78 research outputs found

    Femtosecond laser plasma: review of investigation and calculational model

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    Review of experimental and theoretical investigation of physical processes in femtosecond laser plasma is presented. Such effects, as X-ray and electric-magnetic wave emission, high energy electron and ion beams are described. It isshown that ultrashort laser pulse with duration comparable to period of wave oscillation (lessthan a few femtoseconds) is absorbing by inner electronsin contrast to absorption of more lasting laser pulses by outer electrons. The problem of mathematical modelling of these processes and corresponding computer code development is observed. Technological applications, such as production of high power X-ray and particles plasmassources, laser precision shaping and machining of different materials are discussed.Представлено огляд експериментальних і теоретичних досліджень фізичних процесів, що відбуваються у фемтосекундній лазерній плазмі. Описано такі ефекти, як рентгенівське й електромагнітне випромінювання, високоенергетичні електронні й іонні пучки. Показано, що ультракороткий лазерний імпульс тривалістю, порівнянною з періодом коливання хвилі (меншою ніж декілька фемтосекунд), поглинається внутрішніми електронами, на відміну від більш тривалих імпульсів, що поглинаються зовнішніми електронами. Розглянуто задачу математичного моделювання цих процесів і створення відповідного комп'ютерного коду. Обговорено технологічні аспекти, такі, як створення могутніх джерел рентгенівського випромінювання і плазми, формування лазерного пучка й обробка різних матеріалів.Представлен обзор экспериментальных и теоретических исследований физических процессов, происходящих в фемтосекундной лазерной плазме. Описаны такие эффекты, как рентгеновское и электромагнитное излучение, высокоэнергетичные электронные и ионные пучки. Показано, что ультракороткий лазерный импульс длительностью, сравнимой с периодом колебания волны (меньшей, чем несколько фемтосекунд), поглощается внутренними электронами, в отличие от более продолжительных импульсов, которые поглощаются внешними электронами. Рассмотрена задача математического моделирования этих процессов и создания соответствующего компьютерного кода. Обсуждены технологические аспекты, такие, как создание мощных источников рентгеновского излучения и плазмы, формирование лазерного пучка и обработка различных материалов

    Pengolahan Limbah Cair Pabrik Penyamakan Kulit Secara Biol9ogi Dengan Aerasi

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    Yogyakarta has many leather industries. To process a hide, these industries use many chemicals such as natrium salt, dyes, and other organic materials. Some of these chemicals will be wasted and will become an environmental pollution-problem. The main objective of this study is to investigate the effect of time, air flow rate, the amount of nutrition and sludge to the effectiveness of leather wastewater treatment. Waste was added with an amount of NPK, TSP and sludge, and then bubbled with air continuously. Sample of waste was taken every 2 hour, then its pH, BOD and COD were analyzed. The result of the experiments showed that the decrease of BOD and COD were influenced by air flow rate, the amount of nutrition and sludge. For 1200 mL of wastewater with the BOD about 170 mg/L and COD 410 mg/L, the optimum condition of air flow rate, NPK, TSP, and sludge are 2776 mL/min, 2 g, 1 g, and 500 mL respectively. After the treatment has been operated during 8 hours, the BOD of product was about 45 mg/L and COD about 137 mg/L. The rate equation for this biological process was also obtained. Keywords: leather wastewater, effectiveness, BOD, COD, biological proces


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    Purpose. Form a neuro-fuzzy network based on temperature monitoring of overhead transmission line for the prediction modes of the electrical network. Methodology. To predict the load capacity of the overhead line architecture provides the use of neuro-fuzzy network based on temperature monitoring of overhead line. The proposed neuro-fuzzy network has a four-layer architecture with direct transmission of information. To create a full mesh network architecture based on hybrid neural elements with power estimation accuracy of the following two stages of the procedure: - in the first stage a core network (without power estimation accuracy) is generated; - in the second stage architecture and network parameters are fixed obtained during the first stage, and it is added to the block estimation accuracy, the input signals which are all input, internal and output signals of the core network, as well as additional input signals. Results. Formed neuro-fuzzy network based on temperature monitoring of overhead line. Originality. A distinctive feature of the proposed network is the ability to process information specified in the different scales of measurement, and high performance for prediction modes mains. Practical value. The monitoring system will become a tool parameter is measuring the temperature of the wire, which will, based on a retrospective analysis of the accumulated information on the parameters to predict the thermal resistance of the HV line and as a result carry out the calculation of load capacity in real time.В статье сформирована нейро-фаззи сеть с учетом температурного мониторинга воздушной линии. Отличительной особенностью, предложенной сети, являются возможность обработки информации, заданной в разных шкалах измерения, и высокое быстродействие для прогнозирования режимов работы электрической сети.У статті сформована нейро-фаззі мережа з урахуванням температурного моніторингу повітряної лінії. Відмінною особливістю, запропонованої мережі, є можливість обробки інформації, яку задано в різних шкалах вимірювання, і висока швидкодія для прогнозування режимів роботи електричної мережі

    Старобенгінська сільська школа як музей під відкритим небом

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    В статье излагаются проблемы создания воспитательного пространства на территории современного сельского поселения и его трансформации в социально-культурный комплекс (своеобразный кластер). Особо подчёркивается роль школы, выступающей в качестве «музея под открытым небом».In the article the problems of creation of educator space are expounded on territory of modern rural settlement

    Project Proposal for the Implementation of the Bionic Approach in the Interiors of Secondary Schools

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    В статье рассматривается пример разработки проектного предложения интерьеров общеобразовательных школ. Автором описываются этапы работы над проектом в соответствии с проведенным исследованием по выявлению возможностей внедрения бионического подхода в проектирование предметно-пространственного компонента образовательной среды.The article discusses an example of developing a design proposal for the interiors of secondary schools. The author describes the stages of work on the project in accordance with the study to identify the possibilities of introducing a bionic approach to the design of the subject-spatial component of the educational environment

    Historical (1750 - 2014) anthropogenic emissions of reactive gases and aerosols from the Community Emission Data System (CEDS)

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    We present a new data set of annual historical (1750–2014) anthropogenic chemically reactive gases (CO, CH4, NH3, NOX, SO2, NMVOC), carbonaceous aerosols (BC and OC), and CO2 developed with the Community Emissions Database System (CEDS). We improve upon existing inventories with a more consistent and reproducible methodology applied to all emissions species, updated emission factors, and recent estimates through 2014. The data system relies on existing energy consumption data sets and regional and country-specific inventories to produce trends over recent decades. All emissions species are consistently estimated using the same activity data over all time periods. Emissions are provided on an annual basis at the level of country and sector and gridded with monthly seasonality. These estimates are comparable to, but generally slightly higher than, existing global inventories. Emissions over the most recent years are more uncertain, particularly in low- and middle-income regions where country-specific emission inventories are less available. Future work will involve refining and updating these emission estimates, estimating emissions uncertainty, and publication of the system as open source software

    The concept of RNA-assisted protein folding: the role of tRNA

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    We suggest that tRNA actively participates in the transfer of 3D information from mRNA to peptides - in addition to its well-known, "classical" role of translating the 3-letter RNA codes into the one letter protein code. The tRNA molecule displays a series of thermodynamically favored configurations during translation, a movement which places the codon and coded amino acids in proximity to each other and make physical contact between some amino acids and their codons possible. This specific codon-amino acid interaction of some selected amino acids is necessary for the transfer of spatial information from mRNA to coded proteins, and is known as RNA-assisted protein folding

    Gene-Environment Interaction Research and Transgenic Mouse Models of Alzheimer's Disease

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    The etiology of the sporadic form of Alzheimer's disease (AD) remains largely unknown. Recent evidence has suggested that gene-environment interactions (GxE) may play a crucial role in its development and progression. Whereas various susceptibility loci have been identified, like the apolipoprotein E4 allele, these cannot fully explain the increasing prevalence of AD observed with aging. In addition to such genetic risk factors, various environmental factors have been proposed to alter the risk of developing AD as well as to affect the rate of cognitive decline in AD patients. Nevertheless, aside from the independent effects of genetic and environmental risk factors, their synergistic participation in increasing the risk of developing AD has been sparsely investigated, even though evidence points towards such a direction. Advances in the genetic manipulation of mice, modeling various aspects of the AD pathology, have provided an excellent tool to dissect the effects of genes, environment, and their interactions. In this paper we present several environmental factors implicated in the etiology of AD that have been tested in transgenic animal models of the disease. The focus lies on the concept of GxE and its importance in a multifactorial disease like AD. Additionally, possible mediating mechanisms and future challenges are discussed