742 research outputs found

    Citation of Mass Media Resources in Social Network

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    The role of social networks in the formation of collective behaviour and a sustainable point of view/position regarding the information events or facts is studied herein. The purpose of the study is to analyse the reaction of the users of popular social networks, expressed in quotations and responses to the messages of mass media resources. A statistical measure of interest in the media news is identified through unique messages from queries on the topic. The approach used is aimed at improving the scientific argumentation on the assumption of a direct relationship between these phenomena. The empirical evaluation is carried out according to the data obtained from the Russian segment of social networks. The trends in the distribution of media content in social media and social networks are revealed using structural and correlation analysis. It is determined that the publications in online media correlate directly with the activities of social networks and are caused by the release of one or another information event. The results of the study also convincingly point out that the importance of the media resources, expanding due to the integration of social networks, increases, while the classical model of online media (media edition as own website) is gradually losing popularity and audience

    Development of an oximeter for neurology

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    Cerebral desaturation can occur during surgery manipulation, whereas otherparameters vary insignificantly. Prolonged intervals of cerebral anoxia can cause seriousdamage to the nervous system. Commonly used method for measurement of cerebral bloodflow uses invasive catheters. Other techniques include single photon emission computedtomography (SPECT), positron emission tomography (PET), magnetic resonance imaging(MRI). Tomographic methods frequently use isotope administration, that may result inanaphylactic reactions to contrast media and associated nerve diseases. Moreover, the high costand the need for continuous monitoring make it difficult to apply these techniques in clinicalpractice. Cerebral oximetry is a method for measuring oxygen saturation using infraredspectrometry. Moreover reflection pulse oximetry can detect sudden changes in sympathetictone. For this purpose the reflectance pulse oximeter for use in neurology is developed.Reflectance oximeter has a definite advantage as it can be used to measure oxygen saturation inany part of the body. Preliminary results indicate that the device has a good resolution and highreliability. Modern applied schematics have improved device characteristics compared withexisting ones

    The possibility of administration of glutamate receptors antagonists in the treatment of parkinson's disease

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    Parkinson's disease is the slow-progressing chronic neurodegenerative disease. Modern medicine has not yet found methods of curing disease, however, the existing methods of conservative and surgical treatment significantly improve the patient’s quality of life and slow the progression of the diseas

    Automated system for diagnosing craniocerebral injury

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    A Russian national computing and communication system designed to assist non-specialized physicians in the diagnosis and treatment of craniocerebral injury is described

    Sociolinguistic Conditionality of Yakut Language Functioning in Field of School Education: Origins of Incipient Crisis

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    The results of a sociolinguistic analysis of factors that reduce the language competence of Sakha schoolchildren in a broad extralinguistic context based on field data representing the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the research object is presented in the article. Attention is paid to the functioning of the Yakut language in the field of education, which is undergoing various transformations depending on the course of the state educational policy, the socio-economic state of the region and the processes of globalization, the consequences of which form risks for the ethnocultural component of communities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation with non-dominant languages. It is argued that the language policy in the field of education, which implements “de jure” bilingual, polylingual models, in the implementation of which the formal approach prevails, actually minimizes the presence of the Yakut language in the education system due to insufficient consideration of linguistic attitudes and the real needs of the Sakha ethnic community. It is noted that the conditions of active contact bilingualism in the regions of the Russian Federation, a variety of ambiguous extralinguistic factors predetermine the strengthening of institutional support, state protectionism in the field of optimal linguistic support of training and educational processes. It is proved that taking into account the experience of research on family, civil language policy can help in obtaining an optimal solution to the problems of language reproduction on regional material

    Depression retail

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    Retail trade of Russia has finished 2015 with the worst results more than for the fortyyear period. Long decrease in consumer demand forces trade to pass into the mode of "manual control".Розничная торговля России завершила 2015 год с самыми худшими результатами более чем за сорокалетний период. Затяжное снижение покупательского спроса заставляет торговлю переходить в режим «ручного управления»

    Dimethyl 11,13-dimethyl-16-[1,2-bis­(methoxy­carbon­yl)ethen­yl]-12-oxo-16,17-dioxa-18-aza­hexa­cyclo­[,4.16,9.110,14.05,15]octa­deca-2,7-diene-2,3-dicarboxyl­ate

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    The title compound, C27H29NO11, is a product of the tandem ‘domino’ Diels–Alder reaction. The mol­ecule comprises a fused hexa­cyclic system containing four five-membered rings (two dihydro­furan and two tetra­hydro­furan) in the usual envelope conformations and two six-membered rings (tetra­hydro­pyridinone and piperidine) adopting slightly flattened boat and chair conformations, respectively. The dispositions of the carboxyl­ate substituents relative to each other are determined by both steric reasons and inter­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bonding and attractive anti­parallel C=O⋯C=O inter­actions [C⋯O = 2.995 (2) Å]

    Solving Grid Equations Using the Alternating-triangular Method on a Graphics Accelerator

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    The paper describes a parallel-pipeline implementation of solving grid equations using the modified alternating-triangular iterative method (MATM), obtained by numerically solving the equations of mathematical physics. The greatest computational costs at using this method are on the stages of solving a system of linear algebraic equations (SLAE) with lower triangular and upper non-triangular matrices. An algorithm for solving the SLAE with a lower triangular matrix on a graphics accelerator using NVIDIA CUDA technology is presented. To implement the parallel-pipeline method, a three-dimensional decomposition of the computational domain was used. It is divided into blocks along the y coordinate, the number of which corresponds to the number of GPU streaming multiprocessors involved in the calculations. In turn, the blocks are divided into fragments according to two spatial coordinates — x and z. The presented graph model describes the relationship between adjacent fragments of the computational grid and the pipeline calculation process. Based on the results of computational experiments, a regression model was obtained that describes the dependence of the time for calculation one MATM step on the GPU, the acceleration and efficiency for SLAE solution with a lower triangular matrix by the parallel-pipeline method on the GPU were calculated using the different number of streaming multiprocessors.The paper describes a parallel-pipeline implementation of solving grid equations using the modified alternating-triangular iterative method (MATM), obtained by numerically solving the equations of mathematical physics. The greatest computational costs at using this method are on the stages of solving a system of linear algebraic equations (SLAE) with lower triangular and upper non-triangular matrices. An algorithm for solving the SLAE with a lower triangular matrix on a graphics accelerator using NVIDIA CUDA technology is presented. To implement the parallel-pipeline method, a three-dimensional decomposition of the computational domain was used. It is divided into blocks along the y coordinate, the number of which corresponds to the number of GPU streaming multiprocessors involved in the calculations. In turn, the blocks are divided into fragments according to two spatial coordinates — x and z. The presented graph model describes the relationship between adjacent fragments of the computational grid and the pipeline calculation process. Based on the results of computational experiments, a regression model was obtained that describes the dependence of the time for calculation one MATM step on the GPU, the acceleration and efficiency for SLAE solution with a lower triangular matrix by the parallel-pipeline method on the GPU were calculated using the different number of streaming multiprocessors