen 2% solution (100 mL) this parametar was only 32. At the moment of weaning, piglets from sows treated with 10 and 20 g of YCW were heavier when compared to the control and Lotagen group and their DBWG (Daily Body Weight Gain) was higher when compared to the Lotagen and control group. Treatment of sows by IU instillation of YCW did not influence the number of piglets in the next breeding cycle.Na osnovu rezultata naših istraživanja bilo je moguće zaključiti da tretman krmača obolelih od puerperalnih infekcija materice, sterilnim preparatom dobijenim iz zida kvasca (YCW), ima za posledicu značajan klinički napredak. Procenat krmača sa recidivom je bio najniži (10%) u grupi tretiranoj sa 10 i 20g YCW. Stepen redukcije broja bakterijskih kolonija (CFU) u uzorcima dobijenih iz materice krmača posle tretmana YCW preparatom je bio veoma visok i kretao se u opsegu od 1361 do 1444 puta. Kod obolelih krmača, tretiranih rastvorom Lotagena (2%), vrednost ovog parametra je bila svega 32. U momentu zalučenja, prasad krmača tretiranih YCW preparatom u količini od 10 i 20 g bila su teža u poređenju sa prasadima krmača grupe tretirane Lotagenom i prasadima kontrolnih (neteretiranih) krmača. Osim toga i njihovi prosečni dnevni prirasti su bili veći. Tretman krmača intrauterinom instilacijom preparata na bazi YCW nije negativno uticao na broj prasadi u sledećem reproduktivnom ciklusu

    Topological d-wave pairing structures in Jain states

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    We discuss d-wave topological (broken time reversal symmetry) pairing structures in unpolarized and polarized Jain states. We demonstrate pairing in the Jain spin singlet state by rewriting it in an explicit pairing form, in which we can recognize d-wave weak pairing of underlying quasiparticles - neutral fermions. We find and describe the root configuration of the Jain spin singlet state and its connection with neutral excitations of the Haldane-Rezayi state, and study the transition between these states via exact diagonalization. We find high overlaps with the Jain spin singlet state upon a departure from the hollow core model for which the Haldane-Rezayi state is the exact ground state. Due to a proven algebraic identity we were able to extend the analysis of topological d-wave pairing structures to polarized Jain states and integer quantum Hall states, and discuss its consequences.Comment: 8 page

    Uvoz nerastova - kontrola semena i mogućnost reklamacije

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    Serbia is one of the countries with the continuous import of breeding sows and boars. Boars are usually imported at the age of 4 to 6 months, in the period when the quality of the breeding males cannot be determined due to sexual immaturity (prepubertal and pubertal age). In this paper, the method and results of semen quality control in 40 imported young boars are described, and also the method of documenting the cause for action claim. In the case of suspicious semen quality it is necesseary to perform at least 3 consecutive controls in one month intervals in order to establish a final estimation of quality and usability of semen. Of 40 imported boars, 4 boars (10%) were subject of complaint due to: azoospermia (1 boar), absence or reduction of total and progressive motility, present sperm agglutination (2 boars), and increased number of pathological forms of spermatozoa (78%, 1 boar). Increased proportion of sperm with unstable chromatin structure (SCSA test - 33.2% and 37.1%) was established in two boars. To initiate the complaint it is necessary to have a sales contract that provides possibility for the reclamation, recognized methods of semen quality control and trustful business relationship between all interested parties.Srbija se svrstava u red zemalja sa kontinuiranim uvozom priplodnih nazimica i nerastova. Nerastovi se uglavnom uvoze u dobi od 4 do 6 meseci, u periodu kada se kvalitet priplodnjaka ne može pouzdano utvrditi usled polne nezrelosti (prepubertetsko ili pubertetska dob nerastića). U ovom radu opisan je postupak i rezultati kontrole kvaliteta semena kod 40 mladih nerastova iz uvoza, kao i način dokumentovanja razloga za pokretanje postupka reklamacije. Kod sumnjivog kvaliteta semena potrebno je izvršiti najmanje 3 uzastopne kontrole u razmaku od po mesec dana, kako bi se donela konačna ocena o kvalitetu semena i upotrebljivosti nerasta za priplod. Od 40 uvezenih nerastova, 4 su reklamirana (10%) usled: azoospermije (1 nerast), odsustva ili smanjenje ukupne ili progresivne pokretljivosti, uz prisustvo aglutinacija spermatozoida (2 nerasta), i povećanog broja patoloških formi spermatozoida (78%; 1 nerast). Kod dva nerasta zabeležen je povećan udeo spermatozoida sa nestabilnom strukturom hromatina (SCSA test - 33,2% i 37,1%). Za pokretanje reklamacije neophodno je imati kupoprodajni ugovor koji predviđa mogućnost reklamacije, priznate metode kontrole semena kao i izgrađen poslovni odnos poverenja zainteresovanih strana

    Composite bosons in bilayer nu = 1 system: An application of the Murthy-Shankar formalism

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    We calculate the dispersion of the out-of-phase mode characteristic for the bilayer nu = 1 quantum Hall system applying the version of Chern-Simons theory of Murthy and Shankar that cures the unwanted bare electron mass dependence in the low-energy description of quantum Hall systems. The obtained value for the mode when d, distance between the layers, is zero is in a good agreement with the existing pseudospin picture of the system. For d nonzero but small we find that the mode is linearly dispersing and its velocity to a good approximation depends linearly on d. This is in agreement with the Hartree-Fock calculations of the pseudospin picture that predicts a linear dependance on d, and contrary to the naive Hartree predictions with dependence on the square-root of d. We set up a formalism that enables one to consider fluctuations around the found stationary point values. In addition we address the case of imbalanced layers in the Murthy-Shankar formalism.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Invariant structure of the hierarchy theory of fractional quantum Hall states with spin

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    We describe the invariant structure common to abelian fractional quantum Hall systems with spin. It appears in a generalization of the lattice description of the polarized hierarchy that encompasses both partially polarized and unpolarized ground state systems. We formulate, using the spin-charge decomposition, conditions that should be satisfied so that the description is SU(2) invariant. In the case of the spin- singlet hierarchy construction, we find that there are as many SU(2) symmetries as there are levels in the construction. We show the existence of a spin and charge lattice for the systems with spin. The ``gluing'' of the charge and spin degrees of freedom in their bulk is described by the gluing theory of lattices.Comment: 21 pages, LaTex, Submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Short-term liquid storage of ram semen in various extenders

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of three extenders on ram sperm quality after short-term liquid storage (24 hours’ holding time). The study included 20 crossbred rams (Pirot Pramenka x Wurttemberg x Ile de France), 12 months old. Animals were housed at the experimental sheep farm of the Institute for Animal Husbandry in Belgrade, Serbia. Semen was collected through electro ejaculation. The ejaculates were obtained from single services and routine field analysis of the semen was performed immediately after the collection. The semen was split and diluted with three extenders, namely Optidyl®, Andromed® and ultrahigh temperature processed (UHT) milk, in ratios of 1 : 50 or 1 : 100. The ejaculates were examined for sperm motility variables (sperm cell motility percentage, the progressive motility percentage, curvilinear velocity (VCL), straight line velocity (VSL), average path velocity (VAP), sperm linearity (LIN), straightness (STR), amplitude of lateral sperm head displacement (ALH), beat cross frequency (BCF) and circular tracks), and sperm morphology (live sperm percentage, percentage of normal sperm forms with intact acrosome, percentage of abnormal sperm forms and total damaged acrosome) by computer-assisted sperm analysis (CASA) and classic sperm cytology after supravital eosin/nigrosine/trypan blue staining, respectively. It was observed that the type of extender used in diluting ram semen is an important factor in the successful short-term liquid preservation (at 4 °C) of ram spermatozoa. In conclusion, this study showed that egg yolk (Optidyl) and soybean (Andromed)-based extenders gave better results of both sperm morphology and sperm motility parameters compared with UHT milk.Keywords: Diluents, morphology, motility, sper