12,325 research outputs found

    Generalized Density Matrix Revisited: Microscopic Approach to Collective Dynamics in Soft Spherical Nuclei

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    The generalized density matrix (GDM) method is used to calculate microscopically the parameters of the collective Hamiltonian. Higher order anharmonicities are obtained consistently with the lowest order results, the mean field [Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) equation] and the harmonic potential [quasiparticle random phase approximation (QRPA)]. The method is applied to soft spherical nuclei, where the anharmonicities are essential for restoring the stability of the system, as the harmonic potential becomes small or negative. The approach is tested in three models of increasing complexity: the Lipkin model, model with factorizable forces, and the quadrupole plus pairing model.Comment: submitted to Physical Review C on 08 May, 201

    D_s (2317) as a four-quark state in QCD sum rules

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    We perform a QCD sum rule study of the open-charmed Ds(2317)D_s (2317) as a four-quark state. Using the diquark-antidiquark picture for the four-quark state, we consider four possible interpolating fields for Ds(2317)D_s (2317), namely, scalar-scalar, pseudoscalar-pseudoscalar, vector-vector, and axial-vector--axial-vector types. We test all four currents by constructing four separate sum rules. The sum rule with the scalar-scalar current gives a stable value for the DsD_s mass which qualitatively agrees with the experimental value, and the result is not sensitive to the continuum threshold. The vector-vector sum rule also gives a stable result with small sensitivity to the continuum threshold and the extracted mass is somewhat lower than the scalar-scalar current value. On the other hand, the two sum rules in the pseudoscalar and axial-vector channels are found to yield the mass highly sensitive to the continuum threshold, which implies that a four-quark state with the combination of pseudoscalar-pseudoscalar or axial-vector--axial-vector type would be disfavored. These results would indicate that Ds(2317)D_s (2317) is a bound state of scalar-diquark and scalar-antidiquark and/or vector-diquark and vector-antidiquark.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, REVTeX, 1 fig. added. to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Four-quark spectroscopy within the hyperspherical formalism

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    We present a generalization of the hyperspherical harmonic formalism to study systems made of quarks and antiquarks of the same flavor. This generalization is based on the symmetrization of the NN-body wave function with respect to the symmetric group using the Barnea and Novoselsky algorithm. The formalism is applied to study four-quark systems by means of a constituent quark model successful in the description of the two- and three-quark systems. The results are compared to those obtained by means of variational approaches. Our analysis shows that four-quark systems with exotic 0+0^{+-} and non-exotic 2++2^{++} quantum numbers may be bound independently of the mass of the quark. 2+2^{+-} and 1+1^{+-} states become attractive only for larger mass of the quarks.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    More on the Tensor Response of the QCD Vacuum to an External Magnetic Field

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    In this Letter we discuss a few issues concerning the magnetic susceptibility of the quark condensate and the Son-Yamamoto (SY) anomaly matching equation. It is shown that the SY relation in the IR implies a nontrivial interplay between the kinetic and WZW terms in the chiral Lagrangian. It is also demonstrated that in a holographic framework an external magnetic field triggers mixing between scalar and tensor fields. Accounting for this, one may calculate the magnetic susceptibility of the quark condensate to all orders in the magnetic field.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    On inelastic hydrogen atom collisions in stellar atmospheres

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    The influence of inelastic hydrogen atom collisions on non-LTE spectral line formation has been, and remains to be, a significant source of uncertainty for stellar abundance analyses, due to the difficulty in obtaining accurate data for low-energy atomic collisions either experimentally or theoretically. For lack of a better alternative, the classical "Drawin formula" is often used. Over recent decades, our understanding of these collisions has improved markedly, predominantly through a number of detailed quantum mechanical calculations. In this paper, the Drawin formula is compared with the quantum mechanical calculations both in terms of the underlying physics and the resulting rate coefficients. It is shown that the Drawin formula does not contain the essential physics behind direct excitation by H atom collisions, the important physical mechanism being quantum mechanical in character. Quantitatively, the Drawin formula compares poorly with the results of the available quantum mechanical calculations, usually significantly overestimating the collision rates by amounts that vary markedly between transitions.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted for A&

    Numerical Analysis of a New Mixed Formulation for Eigenvalue Convection-Diffusion Problems

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    A mixed formulation is proposed and analyzed mathematically for coupled convection-diffusion in heterogeneous medias. Transfer in solid parts driven by pure diffusion is coupled with convection-diffusion transfer in fluid parts. This study is carried out for translation-invariant geometries (general infinite cylinders) and unidirectional flows. This formulation brings to the fore a new convection-diffusion operator, the properties of which are mathematically studied: its symmetry is first shown using a suitable scalar product. It is proved to be self-adjoint with compact resolvent on a simple Hilbert space. Its spectrum is characterized as being composed of a double set of eigenvalues: one converging towards −∞ and the other towards +∞, thus resulting in a nonsectorial operator. The decomposition of the convection-diffusion problem into a generalized eigenvalue problem permits the reduction of the original three-dimensional problem into a two-dimensional one. Despite the operator being nonsectorial, a complete solution on the infinite cylinder, associated to a step change of the wall temperature at the origin, is exhibited with the help of the operator’s two sets of eigenvalues/eigenfunctions. On the computational point of view, a mixed variational formulation is naturally associated to the eigenvalue problem. Numerical illustrations are provided for axisymmetrical situations, the convergence of which is found to be consistent with the numerical discretization

    First principles investigation of ferroelectricity in epitaxially strained Pb2_2TiO4_4

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    The structure and polarization of the as-yet hypothetical Ruddlesden-Popper compound Pb2_2TiO4_4 are investigated within density-functional theory. Zone enter phonons of the high-symmetry K2_2NiF4_4-type reference structure, space group I4/mmmI4/mmm, were calculated. At the theoretical ground-state lattice constants, there is one unstable infrared-active phonon. This phonon freezes in to give the I2mmI2mm ferroelectric state. As a function of epitaxial strain, two additional ferroelectric phases are found, with space groups I4mmI4mm and F2mmF2mm at compressive and tensile strains, respectively.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Exclusive photoproduction of hard dijets and magnetic susceptibility of QCD vacuum

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    We argue that coherent production of hard dijets by linearly polarized real photons can provide direct evidence for chirality violation in hard processes, the first measurement of the magnetic susceptibility of the quark condensate and the photon distribution amplitude. It can also serve as a sensitive probe of the generalized gluon parton distribution. Numerical calculations are presented for HERA kinematics.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Kolmogorov Similarity Hypotheses for Scalar Fields: Sampling Intermittent Turbulent Mixing in the Ocean and Galaxy

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    Kolmogorov's three universal similarity hypotheses are extrapolated to describe scalar fields like temperature mixed by turbulence. By the analogous Kolmogorov third hypothesis for scalars, temperature dissipation rates chi averaged over lengths r > L_K should be lognormally distributed with intermittency factors I that increase with increasing turbulence energy length scales L_O as I_chi-r = m_T ln(L_O/r). Tests of Kolmogorovian velocity and scalar universal similarity hypotheses for very large ranges of turbulence length and time scales are provided by data from the ocean and the Galactic interstellar medium. The universal constant for turbulent mixing intermittency m_T is estimated from oceanic data to be 0.44+-0.01, which is remarkably close to estimates for Kolmogorov's turbulence intermittency constant m_u of 0.45+-0.05 from Galactic as well as atmospheric data. Extreme intermittency complicates the oceanic sampling problem, and may lead to quantitative and qualitative undersampling errors in estimates of mean oceanic dissipation rates and fluxes. Intermittency of turbulence and mixing in the interstellar medium may be a factor in the formation of stars.Comment: 23 pages original of Proc. Roy. Soc. article, 8 figures; in "Turbulence and Stochastic Processes: Kolmogorov's ideas 50 years on", London The Royal Society, 1991, J.C.R. Hunt, O.M. Phillips, D. Williams Eds., pages 1-240, vol. 434 (no. 1890) Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A, PDF fil