1,382 research outputs found

    Optimization of the subject matter of profile training disciplines for bachelors' vocational education on the basis of occupational standards

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    Applicability of the issue under study is conditioned by the need in development of principal educational programs by higher education institutions with accounting for requirements of appropriate occupational standards and necessity in reviewing of the requirements of occupational standards and reflecting them within the scope of competences formed. The paper is aimed at substantiation of the subject matter of profile training disciplines for vocational education of bachelors within the context of competence and process approaches and with accounting for occupational standards. The leading method of study of this issue is modeling which allows considering the issue under study as a process of recognized accounting of requirements of appropriate occupational standards wherein employers' opinions are fixed in the regulatory mode. The structural-functional model of selection of the subject matter of profile disciplines for the training program is developed; the following algorithms are developed: 1) of analysis of occupational standards; 2) of comparing of occupational standards with curriculum disciplines; 3) of analysis of the subject matter of labour functions, labour actions, knowledge and skills when developing working programs and assessment resources funds; the model has been successfully tested on the example of profile training of vocational education bachelors. The paper presents the structure-functional model of selection of the subject matter of profile disciplines of the educational program with taking into account of occupational standards requirements which define competences acquired by a graduate, i.e. his/her ability to use knowledge, skills and personal qualities in accordance with the occupational activity; the process approach to implementation of this model is applied. © Authors

    Index of balanced accuracy: a performance measure for skewed class distributions

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    This paper introduces a new metric, named Index of Balanced Accuracy, for evaluating learning processes in two-class imbalanced domains. The method combines an unbiased index of its overall accuracy and a measure about how dominant is the class with the highest individual accuracy rate. Some theoretical examples are conducted to illustrate the benefits of the new metric over other well-known performance measures. Finally, a number of experiments demonstrate the consistency and validity of the evaluation method here propose

    Psychological and pedagogical support for the social workers professional development

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    The effectiveness of psychological andpedagogical support is determined by the following factors: self-determination and voluntary participation; activating education results; taking into account and developing social workers’ educational needs; the use of the dichotomic and humanistic approaches; social workers’ selfdetermination; interactive mode of cooperation, democratic style of communicatio

    Новый подход к формулировке универсальных законов на основе формализма теории спинорного поля

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    The paper substantiates a new approach, which is called «a spinor one» by the author, to construction of models of various objects, systems and processes by means of analogies with calibrated theory of physical vacuum.The spinor approach combines not only all three well-known methods (thermodynamic, static and synergetic) but it also has some significant advantages. This approach makes it possible to describe «physical vacuum» beyond theory of relativity, to classify new structures and their parameters that are initiated at the unstable points in the case of non-equilibrium transitions, to determine structural and dynamic stability and instability in the investigated phenomena.Приводится обоснование нового подхода, названного автором «спинорным», к построению моделей различных объектов, систем и процессов посредством аналогий с калибровочной теорией физического вакуума. Спинорный подход не только объединяет все три известных подхода - термодинамический, статический и синергетический, но также имеет существенно новые возможности: описывает «физический вакуум» вне теории относительности, классифицирует новые структуры и их параметры, возникающие в точках неустойчивости при неравновесных переходах, определяет структурные и динамические устойчивости и неустойчивости в исследуемых явлениях

    Особливості надання стоматологічної допомоги та професійного спілкування з хворими на наркоманію

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    The article discusses the features of organization of dental treatment of drug addicts. It is noted that during the drug treatment of patients having problems with their unpredictable behavior and communication difficulties indicates the need for the formation of physicians, dentists communicative culture, the ability and willingness of the patient to understand and help him. It is emphasized that it is the active involvement of dentists to promote a healthy lifestyle, to prevention of drug abuse can not only improve the anti-drug work among the population of Ukraine, but also to change it to a more conscious attitude to their dental health.У статті розглянуто проблему підвищення ефективності та якості стоматологічного обслуговування хворих на наркоманію. Зазначається, що привернення уваги лікарів-стоматологів до осіб, які вживають наркотичні препарати, зумовлено значною кількістю цієї категорії хворих в Україні, стійкою тенденцією до підвищення їх чисельності, вкрай негативним впливом наркотиків на стоматологічний статус людини. Значну увагу в статті приділено організації проведення стоматологічного лікування та її особливостям, ігнорування яких призводить до погіршення медичних результатів, чи взагалі унеможливлює його здійснення у даної категорії хворих. Підкреслюється, що саме активне залучення лікарів-стоматологів до пропаганди здорового способу життя, до профілактики наркоманії, здатне не тільки покращити антинаркотичну роботу серед населення України, але й змінити на більш свідоме ставлення людей до свого стоматологічного здоров’я

    Новый подход к доказательству великой теоремы Ферма

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    The proposed approach resides in selection of two random positive numbers and investigation of dynamics in changes of these numbers and their sum while changing n € N.Предлагаемый подход состоит в выборе двух произвольных положительных чисел и исследовании динамики изменения этих чисел и их суммы при изменении n € N

    Asteroid and comet hazard: Identification problem of observed space objects with the parental bodies

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    © 2014 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This article focuses on the genetic identification of observed small cosmic bodies with alleged parental bodies; namely, comets, asteroids and meteoroid swarms. There is a problem of the upper D-value limit as a measure of proximity between the orbits of the bodies in the five-dimensional phase space (Southworth and Hawkins, 1963). In the study of genetic relationships of the comet and meteor complexes, the D value is usually taken as equal to 0.2 for all meteor showers. However, the upper D limit should be investigated for each meteoroid complex. For example, such investigation was performed for the Taurid meteor complex (Porubčan et al., 2006). In this paper, the upper D-criterion limit value was investigated for the Perseid meteor shower. The 1862 III Swift-Tuttle comet is its parental comet

    Геометрическая интерпретация многочлена Ньютона и проектирование направленных отрезков в многомерные пространства

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    Geometrization of Newton binomials and polynomials has led to a new interpretation of Pythagorean theorem in n -dimensional space (adopted definition of this theorem in n -dimensional space is only square of n-linear form).Геометризация биномов и полиномов Ньютона привела к новой интерпретации теоремы Пифагора в n-мерном пространстве (принятое определение этой теоремы в «-мерном пространстве является лишь квадратом n-линейной формы)