6,299 research outputs found

    Neutrino Breakup of A=3 Nuclei in Supernovae

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    We extend the virial equation of state to include 3H and 3He nuclei, and predict significant mass-three fractions near the neutrinosphere in supernovae. While alpha particles are often more abundant, we demonstrate that energy transfer cross-sections for muon and tau neutrinos at low densities are dominated by breakup of the loosely-bound 3H and 3He nuclei. The virial coefficients involving A=3 nuclei are calculated directly from the corresponding nucleon-3H and nucleon-3He scattering phase shifts. For the neutral-current inelastic cross-sections and the energy transfer cross sections, we perform ab-initio calculations based on microscopic two- and three-nucleon interactions and meson-exchange currents.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, minor additions, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    An Analytic Equation of State for Ising-like Models

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    Using an Environmentally Friendly Renormalization we derive, from an underlying field theory representation, a formal expression for the equation of state, y=f(x)y=f(x), that exhibits all desired asymptotic and analyticity properties in the three limits x0x\to 0, xx\to \infty and x1x\to -1. The only necessary inputs are the Wilson functions γλ\gamma_\lambda, γϕ\gamma_\phi and γϕ2\gamma_{\phi^2}, associated with a renormalization of the transverse vertex functions. These Wilson functions exhibit a crossover between the Wilson-Fisher fixed point and the fixed point that controls the coexistence curve. Restricting to the case N=1, we derive a one-loop equation of state for 2<d<42< d<4 naturally parameterized by a ratio of non-linear scaling fields. For d=3d=3 we show that a non-parameterized analytic form can be deduced. Various asymptotic amplitudes are calculated directly from the equation of state in all three asymptotic limits of interest and comparison made with known results. By positing a scaling form for the equation of state inspired by the one-loop result, but adjusted to fit the known values of the critical exponents, we obtain better agreement with known asymptotic amplitudes.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Mining whole sample mass spectrometry proteomics data for biomarkers: an overview

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    In this paper we aim to provide a concise overview of designing and conducting an MS proteomics experiment in such a way as to allow statistical analysis that may lead to the discovery of novel biomarkers. We provide a summary of the various stages that make up such an experiment, highlighting the need for experimental goals to be decided upon in advance. We discuss issues in experimental design at the sample collection stage, and good practise for standardising protocols within the proteomics laboratory. We then describe approaches to the data mining stage of the experiment, including the processing steps that transform a raw mass spectrum into a useable form. We propose a permutation-based procedure for determining the significance of reported error rates. Finally, because of its general advantages in speed and cost, we suggest that MS proteomics may be a good candidate for an early primary screening approach to disease diagnosis, identifying areas of risk and making referrals for more specific tests without necessarily making a diagnosis in its own right. Our discussion is illustrated with examples drawn from experiments on bovine blood serum conducted in the Centre for Proteomic Research (CPR) at Southampton University

    Topological Phase Transitions and Holonomies in the Dimer Model

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    We demonstrate that the classical dimer model defined on a toroidal hexagonal lattice acquires holonomy phases in the thermodynamic limit. When all activities are equal the lattice sizes must be considered mod 6 in which case the finite size corrections to the bulk partition function correspond to a massless Dirac Fermion in the presence of a flat connection with nontrivial holonomy. For general bond activities we find that the phase transition in this model is a topological one, where the torus degenerates and its modular parameter becomes real at the critical temperature. We argue that these features are generic to bipartite dimer models and we present a more general lattice whose continuum partition function is that of a massive Dirac Fermion.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures. Minor corrections with additional figure

    Dallas with balls: televized sport, soap opera and male and female pleasures

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    Two of the most popular of television genres, soap opera and sports coverage have been very much differentiated along gender lines in terms of their audiences. Soap opera has been regarded very much as a 'gynocentric' genre with a large female viewing audience while the audiences for television sport have been predominantly male. Gender differentiation between the genres has had implications for the popular image of each. Soap opera has been perceived as inferior; as mere fantasy and escapism for women while television sports has been perceived as a legitimate, even edifying experience for men. In this article the authors challenge the view that soap opera and television sport are radically different and argue that they are, in fact, very similar in a number of significant ways. They suggest that both genres invoke similar structures of feeling and sensibility in their respective audiences and that television sport is a 'male soap opera'. They consider the ways in which the viewing context of each genre is related to domestic life and leisure, the ways in which the textual structure and conventions of each genre invoke emotional identification, and finally, the ways in which both genres re-affirm gender identities

    Creative councils for creative communities: The Marrickville creativity project

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    Report based on a teaching and research collaboration between UTS and Marrickville Council NS

    Modular Invariance of Finite Size Corrections and a Vortex Critical Phase

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    We analyze a continuous spin Gaussian model on a toroidal triangular lattice with periods L0L_0 and L1L_1 where the spins carry a representation of the fundamental group of the torus labeled by phases u0u_0 and u1u_1. We find the {\it exact finite size and lattice corrections}, to the partition function ZZ, for arbitrary mass mm and phases uiu_i. Summing Z1/2Z^{-1/2} over phases gives the corresponding result for the Ising model. The limits m0m\rightarrow0 and ui0u_i\rightarrow0 do not commute. With m=0m=0 the model exhibits a {\it vortex critical phase} when at least one of the uiu_i is non-zero. In the continuum or scaling limit, for arbitrary mm, the finite size corrections to lnZ-\ln Z are {\it modular invariant} and for the critical phase are given by elliptic theta functions. In the cylinder limit L1L_1\rightarrow\infty the ``cylinder charge'' c(u0,m2L02)c(u_0,m^2L_0^2) is a non-monotonic function of mm that ranges from 2(1+6u0(u01))2(1+6u_0(u_0-1)) for m=0m=0 to zero for mm\rightarrow\infty.Comment: 12 pages of Plain TeX with two postscript figure insertions called torusfg1.ps and torusfg2.ps which can be obtained upon request from [email protected]

    A New Method for the High-Precision Assessment of Tumor Changes in Response to Treatment

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    Imaging demonstrates that preclinical and human tumors are heterogeneous, i.e. a single tumor can exhibit multiple regions that behave differently during both normal development and also in response to treatment. The large variations observed in control group tumors can obscure detection of significant therapeutic effects due to the ambiguity in attributing causes of change. This can hinder development of effective therapies due to limitations in experimental design, rather than due to therapeutic failure. An improved method to model biological variation and heterogeneity in imaging signals is described. Specifically, Linear Poisson modelling (LPM) evaluates changes in apparent diffusion co-efficient (ADC) before and 72 hours after radiotherapy, in two xenograft models of colorectal cancer. The statistical significance of measured changes are compared to those attainable using a conventional t-test analysis on basic ADC distribution parameters. When LPMs were applied to treated tumors, the LPMs detected highly significant changes. The analyses were significant for all tumors, equating to a gain in power of 4 fold (i.e. equivelent to having a sample size 16 times larger), compared with the conventional approach. In contrast, highly significant changes are only detected at a cohort level using t-tests, restricting their potential use within personalised medicine and increasing the number of animals required during testing. Furthermore, LPM enabled the relative volumes of responding and non-responding tissue to be estimated for each xenograft model. Leave-one-out analysis of the treated xenografts provided quality control and identified potential outliers, raising confidence in LPM data at clinically relevant sample sizes

    Relaxation and Localization in Interacting Quantum Maps

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    We quantise and study several versions of finite multibaker maps. Classically these are exactly solvable K-systems with known exponential decay to global equilibrium. This is an attempt to construct simple models of relaxation in quantum systems. The effect of symmetries and localization on quantum transport is discussed.Comment: 32 pages. LaTex file. 9 figures, not included. For figures send mail to first author at '[email protected]

    Effects of climate-induced changes in isoprene emissions after the eruption of Mount Pinatubo

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    In the 1990s the rates of increase of greenhouse gas concentrations, most notably of methane, were observed to change, for reasons that have yet to be fully determined. This period included the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo and an El Nino warm event, both of which affect biogeochemical processes, by changes in temperature, precipitation and radiation. We examine the impact of these changes in climate on global isoprene emissions and the effect these climate dependent emissions have on the hydroxy radical, OH, the dominant sink for methane. We model a reduction of isoprene emissions in the early 1990s, with a maximum decrease of 40 Tg(C)/yr in late 1992 and early 1993, a change of 9%. This reduction is caused by the cooler, drier conditions following the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo. Isoprene emissions are reduced both directly, by changes in temperature and a soil moisture dependent suppression factor, and indirectly, through reductions in the total biomass. The reduction in isoprene emissions causes increases of tropospheric OH which lead to an increased sink for methane of up to 5 Tg(CH4)/year, comparable to estimated source changes over the time period studied. There remain many uncertainties in the emission and oxidation of isoprene which may affect the exact size of this effect, but its magnitude is large enough that it should remain important